The modern day left are lazy and thieves


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
We saw the violent left-wing mobs during the BLM riots, the Charlottesville situation, the pro abortion riots , and the inauguration of Trump wreaking havoc

One of the main elements of these riots was of mobs of Black people and their
white supporters, destroying statues of Christian men of history who built the civilized world. Imagine the sight of mob of white people all throughout the country by the hundreds of thousands destroying statues of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X or some king or Emperor from African history.

Is it done out of jealousy? Who knows. But there is also the matter of DEI which in other words is stealing jobs from people. Of BLM and similar groups of people demanding money and jobs that they don’t deserve…. They might not be qualified, but they deserve it because of some deranged left-wing viewpoint.

I never thought I would live to see the day where in America meritocracy doesn’t matter. Where major corporations give jobs to people because of their “minority status” or being a woman. Along with the terrorist like destruction of the statues of Christian men of European history that built the civilized world. Never thought I would see that.
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Also, unfortunate to see how “moderate Lefties” respond to these facts. Often with trolling remarks or personal attacks. Clearly some of them are on drugs. Others are just living in a state of complete denial. They have to be able to to justify their favorite politician or celebrity saying that men can get pregnant or homeless whites are privileged.

I think a lot of this has to do with the downfall of Christian values in the USA if somebody is not a Christian, it is easier for them to give to all sorts of debauchery and filth. Some Christians have done bad throughout history, but the point stands and it’s true.
They are criminals and thugs.
Yes, they certainly are. And there’s been no accountability for the left-wing riots whether it was Trump inauguration, the George Floyd riots, or the pro-abortion riots. Some of them, including a takeover of government buildings or even burning down a government building attacks on government buildings. Maybe there’s been some arrests but no panel similar to January 6.

Never thought I would live to see the day where this kind of stuff occurs in America. Nothing’s really done about it. And how modern day Democrats react to this is a big problem. How they constantly call people racist with no evidence to back it up. And they either justify or ignore their favorite politician or celebrity saying men can get pregnant.

While there has been some pushback to left-wing insanity There’s a lot of work to be done … I am still hopeful for the future. But it’s unfortunate that we have this left-wing scar on American history that has been the past 4-6 years of this country.
We saw the violent left-wing mobs during the BLM riots, the Charlottesville situation, the pro abortion riots , and the inauguration of Trump wreaking havoc

One of the main elements of these riots was of mobs of Black people and their
white supporters, destroying statues of Christian men of history who built the civilized world. Imagine the sight of mob of white people all throughout the country by the hundreds of thousands destroying statues of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X or some king or Emperor from African history.

Is it done out of jealousy? Who knows. But there is also the matter of DEI which in other words is stealing jobs from people. Of BLM and similar groups of people demanding money and jobs that they don’t deserve…. They might not be qualified, but they deserve it because of some deranged left-wing viewpoint.

I never thought I would live to see the day where in America meritocracy doesn’t matter. Where major corporations give jobs to people because of their “minority status” or being a woman. Along with the terrorist like destruction of the statues of Christian men of European history that built the civilized world. Never thought I would see that.
Your brainwashing is complete. Not a rational thought left in your head.
Also, unfortunate to see how “moderate Lefties” respond to these facts. Often with trolling remarks or personal attacks. Clearly some of them are on drugs. Others are just living in a state of complete denial. They have to be able to to justify their favorite politician or celebrity saying that men can get pregnant or homeless whites are privileged.

I think a lot of this has to do with the downfall of Christian values in the USA if somebody is not a Christian, it is easier for them to give to all sorts of debauchery and filth. Some Christians have done bad throughout history, but the point stands and it’s true.
Yeah, some on the left even pay porn stars hush money so they can win an presidential election. Oh wait...that is the guy you idolize.

Fuck off Yuri.
Your brainwashing is complete. Not a rational thought left in your head.
The East Asians know it. They think White people are fools and have gotten lazy in too large a percentage. That is why they are in line to take over as the top powers of the world.
We saw the violent left-wing mobs during the BLM riots, the Charlottesville situation, the pro abortion riots , and the inauguration of Trump wreaking havoc

One of the main elements of these riots was of mobs of Black people and their
white supporters, destroying statues of Christian men of history who built the civilized world. Imagine the sight of mob of white people all throughout the country by the hundreds of thousands destroying statues of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X or some king or Emperor from African history.

Is it done out of jealousy? Who knows. But there is also the matter of DEI which in other words is stealing jobs from people. Of BLM and similar groups of people demanding money and jobs that they don’t deserve…. They might not be qualified, but they deserve it because of some deranged left-wing viewpoint.

I never thought I would live to see the day where in America meritocracy doesn’t matter. Where major corporations give jobs to people because of their “minority status” or being a woman. Along with the terrorist like destruction of the statues of Christian men of European history that built the civilized world. Never thought I would see that.

Really this is hilarious.

You say there's "American meritocracy"... where?

People often get rich because they're willing to screw people over.

You talk about "stealing jobs" and yet blacks were in slavery, they had segregation. A lot of discrimination happened in the US and a lot of it was because conservatives wanted it to MAKE MONEY.
We saw the violent left-wing mobs during the BLM riots, the Charlottesville situation, the pro abortion riots , and the inauguration of Trump wreaking havoc

One of the main elements of these riots was of mobs of Black people and their
white supporters, destroying statues of Christian men of history who built the civilized world. Imagine the sight of mob of white people all throughout the country by the hundreds of thousands destroying statues of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X or some king or Emperor from African history.

Is it done out of jealousy? Who knows. But there is also the matter of DEI which in other words is stealing jobs from people. Of BLM and similar groups of people demanding money and jobs that they don’t deserve…. They might not be qualified, but they deserve it because of some deranged left-wing viewpoint.

I never thought I would live to see the day where in America meritocracy doesn’t matter. Where major corporations give jobs to people because of their “minority status” or being a woman. Along with the terrorist like destruction of the statues of Christian men of European history that built the civilized world. Never thought I would see that.
Remember, you are talking about the statist left marxinazis which harbor a completely different religion of revolution for the sake of revolution(war for the sake of war).
We saw the violent left-wing mobs during the BLM riots, the Charlottesville situation, the pro abortion riots , and the inauguration of Trump wreaking havoc

One of the main elements of these riots was of mobs of Black people and their
white supporters, destroying statues of Christian men of history who built the civilized world. Imagine the sight of mob of white people all throughout the country by the hundreds of thousands destroying statues of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X or some king or Emperor from African history.

Is it done out of jealousy? Who knows. But there is also the matter of DEI which in other words is stealing jobs from people. Of BLM and similar groups of people demanding money and jobs that they don’t deserve…. They might not be qualified, but they deserve it because of some deranged left-wing viewpoint.

I never thought I would live to see the day where in America meritocracy doesn’t matter. Where major corporations give jobs to people because of their “minority status” or being a woman. Along with the terrorist like destruction of the statues of Christian men of European history that built the civilized world. Never thought I would see that.
This is spoken by a white male in America. The most preferred and entitled demographic. White men in this country have very little because of merit. But racism is a psychosis.

Those men weren't Christian and they did not build anything civilized. Do you call 2 world wars civillized? And how many other wars has there been since those so called white christian men used a fake doctrine made up by the catholic church to claim land that did not belong to them in direct violation of commandment number 10.

Exodus 20:15: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

You reap what you sow. Those "christian" white men invaded other countries and tore down statues of men that built civilizations. You see, there were other civilizations besides what whites like you have deluded yourselves to believe. Besides, we are not to honor or worship a graven image, so those statues don't need to be standing there anyway.
Charlottesville situation?

You moron, that was a rightwing white power rally. You got your talking points mixed up again, Russian asshole.
Unhinged lefty ^

Part of the Charlottesville issue was a totally one sided approach to it by the left-wing media. As there was clearly violence from both sides, people fighting each other. Your unhinged though so you’re acting way out of line.

Telling how you concentrate on Charlottesville while not talking about the much more violent and problematic BLM riots.
Remember, you are talking about the statist left marxinazis which harbor a completely different religion of revolution for the sake of revolution(war for the sake of war).
It’s very unfortunate that this is what the left has become today. It’s nothing like the Democrats of even the 1990s. It’s been a radical transformation and perhaps five years of Democrats supporting insane ideas like men can get pregnant or white homeless folks are privileged. Some of the left on the US message board act like none of this is occurring or they acknowledge it and basically ignore it… or even worse they support it.

Certainly in the past five years, the most violent group politically speaking has been the radical left ie blm/antifa …As we know there are no examples of thousands of white Trump supporters marching around burning down buildings, causing billions of dollars worth of damage , killing dozens injuring thousands in cities across the country. Like there was with the left-wing BLM riots in the summer of 2020.
Hellbilly is someone who I like and I believe is a leftist. And I wonder what he thinks about the left-wing idea that men can get pregnant.

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