The most brazen lie ever told

Actually, the corrupt Democrat Party has illegally weaponized the DOJ.
Garland doesn't have any real dirt on Trump, so they are just making stuff up.
This is how corrupt political juntas do things in banana republics.
The crazy Democrat cult voters are just too blinded by their fanatical hate to see reality.
Trump got caught with a ton of papers he shouldn't have had, seems pretty obvious to me.
"We do not politicize the DOJ"

Cannot beat that...

We can end that lie right now by subpoenaing all things


Because the charge of

Attempted kidnapping

On paul's gay coke whore is

Deliberate intentional politicized hate hoax fraud

And the videos prove it immediately

It's Brietbart.. he thinks everyone is a criminal like Trump.
Actually, the corrupt Democrat Party has illegally weaponized the DOJ.
Garland doesn't have any real dirt on Trump, so they are just making stuff up.
This is how corrupt political juntas do things in banana republics.
The crazy Democrat cult voters are just too blinded by their fanatical hate to see reality.

There is a SHIT TON of dirt on Trump. So much so that he should never have been allowed to run, so don't even try that bullshit.
Trump got caught with a ton of papers he shouldn't have had, seems pretty obvious to me.
its comical really. every so called libertarian Ive seen ALWAYS deflects blame from the dems and immediately attacks the pubs.

why is that?
I have never ran across a man so obsessed with the underwear of another man.

It is literally all you talk about

Yeah, and about what happened in nashville today.

University of FLUNK flunked and got


By mighty VANDY!!!

SEC on notice.

Vandy is BACK!

TN Vols you are NEXT!!!
Self hate. It's common among all whites.

Um, no, massive fail.

Rightwinger knows exactly who he is and what he is about.

Christians who think they know better for jews about jews are the same idiots who believe there are starving grannies in israel and send money to "help."

If you still believe the official version of 911, you are hopelessly lost.... And will forever remain that way...
Um, no, massive fail.

Rightwinger knows exactly who he is and what he is about.

Christians who think they know better for jews about jews are the same idiots who believe there are starving grannies in israel and send money to "help."

If you still believe the official version of 911, you are hopelessly lost.... And will forever remain that way...
"Those dirty Jews'. No, right-winger is just another useful idiots for people like you
"Those dirty Jews'. No, right-winger is just another useful idiots for people like you

You have gone through your entire life with a paper bag over your head called religion. If you do not take it off, you believe stars are the same size as figs...
Are all right wingers complete idiots? Posts like this one continue to prove that they are.

So tell us what happened since your side has yet to come out with

UnderwearGate 4.0

After NBC pulled

UnderwearGate 3.0

its comical really. every so called libertarian Ive seen ALWAYS deflects blame from the dems and immediately attacks the pubs.

why is that?
Trump took stuff he shouldn't have, that's ALL on him, no one else. But man, is Trump ever a fucking crybaby, lol.

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