The Midwest Blizzard Superstorm, Al Gore's "Global Winter 3.0" ? Caused By Warming ?

D.C is a mid atlantic state. A snowstorm there is not deemed as a regular occurance.

This is why arguing with the skeptics/deniers can be so frustrating. We get a common knowledge statement about the frequency of snowstorms in the Mid-Atlantic, but we're still left in the dark as to the point of the original question, despite specifically asking! :eusa_whistle:

you are naive to a topic you debate.

You actually insisted on proof that the global warming believers blame snowstorms on global warming.

Anyone who is knowledgable about the Global Wamring movement would know about this.

You are a fraud just arguiung for the sake of arguing.

You are as pathetic as Truthmatters.

No I didn't. You've changed the goalposts. You DIDN'T say it was about snowstorms; you said it was about cold!!!

From one of your earlier posts, since your memory seems to be faulty:

When we have cold snaps it is claimed that such is caused by the erratic behavior of the climate that is a result of global warming.
So Konradv?

Nothing more to add?

Impatient little f--k, aren't you? Have you done your homework yet? As far as I can see, what you're calling B.S. seems perfectly logical on a scientific basis. Will we getting into a discussion of Gas Laws now. Ya really wanna, son? :cool:

So far we have had the last two winters to ridicule Al Gore and the left over the brutal winters that have been caused by the earth getting more and more warmer over the decade.
Well, then can anyone explain what has been occuring with the cold blasts coming from the Spacific Ocean, onto California and now this unusual blizzard working it's way from the southwest onto the east & rust belt.
Once again,we have the next four months to beat up on Al Gore, and as usual, Al will probably be hiding out in Southern California and/or Florida, avoiding his "Global Warming Press Conferences" Until July !!

You DO know that Precipitation (i.e. snow and rain) are caused by evaporation...the warmer, the faster the evaporation, the more precipitation.

And snow occurs close to freezing....not much in the way of snow in really low temps.
No snow here in Indiana just rain. If we had snow for all the rain that has fallen this month we would have had 16 inches already. And it is warmer than usual. May get a little snow Christmas eve though but not much. I remember December pasts where we had big snowstorms so it is not unusual.

You mean like two winters ago when we had 48 inches on the ground in Baltimore?

Far amount of precipitation. Wonder why all that moisture got into the air in the first place. :eusa_whistle:
only a fool discounts climate change...... climate change has been happening since the birth of the earth.......

the issue is whether man has any significant effect on it........

That issue was settled in 1861 when Tyndall published the absorpting sprectra for the various GHGs.

Was that so hard? Why didn't you do that in the first place? You could have saved yourself a lot of grief. Did you read the explanation for why it's so? Your next assignment is to tell us why the explanation is bogus. READY, SET, GO!

Becuase I confused the thread with the snowstorm in DC with the question.
No big deal.

As for the explanation...

Sure...they have an explanatioon...

But it doesnt change the fact that when it is cold, it is gloabl warming and when it is hot is is global warming...

And sorry....I dont fall for it.

I understand how it get grants for research, you need to be with the program.

THAT is not rocket scinece.
So Konradv?

Nothing more to add?

Impatient little f--k, aren't you? Have you done your homework yet? As far as I can see, what you're calling B.S. seems perfectly logical on a scientific basis. Will we getting into a discussion of Gas Laws now. Ya really wanna, son? :cool:

My attack on you was based on the fact that you attacked me...when in fact, you have no idea what you are talking about.

For if you did, you would have been well aware of the fact that "cold snaps" are ALSO blamed onglobal warming.

And you denied that such was the case.

So you are simply one that argues for the sake of arguing...and I have no interest in children who act like that.

So once again...go have no credibility with me anymore.
So do the OWS crappers believe in Global Warming? if so, where are they now? why aren't they protesting in Colorado, New Mexico and Illinois? maybe none of them bought a snuggie yet?
And the inevitable "anti-global warming" ideologues come out of the woodwork with every winter storm...

IN Auguist when it was 100 degrees here in NY every global warmiing believer came out of the woodwork blaming it on global warming.

I blamed it on...uh.....August in New York???????????

Hahahaha and right on que the dumb shit deniers come out every time there is a winter blast and...........

Here a nice site for comparison.
So Konradv?

Nothing more to add?

Impatient little f--k, aren't you? Have you done your homework yet? As far as I can see, what you're calling B.S. seems perfectly logical on a scientific basis. Will we getting into a discussion of Gas Laws now. Ya really wanna, son? :cool:

My attack on you was based on the fact that you attacked me...when in fact, you have no idea what you are talking about.

For if you did, you would have been well aware of the fact that "cold snaps" are ALSO blamed onglobal warming.

And you denied that such was the case.

So you are simply one that argues for the sake of arguing...and I have no interest in children who act like that.

So once again...go have no credibility with me anymore.

I denied hearing that and you led me to an article that explains why. Thank you, you should read it, too. Your original post talked about increased snow, which is easily a result of GW. If you're not getting out of me what you want, maybe you need to be a little more straight forward in your posting. Don't switch back and forth between snow and cold and not expect to be called on it. Then after all that is settled, the "cold is caused by GW" article makes perfect sense. I can't believe you'd post it and actually believe it helped your case!!!
So do the OWS crappers believe in Global Warming? if so, where are they now? why aren't they protesting in Colorado, New Mexico and Illinois? maybe none of them bought a snuggie yet?

Are you anything more than an annoying troll? Nobody bought you a strait jacket, yet?
So Konradv?

Nothing more to add?

Impatient little f--k, aren't you? Have you done your homework yet? As far as I can see, what you're calling B.S. seems perfectly logical on a scientific basis. Will we getting into a discussion of Gas Laws now. Ya really wanna, son? :cool:

My attack on you was based on the fact that you attacked me...when in fact, you have no idea what you are talking about.

For if you did, you would have been well aware of the fact that "cold snaps" are ALSO blamed onglobal warming.

And you denied that such was the case.

So you are simply one that argues for the sake of arguing...and I have no interest in children who act like that.

So once again...go have no credibility with me anymore.

Now you're just being a whiny bitch. I don't argue the way YOU figure I should, so I'm a child. Well, then I'm a child genius compared to your "one from column A, one from column B, no it's the other way around" method of argumentation. Stick to one suject, cold or snow and maybe we can talk.

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