The most brazen lie ever told

They got convicted in a court of law. Blame the criminal, not the system.
Wrong answer, you were checkmated and you got caught protecting the real criminals.
Either you know right from wrong or you just are Liberal about accusing others what you do aka "rules for thee but not for me."
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You're just a whiny sore loser like the Big Orange Guy.
See you deflected and projected, the snowflakes always- "Always" accuse their opponents of what they are doing, and that was my point that you so eloquently made tangible in your racist reply.
Calling and hating the man by the heritage color of his skin (his Scotish gene) is racist, a double whammy in your rebuttle.
Have you realized yet that Jaxson is mentally ill?
Everyone has been made ill-The progressive left has tried to make everyone ill through consistent repetitive propaganda and false narrative brainwashing. There's just different stages to everyone's illness, some being made bat guano crazy to be foot soldiers in the same way Meduro buys off and impliments his propaganda to get supporters to keep his corrupt reigns.
The only solution is deprograming much like in saving people from cults. Which is why the Conservatives should better explain to the lefts audience not it's own audience, the full details of what's going on, what took place and why with what intent, and assume they are hearing it for the first time, thanks to their supressive and censorship media and affiliations.
I think some of the hearings will do just that, but media will blow smokescreens like not covering it or conveniently timed blackouts on comcast.

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