The Monarchs of Money


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
For those who are wondering why the Stock Market is bubbling up, here is an excellent video (@ 21 minutes), that explains Central Banking and Quantitative Easing.

The world's central banks have printed unimaginable amounts of money in recent years - "these guys are really more powerful than the government." Neil Macdonald explores what this means for the global economy and for your financial well-being - "can you imagine if the American public knew there was this 'club' that met secretly in Switzerland and made decisions that dramatically affected their lives, but we're not going to tell you about it because it's too complicated." This brief documentary should open a few eyes to the reality behind the world's most powerful (and real) cabal.

The Monarchs Of Money | Zero Hedge

OMG, the stock market's going up and suddenly people's portfolios are worth a lot more. It must be a conspiracy to fix the economy, those devils! You should really be asking, in the case of a rising market, why aren't the "job creators" doing more about unemployment? THAT'S the question that should be on everyone's lips.
The stock market is thriving, even in Greece, because there is nowhere else for people to put their money. Try to save it, and inflation relentlessly eats away at its value--the Fed and other central bank manipulations keep interest rates artificially low. As a result, there is no safety in real estate and who wants to risk all they have to start up a new business in this shaky economic environment?

So that leaves the stock market, as risky as it is, as pretty much the only game in town for those who need to grow their money and need a means to do so that is slightly safer than going to Vegas.
OMG, the stock market's going up and suddenly people's portfolios are worth a lot more. It must be a conspiracy to fix the economy, those devils! You should really be asking, in the case of a rising market, why aren't the "job creators" doing more about unemployment? THAT'S the question that should be on everyone's lips.

Toooooooooooooooooooooo easy!!

"The President keeps talking about the economy being 'bad.' Now, things don't seem bad, but let's just hold off on any new hires until we see how this pans out. And, let's hold off on all non-vital purchases, just for the time being."

The stock market is thriving, even in Greece, because there is nowhere else for people to put their money. Try to save it, and inflation relentlessly eats away at its value--the Fed and other central bank manipulations keep interest rates artificially low. As a result, there is no safety in real estate and who wants to risk all they have to start up a new business in this shaky economic environment?

So that leaves the stock market, as risky as it is, as pretty much the only game in town for those who need to grow their money and need a means to do so that is slightly safer than going to Vegas.

With ZIRP, the only option that most people have to earn a bit on their savings is to incur the risk of investing in the stock market. This puts retirees in a very compromised position as they do not have years of a career left in which to compensate for losses.

It's a shameful distortion of healthy values: punishing the prudent and rewarding the irresponsible.
For those who are wondering why the Stock Market is bubbling up, here is an excellent video (@ 21 minutes), that explains Central Banking and Quantitative Easing.

The world's central banks have printed unimaginable amounts of money in recent years - "these guys are really more powerful than the government." Neil Macdonald explores what this means for the global economy and for your financial well-being - "can you imagine if the American public knew there was this 'club' that met secretly in Switzerland and made decisions that dramatically affected their lives, but we're not going to tell you about it because it's too complicated." This brief documentary should open a few eyes to the reality behind the world's most powerful (and real) cabal.

The Monarchs Of Money | Zero Hedge

The Swiss are very sharp people. Which is why it is the law in Switzerland for every single citizen to own a firearm and have it in their home. Their crime rate is the lowest in Europe. In order for the socialists to hide this they use polls comparing gun crime in nations such as UK, France, etc where guns are not allowed. They do not count the murder rate with knifes, muslim gangs, nazi groups using clubs and other deadly weapons - when factored in all the rest of Europe has a crime rate 4 xs higher and that includes compared to America. Considering our size vs their own that is a great argument for owning firearms!
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For those who are wondering why the Stock Market is bubbling up, here is an excellent video (@ 21 minutes), that explains Central Banking and Quantitative Easing.

The world's central banks have printed unimaginable amounts of money in recent years - "these guys are really more powerful than the government." Neil Macdonald explores what this means for the global economy and for your financial well-being - "can you imagine if the American public knew there was this 'club' that met secretly in Switzerland and made decisions that dramatically affected their lives, but we're not going to tell you about it because it's too complicated." This brief documentary should open a few eyes to the reality behind the world's most powerful (and real) cabal.

The Monarchs Of Money | Zero Hedge

The Swiss are very sharp people. Which is why it is the law in Switzerland for every single citizen to own a firearm and have it in their home. Their crime rate is the lowest in Europe. In order for the socialists to hide this they use polls comparing gun crime in nations such as UK, France, etc where guns are not allowed. They do not count the murder rate with knifes, muslim gangs, nazi groups using clubs and other deadly weapons - when factored in all the rest of Europe has a crime rate 4 xs higher and that includes compared to America. Considering our size vs their own that is a great argument for owning firearms!
This pretty much sums it up:

Under Chairman Bernanke, the combination of ZIRP and QE completed the passage of the Fed from sober protector of a fiat currency to ineffective collection of frantically-flailing, over-educated, posturing bureaucrats engaged in ever more-astounding experiments in monetary extremism.

Elliott's Singer On Bernanke Destroying "The Value Of Money" And "Uprooting The Basic Stability Of Society" | Zero Hedge

For the average person, the total sum of their life's productive work is being abused and destroyed by Elitist bureaucrats who have Zero Accountability.
This pretty much sums it up:

Under Chairman Bernanke, the combination of ZIRP and QE completed the passage of the Fed from sober protector of a fiat currency to ineffective collection of frantically-flailing, over-educated, posturing bureaucrats engaged in ever more-astounding experiments in monetary extremism.

Elliott's Singer On Bernanke Destroying "The Value Of Money" And "Uprooting The Basic Stability Of Society" | Zero Hedge

For the average person, the total sum of their life's productive work is being abused and destroyed by Elitist bureaucrats who have Zero Accountability.

Not only zero accountabiity, but who are allowed to operate in complete secrecy with no oversight. The infrequent Congressional meetings with the fed chairman are a joke.

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