The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..

Brain....I know you can't help yourself....have a nice Christmas....

You too! Hope Santa is good to you.
I'm sure he will long as I don't shoot him as a home invader.

You are far more likely to accidently shoot some innocent person than an actual criminal.
No. You are. I'm combat trained to know my weapon and know my target. You've already admitted you would be an incompetent retard with a gun. Don't project that on others.

And I hate to break it to you, but Santa Clause doesn't exist.

This guy is trained too.
Gun safety instructor accidentally shoots student -

Op-ed piece on swimming pools vs. guns as the most dangerous weapon 8211 Deltoid

What’s more dangerous: a swimming pool or a gun? When it comes to children, there is no comparison: a swimming pool is 100 times more deadly.

In 1997 alone (the last year for which data are available), 742 children under the age of 10 drowned in the United States last year alone. Approximately 550 of those drownings — about 75 percent of the total — occurred in residential swimming pools. According to the most recent statistics, there are about six million residential pools, meaning that one young child drowns annually for every 11,000 pools.

About 175 children under the age of 10 died in 1998 as a result of guns. About two-thirds of those deaths were homicides. There are an estimated 200 million guns in the United States. Doing the math, there is roughly one child killed by guns for every one million guns.

Thus, on average, if you both own a gun and have a swimming pool in the backyard, the swimming pool is about 100 times more likely to kill a child than the gun is.
Ever notice how hesitant some of the antis are about stating their position in clear and concise terms? That's just shady. I don't trust those people one bit! :eusa_naughty:

They don't have a clear and concise argument. They have nothing of substance.
Ever notice how hesitant some of the antis are about stating their position in clear and concise terms? That's just shady. I don't trust those people one bit! :eusa_naughty:

They don't have a clear and concise argument. They have nothing of substance.

Oh....they have substance alright.....they want to ban private ownership of guns...period....they just can't speak the substance of their beliefs out loud....that is why they go for "Universal Background Checks", gun registration, and any other thing they can think of to make it harder for regular people to own and carry know...the very people who are not going out and committing the 8-9,000 gun murders a year....but the law abiding people are the only ones the anti gunners can actually control....since criminals ignore them...or kill them....
You are far more likely to accidently shoot some innocent person than an actual criminal.

About half of what we call gun shootings in this country are suicides.

The great majority of the remaining shootings are crime related and no law in the country is going to stop that. Present laws don't stop it and further laws really won't do any good. The crime will continue.

Some shootings are in self defense. Good!

There are some accidental shootings. Just about every one I have ever heard about involved stupidity or neglect. You can't fix stupidity and you sure as hell should not take the rights away from responsible people because other people are stupid and/or not responsible.

You have a difficult time understanding stuff like this, don't you?
of about 32,000 gun deaths each year only 8-9,000 are gun murders, another 6-700 are accidental gun deaths...the rest suicides....out of a country of 310 million people....
You are far more likely to accidently shoot some innocent person than an actual criminal.

About half of what we call gun shootings in this country are suicides.

The great majority of the remaining shootings are crime related and no law in the country is going to stop that. Present laws don't stop it and further laws really won't do any good. The crime will continue.

Some shootings are in self defense. Good!

There are some accidental shootings. Just about every one I have ever heard about involved stupidity or neglect. You can't fix stupidity and you sure as hell should not take the rights away from responsible people because other people are stupid and/or not responsible.

You have a difficult time understanding stuff like this, don't you?
brainless is a moron
You are far more likely to accidently shoot some innocent person than an actual criminal.
No. You are. I'm combat trained to know my weapon and know my target. You've already admitted you would be an incompetent retard with a gun. Don't project that on others.

And I hate to break it to you, but Santa Clause doesn't exist.

This guy is trained too.
Gun safety instructor accidentally shoots student -
Are you stupid enough to think this happens often? Firearms accidents are caused mostly by ignorance of guns and failure to follow basic safety rules. People like you do this. Not people like me.

I'm sure he said the same thing. So did the guy with the Uzi girl no doubt.

So then, I expect the next time a child dies in a drowning in the pool due to a parent's negligence, you will demand that we ban swimming pools?
And you base that on my not demanding the banning of guns?
of about 32,000 gun deaths each year only 8-9,000 are gun murders, another 6-700 are accidental gun deaths...the rest suicides....out of a country of 310 million people....

And the rates seem to be edging down which is very nice.
Chris.., and all others, in addition to my post #459, i wonder if these gun/2nd amdt. haters know how many times "The People" is mentioned in the first TEN (10) and which of the first TEN (10) amdts. ?? do they know why "the people" are mentioned specifically in those amdts. ??
Good for them. This is the worst situation possible for them and NOTHING has changed from it. Nothing. Fuck gun lobbyists who prevent any sort of real legislation passing that would help cut down on these situations occurring. You can't sue lobbyists and this is America so the gun makers are the next most logical target. If they don't want to be sued then don't make guns.

Go ahead gun nuts, lets have it.
This has nothing to do with guns, gun advocates, gun grabbers, gun opposers or anyone else for that matters....
This is an opportunity for a law firm to cash in on the grief of family members of the victims...
I have a question, why are not the families of ALL 25 dead people joining in the suit?
Uh huh.....Right....
Good for them. This is the worst situation possible for them and NOTHING has changed from it. Nothing. Fuck gun lobbyists who prevent any sort of real legislation passing that would help cut down on these situations occurring. You can't sue lobbyists and this is America so the gun makers are the next most logical target. If they don't want to be sued then don't make guns.

Go ahead gun nuts, lets have it.

You can do better than that.
No...He gets a perfect score for a dead balls accurate description of you
Good for them. This is the worst situation possible for them and NOTHING has changed from it. Nothing. Fuck gun lobbyists who prevent any sort of real legislation passing that would help cut down on these situations occurring. You can't sue lobbyists and this is America so the gun makers are the next most logical target. If they don't want to be sued then don't make guns.

Go ahead gun nuts, lets have it.

You can do better than that.

No, actually, he can't.
100% is the top score..So yeah, you're right
You ever wonder why people dont believe others when they say you can go after someone in court?
Some states have passed laws against this type of lawsuit precisely to stop something like this.
There is a federal law prohibiting these types of suits as well. There ARE exceptions which is the first legal hurdle the plaintiffs must clear.
Good for them. This is the worst situation possible for them and NOTHING has changed from it. Nothing. Fuck gun lobbyists who prevent any sort of real legislation passing that would help cut down on these situations occurring. You can't sue lobbyists and this is America so the gun makers are the next most logical target. If they don't want to be sued then don't make guns.

Go ahead gun nuts, lets have it.
What law would have prevented this?

The laws that we'll never have in this country. And nothing will prevent this all together, I said "cut down" (ie. reduce). But it doesn't matter, we live in a society full of selfish assholes and will never have any meaningful gun control put in place.
When will you get it through your thick liberal skull that all the laws a government can enact will not stop criminals. Because of one simple reason. Criminals will never obey the law.
Good for them. This is the worst situation possible for them and NOTHING has changed from it. Nothing. Fuck gun lobbyists who prevent any sort of real legislation passing that would help cut down on these situations occurring. You can't sue lobbyists and this is America so the gun makers are the next most logical target. If they don't want to be sued then don't make guns.

Go ahead gun nuts, lets have it.

Not the gun manufacturers fault. Anyone with a step above the primordial stew would know that.

I didn't say it was. I said it's the gun lobby's fault. But you can't sue them. So the gun manufacturers are next in line.
There is no legal remedy( in theory) to sue the incorrect party.
any judge worth their salt would know this and enforce it.
However, there are judges who sit on the bench that have a lawsuit open season agenda.
Some of those judges believe every aggrieved party no matter how trivial the grief must be heard.
Some judges are former plaintiff's attorneys and run their courtrooms to help their former brethren.

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