The modern day disingenuous liberal is absolutely humiliating the left in this nation


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
First of all, she acts like an immature junior high girl from the time the video starts until the time the video ends (very typical of the modern day liberal)

Second, when pinned into the corner with facts (she's asked what scientific application is there to the study of "the freshman 15") she immaturely replies, "I don't know, I put on my own 15lbs my freshman year". Uh, what? That wasn't the question. And rather than be a mature adult and admit this is some serious waste that needs to be cleaned up, she feigns a laugh and tries to change the subject to her (again like an immature junior high girl).

Third, she disingenuously tries to claim this absurdity is "science" the entire time. Even if this were true (and she knows it is not), since when is it the job of the federal government to fund "science"?

This video will make you cringe the entire time as you see this libtard fake laugh, act like a junior high girl who is trying to avoid admitting what we all already know, and try to claim this is "science".

What a waste! The most outrageous examples of gov't spending | Fox News Video
I really wonder if we will ever see the day of a mature liberal who can have an honest discussion about anything.

Can you imagine John F. Kennedy acting like this girl - immature, snarky, and disingenuous - rather than being a composed, mature adult and just admitting that this is unquestionably waste which needs to be cut out?
And here's another glaring flaw with this libtards "thinking" (and I use that term lightly with regards to her). She states that we are $17 trillion in debt so this $23 million in waste is a "drop in the bucket".

Well sweetie, how do you think we got $17 trillion into debt? Because immature liberal junior high girls like you think government spending is "like, sooo kewl"!

God help us. This nation is doomed because Dumbocrats have regressed to toddler years in their maturity, education, composure and work ethic... :bang3:
You can't humiliate 'the left' anymore than you can humiliate a whore.

They're getting a chuckle out of your attempt to.....

Look, dewd.

Let me run this by you one more time.

the 'left' in this Country, the hard core, the ideologues, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, the party 'faithful'.....

They're not like me and they're not like you.

YOU can be embarrassed. You can be humiliated. You can feel guilt and shame and sympathy and pity and remorse..... And so can any normal person.

But not dimocraps.

You have GOT to understand this.... They.Just.Don't.Care.

They are no different than the Gestapo at Sobibor, or the Russians seizing the Wheat Harvest from the Ukrainians and causing the Holodomor. They're no different from the Khmer Rouge or Mao's Red Guards......

You may think I'm being a bit harsh but, trust me.

I'm not.

dimocraps are truly the scum of the earth. You can't embarrass or humiliate them.

Good luck with this thread. I'm sure dozens of dimocrap scum will be here shortly to apologize for their past sins :lmao:
You can't humiliate 'the left' anymore than you can humiliate a whore.

They're getting a chuckle out of your attempt to.....

Look, dewd.

Let me run this by you one more time.

the 'left' in this Country, the hard core, the ideologues, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, the party 'faithful'.....

They're not like me and they're not like you.

YOU can be embarrassed. You can be humiliated. You can feel guilt and shame and sympathy and pity and remorse..... And so can any normal person.

But not dimocraps.

You have GOT to understand this.... They.Just.Don't.Care.

They are no different than the Gestapo at Sobibor, or the Russians seizing the Wheat Harvest from the Ukrainians and causing the Holodomor. They're no different from the Khmer Rouge or Mao's Red Guards......

You may think I'm being a bit harsh but, trust me.

I'm not.

dimocraps are truly the scum of the earth. You can't embarrass or humiliate them.

Good luck with this thread. I'm sure dozens of dimocrap scum will be here shortly to apologize for their past sins :lmao:

You must be right - nothing else explains it. I just can't grasp that concept. I literally cringed for them watching this video of this broad acting like a juvenile.
You can't humiliate 'the left' anymore than you can humiliate a whore.

They're getting a chuckle out of your attempt to.....

Look, dewd.

Let me run this by you one more time.

the 'left' in this Country, the hard core, the ideologues, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, the party 'faithful'.....

They're not like me and they're not like you.

YOU can be embarrassed. You can be humiliated. You can feel guilt and shame and sympathy and pity and remorse..... And so can any normal person.

But not dimocraps.

You have GOT to understand this.... They.Just.Don't.Care.

They are no different than the Gestapo at Sobibor, or the Russians seizing the Wheat Harvest from the Ukrainians and causing the Holodomor. They're no different from the Khmer Rouge or Mao's Red Guards......

You may think I'm being a bit harsh but, trust me.

I'm not.

dimocraps are truly the scum of the earth. You can't embarrass or humiliate them.

Good luck with this thread. I'm sure dozens of dimocrap scum will be here shortly to apologize for their past sins :lmao:

You must be right - nothing else explains it. I just can't grasp that concept. I literally cringed for them watching this video of this broad acting like a juvenile.

They also won't engage when accused of malfeasance, stupidity, treason, communism or any other of a number of crimes against humanity.

They just ignore you and let the thread/discussion die a natural death. Not just here but in real life. It's how they role.... Everywhere and in everything.

But let a dimocrap scumbag start a thread on anything negative about Republicans and/or Conservatives and we're there in a flash defending ourselves. We care about how we're perceived and....

They just don't care.

They don't care about you, they don't care about me and they GODDAMNED sure don't care what anybody else thinks about them.

We do, and that's a burden.
i do not know how many of you have seen and read this post by a liberal, but it really does demonstrate what you folks here are saying about liberals:

good gawd, if i had the ability to transplant that shit inside their cranium with a real brain i would do so in an instant.., i believe GOD would have a difficult time re-doing their head, i wonder sometimes if GOD realizes if he made a mistake or just put liberals here to keep us loyal GOD loving conservatives on our toes ... :up: .... :lmao:

ooooh ! BTW, don't you just love their superior spelling ability "biggeat"
Yous guys enjoying your egotistical evangelical baptist ID conservative circle jerk? Here's a towel for when your done.
Yous guys enjoying your egotistical evangelical baptist ID conservative circle jerk? Here's a towel for when your done.

Like all liberals, you didn't watch the video because you prefer ignorance (is bliss) over enlightenment. Still, that never stops you from commenting, does it?
Good luck with this thread. I'm sure dozens of dimocrap scum will be here shortly to apologize for their past sins :lmao:

By the way E, I've never made a thread for Dumbocrats and I never will. My threads are always to share something I came across with conservatives and get their feedback. When I ask if we'll ever see a mature liberal, that's directed at people like to answer. Not immature, uneducated asshats like Moonglow over there.

The Dumbocrat posts are just painful interruptions of ignorance and idealism which must be dealt with - nothing more.
Good luck with this thread. I'm sure dozens of dimocrap scum will be here shortly to apologize for their past sins :lmao:

By the way E, I've never made a thread for Dumbocrats and I never will. My threads are always to share something I came across with conservatives and get their feedback. When I ask if we'll ever see a mature liberal, that's directed at people like to answer. Not immature, uneducated asshats like Moonglow over there.

The Dumbocrat posts are just painful interruptions of ignorance and idealism which must be dealt with - nothing more.

The biggest problem is... dimocraps think it's all a big joke. That they can stick a thumb in "The Man's" eye and nothing much will come of it.

And they might be right.

But there existed at one time, an entire civilization, an entire culture and a whole society of BILLIONS of people who lived just exactly as dimocraps would like US to live.

I'm not talking about the murders by Stalin and Mao and Hitler and Che and Pol Pot and all the others....

Watch the movie "The Lives Of Others" sometime.

It's German. And it's in German so it will be (hopefully) subtitled. I hate voice-over flicks. Hate them. Just absolutely hate them.

But watch it.

It was on an artsy-fartsy channel on TV and out of boredom, I started to watch it.

I thought, "dayum, that was a decent movie".

And it was/is. It won ALL kinds of awards in 2006. In Europe of course, where they're not afraid to confront communism head-on.

Watch it. It's a little 'high-brow' and, therefore, a little tedious but it's GOOD.

Even our resident dimocraps would like it but they wouldn't 'get it'.

dimocraps are so incredibly stupid, they have no clue what it is they're trying to impose on us.
Only ignorant people talk ignorantly.You obtuse astounding rendition of Archie Bunker reminds me of how ignorant you make yourself look, same with Rot with those closed minds of yours. I guess you(if you can even get those kind)only date conservative GOP member females?
Only ignorant people talk ignorantly.You obtuse astounding rendition of Archie Bunker reminds me of how ignorant you make yourself look, same with Rot with those closed minds of yours. I guess you(if you can even get those kind)only date conservative GOP member females?

I've been married to the same incredibly beautiful (fer real) woman for 35 years.

But when I was dating, I went out with a lot of libturd chicks.

If all I wanted was to get laid.

If I wanted someone to talk to, someone with an IQ, someone to spend time with and not want to chew my arm off in the morning.....

If I wanted to date someone whose word meant something, someone I could trust, someone I could believe in, someone who actually liked being a Woman and who respected a Man.....

I went out with a Conservative.
Well I tried to watch the video but when I saw it was Hannity I just laughed and closed the window.

Soooo, how's the impeachment going????
What a knee slapper:poop::poke:

First of all, she acts like an immature junior high girl from the time the video starts until the time the video ends (very typical of the modern day liberal)

Second, when pinned into the corner with facts (she's asked what scientific application is there to the study of "the freshman 15") she immaturely replies, "I don't know, I put on my own 15lbs my freshman year". Uh, what? That wasn't the question. And rather than be a mature adult and admit this is some serious waste that needs to be cleaned up, she feigns a laugh and tries to change the subject to her (again like an immature junior high girl).

Third, she disingenuously tries to claim this absurdity is "science" the entire time. Even if this were true (and she knows it is not), since when is it the job of the federal government to fund "science"?

This video will make you cringe the entire time as you see this libtard fake laugh, act like a junior high girl who is trying to avoid admitting what we all already know, and try to claim this is "science".

What a waste! The most outrageous examples of gov't spending | Fox News Video
Only ignorant people talk ignorantly.You obtuse astounding rendition of Archie Bunker reminds me of how ignorant you make yourself look, same with Rot with those closed minds of yours. I guess you(if you can even get those kind)only date conservative GOP member females?
So you approve of the government funding the "science" in the OP?
I really wonder if we will ever see the day of a mature liberal who can have an honest discussion about anything.

Can you imagine John F. Kennedy acting like this girl - immature, snarky, and disingenuous - rather than being a composed, mature adult and just admitting that this is unquestionably waste which needs to be cut out?

I'm a Modern Day Liberal, she doesn't represent my point of view. It almost seems like she's a caricature of what some conservatives want the "bad liberal" to be. I'll discuss or debate any issue with you guys in a mature way, I bet you would be surprised that you may agree with my Liberal point of view more often than not, depending on your mindset and political and social beliefs.
Well I tried to watch the video but when I saw it was Hannity I just laughed and closed the window.

Soooo, how's the impeachment going????

In other words, you cringed when you saw that liberal broad acting like liberal broads do and now you need a reason not to discuss it... :lol:
I really wonder if we will ever see the day of a mature liberal who can have an honest discussion about anything.

Can you imagine John F. Kennedy acting like this girl - immature, snarky, and disingenuous - rather than being a composed, mature adult and just admitting that this is unquestionably waste which needs to be cut out?

I'm a Modern Day Liberal, she doesn't represent my point of view. It almost seems like she's a caricature of what some conservatives want the "bad liberal" to be. I'll discuss or debate any issue with you guys in a mature way, I bet you would be surprised that you may agree with my Liberal point of view more often than not, depending on your mindset and political and social beliefs.

For the record - I do not want any American to be like this immature broad. But I will agree with you that she is a caricature of what I have come to expect from liberal women. Unfortunately they keep putting women like her, instead of women like you, on tv (maybe that is by design? :dunno:). You would clearly represent the left much better than this idiot does.
I really wonder if we will ever see the day of a mature liberal who can have an honest discussion about anything.

Can you imagine John F. Kennedy acting like this girl - immature, snarky, and disingenuous - rather than being a composed, mature adult and just admitting that this is unquestionably waste which needs to be cut out?

I'm a Modern Day Liberal, she doesn't represent my point of view. It almost seems like she's a caricature of what some conservatives want the "bad liberal" to be. I'll discuss or debate any issue with you guys in a mature way, I bet you would be surprised that you may agree with my Liberal point of view more often than not, depending on your mindset and political and social beliefs.

For the record - I do not want any American to be like this immature broad. But I will agree with you that she is a caricature of what I have come to expect from liberal women. Unfortunately they keep putting women like her, instead of women like you, on tv (maybe that is by design? :dunno:). You would clearly represent the left much better than this idiot does.

Thank you, but I'm a man. LOL My wife is a Democrat and she doesn't act that way, she's actually becoming more of an Independent. I'm more like an ACLU type who is in favor of the Second Amendment, Civil Liberties, Bill of Rights, Constitution, States Rights, a more non-interventionist foreign policy and entanglements, domestic energy production of all types, a flat or consumption tax, immigration reform, secure orders, strong military, pro-gay marriage, sentencing reform for non-violent offenders, etc. I know some of the above is redundant.............

I do think it is by design from all of the parties involved, in fact I think that there's somewhat a symbiotic relationship between the political pundits from each side of the spectrum, they need each other in order to fire up their audiences so they get better ratings as well as helping the political machines they are part of.

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