The morality of the Left

We get a microcosm into the morality of the Left via one of the Left's biggest financial supporters, Sam Bankman-Fried. Here is a "man" whose parents were respected scholars of corporate tax law and ethics at Stanford University and who are now worth around $16 million thanks to all the people their son robbed. It was a secular and Godless morality, full of various theories, such as refusing to place blame or fault on anyone due to the fact people don't really have free will, etc. This is a Left wing ideology that wants to do away with police and jails, unless they were part of January 6th, but I think that is only common sense

In short, this is the society the DNC has created. A society that celebrated Sam Bankman-Fried because he gave more to the democrat party than anyone in the world, other than George Soros who always leads the charge because he has more money than God himself. But who cares since he it giving money to a good cause, that is the destruction of Orange man and all the insurrectionists, so even though he may have done some harm, his good outweighed his bad.

And when we turn on the news, this is the society we have today, with crime at an all-time high.

This is just a taste of the future they are giving us all.
Guy disappeared more money than Enron yet not a ripple in the eon universe......makes ya go hmmmm
The morality of the left...

If not trying to kill children, sniff / grope them, screw them, or sex trafficking them they are taking them to gay bars to watch cross-dressers dance on poles or are handing out butt plugs to them in school classrooms...

That's all you need to know.
Had not heard the butt plug thing. You neglected to mention the school was private and the purpose was sex education.
Explaining what they are is education. Some people think education is a good thing.
Butt plugs have nothing to do with physiology and biology, true sex education. Bitt plugs are part of a FETISH and their introduction to impressionable underaged children in the name of 'sex ed' is part of an attempt to 'normalize' and groom kids to their use.

Some leftist think grooming and pedophilia are good things, but it does not make it so.

We get a microcosm into the morality of the Left via one of the Left's biggest financial supporters, Sam Bankman-Fried. Here is a "man" whose parents were respected scholars of corporate tax law and ethics at Stanford University and who are now worth around $16 million thanks to all the people their son robbed. It was a secular and Godless morality, full of various theories, such as refusing to place blame or fault on anyone due to the fact people don't really have free will, etc. This is a Left wing ideology that wants to do away with police and jails, unless they were part of January 6th, but I think that is only common sense

In short, this is the society the DNC has created. A society that celebrated Sam Bankman-Fried because he gave more to the democrat party than anyone in the world, other than George Soros who always leads the charge because he has more money than God himself. But who cares since he it giving money to a good cause, that is the destruction of Orange man and all the insurrectionists, so even though he may have done some harm, his good outweighed his bad.

And when we turn on the news, this is the society we have today, with crime at an all-time high.

This is just a taste of the future they are giving us all.
Fon't push this on us. Bankman-Fried is a closet neocon!
Butt plugs have nothing to do with physiology and biology, true sex education. Bitt plugs are part of a FETISH and their introduction to impressionable underaged children in the name of 'sex ed' is part of an attempt to 'normalize' and groom kids to their use.

Some leftist think grooming and pedophilia are good things, but it does not make it so.
What is an appropriate age to learn about butt plugs?
There is never an appropriate children's agee for liberal school official perverts to teach kids about sexual fetishes and to groom them.
Does that include someone in a Ph.D. program in Psychology? Is it an age-related bar you have?

BTW, it was a private school so your opinion carries no weight.
Does that include someone in a Ph.D. program in Psychology? Is it an age-related bar you have?

BTW, it was a private school so your opinion carries no weight.

What do you not understand about 'There is never an appropriate children's agee for liberal school official perverts to teach kids about sexual fetishes and to groom them'?

So you think it is ok for a perv teacher to teach underaged children about sexual fetishes and groom kids under the guise of it being part of 'sex ed' as long it is being done at a Private school?!

I hope you do not have a job that has anything to do with being around underaged kids.
What do you not understand about 'There is never an appropriate children's agee for liberal school official perverts to teach kids about sexual fetishes and to groom them'?

So you think it is ok for a perv teacher to teach underaged children about sexual fetishes and groom kids under the guise of it being part of 'sex ed' as long it is being done at a Private school?!

I hope you do not have a job that has anything to do with being around underaged kids.
If you can't or won't answer my questions, just man up and say so.
The GOP gotz da monies also, but you leave them out of it. I bet you cheat at golf also.
I don't have to cheat to beat a spastic fucktard like you..... anytime, $10K per hole...

The last time you heard that was probably at a bath house..... hmm?

We get a microcosm into the morality of the Left via one of the Left's biggest financial supporters, Sam Bankman-Fried. Here is a "man" whose parents were respected scholars of corporate tax law and ethics at Stanford University and who are now worth around $16 million thanks to all the people their son robbed. It was a secular and Godless morality, full of various theories, such as refusing to place blame or fault on anyone due to the fact people don't really have free will, etc. This is a Left wing ideology that wants to do away with police and jails, unless they were part of January 6th, but I think that is only common sense

In short, this is the society the DNC has created. A society that celebrated Sam Bankman-Fried because he gave more to the democrat party than anyone in the world, other than George Soros who always leads the charge because he has more money than God himself. But who cares since he it giving money to a good cause, that is the destruction of Orange man and all the insurrectionists, so even though he may have done some harm, his good outweighed his bad.

And when we turn on the news, this is the society we have today, with crime at an all-time high.

This is just a taste of the future they are giving us all.
You can't use the words morality and left in the same sentence with a straight face.
The guy who supports the Pikachu who paid a porn star for sex is lecturing others on morality?
HaHaHa--this from the guy who worships Clinton. How many BJs did he get IN the oval office? Tell me again how many trips he made on the Lolita express. Fucking brainwashed hypocrite.
The morality of the left? Ha! They won't even support Mike Lee's bill to get porn off the internet.

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