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One Good Reason Al Gore May Not Run.Anguish Of Facing Live Questions Regarding Global Warming.

Breitbart? Might as well listen to Rush

I have little doubt you can pull up rightwing propaganda to refute global warming. Big oil pays well

What you can't do is point to peer reviewed scientific studies to support your position

When at loss for a rebuttal go after the source...that never works, loon

Ummmm deflect much Mr Bbbbbut Boooooosh!!!!!!! You're the typical left loon, attack the source, blame Bush, scream racist....then run away with your hands over your ears
can any of you living in the "Current 57 States" fill us in on how drastic your states weather changes have been since 1980ish? I have been living in Florida for quite some time, and till this day, every summer has been the same!
the good old days
when no snow meant climate change

the science is settled

Al Gore needs to go on all television stations, reaching an audience of 100 Million and formerly apologizing to every cow in the USA for accusing them of causing Global Warming.
i think that at this point even a cow with a "Nuclear Fart Disorder" would beat Al Gore in the primaries.
Most scientists have no problem admitting the limitations of their data, as well as what they still do not know. But the climate alarmists still insist "the science is settled".....:rofl:
well if there is climate change, then we need to call the aliens from Mars to help us put a stop to it. they must have the technology to stop it.
Most scientists have no problem admitting the limitations of their data, as well as what they still do not know. But the climate alarmists still insist "the science is settled".....:rofl:

Actually the anti-alarmists do that. They use "bullshit" in place of "settled". Same absolutist logic though.
Interesting position, asserting the negative absolute...
can any of you living in the "Current 57 States" fill us in on how drastic your states weather changes have been since 1980ish? I have been living in Florida for quite some time, and till this day, every summer has been the same!

Last 2 winters here have brought record cold -- and the first half of this winter, record warm (same season).
The three winters before that -- didn't even show up.

Last summer didn't show up either.

Ask New England about their snow recently. Ask Alaska about its warm.

When you live in Florida you're in way no position to have a clue about places that have actual, what we call, "seasons". Your observations there are about as useful as asking for directions to a spot in downtown Miami -- while you're sitting in Denver.
Most scientists have no problem admitting the limitations of their data, as well as what they still do not know. But the climate alarmists still insist "the science is settled".....:rofl:

Of course all data has "limitations".

Doesn't mean you can't draw conclusions from overwhelming evidence
A newspaper article? Lassie, you just branded yourself as one dumb fuck. Here, learn to read real science. An article from 1981 that predicted exactly what we are seeing today;


Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and
1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is
consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of
atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar
luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend
of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the
century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on
climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North
America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West
Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the
fabled Northwest Passage.

You want to be taken seriously discussing this subject, post peer reviewed articles from real scientists.

Don't call me a dumb fuck you idiotic old tool. The moment you start that garbage you cease to be relevant...as if a dimwitted left loon could ever be relevant. You realize normal and intelligent people laugh at you...right?
You know, I have worked as a blue collar craftsman for over 50 years. Still working. And I learned early on, that calling dumb fucks for what they are is the only way to deal with them. You don't like the title, don't work at earning it. Actually research what you post before you post it.

LOL You mean you're a factory worker that didn't have what it takes to run with the big dogs. Peasant
That's right. A factory worker, a millwright. At 100K+ a year. Of course, you make several times that, right?
Moderator: Mr. Gore, last year a poll was taken in regards to "The Top Ten Laughing Stocks" in the United States. You ranked number 3, just after Debbie Wasserman who was ranked Number 2. Can you explain this to the 17 Million viewers watching this debate?
Nationally it s been one of the warmest winters on record

While it's been a rough winter so far for people in the north-central and northeastern U.S., both December and January were actually warmer than average across the country overall.

The U.S. is having its sixth-warmest winter on record, according to data from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), which has records back to 1895.

For the first two weeks of February, while chilly weather enveloped the northeastern U.S. and record snow buried New England, practically the entire western half of the nation was seeing phenomenal, record warmth.

How warm? So far this month, there have been 4,074 records set for warm temperatures —- mostly in the West — and only 236 records for cold temperatures, the NCDC reported.

Records for warm temperatures have been set in Seattle, San Jose, Las Vegas, Reno, Salt Lake City and Butte, Mont.

In Salt Lake City, the average temperature in February is a whopping 16.4 degrees above average, AccuWeather said. Other warm spots include Boise (12.2 degrees above average) and Phoenix (8 degrees above average).

The lack of cold and snow is exacerbating California's severe drought. California's snowpack (snow water equivalent) is currently only 27% of normal, according to the California Department of Water Resources.

The West had a record warm winter. The East had a cold winter, but not a record. The rest of the world had a warm winter. Last year was the warmest on record. This year could well exceed last year.
Moderator: Mr. Gore, last year a poll was taken in regards to "The Top Ten Laughing Stocks" in the United States. You ranked number 3, just after Debbie Wasserman who was ranked Number 2. Can you explain this to the 17 Million viewers watching this debate?
Can you explain just when you became such a silly ass? Were you born that way? And why the fixation on Gore? Something homosexual? Gore is not a scientist. His training is in journalism, and he did a bang up job there with his award winning film. You don't like what is being said in scientific literature about AGW, address the science, not the man that reported the words of the scientists.
Most scientists have no problem admitting the limitations of their data, as well as what they still do not know. But the climate alarmists still insist "the science is settled".....:rofl:

really there is even more to it

The Democrats have devolved from a political party into cult-like group
that worships their political leaders, a defacto, "secular religion".

Actually, in some ways the Democrats act like a religion:

-Contrary to observations and empirical date, the Democrat still believes the State can cure all and make a "heaven on earth".

-A demand that all people have equity of results as opposed to equality before the "eyes of the law"

(yes indeed, we are all equal, in all ways, before the eyes of God err.. the State)

- The State, as opposed to God, is the final judge in ALL decisions; it is Divine, above all reproach.

- forced conversion through education; taxation and even their immature attempt with thought control via "PC" speech

-Their willingness, desire and passion to submit themselves and society to the State, above the individual.
(The Lor,,,er the State is my shepherd, I shall not want)

You can see many manifestations of this with things like their "belief" in Global warm...err; cool....er , Climate Change:

It is based not on fact but their agreement with the concept that State is the only solution in the "paradigm".
Indeed, notice how with the climate they have now set it up to be a non false-able or non-refutable proposition- i.e. all weather changes are due to Global Warming.

When one sets up a theory that is non false-able, it is not science.
It is a matter of Faith.
How quick would they be to believe this nonsense, if the solution was for less gov't

As such, it take on a "cult" like feel with their dependency for hero worship eg. See anything Obama.

Not doubt, this behaviour is more due the the "religious nature" of progressive beliefs than anything.

Yes, only a "prophet" can take us out from the "darkness" of our world and led us to our new social utopia.

Instead of the cries of "heretic" from Democrats , they are replaced with cries of "racist" or even better "denier" in the case of climate beliefs.
now if the center of the earth was several million degrees, wouldn't at least one of our national parks exploded like the big bang leaves a foot of ash within a 1000 mile radius?



Earth has multiple layers: the crust, the mantle, the liquid outer core and the solid inner core.
Credit: NASAView full size image
Earth's internal engine is running about 1,000 degrees Celsius (about 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than previously measured, providing a better explanation for how the planet generates a magnetic field, a new study has found.

A team of scientists has measured the melting point of iron at high precision in a laboratory, and then drew from that result to calculate the temperature at the boundary of Earth's inner and outer core — now estimated at 6,000 C (about 10,800 F). That's as hot as the surface of the sun.

Earth s Core 1 000 Degrees Hotter Than Expected Earth s Layers

So Gore exagerated. Still, hot as the surface of the sun at the earth's core is pretty damned hot.
What we have here are a bunch of ignoramouses that think that obese junkies on the am radio, and alcoholic Senators know more about science than do scientists.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. From all the differant nations and cultures. So what Neuter and the other flap-yaps are claiming is that there is an international conspiracy among 99% of the scientists in the world to mislead the rest of us on the issue of what the human produced GHGs are doing to our world. A conspiracy that crosses national, political, and cultural boundries.

AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

And you're an ignorant fool for believing that. :cuckoo:
Really? A fool for believing that when the vast majority of scientists are stating that there is a problem, that there may be a problem? I would say the fool is the ignorant lazy ass that won't even bother to look at the evidence the scientists are presenting.
Really? A fool for believing that when the vast majority of scientists are stating that there is a problem, that there may be a problem? I would say the fool is the ignorant lazy ass that won't even bother to look at the evidence the scientists are presenting.

Yes really. You're an ignorant fool who bought into the lies and misinformation of global warming without questioning it, then try to convince others of your brain-washed beliefs. :cuckoo:

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