The More Time Goes By The More Evidence Proves J6 Was A Democrat Set-Up & Attack On Americans

Of course they didn't. They were just taking notes.

I don't think there was any conspiracy at play, but I think Dems in the government thought "Trump wants to spark a riot? Ok. Let's just watch."
Not that simple.

Even if it was it would be criminal negligence.
Would you like to discuss any points in the topic?

Or continue to be a pindick troll?

Lets look at the history of the Crybaby Loser you support

Lost the Iowa Caucus to Ted Cruz. Immediately claimed Ted Cruz cheated

Expected to lose the 2016 Election and started declaring the election was bogus. When he won, it was a legitimate election

Because he lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes, he claimed 3 million votes were fake.

Got the snot beat out of him by Joe Biden. Started a LIE that he really won and was cheated.

Aren’t you embarrassed to believe such a Crybaby Loser?
Lets look at the history of the Crybaby Loser you support

Lost the Iowa Caucus to Ted Cruz. Immediately claimed Ted Cruz cheated

Expected to lose the 2016 Election and started declaring the election was bogus. When he won, it was a legitimate election

Because he lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes, he claimed 3 million votes were fake.

Got the snot beat out of him by Joe Biden. Started a LIE that he really won and was cheated.

Aren’t you embarrassed to believe such a Crybaby Loser?
Nah, I’m embarrassed for you…
Lol republicans have lost their minds

YOu must have just watched the latest MAGAt using the Congress to try and get their Orange Traitor and Terrorist back into office. At some point, the Justice Department is going to have to start trying these people that play that game. It's just another chapter of J6
Which one of you liberals can defend this?
They can't defend it. They can just ignore it.
When it comes to the truth of Jan 6th, they simply go blank and repeat what has been force-fed to them for the last several years.
They don't have to think it was anything other than what they were told.
Their prejudices overrule their sense of right or wrong and they simply keep faith with an absolute lie.
FBI claims there were so many informants - and undercover FBI agents - in tbe J6 crowd THEY don't even know how many there were.

It is undeniably clear that Democrats / the FBI NEVER tried to PREVENT J6 from happening but instead ran J6 as a setup Op.

Public trust in gov is at historic lows. About 20-30%. So all these libs who say hahaha Republicans are crazy...THEY are in the minority, not us.

How do you know that our government isn't 'playing us for fools'

defend that!


Lost the Iowa Caucus to Ted Cruz. Immediately claimed Ted Cruz cheated

Expected to lose the 2016 Election and started declaring the election was bogus. When he won, it was a legitimate election

Because he lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes, he claimed 3 million votes were fake.

Got the snot beat out of him by Joe Biden. Started a LIE that he really won and was cheated.

When Trump loses again in 2024 are you going to accept the Crybaby Loser whining that he was cheated?

How many times will you fall for that?

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