The Moment Of Truth For Rachel Dolezal

Not really. I was just letting you know that what white people want or dont want doesnt register on my concern meter. It amazes me you people believe what you think is relevant.

Your statement just unraveled your support for Rachel Dolezal.
How so? She is on my side. I support her fully.
Hey, remember that time when she got a perm and a tan, which fooled you guys into believing she was black? That made me laugh hard. :laugh:
Monkeys like you find pretty much everything funny. Ever see the junglebook? Thats you monkeys all day long.

Are you calling me a monkey?

Thats always his fall back word when he gets his ass handed to him.
She rejected the failed culture of white people.
Yeah, it was a tough decision, but in the end it all worked out for her. Oh wait. :laugh:
You have no idea. She is about to make 4 or 5 times as much doing interviews as she did working. The interview this morning alone probably has her set for at least a year. If she is so inclined she could be a millionaire by the end of the year.
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Oh I see, you are following in the footsteps of your heroine, Rachel Dolezal.
Not really. I was just letting you know that what white people want or dont want doesnt register on my concern meter. It amazes me you people believe what you think is relevant.

Your statement just unraveled your support for Rachel Dolezal.
How so? She is on my side. I support her fully.
Of course she's on your side. They'll even put you in the same wing of the asylum since your conditions are just about the same. She wanting to be black and you wanting to be white and all.
I honestly would kill myself if I was white. The thought makes my skin crawl and I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Maybe you should cut down on the crack. You're really just a white woman and can't keep up with your thug boyfriends.
Your statement just unraveled your support for Rachel Dolezal.
How so? She is on my side. I support her fully.
Of course she's on your side. They'll even put you in the same wing of the asylum since your conditions are just about the same. She wanting to be black and you wanting to be white and all.
I honestly would kill myself if I was white. The thought makes my skin crawl and I just threw up a little in my mouth.

You've been throwing up on this board for too long now.
Talking to white people too much will have that affect on you. You start getting prejudiced due to the stuff you see on this forum that they are afraid to say in public. Especially the male simians that share your lack of melanin.

Didn't you say you have a black woman? Doesn't she talk to you?
Your statement just unraveled your support for Rachel Dolezal.
How so? She is on my side. I support her fully.
Hey, remember that time when she got a perm and a tan, which fooled you guys into believing she was black? That made me laugh hard. :laugh:
Monkeys like you find pretty much everything funny. Ever see the junglebook? Thats you monkeys all day long.

Are you calling me a monkey?

Thats always his fall back word when he gets his ass handed to him.
Its only my fallback when your hair lice starts acting up and makes you lose your mind.
She rejected the failed culture of white people.
Yeah, it was a tough decision, but in the end it all worked out for her. Oh wait. :laugh:
You have no idea. She is about to make 4 or 5 times as much. The interview this morning alone probably has her set for at least a year. If she is so inclined she could be a millionaire by the end of the year.

She has a bright future no doubt....
How so? She is on my side. I support her fully.
Of course she's on your side. They'll even put you in the same wing of the asylum since your conditions are just about the same. She wanting to be black and you wanting to be white and all.
I honestly would kill myself if I was white. The thought makes my skin crawl and I just threw up a little in my mouth.

You've been throwing up on this board for too long now.
Talking to white people too much will have that affect on you. You start getting prejudiced due to the stuff you see on this forum that they are afraid to say in public. Especially the male simians that share your lack of melanin.

Didn't you say you have a black woman? Doesn't she talk to you?
She doesnt talk about these issues. She actually cant stand most white people and doesnt really want to discuss them. She grew up around them so she already knows. I'm on this board because it fascinates me. Some of the retarded shit white people say in this forum is very enlightening.
Not really. I was just letting you know that what white people want or dont want doesnt register on my concern meter. It amazes me you people believe what you think is relevant.

Your statement just unraveled your support for Rachel Dolezal.
How so? She is on my side. I support her fully.

How is she on your side? She's white.
She says she is Black and down for the Black cause. Of course she is on my side. She rejected the failed culture of white people. She is a ride or die.

Damn you make it easy...
NAACP Imposter Sued School Over Race Claims The Smoking Gun
Evidently I make it hard for you.
I know I don't give a flying fart what your internet persona is now or ever, poseur.

And I seriously doubt more than 3 sober people give a fuck either.

So why don't you be a good boy and stop spamming this place with your horse shit?

Or what bitch? Am I supposed to believe you're Jim Bowie or a chick who works in a nail salon? :dunno:
I know I don't give a flying fart what your internet persona is now or ever, poseur.

And I seriously doubt more than 3 sober people give a fuck either.

So why don't you be a good boy and stop spamming this place with your horse shit?

Or what bitch? Am I supposed to believe you're Jim Bowie or a chick who works in a nail salon? :dunno:

Had a bad day. My apologies for shooting from the lip.
The power of victimhood.
Here's what this story is really all about:

Why Rachel Dolezal would want to pass as a black woman

It's hard to think of a more bizarre story, or one more representative of contemporary America, than that of Rachel Dolezal. Dolezal is an academic and activist who represented herself as African American for many years, earning a degree in Africana studies, even ascending to the position of president of the Spokane, Wash., chapter of the NAACP.

Dolezal's parents, however, have recently made matters uncomfortable for her, telling the media that she is in fact Caucasian and showing photos of her as a younger woman with blond hair and blue eyes. The NAACP is standing behind Dolezal, stressing that “racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying criteria for NAACP leadership.” But there are additional questions regarding, among other things, her position on a local police council. When applying to the Spokane police ombudsman commission, she indicated a racial category of black, which if untrue would violate the city ethics code.

Dolezal, for her part, acknowledged that her biological parents are two self-identified Caucasians, but has thus far refused to elaborate.

The story has predictably been catnip to our pundit class, provoking commentary ranging from the outraged to the sympathetic to the amused. Almost everyone, however, has been shocked — shocked that someone would act this way and shocked that someone could pull it off. I am shocked that people are shocked. Rachel Dolezal was inevitable. We made her.

Human behaviors are the product of incentives. We repeat behaviors that are rewarded. And clearly, Dolezal believed she would find rewards in representing herself as a black woman. That statement might seem strange, given the continuing destructive power of racism in America. In material terms, the condition of the average black American has actually gotten worse in the last 35 years, post-racial rhetoric to the contrary. Racism and white supremacy are real and powerful in America in 2015.

Why, then, would someone try to occupy that position of oppression? The answer has a lot to do with the spaces that Dolezal had advanced in: political activism and academia.

It happens that I've spent most of my life in those spaces. And in those spaces, a set of social norms have created direct incentives for Dolezal's behavior — and forbidden anyone from checking up on her story.

MORE: Why Rachel Dolezal would want to pass as a black woman - LA Times
That statement might seem strange, given the continuing destructive power of racism in America. In material terms, the condition of the average black American has actually gotten worse in the last 35 years, post-racial rhetoric to the contrary. Racism and white supremacy are real and powerful in America in 2015.

Thanks Digital!
That statement might seem strange, given the continuing destructive power of racism in America. In material terms, the condition of the average black American has actually gotten worse in the last 35 years, post-racial rhetoric to the contrary. Racism and white supremacy are real and powerful in America in 2015.

Thanks Digital!
Quit blaming your cultural problems on us. White people aren't forcing black people to rob liquor stores or have unwanted children. You guys pride yourselves on being different. How's that working out for ya? Maybe you should try being more like us. I assure you, it leads to good things.
That statement might seem strange, given the continuing destructive power of racism in America. In material terms, the condition of the average black American has actually gotten worse in the last 35 years, post-racial rhetoric to the contrary. Racism and white supremacy are real and powerful in America in 2015.

Thanks Digital!

You're welcome. That wasn't the driving point of the article (which I hope you took the time to digest) but it's okay to cherry pick.
That statement might seem strange, given the continuing destructive power of racism in America. In material terms, the condition of the average black American has actually gotten worse in the last 35 years, post-racial rhetoric to the contrary. Racism and white supremacy are real and powerful in America in 2015.

Thanks Digital!
Quit blaming your cultural problems on us. White people aren't forcing black people to rob liquor stores or have unwanted children. You guys pride yourselves on being different. How's that working out for ya? Maybe you should try being more like us. I assure you, it leads to good things.

I didnt mention one cultural problem. Are you seeing things?

Also DigitalDrifter posted that. Sorry, you again are seeing things and going after the wrong person.

Your bad
And now it's revealed she also "self-identifies" as a bisexual! How long before the progs run her for president after Hildabeast is indicted?

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