The Most Famous Fakes In Science

Actually, science does not ''back up'' the bibles. That's a bumper sticker slogan you dump into threads and never support.

Sure, it does because of the scientific method which you were informed was created by a creationist. There is also evidence. We also know that what God advised people to do was always correct. Thus, what the evolutionists claim as fact and that they have a mountain of evidence, we have studied and discussed already and they are lies. Some are still theories, but probably wrong because it's the science of atheism. It really is amazing how much the science of atheism has gotten into our higher educational systems and it has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. Your science is based on religion.
Creationers did not invent the scientific method.

There is no science of atheism.

Your gods have never offered advise to anyone.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are wrong in every statement. We have Sir Francis Bacon, what you believe is no God and your science is based on no creation happening as it is religious belief. That's wrong. It's science based on creation. God provided his advice in the Bible just as Satan provided his advice in his Antibible (Evolution).
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory.

Many people claim evolution is a fact, so you're lying. You can say it's a theory, but there is no evidence for it (except natural selection and your scientists took that and ran with it).
Actually, science does not ''back up'' the bibles. That's a bumper sticker slogan you dump into threads and never support.

Sure, it does because of the scientific method which you were informed was created by a creationist. There is also evidence. We also know that what God advised people to do was always correct. Thus, what the evolutionists claim as fact and that they have a mountain of evidence, we have studied and discussed already and they are lies. Some are still theories, but probably wrong because it's the science of atheism. It really is amazing how much the science of atheism has gotten into our higher educational systems and it has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. Your science is based on religion.
Creationers did not invent the scientific method.

There is no science of atheism.

Your gods have never offered advise to anyone.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are wrong in every statement. We have Sir Francis Bacon, what you believe is no God and your science is based on no creation happening as it is religious belief. That's wrong. It's science based on creation. God provided his advice in the Bible just as Satan provided his advice in his Antibible (Evolution).
So which god and which “bible” are we talking about ?
Christ, Yahweh, Mohamed etc. ; which one is it ?
What makes you so different then an atheist ? There are six or seven basic religions, and I’ll bet you only believe in one and not the others. So really, an atheist only disbelieves in one more.
So, what makes you so special ? You're just as much a non believer as an atheist !

Besides, the Catholic religion, which is Christian, did much to help develop the theory of evolution with studies by its monks and officially does allow belief in evolution. So, Christians have a least one traitor from their flock. Was Gregor Mendel, a Catholic Monk who worked in evolutionary theory and developed ideas used today that ultimately helped feed millions a a wicked atheist ? You have no food on your table that doesn’t use genetics to grow more efficiently and safe. Are you a hypocrtite for eating those foods ?
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I never said it was a fact, it's a theory.

Many people claim evolution is a fact, so you're lying. You can say it's a theory, but there is no evidence for it (except natural selection and your scientists took that and ran with it).
And you took and ran with a book of fables, some which allow you to bed down multiple wives and under aged children for your own satisfaction..Mormonism.. But evolutionary theory has saved more lives then any book of fables.
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I never said it was a fact, it's a theory.

Many people claim evolution is a fact, so you're lying. You can say it's a theory, but there is no evidence for it (except natural selection and your scientists took that and ran with it).
“Many people” believe in a lot of fake shit. Look at Trump and Pense. The most reliable science comes from dedicate science Institutions where consensus is developed not individual people. There are no dedicated scientific institutions in the entire world that do not support basic theories in evolution as workable ideas to save and make our lives better. Everything from food sources to vaccines are developed using workable evolution ideas. Hypocrites like Mike Pense are struggling to live with that notion.
Actually, science does not ''back up'' the bibles. That's a bumper sticker slogan you dump into threads and never support.

Sure, it does because of the scientific method which you were informed was created by a creationist. There is also evidence. We also know that what God advised people to do was always correct. Thus, what the evolutionists claim as fact and that they have a mountain of evidence, we have studied and discussed already and they are lies. Some are still theories, but probably wrong because it's the science of atheism. It really is amazing how much the science of atheism has gotten into our higher educational systems and it has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. Your science is based on religion.
Creationers did not invent the scientific method.

There is no science of atheism.

Your gods have never offered advise to anyone.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are wrong in every statement. We have Sir Francis Bacon, what you believe is no God and your science is based on no creation happening as it is religious belief. That's wrong. It's science based on creation. God provided his advice in the Bible just as Satan provided his advice in his Antibible (Evolution).
God didn’t write the Bible. Most passages are attributed to a bunch of old white guys’ drunk on wine and looking for a way to control the masses and get rich on the donations and ignorance of others.
Actually, science does not ''back up'' the bibles. That's a bumper sticker slogan you dump into threads and never support.

Sure, it does because of the scientific method which you were informed was created by a creationist. There is also evidence. We also know that what God advised people to do was always correct. Thus, what the evolutionists claim as fact and that they have a mountain of evidence, we have studied and discussed already and they are lies. Some are still theories, but probably wrong because it's the science of atheism. It really is amazing how much the science of atheism has gotten into our higher educational systems and it has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. Your science is based on religion.
Creationers did not invent the scientific method.

There is no science of atheism.

Your gods have never offered advise to anyone.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are wrong in every statement. We have Sir Francis Bacon, what you believe is no God and your science is based on no creation happening as it is religious belief. That's wrong. It's science based on creation. God provided his advice in the Bible just as Satan provided his advice in his Antibible (Evolution).
Actually, science does not ''back up'' the bibles. That's a bumper sticker slogan you dump into threads and never support.

Sure, it does because of the scientific method which you were informed was created by a creationist. There is also evidence. We also know that what God advised people to do was always correct. Thus, what the evolutionists claim as fact and that they have a mountain of evidence, we have studied and discussed already and they are lies. Some are still theories, but probably wrong because it's the science of atheism. It really is amazing how much the science of atheism has gotten into our higher educational systems and it has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. Your science is based on religion.
Creationers did not invent the scientific method.

There is no science of atheism.

Your gods have never offered advise to anyone.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are wrong in every statement. We have Sir Francis Bacon, what you believe is no God and your science is based on no creation happening as it is religious belief. That's wrong. It's science based on creation. God provided his advice in the Bible just as Satan provided his advice in his Antibible (Evolution).
Yah, but we have Kevin Bacon and the “ freedom from religion foundation” and the “six degrees of separation” which supports “social” evolution. So there !
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Actually, science does not ''back up'' the bibles. That's a bumper sticker slogan you dump into threads and never support.

Sure, it does because of the scientific method which you were informed was created by a creationist. There is also evidence. We also know that what God advised people to do was always correct. Thus, what the evolutionists claim as fact and that they have a mountain of evidence, we have studied and discussed already and they are lies. Some are still theories, but probably wrong because it's the science of atheism. It really is amazing how much the science of atheism has gotten into our higher educational systems and it has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. Your science is based on religion.
Creationers did not invent the scientific method.

There is no science of atheism.

Your gods have never offered advise to anyone.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are wrong in every statement. We have Sir Francis Bacon, what you believe is no God and your science is based on no creation happening as it is religious belief. That's wrong. It's science based on creation. God provided his advice in the Bible just as Satan provided his advice in his Antibible (Evolution).
Religious extremists are rather confused. None of the gods ever provided advise to the men, most of who are unknown, who wrote the parts of the bibles.

Fascinating conspiracy theory you have about the satan character offering advise in some antibible you have imagined.
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory.

Many people claim evolution is a fact, so you're lying. You can say it's a theory, but there is no evidence for it (except natural selection and your scientists took that and ran with it).
Many people claim evolution is a fact because biological organisms change (or evolve) over time. So, yes. You might say the fact that biological organisms evolve is a reason to say that biological organisms evolve.
Actually, science does not ''back up'' the bibles. That's a bumper sticker slogan you dump into threads and never support.

Sure, it does because of the scientific method which you were informed was created by a creationist. There is also evidence. We also know that what God advised people to do was always correct. Thus, what the evolutionists claim as fact and that they have a mountain of evidence, we have studied and discussed already and they are lies. Some are still theories, but probably wrong because it's the science of atheism. It really is amazing how much the science of atheism has gotten into our higher educational systems and it has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. Your science is based on religion.
Creationers did not invent the scientific method.

There is no science of atheism.

Your gods have never offered advise to anyone.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are wrong in every statement. We have Sir Francis Bacon, what you believe is no God and your science is based on no creation happening as it is religious belief. That's wrong. It's science based on creation. God provided his advice in the Bible just as Satan provided his advice in his Antibible (Evolution).

Thank you.
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory.

Many people claim evolution is a fact, so you're lying. You can say it's a theory, but there is no evidence for it (except natural selection and your scientists took that and ran with it).
Many people claim evolution is a fact because biological organisms change (or evolve) over time. So, yes. You might say the fact that biological organisms evolve is a reason to say that biological organisms evolve.
It’s worthwhile making the distinction between the “mechanisms of evolution“ which is theory and the statement that it occurs at all, which “ many say is fact” .

Near time evolution is hard to refute and is quite observable.....wisdom teeth, taller subsequent generations and guess what, the effects of polio and small pox vaccine on the general population.
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Actually, science does not ''back up'' the bibles. That's a bumper sticker slogan you dump into threads and never support.

Sure, it does because of the scientific method which you were informed was created by a creationist. There is also evidence. We also know that what God advised people to do was always correct. Thus, what the evolutionists claim as fact and that they have a mountain of evidence, we have studied and discussed already and they are lies. Some are still theories, but probably wrong because it's the science of atheism. It really is amazing how much the science of atheism has gotten into our higher educational systems and it has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. Your science is based on religion.
Creationers did not invent the scientific method.

There is no science of atheism.

Your gods have never offered advise to anyone.

Atheists are usually wrong and you are wrong in every statement. We have Sir Francis Bacon, what you believe is no God and your science is based on no creation happening as it is religious belief. That's wrong. It's science based on creation. God provided his advice in the Bible just as Satan provided his advice in his Antibible (Evolution).
Examples of recent evolution

Drinking milk as adults. Drinking milk is one of the defining traits of mammals, but humans are …
Disease resistance. Evolution is about the survival of the fittest — and a big part of …
Blue eyes. Blue eyes are another recent-evolved trait and scientists have determined it came …
High-altitude breathing. Tibetans live in one of the least hospitable, and therefore one of the …
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory.

Many people claim evolution is a fact, so you're lying. You can say it's a theory, but there is no evidence for it (except natural selection and your scientists took that and ran with it).
Many people claim evolution is a fact because biological organisms change (or evolve) over time. So, yes. You might say the fact that biological organisms evolve is a reason to say that biological organisms evolve.
It’s worthwhile making the distinction between the “mechanisms of evolution“ which is theory and the statement that it occurs at all, which “ many say is fact” .

Near time evolution is hard to refute and is quite observable.....wisdom teeth, taller subsequent generations and guess what, the effects of polio and small pox vaccine on the general population.
I suppose for the benefit of the religious extremists it's worth doubling down on the reality that science does not achieve absolute certainty. In the case of biological evolution however, we have overwhelming amounts of data from diverse fields. Supportable evidence exists from complimentary science disciplines with each new piece of evidence testing the rest.

Even the global distribution of species is consistent with evolutionary history. Marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, for one exampke, and the ''exceptions to the rule'' are explained by continental drift. A truth confirmed by Darwin's study of the Galapagos is that remote islands often have species (groups of species), that are very diverse in physical appearance and habits related to survival but closely related genetically. That kind of species diversity consistency is still true when the distribution of fossil species is included.

Sadly, science, fact and critical thinking is discarded by the usual suspect religious extremists represented in these forums with the insistence that all of existence is shoe-horned into a 6,000 year old planet, that an Ark sailed the seas and that incestuous, familial relations after the Ark reached Port are responsible for human repopulation of the planet.

"The Gawds Did It'' answers every question.
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory.

Many people claim evolution is a fact, so you're lying. You can say it's a theory, but there is no evidence for it (except natural selection and your scientists took that and ran with it).
Many people claim evolution is a fact because biological organisms change (or evolve) over time. So, yes. You might say the fact that biological organisms evolve is a reason to say that biological organisms evolve.
It’s worthwhile making the distinction between the “mechanisms of evolution“ which is theory and the statement that it occurs at all, which “ many say is fact” .

Near time evolution is hard to refute and is quite observable.....wisdom teeth, taller subsequent generations and guess what, the effects of polio and small pox vaccine on the general population.
I suppose for the benefit of the religious extremists it's worth doubling down on the reality that science does not achieve absolute certainty. In the case of biological evolution however, we have overwhelming amounts of data from diverse fields. Supportable evidence exists from complimentary science disciplines with each new piece of evidence testing the rest.

Even the global distribution of species is consistent with evolutionary history. Marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, for one exampke, and the ''exceptions to the rule'' are explained by continental drift. A truth confirmed by Darwin's study of the Galapagos is that remote islands often have species (groups of species), that are very diverse in physical appearance and habits related to survival but closely related genetically. That kind of species diversity consistency is still true when the distribution of fossil species is included.

Sadly, science, fact and critical thinking is discarded by the usual suspect religious extremists represented in these forums with the insistence that all of existence is shoe-horned into a 6,000 year old planet, that an Ark sailed the seas and that incestuous, familial relations after the Ark reached Port are responsible for human repopulation of the planet.

"The Gawds Did It'' answers every question.
The idea that biology changes and evolves, I get it. Science theory as to how it occurs is not a bad thing. In order for science to be accurate, it must NEVER be satisfied that it’s discoveries are factual. That’s what we leave to religious fanatics. Science is filled with great discoveries that were only true ( factual) given the limited evidence they had at the time. That’s why we have theories. Show me one organism that changes outside of its genetic make up, or one that contains no dna and evolution as we know it ceases to exist.

Without quantum theory which literally debunks Newtonian physics you wouldn’t have a cell phone. Still Newtonian physics though not factual at all outside of the evidence used to define it is still great for designing golf clubs.

Imo, critical thinking is enhanced if we are willing to look beyond what one might say is a fact.
We do this all the time in math and other sciences.
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I never said it was a fact, it's a theory.

Many people claim evolution is a fact, so you're lying. You can say it's a theory, but there is no evidence for it (except natural selection and your scientists took that and ran with it).
Many people claim evolution is a fact because biological organisms change (or evolve) over time. So, yes. You might say the fact that biological organisms evolve is a reason to say that biological organisms evolve.
It’s worthwhile making the distinction between the “mechanisms of evolution“ which is theory and the statement that it occurs at all, which “ many say is fact” .

Near time evolution is hard to refute and is quite observable.....wisdom teeth, taller subsequent generations and guess what, the effects of polio and small pox vaccine on the general population.
I suppose for the benefit of the religious extremists it's worth doubling down on the reality that science does not achieve absolute certainty. In the case of biological evolution however, we have overwhelming amounts of data from diverse fields. Supportable evidence exists from complimentary science disciplines with each new piece of evidence testing the rest.

Even the global distribution of species is consistent with evolutionary history. Marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, for one exampke, and the ''exceptions to the rule'' are explained by continental drift. A truth confirmed by Darwin's study of the Galapagos is that remote islands often have species (groups of species), that are very diverse in physical appearance and habits related to survival but closely related genetically. That kind of species diversity consistency is still true when the distribution of fossil species is included.

Sadly, science, fact and critical thinking is discarded by the usual suspect religious extremists represented in these forums with the insistence that all of existence is shoe-horned into a 6,000 year old planet, that an Ark sailed the seas and that incestuous, familial relations after the Ark reached Port are responsible for human repopulation of the planet.

"The Gawds Did It'' answers every question.
I think some who think we have all the answers and think everything is factual now, forget that some had the same ideas centuries ago...
On the huge fraud of *Climate Change*, I just added these two irrefutable facts to

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the highest registered air temperature on Earth was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F) in Furnace Creek Ranch, California, located in the Death Valley desert in the United States, on 10 July 1913...

The lowest natural temperature ever directly recorded at ground level on Earth is −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K) at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica on 21 July 1983 by ground measurements.

So the scary claims by AlGorians of weather extremes becoming more and more common today are baseless, clearly.
On the huge fraud of *Climate Change*, I just added these two irrefutable facts to

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the highest registered air temperature on Earth was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F) in Furnace Creek Ranch, California, located in the Death Valley desert in the United States, on 10 July 1913...

The lowest natural temperature ever directly recorded at ground level on Earth is −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K) at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica on 21 July 1983 by ground measurements.

So the scary claims by AlGorians of weather extremes becoming more and more common today are baseless, clearly.
Jon Minnoch was the heaviest man ever recorded at 1400 lbs. He died in early
1980s when the average American male weighed 183 lbs.

Decades later the average male weighs 194lbs

Gee how can that be ? Jon is no longer around ? Dah.

I also didn’t know Antartica is in California,

Anymore fake news mr engineer ? Toot, toot.

Extreme weather events explained.
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On the huge fraud of *Climate Change*, I just added these two irrefutable facts to

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the highest registered air temperature on Earth was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F) in Furnace Creek Ranch, California, located in the Death Valley desert in the United States, on 10 July 1913...

The lowest natural temperature ever directly recorded at ground level on Earth is −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K) at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica on 21 July 1983 by ground measurements.

So the scary claims by AlGorians of weather extremes becoming more and more common today are baseless, clearly.
Such silly, bellicose pronouncements as “irrefutable facts” (irrefutable phacts™️) that consist of two pieces of data provide nothing more that two pieces of data. Of course, if your data had been taken from Answers in Genesis as opposed to someone’s personal blog, that would have added some real melodrama to your two pieces of data.

Really, it would have.
On the huge fraud of *Climate Change*, I just added these two irrefutable facts to

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the highest registered air temperature on Earth was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F) in Furnace Creek Ranch, California, located in the Death Valley desert in the United States, on 10 July 1913...

The lowest natural temperature ever directly recorded at ground level on Earth is −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K) at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica on 21 July 1983 by ground measurements.

So the scary claims by AlGorians of weather extremes becoming more and more common today are baseless, clearly.
“So the scary claims by AlGorians of weather extremes becoming more and more common today are baseless, clearly.“
Btw, why would you claim that just temperature extremes in two different places is the same as weather extremes in the same places.

Here is a more realistic statement of extremes because of climate change. Same places, not just temperature.

“In recent years, a higher percentage of precipitation in the United States has come in the form of intense single-day events. The prevalence of extreme single-day precipitation events remained fairly steady between 1910 and the 1980s but has risen substantially since then. Nationwide, nine of the top 10 years for extreme one-day precipitation events have occurred since 1990. The occurrence of abnormally high annual precipitation totals (as defined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has also increased “
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