The Monkey Marketplace


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Think of most people's attitude towards taxes if you listen to this at around the 13 minute point.

Monkey see monkey do. For us old monkeys life today is the same silly nonsense as we witnessed during Reagan #1 and if we asked our grandparents the same nonsense as witnessed under Hoover. Consider the real estate bubble under Reagan the S&L Scandal. "There was a huge housing market crash in early 1989, right as GH Bush took over – that happened along with the Savings and Loans Collapses, which also needed a multi-billion dollar bailout, and they were all hauled in to Congress for questioning."#2 Does this sound familiar or what?

Curiously there was no comparable tea party when Reagan started the destruction of the middle class. I guess when billionaires are racking in the dough, there is no need to gather the whiners together and bus the nuts to Washington.

The most amazing thing about the conservatives of today is their ahistorical nature. The young have no idea that we have been there before, and the same policies that created today's crash, created the crashes in the past.

But if Ms Santos is right, it may be that the monkeys can only be monkeys and can only repeat the same tired nonsense over and over and over again. Thankfully, occasionally liberal and left leaning thinkers throw stupidity for a loop. Galbraith and others do that often. FDR did it when he regulated the greedy fools who manage money. It is why posting can be a good thing for the soul of the good people on the left.

Why does no one ask why they do not bail the small businesses?

"Laurie Santos looks for the roots of human irrationality by watching the way our primate relatives make decisions. A clever series of experiments in "monkeynomics" shows that some of the silly choices we make, monkeys make too." Laurie Santos: A monkey economy as irrational as ours | Video on

"In 1980, the chief executive officers in the top three hundred largest American companies had incomes twenty-nine times that of the average manufacturing worker. Ten years later the incomes of the top executives were ninety-three times greater." (Source, Galbraith, The Culture of Contentment)


#2 What was there under Reagan AND Bush a huge housing and stock bubble, followed by a huge economic bust…? | Bubble Economy News 2.0
Speaking of monkey-see-monkey-do!

"The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new." Samuel Beckett

I noticed none of the monkeys who took a minute to read the OP bothered to reply. Oh, sorry Dude did. Was this because they knew it to be true and there was no hope, or is the idea just too difficult for monkeys? Who knows, but to stress the similarly of modern times I started to outline the repetitive nature of republican failure, but thought to be slightly more fair I would give a broader outline. Enjoy, history in a minute and a half. ;)

Coolidge / Hoover - Banks collapse, economy collapses
Great Depression begins - Hoover ineffective
FDR rescues the nation from Great Depression, creates regulatory structure
FDR creates the greatest single asset for all Americans: Social Security
FDR masterfully fought WWII along with Churchill and help from Stalin
Truman ends the savagery of the war with Japan with the ultimate savagery
Truman extends New Deal and Civil rights
Eisenhower ignores right wing war mongering republicans, extends civil rights
Warren court hands down ruling on public school segregation
Eisenhower continues progressivism, Vietnam involvement continues from Truman
'Cold War' clouds the mind of America creating contradictory values
WWII end brings prosperity due to GI bill, home growth, and durable goods growth
America's youth gain power prestige and purchasing power
LBJ foolishly listens to war cries concerning domino effect and tragically involves US in Nam
LBJ advances civil rights and extended welfare so all Americans can have a little of the pie
Nixon has secret plan for ending Vietnam but paranoid personality ruins administration
Nixon opens up trade to China
Anti war demonstrations change attitudes and hurt LBJ social achievements
Carter inherits stagflation economy from Nixon / Ford
Carter supports Afghanistan against Russian occupation, seeds are set for growth of insurgency terrorism
Oil embargo hurts Carter but efforts at energy policy are forgotten as Reagan wins
Reagan starts the destruction of the middle class in part by making government a problem
Reagan starts destruction of regulatory agencies that eventually lead to the Great Recession of today.
Bush Sr experiences effect of Reagan economic policies, economy collapses, real estate boom crash, S&L scandal, bailouts to rescue nation again after republican policy
GH Bush losses as Republican policy fails once again
Clinton raises taxes, economy recovers aided by millennium and Internet bubble
Clinton buys into financial nonsense, supporting NAFTA, regulatory and welfare reform
Armies of money and power go after Clinton spending publicly and privately millions
Bush-Gore election goes to Bush as SCOTUS has moved from liberal to fascist
Bush proves inept in all ways, but 911 attack creates fear and more war cries
Bush proves himself an incompetent leader who creates massive debt and death
Clinton surplus is squandered on tax relief primarily for the wealthy
'War on Terror' clouds the mind of America creating contradictory values
Bush invades Iraq based on trumped up nonsense about WMDs and fear
Economy collapses under Bush and bailouts are once again required after a republican administration
Obama wins election for 'change' due to the failure of Bush and the republicans
Armies of money and power again mount offensive attacking the American values of justice and fairness represented by Obama
Obama passes Healthcare policy, keeps promises on wars
Once again the economy is moving in the right direction but the armies of money and power are greater today and propaganda and revisionist history have gained large footholds in the minds of the uneducated....

And so it goes....republicans fail democrats would seem monkeys and humans never learn....
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Like every other classic practitioner of Freudian projection, you're the last to see the traits you so easily decry of others in yourself.

But it is amusing to watch...Please, carry on.

So history is projection? Seems we know who knows little, next time come up with a thought.

In the mid fifties, "generosity was voted the most conspicuous American characteristic, followed by friendliness, understanding, piety, love of freedom, and progressivism. The American faults listed were petty: shallowness, egotism, extravagance, preoccupation with money, and selfishness." William Manchester quoting from George Gallup's Institute of public opinion
Coolidge / Hoover - Banks collapse, economy collapses
Great Depression begins - Hoover ineffective
FDR rescues the nation from Great Depression...


:lol::lol::lol: :clap2::clap2: :lol::lol::lol:
:clap2::clap2::lol::lol::lol::clap2::clap2::lol: :lol:
:clap2::clap2::clap2::lol::lol::clap2::clap2: :cuckoo: :lol:
:clap2::clap2::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol: :clap2: :clap2:

OMG!! That's fucking hysterical!

Wen? When did that happen

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