The Middle East Peace Process


May 19, 2015
There will never be peace between Israel and the Palestinians because the Palestinians want more than Israel can realistically be expected to give. The Palestinians don't deserve a state more importantly so lets switch to supporting a free Kurdistan.
There wont be a peaceful ME without a strong Muslim country in the region. Turkiye is going to provide that day by day. About Palestine issue, Palestine will be a state of Turkiye and Jarusalem is the centre of it, insaallah.
There wont be a peaceful ME without a strong Muslim country in the region. Turkiye is going to provide that day by day. About Palestine issue, Palestine will be a state of Turkiye and Jarusalem is the centre of it, insaallah.

Another deluded muslim fantatist. Do you really believe this??? No wonder you muslims are so backward. Whats wrong with you people?
Another deluded muslim fantatist. Do you really believe this??? No wonder you muslims are so backward. Whats wrong with you people?

Believe me noone could be deluded as much as a Zioshit. We are going to show you the boss soon.
Last I checked you sad turks were still crying because the EU don't want you. FREE KURDISTAN

I think collapsing EU economy needs growing Turkish economy more than Turks need them. Turkiye is growing in any case, EU membership will just boost this effect. In the near future, EU will beg to Turkiye when Turkiye fully captures gas and oil ways of Europe.

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