The most accurate poll has Romney up by 5

Will obama's eventual loss come as a surprise to democrats, or will they just blame Biden?
Will obama's eventual loss come as a surprise to democrats, or will they just blame Biden?
Wall street
Wall Mart
Did I mention GWB?

Your comparing Income tax VS capital gains
That is very un ethical

You want capital gains taxes to go up? be honest about it
Investing capital creates jobs


Investing is gambling. It doesn't create a single job.

An investor is a parasite that tries to convince you he's a vital organ. If you had 1000 people on an island fighting to stay alive, the least useful person there would be the "investor".

What creates jobs is consumer demand. What creates consumer demand is decent pay for working folks.

Your comparing Income tax VS capital gains
That is very un ethical

You want capital gains taxes to go up? be honest about it
Investing capital creates jobs


Investing is gambling. It doesn't create a single job.

An investor is a parasite that tries to convince you he's a vital organ. If you had 1000 people on an island fighting to stay alive, the least useful person there would be the "investor".

What creates jobs is consumer demand. What creates consumer demand is decent pay for working folks.

Sorry you feel that capital injection does not create any wealth, hence jobs
I made close to 6 figures last year
I bought a truck
I bought a travel trailer
multiply that by billions, trillions in whole

I am not sure what you think those companies do with the monies invested, nor the people who profit from the same do with that wealth
Sorry you feel that capital injection does not create any wealth, hence jobs
I made close to 6 figures last year
I bought a truck
I bought a travel trailer
multiply that by billions, trillions in whole

I am not sure what you think those companies do with the monies invested, nor the people who profit from the same do with that wealth

First, I doubt you made six figures, unless we were counting Pesos...

You just don't seem stable enough.

Secondly, companies don't invest money unless they know there is a consumer demand for the product. And usually, they guess right, but that's all they are doing is investing.

The real economic activity is those who are buying or not buying, which is why this RW insanity of stripping people of good union jobs so a few assholes can get more stock dividends is insanity on steroids.
The k00ks are stupidfied today...........dumbasses will be dumbasses. These meatheads think the whole country is in for gay nuptuals:funnyface:

Sorry assholes.........thats why they brand you the <21%ers. Because tradtional America is still valued highly by a MAJORITY of Americans.:suck:

I hate to tell you this, but like it or not, more and more Americans are changing their minds on gay marriage. At this point it's pretty close to 50/50 on supporting or being against it. Of course, you will find more for it in blue states and more against it in those poor red states in the south.
Sorry you feel that capital injection does not create any wealth, hence jobs
I made close to 6 figures last year
I bought a truck
I bought a travel trailer
multiply that by billions, trillions in whole

I am not sure what you think those companies do with the monies invested, nor the people who profit from the same do with that wealth

First, I doubt you made six figures, unless we were counting Pesos...

You just don't seem stable enough.

Secondly, companies don't invest money unless they know there is a consumer demand for the product. And usually, they guess right, but that's all they are doing is investing.

The real economic activity is those who are buying or not buying, which is why this RW insanity of stripping people of good union jobs so a few assholes can get more stock dividends is insanity on steroids.

American businesses are holding over $2 trillion in cash and refuse to invest it because they see no demand. Demand will not increase by reducing taxes on the wealthy, but the right wing nutjobs will continue to insist that it will. They've been duped so badly that they don't even want to admit to being duped because then they will have to admit they were fooled and that will make them look stupid.

Henry Ford understood that you have to pay your employees enough so that they can afford to buy your product or service. Without buyers, there is no business and no jobs. In the race to see who can make the most, this has been forgotten, and now we are all paying for it dearly.
Not sure that'll last.

Yea, you stick with attacking him for stupid shit while your fellow Americans are losing everything they've worked for.... that is so gonna work for you.

CG? How can you get all that extrapolating out of my "Not sure that'll last." I didn't even make a positive statement, and next thing I knew you were galloping away on my pretty pony.
Sorry you feel that capital injection does not create any wealth, hence jobs
I made close to 6 figures last year
I bought a truck
I bought a travel trailer
multiply that by billions, trillions in whole

I am not sure what you think those companies do with the monies invested, nor the people who profit from the same do with that wealth

First, I doubt you made six figures, unless we were counting Pesos...

You just don't seem stable enough.

Secondly, companies don't invest money unless they know there is a consumer demand for the product. And usually, they guess right, but that's all they are doing is investing.

The real economic activity is those who are buying or not buying, which is why this RW insanity of stripping people of good union jobs so a few assholes can get more stock dividends is insanity on steroids.

you want to make this personal?
That would be strike 1 and strike 2 Joe
I do not debate these issues with children
You did your reputation allot of harm

Stable? Stable?
and to call me a liar on top of that?
Joe do you realize I work Union jobs?

Dude there was no call for that, you owe me an apology and then you need to gett off of your but and be part of the solution as I am
I am 1300 miles from from my front door to work, and you respect that with, never mind

That would be strike 3
Good luck in who and what you are in life, you will need it
Living at home and using up your parents wealth to get through life is one thing, but to attack a grown man like my-self with slander and lies is another
You make # 14 on my ignore list

It is funny you claim I am not stable, I am the only adult here that knows there is no future discussing anything with you. Being stable does not require one to try and lower someone else to your level
The k00ks are stupidfied today...........dumbasses will be dumbasses. These meatheads think the whole country is in for gay nuptuals:funnyface:

Sorry assholes.........thats why they brand you the <21%ers. Because tradtional America is still valued highly by a MAJORITY of Americans.:suck:

I hate to tell you this, but like it or not, more and more Americans are changing their minds on gay marriage. At this point it's pretty close to 50/50 on supporting or being against it. Of course, you will find more for it in blue states and more against it in those poor red states in the south.

name 1 state including California that when put to the vote, voted the way your claims went?
1 state out of the 30+ that have voted
The only 'accurate' poll comes in November.

Sometimes not even then, if Dade County Democrats are in charge.
Gallup has the President up a point or two. However they admit that Romney has a 'slight edge' on the economic front, which is #1 in minds of the people. Furthermore, if one looks at the numbers, that 'slight edge' is a wee bit more than that, with those that vote. If anyone really wishes that the conservatives aren't going to vote or that Obama has awakened any of his base, don't read this.

Voters Give Romney Slight Edge Over Obama on Economy
Gallup has the President up a point or two. However they admit that Romney has a 'slight edge' on the economic front, which is #1 in minds of the people. Furthermore, if one looks at the numbers, that 'slight edge' is a wee bit more than that, with those that vote. If anyone really wishes that the conservatives aren't going to vote or that Obama has awakened any of his base, don't read this.

Voters Give Romney Slight Edge Over Obama on Economy

Okay, I don't care who y'all are; that right there is funny.

How do they decide that. What has he said that leads them to believe he will handle the economy well. It looks to me like they voted their "anybody but Obama" stance.

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