the most dangerous volcano in the world in alert


Nov 3, 2010
i live in jakarta near krakau (indonesia)

Activity of Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait during the last 18 days continued to show increased frequency of volcanic and seismic tremors and earthquakes blowing, out bursts of incandescent lava and hurl hot rocks and gray smoke as high as 700 meters.

Observation Post Mount Krakatau in the Village Pasauran, Kec. Cinangka, Serang, noting that throughout Thursday (8 / 11) from 06.00 am until 18.00 WIB occurs 195 times volcanic eruptions accompanied by seismicity A (in) seven times, volcanic B (shallow) 49 times, 18 times as well as earthquake tremors gust 23 times.

"If the volcanic eruption and earthquake and the tremors that continued to increase and not decrease, the possibility lava could reach the mainland. It is dangerous and can happen big eruption,"

These conditions make the monitors there continues to work 24-hour monitoring active volcanic eruptions of krakatau.
the eruption of Mount Krakatau could turn into a critical state when the earthquake continues.

Moreover, until recently, been a thousand times the recorded earthquake seismic recording devices (Seismograph).

It is estimated, seismicity continued to result in disaster due to hurl hot rocks, volcanic bombs, and hot clouds and the possibility of a tsunami.

"Until now Mount Krakatau had yet to show the status back to normal` or `alert, after being declared` standby `(level III) by the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) Bandung, West Java," said

Mount Anak Krakatau's activity is still volatile with the emergence of 3-6 minute intervals of fast and slow 10 to 15 minutes.

That is, volcanic eruptions and seismicity was still considered normal and relatively small, but still dangerous to be within three miles of the mountain.

Therefore, the visitor / tourist, journalist, fishermen and officers are prohibited from approaching within a radius of 3 km, considering the condition of mountain activities are very dangerous at any time of the bursts of incandescent lava.

22 list of Indonesia Volcano erupts Ready Status Alert:

1. Seulawah Agam (NAD)
2. Sinabung (Sumatra Utara)
3. Talang (Sumatra Barat)
4. Kaba (Bengkulu)
5. Kerinci (Jambi)
6. Anak krakatau (Lampung)
7. Papandayan (Jawa Barat)
8. Slamet (Jawa Tengah)
9. Bromo (Jawa Timur)
10. Semeru (Jawa Timur)
11. Batur (Bali)
12. Rinjani (NTB)
13. Rokatenda (NTT)
14. Sangeang Api (NTB)
15. Egon (NTT)
16. Soputan (Sulawesi Utara)
17. Lokon (Sulawesi Utara)
18. Gamalama (Maluku Utara)
19. Dukono (Maluku Utara)
20. Ibu (Maluku Utara)
21. Karangetang (Sulawesi Utara)
22. Merapi (DIY dan Jawa Tengah)

Status of level I or an active danger to normal means based on visual observations, seismicity and other volcanic phenomena showed no abnormalities. Level II or alert means there is increased activity in the form of abnormalities that appear visually or the results of the crater, seismicity and other volcanic phenomena

and the worst is if the explosion of a volcano can trigger other volcanic explosion, and if that happens it will be enough power to destroy more than half of the world and led to extreme climate

maybe it`s gonna be like armagedon

update: merapi eruption

Mount Merapi volcano has erupted for a third time, with local people reportedly saying this was louder and stronger than the previous eruption on Tuesday.

The latest eruption happened at around 0100 on Saturday (1800GMT Friday).

Agence France Presse reported that it caused panic, with hundreds of people, including police and soldiers, trying to flee in cars or on motorbikes.

Ash was raining down in Yogyakarta, about 30km (19 miles) away.

But authorities say Yogyakarta is safe. The head of the monitoring body has said the risk remains lmited to the 10km zone around the mountain.

Nearer that zone, though, people felt more in danger.

"I heard several sounds like thunder," Mukimen, a mother-of-two who was fleeing with her family, told AFP. "I was so scared I was shaking."

There had been a number of small eruptions earlier on Friday but with no casualties reported.

Earlier, officials said two people who suffered burns from Tuesday's eruption had died from their injuries, bringing the confirmed death toll to 35.

Displaced people
At least 47,000 people who live around Mount Merapi are staying in government camps or with friends and relatives, according to the National Disaster Management Agency.

But there are frequent reports of displaced people returning to check on their properties or livestock.

Government volcanologist Subandrio told AFP the new eruption suggested the government should be "more serious" about enforcing the exclusion zone and possibly widening it.

Alert levels have been raised on four other volcanoes, two of which are definitely showing signs of activity - Anak Krakatau and Mount Semeru


Concerns about the state of the volcano mountain in Indonesia that have been active and inactive mountain began to be improved. Starting from the increased activity of Mount Merapi in central Java to Merapi volcano eruption, the National Center for Volcanology, Mitigation and Geology or Badan Pusat Vulkanologi, Migitasi dan Geologi (PVMG) started to seriously observe the activities of Mount Semeru.

Officers volcanologi East Java at all times continue to monitor the progress of the activities of Mount Semeru. This is done because it has been recorded several times semeru mountain activities that became active again, even the status of Mount Semeru is starting to set the status of "caution".

It is also conveyed by the Central Bureau of Volcanology, Mitigation and Geology or Badan Pusat Vulkanologi, Migitasi dan Geologi (PVMG) Bandung, after making observations and research since December 29, 2009 and then turned the lava dome mountain semeru continuously expanding, this is because the result of magma coming out of the belly of the mountain semeru accumulate. They recorded at least a day there are about 40 earthquake tremors that happen so it is not too dangerous.

Regarding the status of Mount Semeru, residents are encouraged to always remain cautious, especially residents, a distance of four kilometers from the Top Mount Semeru. Regional Disaster Management Agency Java or Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah BPBD incentive to disseminate security up to the residents in the vicinity of Mount Semeru and simulation means to evacuate themselves when disaster strikes. Whereas, the eruption of Merapi in Yogyakarta and Central Java caused dozens of deaths
I hope you will remain safe, kamandanutw86. This is scarey news.

thanks for support bro, yes this is a scarry news,
immediately after the increasingly dangerous situation we will evacuate, we also do not want to repeat the event in 1883, Krakatoa's last eruption nearly 55,000 deaths
Well if Mount Krakatau lets go like Mount Tambora did, we'll be enjoying still in another year without a summer like we had in 1816.

That ought to have some effect on that pesky global warming.
Well if Mount Krakatau lets go like Mount Tambora did, we'll be enjoying still in another year without a summer like we had in 1816.

That ought to have some effect on that pesky global warming.

Not likely. Anak Krakatau has been erupting too frequently. The entire visible portion of the island has been built since 1927, that's not child's play (no pun intended). That lets off pressure in smaller bursts rather than saving it up for one huge explosion.

The 1883 Krakatoa eruption came after a long period of inactivity, so there were large amounts of volatiles - lots of pressure - to be released. The magma in the chamber was a type that was "sticky" and had formed a solid rock mass acting like a cork. It took a massive amount of pressure to blast that thing out of the way. Once that happened, the explosion was big enough to weaken the chamber and allow seawater to enter it. Basically 1883 was like taking an unopened bottle of soda, shaking and shaking it until it starts to fizz out, then tossing it into a bucket of gasoline and throwing in a match.

In other words Anak's still dangerous, but not near as dangerous as if we hadn't heard from him in a while. I wouldn't be too concerned about a repeat of 1883 this time anyway.

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