The Ministry of Propaganda


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Back to basics:
The functions of government are defined in article 1, section 8, the enumerated power, in the Constitution.....the only document that the free people of the United States have agreed to be governed by.....

But, from time to time, corrupters have found their way into the office of the presidency. The first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson managed to rework the United States government: under the Progressive Woodrow Wilson, American was a fascist nation. The United States had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry.

What? You may have a problem with the federal government having a propaganda arm???

Well, then..... speaking of corrupters......there's Barack Obama. Need a government neck-deep in propaganda....he's your guy.

1. "...clever new program to promote acceptance and broader use of ObamaCare.... the Obama administration is seeking any way it can to promote ObamaCare to the uninformed. California's health insurance clearinghouse got $37 million in taxpayer funds just to push the plan in the Golden state... It gave almost $1 million to Los Angeles' school district to -- get this -- pay public school teachers additional taxpayer money to take up class time teaching their pupils the wonders of ObamaCare. So they will go home and sell parents, relatives and neighbors on signing up to use more taxpayer funds.... District spokesmen said if it works as envisioned, they will indoctrinate students in other government-sanctioned programs to sell their families on.
The story of LA teachers indoctrinating kids on ObamaCare goes national by Andrew Malcolm -

2. "More Obamacare Child Indoctrination: Oregon School Bands to Play Obamacare Songs.... Obama has been using our children to promote himself even before he was elected and there is no “change” of that in the foreseeable future, the indoctrination continues:
In September 2009, a video was released of 3rd graders singing praise to Obama with a song titled,”Proud American”..... In October 2009 the Ron Clark Academy of Atlanta Georgia sang an Obamacare song on CNN for Michelle Obama and Nancy Pelosi." More Obamacare Child Indoctrination: Oregon School Bands to Play Obamacare Songs | The Gateway Pundit

3. Obamacare at the Movies: Hollywood Plans Blitz to Promote Unpopular Law... If you’re sick and tired of TV news broadcasts spewing pro-Obamacare propaganda, get ready to be inundated with even more progressive health care proselytizing in the dramas and comedies that follow those news shows.... the Obama administration is “turning its focus on prime time television series, using the influential platform and the power of celebrity to spread the word about its healthcare initiative.”.... a $500,000 grant from the left-wing California Endowment to help TV producers condition the masses into supporting Obama’s Soviet-style health care program..... incorporate the latest information into their storylines..... The program, which also aids in the spread of Al Gore’s anthropogenic global warming hysteria, boasts that its “storytelling resources” have contributed to more than 550 “Hollywood, Health & Society-assisted storylines over the span of three years.”.... left-wing political propaganda in a plethora of popular broadcast and cable TV shows

Going back to 1999, the philanthropy has given $50.4 million (23 grants) to the notorious neo-Marxist Tides Foundation in San Francisco and an astounding $87 million (187 grants) to its sister organization, the Tides Center, which incubates new leftist groups. The Tides network, whose then-leader Drummond Pike participated in the attempted cover-up of a million-dollar embezzlement at ACORN, has close ties to the preeminent funder of the Left, radical anti-American billionaire George Soros.

Obama’s labor secretary, Sharia law supporter and immigration amnesty champion Thomas Perez, was a paid consultant to the California Endowment and the George Soros-funded Public Health Institute. Soros, along with Hugo Chavez, the late communist leader of Venezuela, funded Casa de Maryland, an open-borders group on whose board Perez served."
Obamacare at the Movies: Hollywood Plans Blitz to Promote Unpopular Law | NewsBusters

What kind of guy is Obama?
Consider the above.....and review the following for accurate definitions:

Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred. A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right.
WORLD | Let's admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | July 17, 2010

How free are a people inundated with government propaganda?
since the left ALWAYS lies they simply NEED propaganda ministry.

LSM are taking the role voluntarily continue the theme of the fascist nature of both Wilson's and Obama's regimes:

1. Under Wilson....the Justice Department had its own quasi-official fascisti, the American Protective League, the APL. They has ‘Secret Service’ badges, and were charged with keeping an eye on neighbors, co-workers and friends, including reading neighbor’s mail and listening in on their phones with government approval. Membership exceeded a quarter million.
Zinn, Howard, “The Twentieth Century: A People’s History,” p.89-92

a. In Rockford, Illinois, the army asked the APL to extract confessions from 21 black soldiers charged with assaulting white women. Barry, “The Great Influenza,” p. 124.

2. "The Obama administration has announced a program asking everyone to spy on their neighbors. The call for an army of spies was announced in a White House’s internet site blog:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].”"
"The Lid": Obama's Call to "Spy On Your Neighbor" Was Totally In Character

a. "Thursday morning, the American people awoke to learn of the most monumental, gargantuan violation of American values in our history.

We learned, according to published reports, that the Obama Department of Justice, the same folks who improperly seized emails from Fox News and telephone conversations from the Associated Press, has nearly half of all adult Americans in its cross hairs.

We learned that the DoJ sought a search warrant for every phone call of every customer of Verizon in the United States, without showing evidence of guilt against anyone."
Obama White House spying on half of America | Fox News
I posted this in another thread, but it is tangible evidence that such a ministry of propaganda exists:

Reporters with the Society of American Business Editors and Writers received "training" on how to cover Obamacare's rollout from a policy expert who works with President Obama's former health information technology adviser.

The Commonwealth Fund's Sara Collins claimed during the training that's chronic dysfunctionality does not signify "deeper issues" with the law.

"I don't think it signifies deeper problems, I think it is a website issue," Collins told SABEW during the Oct. 28 training seminar.

Her optimistic take on the law's difficulties is unsurprising since she works for an organization led by David Blumenthal, who was President Obama's national coordinator for health information technology from 2009 to 2011.
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What is surprising is that an organization claiming to represent professional journalists would endorse "training" delivered by advocates for the program they are covering, which would violate SABEW's code of ethics.

That code encourages journalists to "avoid any practice that might compromise or appear to compromise objectivity or fairness."

A SABEW spokesman did not respond to a request for comment....

Pro-Obamacare team trains reporters on covering Obamacare website problems |
Here's a political litmus test:
If you read the OP and simply shrug your shoulders,...

a. you don't understand the role of government in a free society

b. you've been so steeped in the indoctrination that it is too late for you to learn to think

c. you are infused with anti-American values
When I was in school the right made damn sure we prayed all the time and did the pledge of allegiance. But now where my son goes to school they do they same. No liberal agenda there.
Ministry of Propaganda you say?

Federal authorities are actively investigating dozens of American television stations for broadcasting items produced by the Bush administration and major corporations, and passing them off as normal news. Some of the fake news segments talked up success in the war in Iraq, or promoted the companies' products.
Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV' - Americas - World - The Independent suffered amnesia about this one. You really didn't have to go all the way back to World War I's war hysteria to find apt examples.

By your own yardstick, Bush's regime was a fascist one.

"Thank you, Bush. Thank you, U.S.A.," a jubilant Iraqi-American told a camera crew in Kansas City for a segment about reaction to the fall of Baghdad. A second report told of "another success" in the Bush administration's "drive to strengthen aviation security"; the reporter called it "one of the most remarkable campaigns in aviation history." A third segment, broadcast in January, described the administration's determination to open markets for American farmers.

To a viewer, each report looked like any other 90-second segment on the local news. In fact, the federal government produced all three.
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1. That refers to tips on terrorism.
Not healthcare or Obama policies.

I see. So asking Americans to spy on their neighbors is totally cool with you. No fascist elements there! :lol:

2. It seems you found no errors in the OP.
So stipulated.

Are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion?

You missed my very next post, moron. Were you still in diapers when the Bush fake news propaganda scandal hit all the papers?

When you come a-sneering, riding on a high horse, make sure you aren't covered in your own shit. You look like a fool, and you just drew Bush as a fascist.
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[ame=]BUSH Fake Media Disclosure - YouTube[/ame]
Ministry of Propaganda you say?

Federal authorities are actively investigating dozens of American television stations for broadcasting items produced by the Bush administration and major corporations, and passing them off as normal news. Some of the fake news segments talked up success in the war in Iraq, or promoted the companies' products.
Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV' - Americas - World - The Independent suffered amnesia about this one. You really didn't have to go all the way back to World War I's war hysteria to find apt examples.

By your own yardstick, Bush's regime was a fascist one.

"Thank you, Bush. Thank you, U.S.A.," a jubilant Iraqi-American told a camera crew in Kansas City for a segment about reaction to the fall of Baghdad. A second report told of "another success" in the Bush administration's "drive to strengthen aviation security"; the reporter called it "one of the most remarkable campaigns in aviation history." A third segment, broadcast in January, described the administration's determination to open markets for American farmers.

To a viewer, each report looked like any other 90-second segment on the local news. In fact, the federal government produced all three.

1. The Bush venture was part of a war involving foreign nations.

2. The Obama plan was part of a war against the American people.

Obama drafted the National Endowment For The Arts to produce the kinds of propaganda that FDR used in his war effort.

"Here is the first e-mail that came in from the National Endowment for the Arts. It said:

"This Monday, there is a conference call for arts-oriented marketers and producers to discuss the President's United We Serve initiative that I thought you might like to participate in. A call has come in to our generation. A call from the top. A call from a house that is White. A call that we must answer. Please join these people" blah-blah-blah "as we heed the president's call to action this summer — United We Serve."

"....President Obama is asking us to come together and help lay a new foundation for growth, focusing on core areas of the recovery agenda — health care, energy and environment, safety and security, education and community renewal."

""It is time for us as a group of artists, producers, promoters, organizers, influencers, marketers, tastemakers, leaders or just plain cool people, to join together and work together to promote a more civilly-engaged America and celebrate how the arts can be used for a positive change."
Is National Endowment for the Arts Pushing Obama Administration's Agenda? | Fox News

3. At its core, fascism is the view that every element of society must work together in spiritual union toward the same goals at the behest of the state. One can see it defined in Mussolini's own summary of the Fascist philosophy: "Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato" (Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State)

This is not the function of government in a free society.
OP- Total BS from the only bs propaganda machine, the Pub one, hater dupes...

Nice post, blanko.....

...quite an improvement over the usual cuneiform scratchings on clay.

And thanks for including all of the examples that you found inaccurate!

My pal blanko! Useful as rubber lips on a woodpecker.

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