The moral majority is will save us

The moral majority will save us. Our country can have a good economy and still be moral, honest, compassionate.
The Trumpsters ignore the constant lying, immorality, narcissism because the economy is up a bit. How many who are ignoring morality are really experiencing any significant economic gains?
Morality for our country has been flushed down the toilet to make old white guys great again.
A bunch of very stupid women, minorities and young people are following the immorality.
I take it then that you are a supporter of the #metoo movement.
I am a supporter of honesty and morality. What are you a supporter of; paying off porn stars, grabbing women by the pussy, cheating on your third wife right after she gave birth to your fifth child.

Translation ~ you voted for Bill clinton, the ultimate whore in the white house.
Records are made to be broken. Trump is the new all-time whore in the White House now.

That's what I don't get, do you have proof he cheated on his wife since being elected?

If you dont...shame on you for spreading rumors
The moral majority will save us. Our country can have a good economy and still be moral, honest, compassionate.
The Trumpsters ignore the constant lying, immorality, narcissism because the economy is up a bit. How many who are ignoring morality are really experiencing any significant economic gains?
Morality for our country has been flushed down the toilet to make old white guys great again.
A bunch of very stupid women, minorities and young people are following the immorality.
I take it then that you are a supporter of the #metoo movement.
I am a supporter of honesty and morality.

Your problem Elmer is what you THINK is being honest and moral.
Tell me what I think is being honest and moral and what I should think.

Your many previous posts speak for themselves as to what you think is being "honest."
Please give me an example of me not being honest.
Given the lying corrupt person the Democrats nominated you guys have no room to try and take some morale high ground it's not that a lying corrupt immorale person won that has you honked off it's that your lying corrupt immorale person didn't win.
Hillary Clinton is not the most moral candidate for President but on the morality scale she is way above Trump.
If you do not realize that, you do not understand morality.
What I understand is that you don't really care about morality your just pissed that the imorale person with the wrong letter next to their name won if you won't or can't bring yourself to admit that fine it just proves your as phony as a three dollar bill.
The moral majority will save us. Our country can have a good economy and still be moral, honest, compassionate.
The Trumpsters ignore the constant lying, immorality, narcissism because the economy is up a bit. How many who are ignoring morality are really experiencing any significant economic gains?
Morality for our country has been flushed down the toilet to make old white guys great again.
A bunch of very stupid women, minorities and young people are following the immorality.
I take it then that you are a supporter of the #metoo movement.
I am a supporter of honesty and morality. What are you a supporter of; paying off porn stars, grabbing women by the pussy, cheating on your third wife right after she gave birth to your fifth child.

Translation ~ you voted for Bill clinton, the ultimate whore in the white house.
Records are made to be broken. Trump is the new all-time whore in the White House now.

That's what I don't get, do you have proof he cheated on his wife since being elected?

If you dont...shame on you for spreading rumors
What an irrelevant, stupid statement. He cheated enough before he was elected to establish his character. I never said he cheated since being President.
Given the lying corrupt person the Democrats nominated you guys have no room to try and take some morale high ground it's not that a lying corrupt immorale person won that has you honked off it's that your lying corrupt immorale person didn't win.
Hillary Clinton is not the most moral candidate for President but on the morality scale she is way above Trump.
If you do not realize that, you do not understand morality.
What I understand is that you don't really care about morality your just pissed that the imorale person with the wrong letter next to their name won if you won't or can't bring yourself to admit that fine it just proves your as phony as a three dollar bill.
True conservatives are the most embarrassed. The Republican party has been hijacked by Trump.
If you are mindless idiot who has no ability of critical thinking and have identified as a Republican but have no understanding of conservative philosophy and morality you will not understand.
I take it then that you are a supporter of the #metoo movement.
I am a supporter of honesty and morality. What are you a supporter of; paying off porn stars, grabbing women by the pussy, cheating on your third wife right after she gave birth to your fifth child.

Translation ~ you voted for Bill clinton, the ultimate whore in the white house.
Records are made to be broken. Trump is the new all-time whore in the White House now.

That's what I don't get, do you have proof he cheated on his wife since being elected?

If you dont...shame on you for spreading rumors
What an irrelevant, stupid statement. He cheated enough before he was elected to establish his character. I never said he cheated since being President.

So you are saying everyone knew about his character before he was president..

And then have a fit about his character when he was president?

# you are a moron.
The moral majority will save us. Our country can have a good economy and still be moral, honest, compassionate.
The Trumpsters ignore the constant lying, immorality, narcissism because the economy is up a bit. How many who are ignoring morality are really experiencing any significant economic gains?
Morality for our country has been flushed down the toilet to make old white guys great again.
A bunch of very stupid women, minorities and young people are following the immorality.

But the majority votes for either Democrat or Republican. Therefore they don't have morals.
Google moral majority, educate yourself, it is a tongue in cheek statement, above your head

Hey, why don't you just make your argument properly?
I take it then that you are a supporter of the #metoo movement.
I am a supporter of honesty and morality.

Your problem Elmer is what you THINK is being honest and moral.
Tell me what I think is being honest and moral and what I should think.

Your many previous posts speak for themselves as to what you think is being "honest."
Please give me an example of me not being honest.

Why waste the time. If you didn't think you were being honest, you wouldn't have said it, and if I spend my time going back through all your posts to pick one out, you'll simply deny it leading to a circuitous argument of denial and diversion. Like so many on this board, you make claims and accusations, always against Trump or the GOP and with about 30 leaps of logic from the original fact you start out with to your conclusion! Your problem isn't your intellectual dishonesty, it is the fact that you are chronically blind to the failings in your process!
The moral majority will save us. Our country can have a good economy and still be moral, honest, compassionate.
The Trumpsters ignore the constant lying, immorality, narcissism because the economy is up a bit. How many who are ignoring morality are really experiencing any significant economic gains?
Morality for our country has been flushed down the toilet to make old white guys great again.
A bunch of very stupid women, minorities and young people are following the immorality.
I take it then that you are a supporter of the #metoo movement.
I am a supporter of honesty and morality. What are you a supporter of; paying off porn stars, grabbing women by the pussy, cheating on your third wife right after she gave birth to your fifth child.

Translation ~ you voted for Bill clinton, the ultimate whore in the white house.
Records are made to be broken. Trump is the new all-time whore in the White House now.

That's what I don't get, do you have proof he cheated on his wife since being elected?

If you dont...shame on you for spreading rumors
Maintaining a slush fund to pay off women does not wash away all sins. Trump is no cloistered monk. He is not a choirboy. He is a threat to women.
I am a supporter of honesty and morality. What are you a supporter of; paying off porn stars, grabbing women by the pussy, cheating on your third wife right after she gave birth to your fifth child.

Translation ~ you voted for Bill clinton, the ultimate whore in the white house.
Records are made to be broken. Trump is the new all-time whore in the White House now.

That's what I don't get, do you have proof he cheated on his wife since being elected?

If you dont...shame on you for spreading rumors
What an irrelevant, stupid statement. He cheated enough before he was elected to establish his character. I never said he cheated since being President.

So you are saying everyone knew about his character before he was president..

And then have a fit about his character when he was president?

# you are a moron.
You cannot be this stupid. Many of Trump's indiscretions did not come out until after he was President.
But he was elected President with much of his immorality in full view and people did not care about morality. When morality returns Trump will be defeated.
That is my point idiot.
You are an immoral idiot so there is no hope for you. Trump is your man.
I am a supporter of honesty and morality.

Your problem Elmer is what you THINK is being honest and moral.
Tell me what I think is being honest and moral and what I should think.

Your many previous posts speak for themselves as to what you think is being "honest."
Please give me an example of me not being honest.

Why waste the time. If you didn't think you were being honest, you wouldn't have said it, and if I spend my time going back through all your posts to pick one out, you'll simply deny it leading to a circuitous argument of denial and diversion. Like so many on this board, you make claims and accusations, always against Trump or the GOP and with about 30 leaps of logic from the original fact you start out with to your conclusion! Your problem isn't your intellectual dishonesty, it is the fact that you are chronically blind to the failings in your process!
I knew you could not come up with an example of my dishonesty.
You are full of BS; no substance; no facts, no brains: a true Trumpite
Yep, Filthy Don is trash.
Your problem Elmer is what you THINK is being honest and moral.
Tell me what I think is being honest and moral and what I should think.

Your many previous posts speak for themselves as to what you think is being "honest."
Please give me an example of me not being honest.

Why waste the time. If you didn't think you were being honest, you wouldn't have said it, and if I spend my time going back through all your posts to pick one out, you'll simply deny it leading to a circuitous argument of denial and diversion. Like so many on this board, you make claims and accusations, always against Trump or the GOP and with about 30 leaps of logic from the original fact you start out with to your conclusion! Your problem isn't your intellectual dishonesty, it is the fact that you are chronically blind to the failings in your process!
I knew you could not come up with an example of my dishonesty.
You are full of BS; no substance; no facts, no brains: a true Trumpite

There is an example right there.
Tell me what I think is being honest and moral and what I should think.

Your many previous posts speak for themselves as to what you think is being "honest."
Please give me an example of me not being honest.

Why waste the time. If you didn't think you were being honest, you wouldn't have said it, and if I spend my time going back through all your posts to pick one out, you'll simply deny it leading to a circuitous argument of denial and diversion. Like so many on this board, you make claims and accusations, always against Trump or the GOP and with about 30 leaps of logic from the original fact you start out with to your conclusion! Your problem isn't your intellectual dishonesty, it is the fact that you are chronically blind to the failings in your process!
I knew you could not come up with an example of my dishonesty.
You are full of BS; no substance; no facts, no brains: a true Trumpite

There is an example right there.
prove anything I said was not true.
Your many previous posts speak for themselves as to what you think is being "honest."
Please give me an example of me not being honest.

Why waste the time. If you didn't think you were being honest, you wouldn't have said it, and if I spend my time going back through all your posts to pick one out, you'll simply deny it leading to a circuitous argument of denial and diversion. Like so many on this board, you make claims and accusations, always against Trump or the GOP and with about 30 leaps of logic from the original fact you start out with to your conclusion! Your problem isn't your intellectual dishonesty, it is the fact that you are chronically blind to the failings in your process!
I knew you could not come up with an example of my dishonesty.
You are full of BS; no substance; no facts, no brains: a true Trumpite

There is an example right there.
prove anything I said was not true.

A statement being true or false has nothing to do with a person's level of honesty and morality. Score one already for not being too bright.
Please give me an example of me not being honest.

Why waste the time. If you didn't think you were being honest, you wouldn't have said it, and if I spend my time going back through all your posts to pick one out, you'll simply deny it leading to a circuitous argument of denial and diversion. Like so many on this board, you make claims and accusations, always against Trump or the GOP and with about 30 leaps of logic from the original fact you start out with to your conclusion! Your problem isn't your intellectual dishonesty, it is the fact that you are chronically blind to the failings in your process!
I knew you could not come up with an example of my dishonesty.
You are full of BS; no substance; no facts, no brains: a true Trumpite

There is an example right there.
prove anything I said was not true.

A statement being true or false has nothing to do with a person's level of honesty and morality. Score one already for not being too bright.
That is a bunch of double speak. You sound like Bill Clinton; "the truth is based on the meaning of is"
You are an idiot.
Why waste the time. If you didn't think you were being honest, you wouldn't have said it, and if I spend my time going back through all your posts to pick one out, you'll simply deny it leading to a circuitous argument of denial and diversion. Like so many on this board, you make claims and accusations, always against Trump or the GOP and with about 30 leaps of logic from the original fact you start out with to your conclusion! Your problem isn't your intellectual dishonesty, it is the fact that you are chronically blind to the failings in your process!
I knew you could not come up with an example of my dishonesty.
You are full of BS; no substance; no facts, no brains: a true Trumpite

There is an example right there.
prove anything I said was not true.

A statement being true or false has nothing to do with a person's level of honesty and morality. Score one already for not being too bright.
That is a bunch of double speak. You sound like Bill Clinton; "the truth is based on the meaning of is"
You are an idiot.

Jesus, I found another moron with a 65 IQ. TRUTH has to do with FACT. An absolute state. HONESTY is a relative condition and has to do with representing events as you know them to be without omission or embellishment. You can be 100% wrong in your facts but still be totally honest in your giving of them. But thanks for comparing me to Bill Clinton, seeing that he is like the Golden Icon of yours and the Left, that still gives half the DNC a Woodie just thinking about!

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