The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..

We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

These stupid Libtards would gladly give up their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they feel the American people possessing firearms is a direct threat to the power of government, which they love so much.

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces, and not a citizen of the United States.

Just because you don't like a person's attitude, does NOT mean you have any rights to revoke their rights. Do you understand the concept of rights of the people of a free nation at ALL?

Apparently I don't, please explain to me the right people filled with hate have to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun. I'd really like to know what you think and why.

"I don't like him, he can't have a gun! Waa!" Seriously dude?
One more step in the march towards a complete gun grab. The Communists will exhaust all means to ban guns. In this case, they're using grieving parents and dead children to advance their agenda. It's always 'For the children.'

Hopefully this latest attack will fail. But that's why i always tell Pro-Constitution Americans to stay vigilant. Our Constitution is under all-out assault from the Communists. If you wanna keep your rights, you'll have to fight for em.

If you really believe what you post, there are psychiatrists who will listen to you and give you medicine so you will be less fearful, and maybe you'll be able to sleep at night without looking under your bed while holding onto the gun you hide under your pillow.

Communism is no longer a threat, it is the "God that Failed". Our nation does have two threats of concern, well, three if we count your kind: the first are the religious fundamentalists; the second are the Plutocrats; and finally it is those citizens who cling to an archaic Second Amendment Right and support the first two.

Spoken like a true Un-American Communist asshole. Thanks for that.

An angry and thoughtless response ^^^. Emotional responses such as this ^^^ are one reason I believe we need to vet and license anyone who wants to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a gun.

We already have background checks. If a person has any felonies, they are not allowed to own a gun. How much more of our privacy would you like the government to invade in order to practice our constitutional right?

Do you think it's right to assume that everyone is guilty before they've committed a crime and that you have a right to violate a person's privacy?

Fair question: Any misdemeanor conviction for battery, domestic violence, DUI or drug possession for sales or transportation. Any civil detention for being a danger to ones self or others, any civil protective order or restraining order.

So, IOW, you advocate revoking rights from people for relatively minor crimes? Do you realize that the Bill of Rights was put into place to protect we the people from government tyranny?

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces, and not a citizen of the United States.

I have never committed a crime with a gun in my life and I have no intentions of doing so in the future. The only time I have ever used a gun for other than recreational purpose was when I was employed by your precious government.

I know that you Libtards want to do away with the rights of the people that disagree with you but unfortunately for you there is a Bill of Rights in this country to protect us. That really sucks for you, doesn't it?
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..
If you are not gonna attack kids, why are you banning yourself from bringing a gun to a school so you can defend kids from people who intend to kill the kids?
just how thick is that helmet you wear outside? i dont think its strong enough
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..
If you are not gonna attack kids, why are you banning yourself from bringing a gun to a school so you can defend kids from people who intend to kill the kids?
just how thick is that helmet you wear outside? i dont think its strong enough
That some sort of helmet joke? You might want to rework it. Strength of a helmet? WTF does that even mean?

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces, and not a citizen of the United States.

I have never committed a crime with a gun in my life and I have no intentions of doing so in the future. The only time I have ever used a gun for other than recreational purpose was when I was employed by your precious government.

I know that you Libtards want to do away with the rights of the people that disagree with you but unfortunately for you there is a Bill of Rights in this country to protect us. That really sucks for you, doesn't it?

Listen Moron, I don't give a shit about the gun or guns you own. I simply believe you ought to be licensed to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun. That you and the clowns to the left of you and the fools to the right of you believe otherwise is fine, being reality challenged is not a felony.

Just don't take your gun outside, don't carry it in your car and don't pretend you will one day be a hero, cause you have a gun hidden in your jeans. You're more likely to be a victim or arrested and put in a cage.

Listen Moron, I don't give a shit about the gun or guns you own. I simply believe you ought to be licensed to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun. That you and the clowns to the left of you and the fools to the right of you believe otherwise is fine, being reality challenged is not a felony.

Just don't take your gun outside, don't carry it in your car and don't pretend you will one day be a hero, cause you have a gun hidden in your jeans. You're more likely to be a victim or arrested and put in a cage.

Why should a right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights be licensed?

Isn't a license government permission?

What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

The Bill of Right is the only license we need.

You stupid Libtards sitting around in your flannel pajamas are just scared shitless that the big bad gun owners are going to challenge your precious government, aren't you?
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..
If you are not gonna attack kids, why are you banning yourself from bringing a gun to a school so you can defend kids from people who intend to kill the kids?
just how thick is that helmet you wear outside? i dont think its strong enough
That some sort of helmet joke? You might want to rework it. Strength of a helmet? WTF does that even mean?
that in order to go outside you need to wear a helmet....
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..
If you are not gonna attack kids, why are you banning yourself from bringing a gun to a school so you can defend kids from people who intend to kill the kids?
just how thick is that helmet you wear outside? i dont think its strong enough
That some sort of helmet joke? You might want to rework it. Strength of a helmet? WTF does that even mean?
that in order to go outside you need to wear a helmet....
strong means enables outside travel? Are you an adult?

Listen Moron, I don't give a shit about the gun or guns you own. I simply believe you ought to be licensed to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun. That you and the clowns to the left of you and the fools to the right of you believe otherwise is fine, being reality challenged is not a felony.

Just don't take your gun outside, don't carry it in your car and don't pretend you will one day be a hero, cause you have a gun hidden in your jeans. You're more likely to be a victim or arrested and put in a cage.

Why should a right guaranteed in the Bill of Rights be licensed?

Isn't a license government permission?


Points To Ponder


Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces, and not a citizen of the United States.

I have never committed a crime with a gun in my life and I have no intentions of doing so in the future. The only time I have ever used a gun for other than recreational purpose was when I was employed by your precious government.

I know that you Libtards want to do away with the rights of the people that disagree with you but unfortunately for you there is a Bill of Rights in this country to protect us. That really sucks for you, doesn't it?

Listen Moron, I don't give a shit about the gun or guns you own. I simply believe you ought to be licensed to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun. That you and the clowns to the left of you and the fools to the right of you believe otherwise is fine, being reality challenged is not a felony.

Just don't take your gun outside, don't carry it in your car and don't pretend you will one day be a hero, cause you have a gun hidden in your jeans. You're more likely to be a victim or arrested and put in a cage.

You know what? You are awfully bossy. Unfortunately for you, those things are NOT illegal in some states. Put that in your pot pipe and smoke it! :D

Most "Libtards", liberals, progressives and RINO's will gladly give up your right to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun, simply because you're stupid, emotional and hate anyone who doesn't agree with the insanity you hold to be true. People like you should never possess a gun, a knife or even have a driver's license. In fact, people like you are best served by being a drone in the N. Korean Armed Forces, and not a citizen of the United States.

I have never committed a crime with a gun in my life and I have no intentions of doing so in the future. The only time I have ever used a gun for other than recreational purpose was when I was employed by your precious government.

I know that you Libtards want to do away with the rights of the people that disagree with you but unfortunately for you there is a Bill of Rights in this country to protect us. That really sucks for you, doesn't it?

Listen Moron, I don't give a shit about the gun or guns you own. I simply believe you ought to be licensed to own, possess or have in your custody or control a gun. That you and the clowns to the left of you and the fools to the right of you believe otherwise is fine, being reality challenged is not a felony.

Just don't take your gun outside, don't carry it in your car and don't pretend you will one day be a hero, cause you have a gun hidden in your jeans. You're more likely to be a victim or arrested and put in a cage.
You think that licences are needed to exercise constitutional rights? Let me ask you, during the entire Voter ID debate, weren't you one of the ones hollering that requiring ID to vote is racist and unfair? Which brings us to the last question, do you think licences should only be required for those constitutional rights you don't like?
Wrong. They didn't want the schools to be "safe zones." They wanted law abiding people to be banned from bringing guns to schools for defensive purposes. If you can't tell the difference, here's your sign.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..

It's not much of a stretch. They're only safe from you people once they're born. But even then, your policies get them killed. That's what this thread is about.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
claiming you are something on the internet is quite worthless. so nobody cares what your IQ level is..
I hope you notify the cops when you do.
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..

It's not much of a stretch. They're only safe from you people once they're born. But even then, your policies get them killed. That's what this thread is about.

They're only safe from you people once they're born

are they

that is only the first hurtle

they have a liberal minefield to make through

after that
Claiming someone is literally retarded on the internet is quite worthless. So nobody cares what your opinion is.

Never fear, I always notify the cops when I shoot someone like you who is attacking children.
why would i attack kids? thats just stupid..
If you are not gonna attack kids, why are you banning yourself from bringing a gun to a school so you can defend kids from people who intend to kill the kids?
just how thick is that helmet you wear outside? i dont think its strong enough
That some sort of helmet joke? You might want to rework it. Strength of a helmet? WTF does that even mean?
that in order to go outside you need to wear a helmet....

Just as a side note, if you attack children, that bicycle helmet you keep talking about won't protect you from a law abiding gun carrier. Bullets slice right through styrofoam.
I guess you don't know how to search the internet.
Enjoy this one
Less Guns Less Crime- Debunking the Self-Defense Myth Armed With Reason

One biased article vs. 19 different studies conducted over 40 years....two of the studies, one by the Clinton Justice dept. found guns were used 1.5 million times a year to stop vioolent criminal attack and save lives and the 2013 obama study, through the CDC that spent 10 million dollars studying the topic found defensive gun uses between 500,00 and 3 million times a year....two anti gun research sources in addition to 17 others......all dispute you Brain....

And all your researchers dispute each other cause they all have very different numbers. Sorry Bill, but there aren't millions of defenses each year with only 200 criminals killed. More people are accidently shot and killed than that. Are you telling me that gun owners are so irresponsible that they are that much more likely to accidently shoot and kill someone than they are to kill a criminal in defense? That would be pathetic. There are what 600 people accidently killed each year? So we are minus 200 criminals and minus 600 innocent people. That's a great record for gun owners.
I guess you don't know how to search the internet.
Enjoy this one
Less Guns Less Crime- Debunking the Self-Defense Myth Armed With Reason
LOL. You fucking retard. You made a claim about a report. I asked you to post it, you posted a link to an article that didn't have the numbers you cited and I called you on it so that means that I don't know how to search the internet? Oh, look, another link. How lazy and sloppy can a guy get? Post the portion of the article that makes your case. No one is believing you at this point, you're just slinging shit hoping something will eventually stick.

As usual you seem confused. You were questioning the percent of defenses that end in a dead criminal. That was in the linked article. It also proves that 2 million defenses myth wrong.
I didn't need it explained. I thought he would be too scared to and I was right.

I don't think anyone is scared of you. I'm a girl, and I'm not even afraid of you. :biggrin: It's because you obviously have no balls.
he's got a crotch like a ballerina Chris. he's a bug fucker at best

I wonder if he's even a citizen of the United States. I notice a lot of foreigners like to stick their noses into our business and want to restrict our rights. What's up with that?
You mean like a woman's right to choose and a gay's right to get married to who they want to marry? Or voting rights? Or freedom FROM religion?
I believe in all sorts of choice

many liberals do not. they can find a right of abortion in the constitution but pretend there is no right of the people to own what sort of firearm they want free from federal interference even though that is what the 2A says

Turtle ol buddy.., what the liberfucks need is a lesson beat into them about what "...shall NOT be infringed" means, they are so fucking stupid about the second amendment they just want to ignore "The RIGHT of the PEOPLE..." part.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

what is so fucking hard to understand these plainly written words ??
I guess you don't know how to search the internet.
Enjoy this one
Less Guns Less Crime- Debunking the Self-Defense Myth Armed With Reason

One biased article vs. 19 different studies conducted over 40 years....two of the studies, one by the Clinton Justice dept. found guns were used 1.5 million times a year to stop vioolent criminal attack and save lives and the 2013 obama study, through the CDC that spent 10 million dollars studying the topic found defensive gun uses between 500,00 and 3 million times a year....two anti gun research sources in addition to 17 others......all dispute you Brain....

And all your researchers dispute each other cause they all have very different numbers. Sorry Bill, but there aren't millions of defenses each year with only 200 criminals killed. More people are accidently shot and killed than that. Are you telling me that gun owners are so irresponsible that they are that much more likely to accidently shoot and kill someone than they are to kill a criminal in defense? That would be pathetic. There are what 600 people accidently killed each year? So we are minus 200 criminals and minus 600 innocent people. That's a great record for gun owners.

Sure there, according to the VALID studies (which are more accurate than you and your silliness) there are millions of instances every year where guns are used in self defense. No, 2 million is not an outrageous amount in a country of more than 300 million people, you idiot.

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