The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..

I'm saying defending yourself and police work are very different. A citizen wouldn't have been messing with him in the first place. Please share examples of civilian defenders needing more than 10 rds for defense.

cops usually choose the time and place when they confront violent criminals. not so with other civilians. we who are not cops actually need more rounds

and what sort of moron doesn't trust his fellow civilians with the same weapons we give cops

are your fellow civilians' lives less valuable than cops?

Then share some real examples of civilians needing more rounds. You talk a lot but never back it up with anything.

5 People Who Used An AR-15 to Defend Themselves and It Probably Saved Their Lives - Mic

In 1992, when the LAPD abandoned Koreatown to "several hundred looters" who "left a swath of Koreatown in ashes," "...a group of Koreans armed with shotguns... pistols and automatic rifles" protected the neighborhood.

"Even with guns, they seemed at times overwhelmed by the crowds of looters. For hours [they] fought a back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters."

Since the '60s, multiple deadly riots happen in the US over an average human lifespan. One could happen where you live. And there's no guarantee that the police will protect you.

How many corpses did all this shooting create?

You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.
cops usually choose the time and place when they confront violent criminals. not so with other civilians. we who are not cops actually need more rounds

and what sort of moron doesn't trust his fellow civilians with the same weapons we give cops

are your fellow civilians' lives less valuable than cops?

Then share some real examples of civilians needing more rounds. You talk a lot but never back it up with anything.

5 People Who Used An AR-15 to Defend Themselves and It Probably Saved Their Lives - Mic

In 1992, when the LAPD abandoned Koreatown to "several hundred looters" who "left a swath of Koreatown in ashes," "...a group of Koreans armed with shotguns... pistols and automatic rifles" protected the neighborhood.

"Even with guns, they seemed at times overwhelmed by the crowds of looters. For hours [they] fought a back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters."

Since the '60s, multiple deadly riots happen in the US over an average human lifespan. One could happen where you live. And there's no guarantee that the police will protect you.

How many corpses did all this shooting create?

You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.

find a case where police NEED more than 10 rounds

NEED is not an issue with rights pillow biter
You sound really classy. What is a pillow biter?

use your imagination frantic fairy. only a moron thinks gun bans will disarm criminals

so you are either a moron or dishonest.

which one is it

I haven't suggested we should ban guns.
of course not-you are too cowardly. You just want to incrementally destroy our rights like a creeping crud of fungus

I think we already determined you are the cowardly one. I'll go outside without a gun.

You are too scared to explain your own insults. Pathetic.
pillow biter is obvious-its a bottom boy. most gun banning males are eunuchs or fairies

Ah so you are some kind of homophobe too? Is there anything you aren't scared of?
cops usually choose the time and place when they confront violent criminals. not so with other civilians. we who are not cops actually need more rounds

and what sort of moron doesn't trust his fellow civilians with the same weapons we give cops

are your fellow civilians' lives less valuable than cops?

Then share some real examples of civilians needing more rounds. You talk a lot but never back it up with anything.

5 People Who Used An AR-15 to Defend Themselves and It Probably Saved Their Lives - Mic

In 1992, when the LAPD abandoned Koreatown to "several hundred looters" who "left a swath of Koreatown in ashes," "...a group of Koreans armed with shotguns... pistols and automatic rifles" protected the neighborhood.

"Even with guns, they seemed at times overwhelmed by the crowds of looters. For hours [they] fought a back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters."

Since the '60s, multiple deadly riots happen in the US over an average human lifespan. One could happen where you live. And there's no guarantee that the police will protect you.

How many corpses did all this shooting create?

You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.

How many rounds do you think they used during a "back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters"? Brain? :lol: That's ironic.
Then share some real examples of civilians needing more rounds. You talk a lot but never back it up with anything.

5 People Who Used An AR-15 to Defend Themselves and It Probably Saved Their Lives - Mic

In 1992, when the LAPD abandoned Koreatown to "several hundred looters" who "left a swath of Koreatown in ashes," "...a group of Koreans armed with shotguns... pistols and automatic rifles" protected the neighborhood.

"Even with guns, they seemed at times overwhelmed by the crowds of looters. For hours [they] fought a back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters."

Since the '60s, multiple deadly riots happen in the US over an average human lifespan. One could happen where you live. And there's no guarantee that the police will protect you.

How many corpses did all this shooting create?

You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.

How many rounds do you think they used during a "back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters"? Brain? :lol: That's ironic.

Well then how many people died? Without a large head count it's hard to believe they really needed hi cap magazines.
use your imagination frantic fairy. only a moron thinks gun bans will disarm criminals

so you are either a moron or dishonest.

which one is it

I haven't suggested we should ban guns.
of course not-you are too cowardly. You just want to incrementally destroy our rights like a creeping crud of fungus

I think we already determined you are the cowardly one. I'll go outside without a gun.

You are too scared to explain your own insults. Pathetic.
pillow biter is obvious-its a bottom boy. most gun banning males are eunuchs or fairies

Ah so you are some kind of homophobe too? Is there anything you aren't scared of?

I think this alone supports our right to carry and to use guns. You chicken shit bastards aren't going to take away MY right to defend myself, no matter how many rounds I think I might need.

Fact: Of the 2,500,000 annual self-defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% (192,500) are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse.

Fact: When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of rape attacks were completed, compared to 32% when the woman was unarmed. 18

Reported Rape Rates 1995–2003 (per 100,000 pop.)
1995 - 2003 %Change
Australia 72.5 91.7 +26.5
United Kingdom 43.3 69.2 +59.8
United States 37.1 32.1 -13.5

Fact: The probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no resistance than for women resisting with guns. Men also benefit from using guns, but the benefits are smaller: Men are 1.4 times more likely to receive a serious injury. 19

Fact: 28.5% of women have one or more guns in the house. 20

Fact: 41.7% of women either own or have convenient access to guns. 21

Fact: In 1966, the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms training classes to women. Rapes dropped by nearly 90% the following year.

Fact: Firearm availability appears to be particularly useful in avoiding rape. The United Kingdom virtually banned handgun ownership. During the same period handgun ownership in the United States steadily rose. Yet the rate of rape decreased in the United States and skyrocketed in the other countries, as shown in the table.

Fact: More Americans believe having a gun in the home makes them safer. This belief grows every year the survey is taken. 22

Fact: Arthur Kellerman, a researcher whose work is often cited by gun control groups, said “If you’ve got to resist, your chances of being hurt are less the more lethal your weapon. If that were my wife, would I want her to have a .38 Special in her hand? Yeah.” 23
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Then share some real examples of civilians needing more rounds. You talk a lot but never back it up with anything.

5 People Who Used An AR-15 to Defend Themselves and It Probably Saved Their Lives - Mic

In 1992, when the LAPD abandoned Koreatown to "several hundred looters" who "left a swath of Koreatown in ashes," "...a group of Koreans armed with shotguns... pistols and automatic rifles" protected the neighborhood.

"Even with guns, they seemed at times overwhelmed by the crowds of looters. For hours [they] fought a back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters."

Since the '60s, multiple deadly riots happen in the US over an average human lifespan. One could happen where you live. And there's no guarantee that the police will protect you.

How many corpses did all this shooting create?

You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.

How many rounds do you think they used during a "back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters"? Brain? :lol: That's ironic.

brain cannot tell us that every criminal confrontation will need less than ten rounds. no one has ever lost a gun fight by having too many rounds
5 People Who Used An AR-15 to Defend Themselves and It Probably Saved Their Lives - Mic

In 1992, when the LAPD abandoned Koreatown to "several hundred looters" who "left a swath of Koreatown in ashes," "...a group of Koreans armed with shotguns... pistols and automatic rifles" protected the neighborhood.

"Even with guns, they seemed at times overwhelmed by the crowds of looters. For hours [they] fought a back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters."

Since the '60s, multiple deadly riots happen in the US over an average human lifespan. One could happen where you live. And there's no guarantee that the police will protect you.

How many corpses did all this shooting create?

You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.

How many rounds do you think they used during a "back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters"? Brain? :lol: That's ironic.

brain cannot tell us that every criminal confrontation will need less than ten rounds. no one has ever lost a gun fight by having too many rounds

That is absolutely right, TD! :D That would make an awesome quote too.
I haven't suggested we should ban guns.
of course not-you are too cowardly. You just want to incrementally destroy our rights like a creeping crud of fungus

I think we already determined you are the cowardly one. I'll go outside without a gun.

You are too scared to explain your own insults. Pathetic.
pillow biter is obvious-its a bottom boy. most gun banning males are eunuchs or fairies

Ah so you are some kind of homophobe too? Is there anything you aren't scared of?

I think this alone supports our right to carry and to use guns. You chicken shit bastards aren't going to take away MY right to defend myself, no matter how many rounds I think I might need.

Fact: Of the 2,500,000 annual self-defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% (192,500) are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse.

Fact: When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of rape attacks were completed, compared to 32% when the woman was unarmed. 18

Reported Rape Rates 1995–2003 (per 100,000 pop.)
1995 - 2003 %Change
Australia 72.5 91.7 +26.5
United Kingdom 43.3 69.2 +59.8
United States 37.1 32.1 -13.5

Fact: The probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no resistance than for women resisting with guns. Men also benefit from using guns, but the benefits are smaller: Men are 1.4 times more likely to receive a serious injury. 19

Fact: 28.5% of women have one or more guns in the house. 20

Fact: 41.7% of women either own or have convenient access to guns. 21

Fact: In 1966, the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms training classes to women. Rapes dropped by nearly 90% the following year.

Fact: Firearm availability appears to be particularly useful in avoiding rape. The United Kingdom virtually banned handgun ownership. During the same period handgun ownership in the United States steadily rose. Yet the rate of rape decreased in the United States and skyrocketed in the other countries, as shown in the table.

Fact: More Americans believe having a gun in the home makes them safer. This belief grows every year the survey is taken. 22

Fact: Arthur Kellerman, a researcher whose work is often cited by gun control groups, said “If you’ve got to resist, your chances of being hurt are less the more lethal your weapon. If that were my wife, would I want her to have a .38 Special in her hand? Yeah.” 23

2.5 million a year? There are only about 230 justifiable homicides each year in defense with a gun. You are an idiot if you believe there are 2.5 million defenses. More people shoot themselves each year than shoot criminals.
5 People Who Used An AR-15 to Defend Themselves and It Probably Saved Their Lives - Mic

In 1992, when the LAPD abandoned Koreatown to "several hundred looters" who "left a swath of Koreatown in ashes," "...a group of Koreans armed with shotguns... pistols and automatic rifles" protected the neighborhood.

"Even with guns, they seemed at times overwhelmed by the crowds of looters. For hours [they] fought a back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters."

Since the '60s, multiple deadly riots happen in the US over an average human lifespan. One could happen where you live. And there's no guarantee that the police will protect you.

How many corpses did all this shooting create?

You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.

How many rounds do you think they used during a "back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters"? Brain? :lol: That's ironic.

brain cannot tell us that every criminal confrontation will need less than ten rounds. no one has ever lost a gun fight by having too many rounds

But I can give you a long list of murderers who used hi cap magazines.
When children are murdered by guns anywhere in the world, people try to figure out how to keep them safe. Except for Republicans and extremists. They try to figure out ways to protect the rights of the murderer.
of course not-you are too cowardly. You just want to incrementally destroy our rights like a creeping crud of fungus

I think we already determined you are the cowardly one. I'll go outside without a gun.

You are too scared to explain your own insults. Pathetic.
pillow biter is obvious-its a bottom boy. most gun banning males are eunuchs or fairies

Ah so you are some kind of homophobe too? Is there anything you aren't scared of?

I think this alone supports our right to carry and to use guns. You chicken shit bastards aren't going to take away MY right to defend myself, no matter how many rounds I think I might need.

Fact: Of the 2,500,000 annual self-defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% (192,500) are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse.

Fact: When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of rape attacks were completed, compared to 32% when the woman was unarmed. 18

Reported Rape Rates 1995–2003 (per 100,000 pop.)
1995 - 2003 %Change
Australia 72.5 91.7 +26.5
United Kingdom 43.3 69.2 +59.8
United States 37.1 32.1 -13.5

Fact: The probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no resistance than for women resisting with guns. Men also benefit from using guns, but the benefits are smaller: Men are 1.4 times more likely to receive a serious injury. 19

Fact: 28.5% of women have one or more guns in the house. 20

Fact: 41.7% of women either own or have convenient access to guns. 21

Fact: In 1966, the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms training classes to women. Rapes dropped by nearly 90% the following year.

Fact: Firearm availability appears to be particularly useful in avoiding rape. The United Kingdom virtually banned handgun ownership. During the same period handgun ownership in the United States steadily rose. Yet the rate of rape decreased in the United States and skyrocketed in the other countries, as shown in the table.

Fact: More Americans believe having a gun in the home makes them safer. This belief grows every year the survey is taken. 22

Fact: Arthur Kellerman, a researcher whose work is often cited by gun control groups, said “If you’ve got to resist, your chances of being hurt are less the more lethal your weapon. If that were my wife, would I want her to have a .38 Special in her hand? Yeah.” 23

2.5 million a year? There are only about 230 justifiable homicides each year in defense with a gun. You are an idiot if you believe there are 2.5 million defenses. More people shoot themselves each year than shoot criminals.
True. 70% of all gun related deaths are suicide. I've posted the links before. And oddly strange. Most of the suicides are white guys in Red States.
of course not-you are too cowardly. You just want to incrementally destroy our rights like a creeping crud of fungus

I think we already determined you are the cowardly one. I'll go outside without a gun.

You are too scared to explain your own insults. Pathetic.
pillow biter is obvious-its a bottom boy. most gun banning males are eunuchs or fairies

Ah so you are some kind of homophobe too? Is there anything you aren't scared of?

I think this alone supports our right to carry and to use guns. You chicken shit bastards aren't going to take away MY right to defend myself, no matter how many rounds I think I might need.

Fact: Of the 2,500,000 annual self-defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% (192,500) are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse.

Fact: When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of rape attacks were completed, compared to 32% when the woman was unarmed. 18

Reported Rape Rates 1995–2003 (per 100,000 pop.)
1995 - 2003 %Change
Australia 72.5 91.7 +26.5
United Kingdom 43.3 69.2 +59.8
United States 37.1 32.1 -13.5

Fact: The probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no resistance than for women resisting with guns. Men also benefit from using guns, but the benefits are smaller: Men are 1.4 times more likely to receive a serious injury. 19

Fact: 28.5% of women have one or more guns in the house. 20

Fact: 41.7% of women either own or have convenient access to guns. 21

Fact: In 1966, the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms training classes to women. Rapes dropped by nearly 90% the following year.

Fact: Firearm availability appears to be particularly useful in avoiding rape. The United Kingdom virtually banned handgun ownership. During the same period handgun ownership in the United States steadily rose. Yet the rate of rape decreased in the United States and skyrocketed in the other countries, as shown in the table.

Fact: More Americans believe having a gun in the home makes them safer. This belief grows every year the survey is taken. 22

Fact: Arthur Kellerman, a researcher whose work is often cited by gun control groups, said “If you’ve got to resist, your chances of being hurt are less the more lethal your weapon. If that were my wife, would I want her to have a .38 Special in her hand? Yeah.” 23

2.5 million a year? There are only about 230 justifiable homicides each year in defense with a gun. You are an idiot if you believe there are 2.5 million defenses. More people shoot themselves each year than shoot criminals.

Sometimes you can use a gun for self defense and never have to fire a shot. Besides, I believe those are probably world wide statistics BRAIN. :blahblah:
How many corpses did all this shooting create?

You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.

How many rounds do you think they used during a "back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters"? Brain? :lol: That's ironic.

brain cannot tell us that every criminal confrontation will need less than ten rounds. no one has ever lost a gun fight by having too many rounds

But I can give you a long list of murderers who used hi cap magazines.
and murder is illegal moron. so who is going to follow magazine bans? People who don't commit murder

at least 80% of all murderers cannot legally own any gun.

all you want to do is harass honest gun owners so

1) you can pretend you did something or

2) because harassing gun owners is your real goal
How many corpses did all this shooting create?

You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.

How many rounds do you think they used during a "back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters"? Brain? :lol: That's ironic.

brain cannot tell us that every criminal confrontation will need less than ten rounds. no one has ever lost a gun fight by having too many rounds

But I can give you a long list of murderers who used hi cap magazines.

what is a high cap magazine pillow biter?
When children are murdered by guns anywhere in the world, people try to figure out how to keep them safe. Except for Republicans and extremists. They try to figure out ways to protect the rights of the murderer.

That's exactly what you on the left are doing when you want to restrict or take away an honest citizen's right to defend herself or himself. You are leaving people at the mercy of the criminals. :D

I think we already determined you are the cowardly one. I'll go outside without a gun.

You are too scared to explain your own insults. Pathetic.
pillow biter is obvious-its a bottom boy. most gun banning males are eunuchs or fairies

Ah so you are some kind of homophobe too? Is there anything you aren't scared of?

I think this alone supports our right to carry and to use guns. You chicken shit bastards aren't going to take away MY right to defend myself, no matter how many rounds I think I might need.

Fact: Of the 2,500,000 annual self-defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% (192,500) are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse.

Fact: When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of rape attacks were completed, compared to 32% when the woman was unarmed. 18

Reported Rape Rates 1995–2003 (per 100,000 pop.)
1995 - 2003 %Change
Australia 72.5 91.7 +26.5
United Kingdom 43.3 69.2 +59.8
United States 37.1 32.1 -13.5

Fact: The probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no resistance than for women resisting with guns. Men also benefit from using guns, but the benefits are smaller: Men are 1.4 times more likely to receive a serious injury. 19

Fact: 28.5% of women have one or more guns in the house. 20

Fact: 41.7% of women either own or have convenient access to guns. 21

Fact: In 1966, the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms training classes to women. Rapes dropped by nearly 90% the following year.

Fact: Firearm availability appears to be particularly useful in avoiding rape. The United Kingdom virtually banned handgun ownership. During the same period handgun ownership in the United States steadily rose. Yet the rate of rape decreased in the United States and skyrocketed in the other countries, as shown in the table.

Fact: More Americans believe having a gun in the home makes them safer. This belief grows every year the survey is taken. 22

Fact: Arthur Kellerman, a researcher whose work is often cited by gun control groups, said “If you’ve got to resist, your chances of being hurt are less the more lethal your weapon. If that were my wife, would I want her to have a .38 Special in her hand? Yeah.” 23

2.5 million a year? There are only about 230 justifiable homicides each year in defense with a gun. You are an idiot if you believe there are 2.5 million defenses. More people shoot themselves each year than shoot criminals.

Sometimes you can use a gun for self defense and never have to fire a shot. Besides, I believe those are probably world wide statistics BRAIN. :blahblah:

You believe which stat is worldwide? Do you not understand that statistics you posted? Shocking. So I guess you are an idiot? You really believe there are 2.5million defenses and only 230 criminals get killed each year? That is funny.
You asked for some examples. There they are. I don't see what corpses has to do with your original question. The point is that people do sometimes use multiple rounds to fight off attackers.

I didn't see a single example where anyone needed more than 10 rds.

How many rounds do you think they used during a "back-and-forth battle with several hundred looters"? Brain? :lol: That's ironic.

brain cannot tell us that every criminal confrontation will need less than ten rounds. no one has ever lost a gun fight by having too many rounds

But I can give you a long list of murderers who used hi cap magazines.
and murder is illegal moron. so who is going to follow magazine bans? People who don't commit murder

at least 80% of all murderers cannot legally own any gun.

all you want to do is harass honest gun owners so

1) you can pretend you did something or

2) because harassing gun owners is your real goal

Post a link to back up that 80%.

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