The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..

I feel sorry for the gun manufacturers

We need more threads to protect them
You should feel sorry for the children, who's parents agreed to make that school a gun free zone. There's a special hell reserved for idiots who mandate that a school be defenseless against attack, them blame others for their idiocy.
well this was a stupid post made by you.
nobody is going to hell because they want schools to be safe zones. But hey im sure your opinion will win many people over
And scum responds with more evidence that Callous Conservatives are the loud and hateful scum who echo each. They're the jerks who lack empathy (see the posts above for their names); a condition which cries to rule out antisocial personality disorder as epidemic in that crowd:
I have empathy for Bushmaster, you and the opportunists, not so much.
You do? Wow, you really are weird. Empathy is an understanding of what others are feeling, because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes.

Having empathy for a gun is very odd! It seems to suggest your engagement with guns is likely a fetish. Is it?
You're weird. Bushmaster is a company. One of the guns they make is an AR15 platform. Of course I have empathy for any honest American company, their employees and the families of the employees that did nothing wrong. If the suit turned out successful it would be a field day on all firearms manufacturers. I definitely have feelings about that.

The parents dishonor their children by using them like that, so no, I have no empathy for them.
I feel sorry for the gun manufacturers

We need more threads to protect them


The Symbol of Freedom

Far more reliable that the scumbag bureaucrats who sit on the so-called supreme court

I suppose it set free all those children at Sandy Hook, all those students at Columbine and Virginia Tech, and all those slaughtered by the deranged in every other mass shootings in America.

The BIG LIE by the NRA and its supporters is the Slippery Slope Argument, a logical fallacy, that any attempt to mitigate unnecessary violence - some form of gun control - is really a pretense for total confiscation of guns.

Personally I don't care that people keep guns at home, but pushing the envelope to openly carrying firearms is too much. If someone is too scared to go out in public they need psychiatric care, meds and some balls.
The problem with libs is nothing is enough. No amount of liberty is too big to give up for presumed security. Was it good enough to limit fully automatic weapons? No. Was it good enough to limit access to criminals? No. Was it good to create "gun" free zones where criminals come to slaughter people? No. Was it good to ban pocket knives on planes? No. Was it good to allow give up any of these liberties for small amounts of presumed security? No. Did any of these limits increase security for anyone? No.

In summary, progressives are epic morons when it comes to matters of liberty and security.

You seem to confuse libs with progressives...better sharpen those skills a little better before you step on your tongue...
Maybe you could distinguish between the two.
I feel sorry for the gun manufacturers

We need more threads to protect them
You should feel sorry for the children, who's parents agreed to make that school a gun free zone. There's a special hell reserved for idiots who mandate that a school be defenseless against attack, them blame others for their idiocy.
well this was a stupid post made by you.
nobody is going to hell because they want schools to be safe zones. But hey im sure your opinion will win many people over
Wrong. They didn't want the schools to be "safe zones." They wanted law abiding people to be banned from bringing guns to schools for defensive purposes. If you can't tell the difference, here's your sign.
In reality I don't need to look it up. My graduate degree is an interdisciplinary (criminology, psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology) study, which included seminars and interviewing persons incarcerated in prisons, county jails, "L" facilities [locked psychiatric hospitals] and half-way houses. I also spent a career in LE working and providing technical assistance to state and federal agencies.

As part of the course work, we took the MMPI and as required by most LE Agencies I took a battery of psychological assessments and was interviewed twice by a psychologist, who also used objective and projective tests.

But thanks so much for sharing your expertise and effort to legitimize an ad hominem.
There's a school of thought that some people are attracted to professions to make up for personal shortcomings and learn more about themselves.
And scum responds with more evidence that Callous Conservatives are the loud and hateful scum who echo each. They're the jerks who lack empathy (see the posts above for their names); a condition which cries to rule out antisocial personality disorder as epidemic in that crowd:
I have empathy for Bushmaster, you and the opportunists, not so much.
You do? Wow, you really are weird. Empathy is an understanding of what others are feeling, because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes.

Having empathy for a gun is very odd! It seems to suggest your engagement with guns is likely a fetish. Is it?
You're weird. Bushmaster is a company. One of the guns they make is an AR15 platform. Of course I have empathy for any honest American company, their employees and the families of the employees that did nothing wrong. If the suit turned out successful it would be a field day on all firearms manufacturers. I definitely have feelings about that.

The parents dishonor their children by using them like that, so no, I have no empathy for them.

Mea culpa - I'll make the change, just for you. Now, I suggest you read your final sentence and then the definition of those who have no empathy for parents whose child was murdered.
And scum responds with more evidence that Callous Conservatives are the loud and hateful scum who echo each. They're the jerks who lack empathy (see the posts above for their names); a condition which cries to rule out antisocial personality disorder as epidemic in that crowd:
I have empathy for Bushmaster, you and the opportunists, not so much.

You do? Wow, you really are weird. Empathy is an understanding of what others are feeling, because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes.

Having empathy for a gun is very odd! It seems to suggest your engagement with guns is likely a fetish. Is it?
The empathy is for people who are being held responsible for things they can't possibly control. You seem to miss a lot. Go take your Ritalin now.
In reality I don't need to look it up. My graduate degree is an interdisciplinary (criminology, psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology) study, which included seminars and interviewing persons incarcerated in prisons, county jails, "L" facilities [locked psychiatric hospitals] and half-way houses. I also spent a career in LE working and providing technical assistance to state and federal agencies.

As part of the course work, we took the MMPI and as required by most LE Agencies I took a battery of psychological assessments and was interviewed twice by a psychologist, who also used objective and projective tests.

But thanks so much for sharing your expertise and effort to legitimize an ad hominem.
There's a school of thought that some people are attracted to professions to make up for personal shortcomings and learn more about themselves.

Really, what school of thought is that?
The problem with libs is nothing is enough. No amount of liberty is too big to give up for presumed security. Was it good enough to limit fully automatic weapons? No. Was it good enough to limit access to criminals? No. Was it good to create "gun" free zones where criminals come to slaughter people? No. Was it good to ban pocket knives on planes? No. Was it good to allow give up any of these liberties for small amounts of presumed security? No. Did any of these limits increase security for anyone? No.

In summary, progressives are epic morons when it comes to matters of liberty and security.

You seem to confuse libs with progressives...better sharpen those skills a little better before you step on your tongue...
You people are neither which is why I fall back on more accurate nomenclatures such as Leftists, Statists, or Communists. I never call you liberals....would be like calling ISIS "humanitarians".

A wise observation. Communists/Progressives are not classic Liberals. Classic Liberals fight for the Constitution and Civil Liberties. Communists/Progressives only stand up for the Constitution if they feel it's convenient for them to do so.

For instance, when it comes to debauchery like killing babies and pornography, they're the first ones to hop up on their high horses and begin citing the Constitution and their Civil Liberties. It's just a matter of convenience for them. They're not 'Liberals.'

Well, yes... but what you're defining in the 'classic Liberal' sense is Conservatives, OKA: Americans.

One Communist wanker on this Board openly admitted he or she could care less about Constitutional rights. But i bet that same Communist wanker would be real quick to hop up on their high horse to preach about Constitutional Rights, if it pertained to things like killing babies and Pornography. You can't trust Communists/Progressives. They don't stand for Freedom & Liberty.

Well the Secular Humanist does not believe in the Creator, without which there is no basis on which human rights can exist.

They will setup a feeble defense on that, wherein they claim that the collective or as their comrades of the third world say: 'duh peoples' determine 'rights'. Which is meaningless, because 'duh peoples' are a fickle herd of subjective idiots, thus whatever rights they 'feel' one has are subject to change with every opposing breeze of popular whimsy; therefore, absent God, human rights are simple not possible.

The thing to remember here is that whatever a Leftist says; and this without regard to whatever facet of the lunacy they're touting at any given moment, is irrelevant, because they're relativists and relativists reject the objectivity which is essential to recognize 'truth'.

And if ya can't recognize truth, there's no potential ya to avoid being a liar.
In reality I don't need to look it up. My graduate degree is an interdisciplinary (criminology, psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology) study, which included seminars and interviewing persons incarcerated in prisons, county jails, "L" facilities [locked psychiatric hospitals] and half-way houses. I also spent a career in LE working and providing technical assistance to state and federal agencies.

As part of the course work, we took the MMPI and as required by most LE Agencies I took a battery of psychological assessments and was interviewed twice by a psychologist, who also used objective and projective tests.

But thanks so much for sharing your expertise and effort to legitimize an ad hominem.
There's a school of thought that some people are attracted to professions to make up for personal shortcomings and learn more about themselves.

Really, what school of thought is that?

I suspect it is the School of Keys and St.MichaelConfused.
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And scum responds with more evidence that Callous Conservatives are the loud and hateful scum who echo each. They're the jerks who lack empathy (see the posts above for their names); a condition which cries to rule out antisocial personality disorder as epidemic in that crowd:
I have empathy for Bushmaster, you and the opportunists, not so much.
You do? Wow, you really are weird. Empathy is an understanding of what others are feeling, because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes.

Having empathy for a gun is very odd! It seems to suggest your engagement with guns is likely a fetish. Is it?
You're weird. Bushmaster is a company. One of the guns they make is an AR15 platform. Of course I have empathy for any honest American company, their employees and the families of the employees that did nothing wrong. If the suit turned out successful it would be a field day on all firearms manufacturers. I definitely have feelings about that.

The parents dishonor their children by using them like that, so no, I have no empathy for them.

Mea culpa - I'll make the change, just for you. Now, I suggest you read your final sentence and then the definition of those who have no empathy for parents whose child was murdered.
Your lying again. I have no sympathy for greedy people who cash in on personal tragedies. Only some of the parents are doing this. So changing it to apply to all the parents is just you being a lying Leftist. When you people lie, you speak from your own nature, for there is no truth in you.
And scum responds with more evidence that Callous Conservatives are the loud and hateful scum who echo each. They're the jerks who lack empathy (see the posts above for their names); a condition which cries to rule out antisocial personality disorder as epidemic in that crowd:
I have empathy for Bushmaster, you and the opportunists, not so much.
You do? Wow, you really are weird. Empathy is an understanding of what others are feeling, because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes.

Having empathy for a gun is very odd! It seems to suggest your engagement with guns is likely a fetish. Is it?
You're weird. Bushmaster is a company. One of the guns they make is an AR15 platform. Of course I have empathy for any honest American company, their employees and the families of the employees that did nothing wrong. If the suit turned out successful it would be a field day on all firearms manufacturers. I definitely have feelings about that.

The parents dishonor their children by using them like that, so no, I have no empathy for them.

Mea culpa - I'll make the change, just for you. Now, I suggest you read your final sentence and then the definition of those who have no empathy for parents whose child was murdered.

Deceit FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means of influencing the Ignorant: "... those who have no empathy for parents whose child was murdered."

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The fundamental elements of socialism.

Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Now where is there so much as the POTENTIAL for the lack of empathy, wherein one notes the foolishness of a lawsuit, which seeks to recoup damages from people who literally had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CIRCUMSTANCES RELEVANT TO THE INJURY?

The firearm which killed those children did not do so because it malfunctioned... the company did not build a defective product. The product worked perfectly, doing that for which it was designed to do.

Now there IS a product which was defective... which DID result in their respective losses... and that product is: LEFTISM. Which is to say the product which designed the "GUN FREE ZONE" assuring parents that within that zone, their children were perfectly safe.


They'll tell you that they were lead to believe that their children WERE PERFECTLY SAFE FROM GUN VIOLENCE IN THE LEFTIST ZONE.

There's your law suit. Those responsible are Sarah Brady, Chuck Schumer, Bawney Fwank, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Sheila Jackson Lee, William The Bubba, His wife, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and The Brown Clown: The Peasantpimp of the Union States, himself: barack hussien obama, et al... .
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I feel sorry for the gun manufacturers

We need more threads to protect them
You should feel sorry for the children, who's parents agreed to make that school a gun free zone. There's a special hell reserved for idiots who mandate that a school be defenseless against attack, them blame others for their idiocy.
well this was a stupid post made by you.
nobody is going to hell because they want schools to be safe zones. But hey im sure your opinion will win many people over
Wrong. They didn't want the schools to be "safe zones." They wanted law abiding people to be banned from bringing guns to schools for defensive purposes. If you can't tell the difference, here's your sign.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I feel sorry for the gun manufacturers

We need more threads to protect them
You should feel sorry for the children, who's parents agreed to make that school a gun free zone. There's a special hell reserved for idiots who mandate that a school be defenseless against attack, them blame others for their idiocy.
well this was a stupid post made by you.
nobody is going to hell because they want schools to be safe zones. But hey im sure your opinion will win many people over
Wrong. They didn't want the schools to be "safe zones." They wanted law abiding people to be banned from bringing guns to schools for defensive purposes. If you can't tell the difference, here's your sign.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
I have an IQ that surpasses yours by about 80 points, that makes you the mentally handicapped person in this conversation. Further, I drive by schools all the time, and if I see someone like you attacking kids at that school I fully intend to put a bullet in their head.
I feel sorry for the gun manufacturers

We need more threads to protect them
You should feel sorry for the children, who's parents agreed to make that school a gun free zone. There's a special hell reserved for idiots who mandate that a school be defenseless against attack, them blame others for their idiocy.
well this was a stupid post made by you.
nobody is going to hell because they want schools to be safe zones. But hey im sure your opinion will win many people over
Wrong. They didn't want the schools to be "safe zones." They wanted law abiding people to be banned from bringing guns to schools for defensive purposes. If you can't tell the difference, here's your sign.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school
Hmm...sounds like you ran out of good arguments, not that you started with any. So now you're just going to fart. It's cute when my 6 year old does it. You not so much.
you are retarded....literally retarded. Please never go near a school

So... you're suggesting that in the wake of a mass murder, by a person who was raised by a Leftist, trained up in Secular Humanism, that providing a kill zone wherein the possession of a defensive firearm is PROHIBITED BY LAW... is a sign of cognitive deficiency?

Do you understand that you your reasoning is the equivalent of suggesting that brakes on automobiles are 'retarded', because the automobile has major investments in making it GO, therefore providing the means to make it stop... is counter productive.

This, no doubt, quickly followed by the rationalization that there's no way that one could ASSURE that the brakes will always work, as designed... .
And scum responds with more evidence that Callous Conservatives are the loud and hateful scum who echo each. They're the jerks who lack empathy (see the posts above for their names); a condition which cries to rule out antisocial personality disorder as epidemic in that crowd:
I have empathy for Bushmaster, you and the opportunists, not so much.
You do? Wow, you really are weird. Empathy is an understanding of what others are feeling, because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes.

Having empathy for a gun is very odd! It seems to suggest your engagement with guns is likely a fetish. Is it?
You're weird. Bushmaster is a company. One of the guns they make is an AR15 platform. Of course I have empathy for any honest American company, their employees and the families of the employees that did nothing wrong. If the suit turned out successful it would be a field day on all firearms manufacturers. I definitely have feelings about that.

The parents dishonor their children by using them like that, so no, I have no empathy for them.

Mea culpa - I'll make the change, just for you. Now, I suggest you read your final sentence and then the definition of those who have no empathy for parents whose child was murdered.
Your lying again. I have no sympathy for greedy people who cash in on personal tragedies. Only some of the parents are doing this. So changing it to apply to all the parents is just you being a lying Leftist. When you people lie, you speak from your own nature, for there is no truth in you.

If you were telling the truth, you would have no sympathy (different than empathy) for the NRA whose policy is predicated on their lust for power and profit as both are accomplished by cashing in on personal tragedies.
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And scum responds with more evidence that Callous Conservatives are the loud and hateful scum who echo each. They're the jerks who lack empathy (see the posts above for their names); a condition which cries to rule out antisocial personality disorder as epidemic in that crowd:
I have empathy for Bushmaster, you and the opportunists, not so much.
You do? Wow, you really are weird. Empathy is an understanding of what others are feeling, because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes.

Having empathy for a gun is very odd! It seems to suggest your engagement with guns is likely a fetish. Is it?
You're weird. Bushmaster is a company. One of the guns they make is an AR15 platform. Of course I have empathy for any honest American company, their employees and the families of the employees that did nothing wrong. If the suit turned out successful it would be a field day on all firearms manufacturers. I definitely have feelings about that.

The parents dishonor their children by using them like that, so no, I have no empathy for them.

Mea culpa - I'll make the change, just for you. Now, I suggest you read your final sentence and then the definition of those who have no empathy for parents whose child was murdered.

Deceit FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means of influencing the Ignorant: "... those who have no empathy for parents whose child was murdered."

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The fundamental elements of socialism.

Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Now where is there so much as the POTENTIAL for the lack of empathy, wherein one notes the foolishness of a lawsuit, which seeks to recoup damages from people who literally had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CIRCUMSTANCES RELEVANT TO THE INJURY?

The firearm which killed those children did not do so because it malfunctioned... the company did not build a defective product. The product worked perfectly, doing that for which it was designed to do.

Now there IS a product which was defective... which DID result in their respective losses... and that product is: LEFTISM. Which is to say the product which designed the "GUN FREE ZONE" assuring parents that within that zone, their children were perfectly safe.


They'll tell you that they were lead to believe that their children WERE PERFECTLY SAFE FROM GUN VIOLENCE IN THE LEFTIST ZONE.

There's your law suit. Those responsible are Sarah Brady, Chuck Schumer, Bawney Fwank, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Sheila Jackson Lee, William The Bubba, His wife, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and The Brown Clown: The Peasantpimp of the Union States, himself: barack hussien obama, et al... .

It was, after all, THOSE PEOPLE who promoted the idea that placing children in defenseless facilities, subject to the impotence of defenseless adults, was safe.

The idea was then, as it is today: FOOLISH BEYOND MEASURE.

Well, you fit that definition I gave of a scum bag asshole. You are saying that if a person doesn't agree with your opinion and views, they deserve to be attacked over your perception of what their intentions might be, even if they are the grieving parents of murdered children. You think so highly of your own opinions that that gives you some kind of automatic right to act like an asshole, but not be judged as an asshole. Embrace your assholery dude. It is who and what you are. Learn to be proud of it since you insist on surrounding yourself with it.

Nobody disagrees with the fact that the murder of the precious children was a tragedy. That is not up for debate.

The facts of the case is that a deranged person stole a firearm he was not authorized to own and used it in an illegal manner. In fact he murdered somebody to get the firearm.

There is not a rational reason to sue the manufacturer of the legal firearm, that was purchased, by the way, in a state that has some very stringent laws and requirements on semi automatic firearms.

The firearm manufacturer had absolutely nothing to do with the actions of the deranged killer, Nada.

That leads to the motive of the sick fvckheads that are bringing the lawsuit. It is either because of greed or because they want to punish somebody because their kid got killed. Both reasons are absolutely despicable in this case. I think if their reason is to punish somebody then they are acting irrationally because the real person responsible is dead.

I suspect their real motive is an anti right to keep and bear arms motive that has nothing to do with the facts of the case and because of that sicko reason I have no respect for them.

If they want to sue somebody they need to sue the school board for doing a dumbass thing in making the school a "gun free zone" that allowed the killer to do his despicable act without having to worry about being stopped. If that brave principal would have been armed (or somebody else) she may have been able to stop the sonofabitch before he killed the kids.
If you were telling the truth, you would have no sympathy (different than empathy) for the NRA whose policy is predicated on their lust for power and profit and both are accomplished by cashing in on personal tragedies.

Deceit FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means of influencing the Ignorant: "... the NRA whose policy is predicated on their lust for power and profit and both are accomplished by cashing in on personal tragedies."

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The fundamental elements of socialism.

But how cool is it, that the idiot is LITERALLY Advocating for the EXACT THING, for which they came to CONTEST?

You can't BUY that level of delusion, friends... THAT is something one is BORN WITH!
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