The more technology we get the fewer questions we ask.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The continuing parade of information technology in our modern world is producing two divergent paradigms. On the one hand it puts the magic of information research at the speed of light into the hands of the curious. On the other, it opens a Pandora’s Box of gossip and mindless chatter that dominates social media. Like television in the 1950’s this new innovation was quickly usurped by commercialism and profits soar as citizens west of the bell curve are separated from their money with petty distractions and the subliminal influence of Madison Avenue advertising.

While intelligent humans find computer technology a priceless tool that relieves them from the drudgery of time consuming legwork, the lowest common denominator rushes like flies to a pile of manure in a buzzing, fixated addiction to the asinine. As with television, the computer hasn’t made the people any smarter or better informed, it’s simply enhanced what they already were.

This raises the dire possibility that information technology may actually be accelerating the extinction of the human race. The people who want to know what’s actually going on in our world are vastly outnumbered by those who don’t care and they are reproducing at a much slower rate. This means that the dumb are getting dumber at a pace so much faster than the smart are getting smarter that as biological organisms we are close to a breaking point.

Why we are harvesting a population of seven billion of the least desirable representatives of humanity is a question that needs to be asked and if technology is properly used that question can be answered by those who care to know. Like dark energy and dark matter there is a force at work unseen that can be extrapolated by its empirical effect.

The human experience on Earth cannot be explained by natural selection. If it could then the fittest most intelligent humans would be spreading their genetic seeds faster than the weakest. But the opposite is true. So everything we have been taught about human evolution is probably false.

The starkest conclusion that can be reached is that the Earth is a petri dish and the human race is an experiment. Who or what is conducting the experiment and for what end is something we may never know and unfortunately most of us don’t care.

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