The More Time Goes By The More Evidence Proves J6 Was A Democrat Set-Up & Attack On Americans

The evidence for this? It is now overwhelming. If the protesters are spending time in jail, why are no government officials fired for negligence or dereliction of duty? :dunno:

Capitol Police whistleblower memo lays out Jan. 6 'intelligence failures' on Pelosi watch

Three days after the Jan. 6 riot, a Capitol Police intelligence analyst sent a blistering email to supervisors, blowing the whistle on a failure to heed clear intelligence that right-wing rioters planned to storm the Capitol.

". . . Just three days after the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, one of the Capitol Police's top intelligence analysts sent a blistering email to supervisors, blowing the whistle on what he said was a failure to heed clear intelligence warning that right-wing rioters planned to storm the Capitol.

"We analysts have been reporting for weeks that Patriot groups are commenting on social media their intentions to storm the U.S. Capitol with overwhelming numbers," Eric Hoar wrote in the Jan. 9, 2021 email to his bosses. "I don't know what was occurring behind the scenes, but I hope that information was briefed with the veracity it deserved, and not just a one-time Event Assessment.

Hoar wrote he feared political considerations had overtaken security needs in the lead-up to the riot. . ."


You can read his full memo here:"



". . . .For instance, one threat posted on the site and provided to Capitol Police said the right wing extremists distrusted the Capitol Police force because of “how they defended antifa from proudboys like they were the swiss guard protecting the pope.”

The Dec. 21, 2020 intelligence bulletin that Hoar's division created to summarize the social media chatter about potential violence on Jan. 6 listed specific threats against members of Congress, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Republican Leader Micth McConnell.

It also cited a suggestion to attack the power grid that provided electricity to the Capitol, a vow to burn down the Supreme Court and pleas to bring shovels, nerve gas and weapons to the event. "Bring guns, and don't let any patriot get arrested at any cost," the intelligence bulletin quoted one person planning to attend.. . . "





File: CapitolPolice#21-TD-159.pdf

". . . Despite all of the intelligence coming into Capitol Police, the department's final instructions to its front line officers made no mention of the potential warnings.

For instance, the department's Jan. 5, 2021 final Civil Disturbance Units plan for crowd and riot control contained this inexplicable language about threat assessment: "At this time there are no specific known threats related to the Joint Session of Congress - Electoral College Vote Certification."

Capitol Police whistleblower delivers scathing rebuke to 2 of its senior leaders Jan. 6​

The whistleblower alleges, among multiple serious allegations, that former acting chief Yogananda Pittman lied to Congress about an intelligence report Capitol Police received before that day’s riot.

". . . .The whistleblower, who requested anonymity for privacy reasons and left the force months after the attack, sent the 16-page letter late last month to the top members of both parties in the House and Senate. His missive makes scorching allegations against Sean Gallagher, the Capitol Police’s acting chief of uniformed operations, and Yogananda Pittman, its assistant chief of police for protective and intelligence operations — who also served as its former acting chief.

The whistleblower accuses Gallagher and Pittman of deliberately choosing not to help officers under attack on Jan. 6 and alleges that Pittman lied to Congress about an intelligence report Capitol Police received before that day’s riot. After a lengthy career in the department, the whistleblower was a senior official on duty on Jan. 6.

The whistleblower’s criticism went beyond Capitol Police leaders to Congress. Without naming specific lawmakers, his letter accuses congressional leaders of having “purposefully failed” to tell the truth about the department’s failures.


“These officials were the only officials that had all the intelligence information for the 6th,” the whistleblower wrote, regarding Gallagher and Pittman.

“The single most important piece of intelligence information ... was never shared with any members of USCP leadership,” the whistleblower added, asking: “Why did they approve the operational plan for the 6th if they knew the intelligence?”

A senior law enforcement official said that other people in the department actually did have the intelligence, but that it clearly should have been distributed more widely. The Capitol Police spokesperson disputed the allegation that Pittman lied to Congress and noted that the department has changed its internal and external intelligence-sharing practices because of the attack.


". . . .Stop the Steal was a movement promoting the conspiracy theory that nefarious forces stole the election from Trump. The movement’s organizers promoted a rally on the National Mall that preceded the attack on the Capitol.

That was “game changing information,” the whistleblower added, but operational commanders — meaning, the law enforcement officers in the field supervising police activity — never learned about it. . . . "

Live with Tarik Johnson, Former Lieutenant with Capitol Police - Viva Frei​

What we can say for sure, is;

A) The "stop the steal," protesters went way too far on that day, and many groups in that crowd, had plans before hand, to storm the capitol, which the FBI knew about.

The FBI gave the leadership of the Capitol Police intelligence on those plans, who then, neglected to give their own officers notice about, or fortify the capitol police numbers. WE HAVE THE MEMO, I just posted it in post #141 It is memo number #21-TD-159. I am sorry if you folks DO NOT LIKE THE FACTS.

B) There certainly seemed to be some institutional negligence in preparing before hand, for the protests that day,


C) There seemed to be purposeful obfuscation in the way investigations were handled, and purposely presenting political spin around how that day was presented to the public.
Opposing commie scum like you doesn't automatically make anyone aligned with the object of your infantile hatred, dope.
Like Trump and RWNJ's?

Why Donald Trump Says His Enemies Are 'Communists'​

Politico › magazine › 2023/06/22

Jun 22, 2023 — In September 2019, he used an address to the United Nations General Assembly to expand on his anti-communist crusade. “Socialism and communism,” ...

Decades before Trump's election lies, McCarthy's anti- ...​

NPR › 2021/10/18 › decades-before-tru...

Oct 18, 2021 — There are distinct echoes today of the early 1950s, when false narratives about communism spreading in the U.S. gripped the Republican base ...

Crippling blood-drenched communists: Extreme name ...​

Roll Call › 2022/03/23 › crippling-blood-dr...

Mar 23, 2022 — Greene's email reminded me of former Florida GOP Rep. Allen West's assertion 10 years ago that about 80 Democrats in Congress were communists.

Tucker Carlson Demands Interview With Vladimir Putin​

Newsweek › ... › Volodymyr Zelensky

Aug 28, 2023 — Tucker Carlson has demanded an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to top Kremlin propagandist Margarita Simonyan.
Like Trump and RWNJ's?

Why Donald Trump Says His Enemies Are 'Communists'

View attachment 833114
Politico › magazine › 2023/06/22
Jun 22, 2023 — In September 2019, he used an address to the United Nations General Assembly to expand on his anti-communist crusade. “Socialism and communism,” ...

Decades before Trump's election lies, McCarthy's anti- ...

NPR › 2021/10/18 › decades-before-tru...
Oct 18, 2021 — There are distinct echoes today of the early 1950s, when false narratives about communism spreading in the U.S. gripped the Republican base ...

Crippling blood-drenched communists: Extreme name ...

View attachment 833116
Roll Call › 2022/03/23 › crippling-blood-dr...
Mar 23, 2022 — Greene's email reminded me of former Florida GOP Rep. Allen West's assertion 10 years ago that about 80 Democrats in Congress were communists.

Tucker Carlson Demands Interview With Vladimir Putin

View attachment 833118
Newsweek › ... › Volodymyr Zelensky
Aug 28, 2023 — Tucker Carlson has demanded an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to top Kremlin propagandist Margarita Simonyan.
Are you going to get within a few miles of a cogent point at some time?
Are you going to get within a few miles of a cogent point at some time?
Guess that point flew over your head, like it does with most teabaggers.
Teabagger projection.
Accuse others of what YOU'RE actually doing or in favor of, communism.

NOW post any article of democrats believing in, participating in, or espousing communism?
NOW post any article of democrats believing in, participating in, or espousing communism?
How about articles where their nonsense and collectivism is being beaten back?

Guess that point flew over your head, like it does with most teabaggers.
Teabagger projection.
Accuse others of what YOU'RE actually doing or in favor of, communism.

NOW post any article of democrats believing in, participating in, or espousing communism?
No, it didn't fly over my head....It was just another litany of your total irrelevancies, in your feeble attempt to try and stuff me into one of your intellectually arrested boxes.

Like most shitlibs, you really aren't at all very bright.
They don't vote for them.
The Democrats gather people's information and fill out ballots for them.
Most illegals are being registered to vote, and then their ballots are filled out for them.
That's how Biden won the last time.
Their policies are pissing everyone off and they're creating millions of new voters who aren't legally supposed to be voting to counter the anti-Biden sentiment that is growing all over the country.
Pennsylvania is doing that right now. They are automatically registering everyone with a DL, and guess what? The illegals have DLs.

Other swing states will follow suit, and then the Dems will make sure they settle illegals where they need them to cheat into a win.

These are nasty, unethical people we are up against.
How about articles where their nonsense and collectivism is being beaten back?

No, any employer has that right to terminate an employee.

How to Legally Fire an Employee​

U.S. Chamber of Commerce › Run › Human Resources

Jan 31, 2020 — In most states, employees are hired on an “at-will” basis, meaning employers have the right to fire any employee, at any time, for any (or no) ...
OMG............Too funny.
They took it to court and won.

Not so in this country.

Russian law bans journalists from calling Ukraine conflict a ...​

NPR › 2022/03/05 › russian-law-bans-jo...

Mar 5, 2022 — Journalists could be jailed for up to 15 years. Russian officials assert it's false to call their military operations in Ukraine a war or an ...
Pennsylvania is doing that right now. They are automatically registering everyone with a DL, and guess what? The illegals have DLs.

Other swing states will follow suit, and then the Dems will make sure they settle illegals where they need them to cheat into a win.

These are nasty, unethical people we are up against.
Only way to stop it is for local cops to arrest everyone involved before the end of year and put them in prison under organized crime RICO predicates.
No, it didn't fly over my head
YES, it did.
....It was just another litany of your total irrelevancies, in your feeble attempt to try and stuff me into one of your intellectually arrested boxes.
Then why can't you produce anything about a democrat espousing/supporting communism?

Like most shitlibs, you really aren't at all very bright.
Your post proves you aren't bright.

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