The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..

Meanwhile, in vaguely related but yet still good news, the Democrats lost Gabby Gifford's seat.

Ron Barber, Gabby Gifford's goofy former aid, formally conceded his November 4th loss to pro gun candidate and winner Martha McSally after the recount results a couple of hours ago were released to show little change in the vote count.

Complete Repudiation Pro-Gun Candidate Wins Gabby Giffords Former House Seat

Yes great news because nothing but good things come from guns.
Chief shares details in 3-year-old rsquo s accidental shooting death Local News - WYFF Home
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..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.
Is this anything like Rudy Guilianni and the 9/11 families or the Gold Star Mothers?
Good for them. This is the worst situation possible for them and NOTHING has changed from it. Nothing. Fuck gun lobbyists who prevent any sort of real legislation passing that would help cut down on these situations occurring. You can't sue lobbyists and this is America so the gun makers are the next most logical target. If they don't want to be sued then don't make guns.

Go ahead gun nuts, lets have it.

you're an idiot. we need to bankrupt the plaintiffs for filing idiotic lawsuits

Dumbass mother. She has the responsibility for killing the child, not the gun.

Why should my Constitutional rights be taken away from me because somebody else is a dumbass?

Don't you believe in personal responsibility?

There are 230,000 guns stolen each year. Is each gun owner personally responsible for any crimes committed by their stolen gun?
No, it was actually about a lawsuit. This must be hard for you, keeping focused. You immediately went off on a gun laws tangent. Maybe you don't know the difference between criminal law and tort. But you go on with your bad self questioning the intelligence of others.

You done yet? Perhaps you can go back to wishing grieving parents go to hell.

Just let me know.
I don't wish for anyone to go to hell. Even you. Do you actually have something intelligent to say about the lawsuit?

Page ignored it though because it didn't fit your selfish agenda.
You briefly mentioned the lawsuit as a segway to ranting about gun laws, which have nothing to do with the civil suit.

Of course they do. Have someone who doesn't have a hard-on for guns explain it to you.
male gun haters are almost always eunuchs
I think (unlike you) that a civilized nation needs to reduce the proliferation of guns when experience strongly suggests that the laws today are ineffective in protecting innocent lives.

Anyone who wants to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control needs to be licensed, insured and free from any conviction of a crime of violence, never detained as a danger to themselves or others (CA W&I Code 5150) (including spending a night in the drunk tank [647ff of the CA Penal Code) or an addict of AOL (alcohol or other drugs).

For a start.

BTW, the NRA (our local terrorist outfit) failed in their effort to prevent the confirmation of the newest Surgeon General of the US, simply because he supports gun control. Kudos to those Senators who were not intimidated by the terrorists and voted their conscience.

I know far more gun owners than members of the NRA ... And if you speak about protecting innocent lives ... You have to count the lives guns have saved as well.

If you think more regulations are required as far as licensing and whatnot ... Good luck getting it passed.


I never see the gun grabbers talk about punishing people who commit crimes with guns only restricting the rights of people who will never commit a crime with a gun.

IMO All gun crimes should be elevated to federal crimes with a mandatory 25 year sentence without parole for gun crimes that do not result in a death and mandatory life in prison or execution for those that do result in death.

Let's see how much gun crimes decrease if we actually focus on the fucking criminals for a change.

The problem with your solution is there is no litmus test to know who will take the life of someone before they do. At least allowing a State to License anyone who lives or comes into CA who wants to buy, posses or have in his or her custody and control a firearm, we can have a complete background check to determine the risk.

Of course a License is only the first step. A comprehensive law would require anyone who wants to sell a gun to record the license number of the buyer, and verify it has not been suspended or revoked. Failure to do so would cause the sellers license to be revoked. Anyone unlicensed who owned, possessed or had in his or her custody and control a gun would be subject to imprisonment and/or a fine.

typical mindless nonsense designed to harass people who don't cause problems with guns. anyone imprisoned for violating a stupid law ought to seek revenge against the pillow headed assholes who push such laws
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

Loaded how gun manufacturers and the NRA capitalise on tragedy Sadhbh Walshe Comment is free The Guardian

The cunning geniuses in the NRA are on track to make millions of dollars in the wake of the massacre by developing a whole new revenue stream with their plan to have armed guards in every American school. Not to be left out, security companies are also getting in on the action by launching new ranges of bulletproof clothing and accessories designed exclusively for school children. It might seem counterintuitive for a society to respond to the threat of gun violence by enriching the manufacturers of guns and their allies in the security business, but apparently, this has become the price of our freedom, or at least the price of the freedom to own guns.

very well presented ^^^. Your post was insightful too; too bad the Crazy Right Wing is only capable of posts = to "ain't it awful" and personal attacks of those who don't buy their, well not their, but ideas they parrot.

Of course no law is perfect, few can prevent the crime they hope to regulate. But do we repeal infractions, misdemeanors and felonies because they do not prevent all crimes? Why when most of us obey the laws do we still keep penal codes, civil codes, business and profession codes, etc., and require business licenses, driver's licenses, and even fingerprint teachers never accused or arrested for a crime?

Answer to the above: due diligence.

Why do we vet and train LE Officers so thoroughly before they are allowed to patrol without direct supervision; and still allow almost anyone to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a deadly weapon?

Of course all the time and money spent on background checks of LE can't prevent mistakes or worse. And the NRA advocates putting millions of guns into the hands of millions of people, even after recent events of gun violence by vetted and trained officers of the law.

Current gun policy in the United States is insane, and the NRA and members of congress who do their bidding will continue to support this policy.

the only insanity is the blatantly unconstitutional nature of federal gun laws. gun banners are scum and should be treated as treasonous bastards
Well ... I saw the story and it convinced me to invest in a new assault weapon before they start to suffer more legislative concerns and court liability. Better to get one now before the price goes up.

I imagine the same thing will happen as did when the assault weapons ban was passed ... More weapons will be sold.

first of all does your state allow full auto ? that is what an "assault weapon" is.., "your "assault weapon" is considered a machinegun, so i hope you go thru the proper procedures to obtain one, and have about $20,000.00 to spend, here is some helpful info: Full Auto FAQ IAWCA
you will also have to pay a $200.00 tax stamp fee.

good luck, it will take about a year and a half before you actually take possession.., i have a better idea, just buy a Colt 6920 AR-15, much cheaper they are in the high $800.00 range, shop around. :up:
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.

It is probably because politicians have done nothing. They probably just want to do something.
The politicians have done something. They passed a law so gun manufacturers can't be held liable for people misusing their products. That makes it better for those who use them legally.

As far as the deterioration of society, that isn't the politicians fault, you get what you vote for.

Well they should probably be suing the government for making it legal for him to have he weapon. Guns with hi cap mags are only used to kill lots of innocent people. I've never heard of one needed for defense.
that's because you are a moron Most CIVILIAN police agencies have those weapons
Well they should probably be suing the government for making it legal for him to have he weapon. Guns with hi cap mags are only used to kill lots of innocent people. I've never heard of one needed for defense.
Things are legal unless there's a good reason to make them illegal and he couldn't buy the gun legally, his idiot mom had a nutty kid that had access to her gun. I like my 30rd Pmags just fine, you can't have them, I might need them someday. I'd rather not rely on your assurance.

I know. Nobody has ever needed one and you don't care how many innocent people die. That is not the attitude of a good person.
we need them if assholes like you get into power
Things are legal unless there's a good reason to make them illegal and he couldn't buy the gun legally, his idiot mom had a nutty kid that had access to her gun. I like my 30rd Pmags just fine, you can't have them, I might need them someday. I'd rather not rely on your assurance.

I know. Nobody has ever needed one and you don't care how many innocent people die. That is not the attitude of a good person.
Just the other day Wilson needed 12 rounds in one magazine to stop an unarmed teenager named Mike Brown. What if the other guy Mike Brown was with came at him too? Simple math says Wilson would have needed 24 rounds. What if there were three thugs? Should we condemn Wilson to death? Refuse Wilson the right to defend himself from thugs?

That is not a civilian defense. Stats show 2-3 shots for defense. Now mass shooters they love the hi cap mags.
I see so you are saying civilians are more efficient and effective at using their guns for self defense than trained cops.

I'm saying defending yourself and police work are very different. A citizen wouldn't have been messing with him in the first place. Please share examples of civilian defenders needing more than 10 rds for defense.

cops usually choose the time and place when they confront violent criminals. not so with other civilians. we who are not cops actually need more rounds

and what sort of moron doesn't trust his fellow civilians with the same weapons we give cops

are your fellow civilians' lives less valuable than cops?
I know. Nobody has ever needed one and you don't care how many innocent people die. That is not the attitude of a good person.
Just the other day Wilson needed 12 rounds in one magazine to stop an unarmed teenager named Mike Brown. What if the other guy Mike Brown was with came at him too? Simple math says Wilson would have needed 24 rounds. What if there were three thugs? Should we condemn Wilson to death? Refuse Wilson the right to defend himself from thugs?

That is not a civilian defense. Stats show 2-3 shots for defense. Now mass shooters they love the hi cap mags.
I see so you are saying civilians are more efficient and effective at using their guns for self defense than trained cops.

I'm saying defending yourself and police work are very different. A citizen wouldn't have been messing with him in the first place. Please share examples of civilian defenders needing more than 10 rds for defense.

cops usually choose the time and place when they confront violent criminals. not so with other civilians. we who are not cops actually need more rounds

and what sort of moron doesn't trust his fellow civilians with the same weapons we give cops

are your fellow civilians' lives less valuable than cops?

Then share some real examples of civilians needing more rounds. You talk a lot but never back it up with anything.
Cops need to apprehend criminals. That is completely different from defense.:

That distinction is lost when you or your family is being threatened. Besides, the great majority of apprehensions are made without a shot being fired. The police don't have the need for high capacity magazines anymore than the average citizen in a crisis situation. Most police never fire a shot in their career. i know because I am firearms instructor and teach police.

I think it is pretty dangerous and a threat to freedom when the government and the bad guys are the only ones with the means to shoot multiple rounds, Why give up that freedom? It is not like law abiding citizens turning in their high capacity magazines will ever prevent a mass shooting. The bad guys will still continue to do it.

You are not thinking clearly.

It seems you are not thinking clearly. Lets look at the facts. Hi cap magazines are used in lots of mass shootings as well as gang shootings. Nobody has needed a hi cap magazine for defense. The Giffords shooter was stopped at reload. Children escaped while the Newtown shooter reloaded. See we could save lives without any negative effect. I see no reason not to.

then take them away from cops

only a simpleton thinks a magazine ban will stop people who cannot own any firearm will obey hem. Assholes like you want to disarm honest people. People like you aid and abet violent criminals
Just the other day Wilson needed 12 rounds in one magazine to stop an unarmed teenager named Mike Brown. What if the other guy Mike Brown was with came at him too? Simple math says Wilson would have needed 24 rounds. What if there were three thugs? Should we condemn Wilson to death? Refuse Wilson the right to defend himself from thugs?

That is not a civilian defense. Stats show 2-3 shots for defense. Now mass shooters they love the hi cap mags.
I see so you are saying civilians are more efficient and effective at using their guns for self defense than trained cops.

I'm saying defending yourself and police work are very different. A citizen wouldn't have been messing with him in the first place. Please share examples of civilian defenders needing more than 10 rds for defense.

cops usually choose the time and place when they confront violent criminals. not so with other civilians. we who are not cops actually need more rounds

and what sort of moron doesn't trust his fellow civilians with the same weapons we give cops

are your fellow civilians' lives less valuable than cops?

Then share some real examples of civilians needing more rounds. You talk a lot but never back it up with anything.

if there is even the smallest chance of a citizen needing them that is enough for me. LA rioters is a good example
I feel sorry for the gun manufacturers

We need more threads to protect them


The Symbol of Freedom

Far more reliable that the scumbag bureaucrats who sit on the so-called supreme court

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