The Most Famous Fakes In Science

Darwin just explained how theory of evolution worked and he was wrong. Darwinism just led to black and Jew genocide. That is fact.
You’re a science illiterate. Theories are neither right or wrong. That’s why they are called theories. Darwin with the evidence he Had at the time which did not include dna evidence, developed acceptable ideas many of which is still used today. When you plant your boneY ass down at the table and eat foods that were developed using the work of scientist in this area, or wait for your little vaccine to save your ass of an affliction, you are depending upon Darwin and Gregor Mendel and a plethora of others. So Darwin is wrong and we use many of his ideas now to save lives ? Foolish on your part.
Geesus....go read a biology book.
I suppose for the benefit of the religious extremists it's worth doubling down on the reality that science does not achieve absolute certainty. In the case of biological evolution however, we have overwhelming amounts of data from diverse fields. Supportable evidence exists from complimentary science disciplines with each new piece of evidence testing the rest.

Even the global distribution of species is consistent with evolutionary history. Marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, for one exampke, and the ''exceptions to the rule'' are explained by continental drift. A truth confirmed by Darwin's study of the Galapagos is that remote islands often have species (groups of species), that are very diverse in physical appearance and habits related to survival but closely related genetically. That kind of species diversity consistency is still true when the distribution of fossil species is included.

Sadly, science, fact and critical thinking is discarded by the usual suspect religious extremists represented in these forums with the insistence that all of existence is shoe-horned into a 6,000 year old planet, that an Ark sailed the seas and that incestuous, familial relations after the Ark reached Port are responsible for human repopulation of the planet.

"The Gawds Did It'' answers every question.

You can't prove anything you said. The continental drift theory was discovered by creation scientists Antonio Snider (first proposed in 1859 based on esis 1:9-10 ) and the work of Alfred Wegener as a pioneer in plate tectonics.

Then, more lies from Hollie.

"The public defection from Darwinism by Yale computer science professor David Gelernter made waves. He said in an interview with Daniel Robinson that he had not suffered any persecution from his colleagues so far, but based on what he knows from others’ testimonies, Gelernter warned that “they will destroy you” if you leave the Darwin camp. That’s because it’s a religion to them, he added. Nevertheless, there have been others, as Evolution News reports today: Wolfe, Shapiro, Prager, Nagel among them. Matti Leisola is another. Will a critical mass be reached that will make it easier for others to jump ship? Maybe if the Darwin ship keeps taking on water and is about to sink scientifically, others will rush to the lifeboats. "

Why would I or anyone else have any use for silly cutting and pasting from another fundie Christian ministry?

Creation Safaris (TM) is a ministry of Master Plan Association, a California non-profit corporation dedicated to helping young people (and adults) understand and follow God’s plan for their lives, and God’s plan for the world, as revealed in the Bible:

“Fear God, and give glory to Him… and worship Him who made heaven and earth” (Revelation 14:7).

“Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God [i.e., the Master] prepared beforehand [i.e., planned] that we should walk in them” ( Ephesians 2:10).

“The works of the Lord are great; studied by all who have pleasure in them” (Psalm 111:2).

Master Plan Association is nothing more than Answers in Genesis lite

The Darwin flotilla is sailing.

Silly Ark fables? Well, that fable sank like a boat anchor.

It's the science of atheism vs the creation science and ID. It's one science versus another. It's one religions versus another and science philosophy.

When you and the atheists won't accept the supernatural of life and the natural coexisting with each other daily, i.e. everything is natural, then this is what you get foo.
It seems you don't understand the terms you use. There is no ''science of atheism''. For that matter, there is no creationer science. Creationer science is simply fundie christianity hiding under a burqa of a bumper sticker slogan.

ID'iot creationers have invented a new bumper sticker called 'intelligent design'' as a new label for fundie christianity. The industry of xtian extremists have simply added a different label to creationism. As the bankruptcy of ''creationer science" beccane increasingly recognized, and as the courts relentlessly threw out attempts by the creationer religious extremists to force Christianity into public schools, a new bumper sticker was invented; ID'iot crestionism. The Dover trial quickly put that nonsense to rest.

As to not accepting the supernatural of life, what supernaturalism has anyone rejected? What supernatural events have occurred? Show me some cause and effect that can be attributed to supernaturalism.

You seem unable to comprehend that in the natural world, there is no mechanism to test for, measure or establish the existence if the supernatural.

Identify one, single, verifiable supernatural event.

Just one. The gawds command you.

Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened.
Crappola. It’s either science or religion. Don’t mix up the two. Religion by definition is based on faith which is the absence of evidence. Science depends upon evidence, religion depends upon a good story line made to instill fear and control.
Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened.
Crappola. It’s either science or religion. Don’t mix up the two. Religion by definition is based on faith which is the absence of evidence. Science depends upon evidence, religion depends upon a good story line made to instill fear and control.
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I don't know anyone who puts complete trust in something or someone without good reason.
Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened.
Crappola. It’s either science or religion. Don’t mix up the two. Religion by definition is based on faith which is the absence of evidence. Science depends upon evidence, religion depends upon a good story line made to instill fear and control.
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I don't know anyone who puts complete trust in something or someone without good reason.
There is no good reason to have faith and complete trust in someone or something. .its a pretty sad Commentary on your own intellect .
Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened.
Crappola. It’s either science or religion. Don’t mix up the two. Religion by definition is based on faith which is the absence of evidence. Science depends upon evidence, religion depends upon a good story line made to instill fear and control.
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I don't know anyone who puts complete trust in something or someone without good reason.
There is no good reason to have faith in someone or something. .
You do it everyday.
Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened.
Crappola. It’s either science or religion. Don’t mix up the two. Religion by definition is based on faith which is the absence of evidence. Science depends upon evidence, religion depends upon a good story line made to instill fear and control.
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I don't know anyone who puts complete trust in something or someone without good reason.
There is no good reason to have faith in someone or something. .
You do it everyday.
Nope. Never do. I’m not a child anymore. That’s what children do.
Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened.
Crappola. It’s either science or religion. Don’t mix up the two. Religion by definition is based on faith which is the absence of evidence. Science depends upon evidence, religion depends upon a good story line made to instill fear and control.
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I don't know anyone who puts complete trust in something or someone without good reason.
There is no good reason to have faith in someone or something. .
You do it everyday.
Nope. Never do. I’m not a child anymore. That’s what children do.
Every time you drive through an intersection on a green light you have faith that someone isn't going to T-bone you.
Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened.
Crappola. It’s either science or religion. Don’t mix up the two. Religion by definition is based on faith which is the absence of evidence. Science depends upon evidence, religion depends upon a good story line made to instill fear and control.
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I don't know anyone who puts complete trust in something or someone without good reason.
There is no good reason to have faith in someone or something. .
You do it everyday.
Nope. Never do. I’m not a child anymore. That’s what children do.
Every time you drive through an intersection on a green light you have faith that someone isn't going to T-bone you.
. Only fools and children assume that a green light gives you safety. I slow down and look both ways on every green light.
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone.
This is why faith is such a fallacy. “ complete trust in someone or something “ is the worse thing anyone other then a child or anyone devoid of reason could possibly do. There is no good reason to do it if there are anyother options.....and there are in the vast majority of decisions we make.
We aren’t all soldiers and have free will. Having faith is giving up free will.
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Darwin just explained how theory of evolution worked and he was wrong. Darwinism just led to black and Jew genocide. That is fact.
You’re a science illiterate. Theories are neither right or wrong. That’s why they are called theories. Darwin with the evidence he Had at the time which did not include dna evidence, developed acceptable ideas many of which is still used today. When you plant your boneY ass down at the table and eat foods that were developed using the work of scientist in this area, or wait for your little vaccine to save your ass of an affliction, you are depending upon Darwin and Gregor Mendel and a plethora of others. So Darwin is wrong and we use many of his ideas now to save lives ? Foolish on your part.
Geesus....go read a biology book.

Haha. I think most of us, if not all, know about theories. Theories can be demonstrated to be wrong and we discard them. We see that with evolution, but people continue to believe in it. What about 5G? It causes COVID-19, cancer, asthma, memory defects, obesity, and more. Crackpot?

I mentioned racist Darwin. His family was like that. Darwinism led to pseudoscientific racism such as social Darwinism with whites at the top, blacks on the bottom, and against Jews with the Holocaust and Hitler. He called it survival of the fittest. Instead, it was about survival mechanisms of natural selection. Darwin borrowed from social Darwinist Herbert Spencer to complete his racist theory. Furthermore, Darwin's cousin, Frances Galton came up with eugenics from his cousin's ideas. Hitler creamed in his pants over this for his white supremacy. This didn't even occur to you. That's some big dumb scientific illiterate.
You can depend on Darwin. The farker flunked out of medical school. You must mean Christian Father Gregor Mendel, professor of Genetics and Medicine at Harvard Medical School, to thank for the medical advances. Darwin was a racist POS. I think he is screaming 24/7 in pain and suffering in Hades as scientists are held to a higher standard by God.
There is no good reason to have faith and complete trust in someone or something. .its a pretty sad Commentary on your own intellect .

The atheists have faith and complete trust in evolution and Darwinism even though we do not have any scientific evidence. Nothing but weak fossil evidence for humans from monkeys and birds from dinosaurs. Instead, they ignore all the marine fossils found on top of mountain peaks due to the global flood. Most of the fossils are marine fossils.
We see that with evolution, but people continue to believe in it.
You really don’t get it do you ? Evolution study has rewarded us a plethora of ideas that are used In vaccines, food manufacturing, a host of other biological fields and even AGW verification. It’s value doesn’t just lie in making the religious right squirm. If evolution wasn’t valid, none of this would be possible.
God dint cure small pox, the application of evolutional Theories did. Read a biology book.
The atheists have faith and complete trust in evolution and Darwinism even though we do not have any scientific evidence.
Another uninformed remark. Atheism has nothing to do with evolution. No matter how many times we include the likes of Gregor Mendel and other religious peoples, the right gets a brain cramp and pretends they never existed.
Only fools and children assume that a green light gives you safety. I slow down and look both ways on every green light.

Haha. You crack me up.
Ha ha.
You actually think a green light guarantees total confidence ? That’s funnier.
You’ve never been to Boston. Traffic lights are just suggestions.
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Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened.
Crappola. It’s either science or religion. Don’t mix up the two. Religion by definition is based on faith which is the absence of evidence. Science depends upon evidence, religion depends upon a good story line made to instill fear and control.
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I don't know anyone who puts complete trust in something or someone without good reason.
There is no good reason to have faith in someone or something. .
You do it everyday.
Nope. Never do. I’m not a child anymore. That’s what children do.
Every time you drive through an intersection on a green light you have faith that someone isn't going to T-bone you.
. Only fools and children assume that a green light gives you safety. I slow down and look both ways on every green light.
Good for you. That still doesn't mean you don't trust that the guy sitting at the light doesn't floor it. You can be looking both ways but that doesn't stop a car from pulling out in front of you.

Do you have complete trust that your wife or girlfriend or boyfriend or partner in life isn't cheating on you? Or do you have them followed around?
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone.
This is why faith is such a fallacy. “ complete trust in someone or something “ is the worse thing anyone other then a child or anyone devoid of reason could possibly do. There is no good reason to do it if there are anyother options.....and there are in the vast majority of decisions we make.
We aren’t all soldiers and have free will. Having faith is giving up free will.
No, it's not. Besides you do it every day anyway. So there's that.
Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened.
Crappola. It’s either science or religion. Don’t mix up the two. Religion by definition is based on faith which is the absence of evidence. Science depends upon evidence, religion depends upon a good story line made to instill fear and control.
Actually... the definition of faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I don't know anyone who puts complete trust in something or someone without good reason.
There is no good reason to have faith in someone or something. .
You do it everyday.
Nope. Never do. I’m not a child anymore. That’s what children do.
Every time you drive through an intersection on a green light you have faith that someone isn't going to T-bone you.
. Only fools and children assume that a green light gives you safety. I slow down and look both ways on every green light.
Good for you. That still doesn't mean you don't trust that the guy sitting at the light doesn't floor it. You can be looking both ways but that doesn't stop a car from pulling out in front of you.

Do you have complete trust that your wife or girlfriend or boyfriend or partner in life isn't cheating on you? Or do you have them followed around?
Not driving a car. Besides, you’re talking about trust and changing the subject. That’s not blind faith. You trust Trump will tell you the truth ? Case closed.

Instead of faith in “ someone”, we should look for evidence from many, called institutions, then you look for consensus among the institutions.

Essentially you are arguing that faith in one person is more reliable then the consensus work if many. That’s stupid. We don’t run the military, or most successful corporations that way. Dumb idea.
Our greatest achievements of man kind were by consensus science. To argue against it is to argue fOR FASCISM

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