The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..


Well, you fit that definition I gave of a scum bag asshole. You are saying that if a person doesn't agree with your opinion and views, they deserve to be attacked over your perception of what their intentions might be, even if they are the grieving parents of murdered children. You think so highly of your own opinions that that gives you some kind of automatic right to act like an asshole, but not be judged as an asshole. Embrace your assholery dude. It is who and what you are. Learn to be proud of it since you insist on surrounding yourself with it.

Nobody disagrees with the fact that the murder of the precious children was a tragedy. That is not up for debate.

The facts of the case is that a deranged person stole a firearm he was not authorized to own and used it in an illegal manner. In fact he murdered somebody to get the firearm.

There is not a rational reason to sue the manufacturer of the legal firearm, that was purchased, by the way, in a state that has some very stringent laws and requirements on semi automatic firearms.

The firearm manufacturer had absolutely nothing to do with the actions of the deranged killer, Nada.

That leads to the motive of the sick fvckheads that are bringing the lawsuit. It is either because of greed or because they want to punish somebody because their kid got killed. Both reasons are absolutely despicable in this case. I think if their reason is to punish somebody then they are acting irrationally because the real person responsible is dead.

I suspect their real motive is an anti right to keep and bear arms motive that has nothing to do with the facts of the case and because of that sicko reason I have no respect for them.

If they want to sue somebody they need to sue the school board for doing a dumbass thing in making the school a "gun free zone" that allowed the killer to do his despicable act without having to worry about being stopped. If that brave principal would have been armed (or somebody else) she may have been able to stop the sonofabitch before he killed the kids.

Gun free zones establish penal code penalties for those who violate them. Thus if someone has a gun and attends a PTA or School Board Meeting with a gun, he or she is a criminal and faces criminal sanctions, even though they may not have threatened someone or discharged the gun.

I don't blame the parents, America is a most litigious society. Would you rather the parents allay their grief by bombing the NRA offices or firebombing the local retail outfit which sells guns?

(Keep in mind this old adage, " you can sue a bologna sandwich")

Maybe their suit has merit. Consider the Smart Gun, if the technology is capable of producing Smart Guns, and a maker of guns chooses not to make them do to profit considerations, such a decision can be argued to prove the maker had a duty to make the gun they produced as safe as possible and they breached that duty when they decided not to make the gun "Smart" because it was not to their cost benefit.

Of course there are other elements to prove negligence, including cause (there are several types) and harm or damages (a given in the Sandy Hook murders).

PS And let's not forget Jury Nullification, something Right Wingers applaud, but only in matters which are importent to them.
I feel sorry for the gun manufacturers

We need more threads to protect them
You should feel sorry for the children, who's parents agreed to make that school a gun free zone. There's a special hell reserved for idiots who mandate that a school be defenseless against attack, them blame others for their idiocy.
well this was a stupid post made by you.
nobody is going to hell because they want schools to be safe zones. But hey im sure your opinion will win many people over
Wrong. They didn't want the schools to be "safe zones." They wanted law abiding people to be banned from bringing guns to schools for defensive purposes. If you can't tell the difference, here's your sign.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
You should feel sorry for the children, who's parents agreed to make that school a gun free zone. There's a special hell reserved for idiots who mandate that a school be defenseless against attack, them blame others for their idiocy.
well this was a stupid post made by you.
nobody is going to hell because they want schools to be safe zones. But hey im sure your opinion will win many people over
Wrong. They didn't want the schools to be "safe zones." They wanted law abiding people to be banned from bringing guns to schools for defensive purposes. If you can't tell the difference, here's your sign.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
Would you rather the parents allay their grief by bombing the NRA offices or firebombing the local retail outfit which sells guns?

Always with the killing with you lefties.....

No, they should start a parental grief group to help parents who have lost their know....rather than fire bombing a group of innocent, law abiding people.....
Gun free zones establish penal code penalties for those who violate them. Thus if someone has a gun and attends a PTA or School Board Meeting with a gun, he or she is a criminal and faces criminal sanctions, even though they may not have threatened someone or discharged the gun.

No, gun free zones prevent law abiding citizens from carrying the most effective tool created for personal defense....gun free zones also violate the civil right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms...especially in a public school, which is not a private business but it is a public building....hence is a place that should be inviolate toward 2nd amendment rights.....gun free zones also attract killers who know that law abiding, innocent citizens will be defenseless....
One more step in the march towards a complete gun grab. The Communists will exhaust all means to ban guns. In this case, they're using grieving parents and dead children to advance their agenda. It's always 'For the children.'

Hopefully this latest attack will fail. But that's why i always tell Pro-Constitution Americans to stay vigilant. Our Constitution is under all-out assault from the Communists. If you wanna keep your rights, you'll have to fight for em.

If you really believe what you post, there are psychiatrists who will listen to you and give you medicine so you will be less fearful, and maybe you'll be able to sleep at night without looking under your bed while holding onto the gun you hide under your pillow.

Communism is no longer a threat, it is the "God that Failed". Our nation does have two threats of concern, well, three if we count your kind: the first are the religious fundamentalists; the second are the Plutocrats; and finally it is those citizens who cling to an archaic Second Amendment Right and support the first two.

Spoken like a true Un-American Communist asshole. Thanks for that.

An angry and thoughtless response ^^^. Emotional responses such as this ^^^ are one reason I believe we need to vet and license anyone who wants to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a gun.

We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?
Gun free zones establish penal code penalties for those who violate them. Thus if someone has a gun and attends a PTA or School Board Meeting with a gun, he or she is a criminal and faces criminal sanctions, even though they may not have threatened someone or discharged the gun.

No, gun free zones prevent law abiding citizens from carrying the most effective tool created for personal defense....gun free zones also violate the civil right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms...especially in a public school, which is not a private business but it is a public building....hence is a place that should be inviolate toward 2nd amendment rights.....gun free zones also attract killers who know that law abiding, innocent citizens will be defenseless....

You are sure full of it, opinions that is. Gun free and drug free zones establish criminal penalties. If you doubt that strap on your pop gun and head to the nearest public school and fire up a joint.

Better yet, try to enter a federal building with your gun, a city hall or the halls of Congress. Be sure and show your gun and state very clearly you're exercising your fundamental Second Amendment Rights.

When I took driver training in the 10th grade, the instructor gave us all a simple lecture, a talking point which has always stuck with me. He said you may have the right away, but you can also be dead right.
One more step in the march towards a complete gun grab. The Communists will exhaust all means to ban guns. In this case, they're using grieving parents and dead children to advance their agenda. It's always 'For the children.'

Hopefully this latest attack will fail. But that's why i always tell Pro-Constitution Americans to stay vigilant. Our Constitution is under all-out assault from the Communists. If you wanna keep your rights, you'll have to fight for em.

If you really believe what you post, there are psychiatrists who will listen to you and give you medicine so you will be less fearful, and maybe you'll be able to sleep at night without looking under your bed while holding onto the gun you hide under your pillow.

Communism is no longer a threat, it is the "God that Failed". Our nation does have two threats of concern, well, three if we count your kind: the first are the religious fundamentalists; the second are the Plutocrats; and finally it is those citizens who cling to an archaic Second Amendment Right and support the first two.

Spoken like a true Un-American Communist asshole. Thanks for that.

An angry and thoughtless response ^^^. Emotional responses such as this ^^^ are one reason I believe we need to vet and license anyone who wants to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a gun.

We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

Fair question: Any misdemeanor conviction for battery, domestic violence, DUI or drug possession for sales or transportation. Any civil detention for being a danger to ones self or others, any civil protective order or restraining order.
well this was a stupid post made by you.
nobody is going to hell because they want schools to be safe zones. But hey im sure your opinion will win many people over
Wrong. They didn't want the schools to be "safe zones." They wanted law abiding people to be banned from bringing guns to schools for defensive purposes. If you can't tell the difference, here's your sign.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..
No, gun free zones prevent law abiding citizens from carrying the most effective tool created for personal defense....gun free zones also violate the civil right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms...especially in a public school, which is not a private business but it is a public building....hence is a place that should be inviolate toward 2nd amendment rights.....gun free zones also attract killers who know that law abiding, innocent citizens will be defenseless....


Gun free zones are an "attractive nuisance" for the bad guys and that is why the filthy government has culpably in this tragedy.

If the voters wouldn't elect idiots for office that do dumbass things like establish gun free zones then the children would be safer as we saw in this tragedy. The bad guy ignored the stupid rule and the people that could have stopped him were disarmed by the government. No wonder bad things happened. Stupidity in government always produces unintended consequences.
We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

These stupid Libtards would gladly give up their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they feel the American people possessing firearms is a direct threat to the power of government, which they love so much.
Wrong. They didn't want the schools to be "safe zones." They wanted law abiding people to be banned from bringing guns to schools for defensive purposes. If you can't tell the difference, here's your sign.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..
If you are not gonna attack kids, why are you banning yourself from bringing a gun to a school so you can defend kids from people who intend to kill the kids?
We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

These stupid Libtards would gladly give up their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they feel the American people possessing firearms is a direct threat to the power of government, which they love so much.

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces, and not a citizen of the United States.
We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

These stupid Libtards would gladly give up their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they feel the American people possessing firearms is a direct threat to the power of government, which they love so much.

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces and not a citizen of the United States.
You are projecting again.
We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

These stupid Libtards would gladly give up their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they feel the American people possessing firearms is a direct threat to the power of government, which they love so much.

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces and not a citizen of the United States.
You are projecting again.

You're as usual, ridiculous.
We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

These stupid Libtards would gladly give up their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they feel the American people possessing firearms is a direct threat to the power of government, which they love so much.

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces and not a citizen of the United States.
You are projecting again.

Your IQ is showing, and it might be 80 points higher than zero, but no higher.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..
If you are not gonna attack kids, why are you banning yourself from bringing a gun to a school so you can defend kids from people who intend to kill the kids?

Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. Here is one ^^^
We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

These stupid Libtards would gladly give up their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they feel the American people possessing firearms is a direct threat to the power of government, which they love so much.

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces, and not a citizen of the United States.

Just because you don't like a person's attitude, does NOT mean you have any rights to revoke their rights. Do you understand the concept of rights of the people of a free nation at ALL?
We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

These stupid Libtards would gladly give up their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they feel the American people possessing firearms is a direct threat to the power of government, which they love so much.

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces, and not a citizen of the United States.

Just because you don't like a person's attitude, does NOT mean you have any rights to revoke their rights. Do you understand the concept of rights of the people of a free nation at ALL?

Apparently I don't, please explain to me the right people filled with hate have to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun. I'd really like to know what you think and why.
We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

These stupid Libtards would gladly give up their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they feel the American people possessing firearms is a direct threat to the power of government, which they love so much.

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces, and not a citizen of the United States.

Just because you don't like a person's attitude, does NOT mean you have any rights to revoke their rights. Do you understand the concept of rights of the people of a free nation at ALL?

Apparently I don't, please explain to me the right people filled with hate have to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun. I'd really like to know what you think and why.

Unless a person has been convicted of a CRIME, he or she can own a gun, regardless of whether or not you think they are "hate filled." YOUR opinions are completely irrelevant when it comes to the law and our rights as citizens.

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