The Midwest Blizzard Superstorm, Al Gore's "Global Winter 3.0" ? Caused By Warming ?

Oct 10, 2011

So far we have had the last two winters to ridicule Al Gore and the left over the brutal winters that have been caused by the earth getting more and more warmer over the decade.
Well, then can anyone explain what has been occuring with the cold blasts coming from the Spacific Ocean, onto California and now this unusual blizzard working it's way from the southwest onto the east & rust belt.
Once again,we have the next four months to beat up on Al Gore, and as usual, Al will probably be hiding out in Southern California and/or Florida, avoiding his "Global Warming Press Conferences" Until July !!

So far we have had the last two winters to ridicule Al Gore and the left over the brutal winters that have been caused by the earth getting more and more warmer over the decade.
Well, then can anyone explain what has been occuring with the cold blasts coming from the Spacific Ocean, onto California and now this unusual blizzard working it's way from the southwest onto the east & rust belt.
Once again,we have the next four months to beat up on Al Gore, and as usual, Al will probably be hiding out in Southern California and/or Florida, avoiding his "Global Warming Press Conferences" Until July !!

No snow here in Indiana just rain. If we had snow for all the rain that has fallen this month we would have had 16 inches already. And it is warmer than usual. May get a little snow Christmas eve though but not much. I remember December pasts where we had big snowstorms so it is not unusual.

It is no longer called Global Warming.

It is now referred to as "climate change"...

So if it is colder than is man made.

If it is warmer than is man made.

The irony?

Believers will believe no matter what they are told...
Here in west MI we've had virtually no snow thus far, a highly unusual November/December occurrence in these parts. We normally would have a foot or two or more by now, so if Al Gore's responsible for it it's one of the few times I'd thank that worthless bastard for anything!
And the inevitable "anti-global warming" ideologues come out of the woodwork with every winter storm...
so will Global Warming be the cause of the 2036 Meteor coming our way? Was it in 2036 when the meteor is supposed to crash into the pacific ocean?
No snow here in Indiana just rain. If we had snow for all the rain that has fallen this month we would have had 16 inches already. And it is warmer than usual. May get a little snow Christmas eve though but not much. I remember December pasts where we had big snowstorms so it is not unusual.

You mean like two winters ago when we had 48 inches on the ground in Baltimore?
well Its been a miracle we haven't had our usual pre-xmas cold wave here in Florida. those cold waves kill off a lot of our outdoor dining. It just a blessing our days still hover around 80 degrees.
Gee.....I'm glad you geniuses are around to show you know more that the REAL scientists.....

In the scientific literature, there is a strong consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with this view, though a few organisations hold non-committal positions.

Global warming controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the inevitable "anti-global warming" ideologues come out of the woodwork with every winter storm...

IN Auguist when it was 100 degrees here in NY every global warmiing believer came out of the woodwork blaming it on global warming.

I blamed it on...uh.....August in New York???????????
Gee.....I'm glad you geniuses are around to show you know more that the REAL scientists.....

In the scientific literature, there is a strong consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with this view, though a few organisations hold non-committal positions.

Global warming controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia? Yeah, now there's a reliable source.
Climate change is real though. I'm 100% convinced of it. It changes here every spring and summer and fall and winter. And it's been going on for years as far as I can tell.
only a fool discounts climate change...... climate change has been happening since the birth of the earth.......

the issue is whether man has any significant effect on it........
Gee.....I'm glad you geniuses are around to show you know more that the REAL scientists.....

In the scientific literature, there is a strong consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. No scientific body of national or international standing disagrees with this view, though a few organisations hold non-committal positions.

Global warming controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia? Yeah, now there's a reliable source.

Yeah, what was I thinking? You even think you're smarter than scientists. :cuckoo:

So far we have had the last two winters to ridicule Al Gore and the left over the brutal winters that have been caused by the earth getting more and more warmer over the decade.
Well, then can anyone explain what has been occuring with the cold blasts coming from the Spacific Ocean, onto California and now this unusual blizzard working it's way from the southwest onto the east & rust belt.
Once again,we have the next four months to beat up on Al Gore, and as usual, Al will probably be hiding out in Southern California and/or Florida, avoiding his "Global Warming Press Conferences" Until July !!

in the north east we are breaking records for warm days in december......

so by your logic, global warming must be true.......
Well, in situations like this... I like to follow the money. Who has the most to lose if Man Made Climate Change is the reality?

Those of you on the right... Use your critical thinking skills. Your side has blamed "libruls" and Obama for a hell of a lot less damning evidence. Oh that's right... You only have Critical thinking skills when it comes to "gubmint".
This stuff just makes my head hurt. The Earth warms,the Earth cools. Human Beings will just have to adapt or go extinct. It's been that way on Planet Earth for Billions of years. Adapt or die. But i sure aint gonna sit around worrying about Global Warming everyday. Life's just way too short for that.

It is no longer called Global Warming.

It is now referred to as "climate change"...

So if it is colder than is man made.

If it is warmer than is man made.

The irony?

Believers will believe no matter what they are told...

When has anyone said, "if it's colder than usual, it's man made"? Now you're just making up shit. :lol:

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