The Most Famous Fakes In Science

1) Cheerios are toxic. They have glyophosate(round up) in them. A carcinogen. Do NOT feed them to kids.
2). Evolution is hard to envision. If you have faith in Christ and the Bible that can explain how we got here although I doubt it was a simple bam we are here. Had to be more of a process.
There indeed are mutations ad the US is full of cancers easily linked to chemicals in our environment put in it by our lovely corporations who tell us lies like it costs more to be environmentally friendly.
1) Cheerios are toxic. They have glyophosate(round up) in them. A carcinogen. Do NOT feed them to kids.
2). Evolution is hard to envision. If you have faith in Christ and the Bible that can explain how we got here although I doubt it was a simple bam we are here. Had to be more of a process.
“ Evolution is hard to envision. If you have faith in Christ and the Bible that can explain how we got here although I doubt it was a simple bam we are here. Had to be more of a process.”
Hard to envision ? Well, you do need a little science and a realization that it’s used in many phases of your. life, from the food you eat to the medical care you get. If eating and getting medical care is not important to you, by all means, let the Bible dictate your foods and cancer and all healthcare treatment., you don’t seem to get, you’re immersed in the science of evolutional already whether you like or know it.
1) Cheerios are toxic. They have glyophosate(round up) in them. A carcinogen. Do NOT feed them to kids.
2). Evolution is hard to envision. If you have faith in Christ and the Bible that can explain how we got here although I doubt it was a simple bam we are here. Had to be more of a process.
There are a half dozen other religions. Why do you think Christianity knows more then any-other about creationism.,
There indeed are mutations ad the US is full of cancers easily linked to chemicals in our environment put in it by our lovely corporations who tell us lies like it costs more to be environmentally friendly.
Well, that depends. Better foods Without carcinogens are definitely more expensive but on the other end, obesity related diabetes from foods is our nations biggest healthcare expense.
It's worth the extra $ to avoid the carcinogens. American diets are high in sugar, sodium, and other unhealthy chemicals yet we allow this. Why?
It's worth the extra $ to avoid the carcinogens. American diets are high in sugar, sodium, and other unhealthy chemicals yet we allow this. Why?
Food is supplied through interstate commerce on a national level. Only the federal govt can address this problem . Countries with universal healthcare where the central gov. is involved, can take a more active role.
We did it with tobacco and other cancer causing substances. Now, profit means more then public safety.
So which god and which “bible” are we talking about ?
Christ, Yahweh, Mohamed etc. ; which one is it ?
What makes you so different then an atheist ? There are six or seven basic religions, and I’ll bet you only believe in one and not the others. So really, an atheist only disbelieves in one more.
So, what makes you so special ? You're just as much a non believer as an atheist !

Besides, the Catholic religion, which is Christian, did much to help develop the theory of evolution with studies by its monks and officially does allow belief in evolution. So, Christians have a least one traitor from their flock. Was Gregor Mendel, a Catholic Monk who worked in evolutionary theory and developed ideas used today that ultimately helped feed millions a a wicked atheist ? You have no food on your table that doesn’t use genetics to grow more efficiently and safe. Are you a hypocrtite for eating those foods ?

The one and only true God of the Trinity. You need to repent for the end is near. John 3:16

If you can't figure it out, then it is what it is.
I suppose for the benefit of the religious extremists it's worth doubling down on the reality that science does not achieve absolute certainty. In the case of biological evolution however, we have overwhelming amounts of data from diverse fields. Supportable evidence exists from complimentary science disciplines with each new piece of evidence testing the rest.

Even the global distribution of species is consistent with evolutionary history. Marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, for one exampke, and the ''exceptions to the rule'' are explained by continental drift. A truth confirmed by Darwin's study of the Galapagos is that remote islands often have species (groups of species), that are very diverse in physical appearance and habits related to survival but closely related genetically. That kind of species diversity consistency is still true when the distribution of fossil species is included.

Sadly, science, fact and critical thinking is discarded by the usual suspect religious extremists represented in these forums with the insistence that all of existence is shoe-horned into a 6,000 year old planet, that an Ark sailed the seas and that incestuous, familial relations after the Ark reached Port are responsible for human repopulation of the planet.

"The Gawds Did It'' answers every question.

You can't prove anything you said. The continental drift theory was discovered by creation scientists Antonio Snider (first proposed in 1859 based on esis 1:9-10 ) and the work of Alfred Wegener as a pioneer in plate tectonics.

Then, more lies from Hollie.

"The public defection from Darwinism by Yale computer science professor David Gelernter made waves. He said in an interview with Daniel Robinson that he had not suffered any persecution from his colleagues so far, but based on what he knows from others’ testimonies, Gelernter warned that “they will destroy you” if you leave the Darwin camp. That’s because it’s a religion to them, he added. Nevertheless, there have been others, as Evolution News reports today: Wolfe, Shapiro, Prager, Nagel among them. Matti Leisola is another. Will a critical mass be reached that will make it easier for others to jump ship? Maybe if the Darwin ship keeps taking on water and is about to sink scientifically, others will rush to the lifeboats. "

I suppose for the benefit of the religious extremists it's worth doubling down on the reality that science does not achieve absolute certainty. In the case of biological evolution however, we have overwhelming amounts of data from diverse fields. Supportable evidence exists from complimentary science disciplines with each new piece of evidence testing the rest.

Even the global distribution of species is consistent with evolutionary history. Marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, for one exampke, and the ''exceptions to the rule'' are explained by continental drift. A truth confirmed by Darwin's study of the Galapagos is that remote islands often have species (groups of species), that are very diverse in physical appearance and habits related to survival but closely related genetically. That kind of species diversity consistency is still true when the distribution of fossil species is included.

Sadly, science, fact and critical thinking is discarded by the usual suspect religious extremists represented in these forums with the insistence that all of existence is shoe-horned into a 6,000 year old planet, that an Ark sailed the seas and that incestuous, familial relations after the Ark reached Port are responsible for human repopulation of the planet.

"The Gawds Did It'' answers every question.

You can't prove anything you said. The continental drift theory was discovered by creation scientists Antonio Snider (first proposed in 1859 based on esis 1:9-10 ) and the work of Alfred Wegener as a pioneer in plate tectonics.

Then, more lies from Hollie.

"The public defection from Darwinism by Yale computer science professor David Gelernter made waves. He said in an interview with Daniel Robinson that he had not suffered any persecution from his colleagues so far, but based on what he knows from others’ testimonies, Gelernter warned that “they will destroy you” if you leave the Darwin camp. That’s because it’s a religion to them, he added. Nevertheless, there have been others, as Evolution News reports today: Wolfe, Shapiro, Prager, Nagel among them. Matti Leisola is another. Will a critical mass be reached that will make it easier for others to jump ship? Maybe if the Darwin ship keeps taking on water and is about to sink scientifically, others will rush to the lifeboats. "

Why would I or anyone else have any use for silly cutting and pasting from another fundie Christian ministry?

Creation Safaris (TM) is a ministry of Master Plan Association, a California non-profit corporation dedicated to helping young people (and adults) understand and follow God’s plan for their lives, and God’s plan for the world, as revealed in the Bible:

“Fear God, and give glory to Him… and worship Him who made heaven and earth” (Revelation 14:7).

“Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God [i.e., the Master] prepared beforehand [i.e., planned] that we should walk in them” ( Ephesians 2:10).

“The works of the Lord are great; studied by all who have pleasure in them” (Psalm 111:2).

Master Plan Association is nothing more than Answers in Genesis lite

The Darwin flotilla is sailing.

Silly Ark fables? Well, that fable sank like a boat anchor.
So which god and which “bible” are we talking about ?
Christ, Yahweh, Mohamed etc. ; which one is it ?
What makes you so different then an atheist ? There are six or seven basic religions, and I’ll bet you only believe in one and not the others. So really, an atheist only disbelieves in one more.
So, what makes you so special ? You're just as much a non believer as an atheist !

Besides, the Catholic religion, which is Christian, did much to help develop the theory of evolution with studies by its monks and officially does allow belief in evolution. So, Christians have a least one traitor from their flock. Was Gregor Mendel, a Catholic Monk who worked in evolutionary theory and developed ideas used today that ultimately helped feed millions a a wicked atheist ? You have no food on your table that doesn’t use genetics to grow more efficiently and safe. Are you a hypocrtite for eating those foods ?

The one and only true God of the Trinity. You need to repent for the end is near. John 3:16

If you can't figure it out, then it is what it is.
The trinity ? Sounds like Catholicism which has officially accepted that followers can be believe in evolution.
Seems reasonable considering Gregor Mendel

The end is near....what are you promoting now, the rapture ?,
A Crinoid fossil from 325 mya:

I suppose for the benefit of the religious extremists it's worth doubling down on the reality that science does not achieve absolute certainty. In the case of biological evolution however, we have overwhelming amounts of data from diverse fields. Supportable evidence exists from complimentary science disciplines with each new piece of evidence testing the rest.

Even the global distribution of species is consistent with evolutionary history. Marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, for one exampke, and the ''exceptions to the rule'' are explained by continental drift. A truth confirmed by Darwin's study of the Galapagos is that remote islands often have species (groups of species), that are very diverse in physical appearance and habits related to survival but closely related genetically. That kind of species diversity consistency is still true when the distribution of fossil species is included.

Sadly, science, fact and critical thinking is discarded by the usual suspect religious extremists represented in these forums with the insistence that all of existence is shoe-horned into a 6,000 year old planet, that an Ark sailed the seas and that incestuous, familial relations after the Ark reached Port are responsible for human repopulation of the planet.

"The Gawds Did It'' answers every question.

You can't prove anything you said. The continental drift theory was discovered by creation scientists Antonio Snider (first proposed in 1859 based on esis 1:9-10 ) and the work of Alfred Wegener as a pioneer in plate tectonics.

Then, more lies from Hollie.

"The public defection from Darwinism by Yale computer science professor David Gelernter made waves. He said in an interview with Daniel Robinson that he had not suffered any persecution from his colleagues so far, but based on what he knows from others’ testimonies, Gelernter warned that “they will destroy you” if you leave the Darwin camp. That’s because it’s a religion to them, he added. Nevertheless, there have been others, as Evolution News reports today: Wolfe, Shapiro, Prager, Nagel among them. Matti Leisola is another. Will a critical mass be reached that will make it easier for others to jump ship? Maybe if the Darwin ship keeps taking on water and is about to sink scientifically, others will rush to the lifeboats. "

Why would I or anyone else have any use for silly cutting and pasting from another fundie Christian ministry?

Creation Safaris (TM) is a ministry of Master Plan Association, a California non-profit corporation dedicated to helping young people (and adults) understand and follow God’s plan for their lives, and God’s plan for the world, as revealed in the Bible:

“Fear God, and give glory to Him… and worship Him who made heaven and earth” (Revelation 14:7).

“Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God [i.e., the Master] prepared beforehand [i.e., planned] that we should walk in them” ( Ephesians 2:10).

“The works of the Lord are great; studied by all who have pleasure in them” (Psalm 111:2).

Master Plan Association is nothing more than Answers in Genesis lite

The Darwin flotilla is sailing.

Silly Ark fables? Well, that fable sank like a boat anchor.

It's the science of atheism vs the creation science and ID. It's one science versus another. It's one religions versus another and science philosophy.

When you and the atheists won't accept the supernatural of life and the natural coexisting with each other daily, i.e. everything is natural, then this is what you get foo.
So which god and which “bible” are we talking about ?
Christ, Yahweh, Mohamed etc. ; which one is it ?
What makes you so different then an atheist ? There are six or seven basic religions, and I’ll bet you only believe in one and not the others. So really, an atheist only disbelieves in one more.
So, what makes you so special ? You're just as much a non believer as an atheist !

Besides, the Catholic religion, which is Christian, did much to help develop the theory of evolution with studies by its monks and officially does allow belief in evolution. So, Christians have a least one traitor from their flock. Was Gregor Mendel, a Catholic Monk who worked in evolutionary theory and developed ideas used today that ultimately helped feed millions a a wicked atheist ? You have no food on your table that doesn’t use genetics to grow more efficiently and safe. Are you a hypocrtite for eating those foods ?

The one and only true God of the Trinity. You need to repent for the end is near. John 3:16

If you can't figure it out, then it is what it is.
The trinity ? Sounds like Catholicism which has officially accepted that followers can be believe in evolution.
Seems reasonable considering Gregor Mendel

The end is near....what are you promoting now, the rapture ?,

This is the S&T forum, but yet you ask about religion and want to talk about religion. Today our science is based on our religion, so this is what has happened. The main one people have come to believe is the science of atheism where there is no God in the universe, i.e. no creation. Thus, we get wrong theories being accepted like big bang and evolution.

What I am promoting is the science of atheism is fake science. We get fossils and rocks that are millions of years old when common sense tells us they don't last that long due to weathering, chemical processes, and pressures.
I suppose for the benefit of the religious extremists it's worth doubling down on the reality that science does not achieve absolute certainty. In the case of biological evolution however, we have overwhelming amounts of data from diverse fields. Supportable evidence exists from complimentary science disciplines with each new piece of evidence testing the rest.

Even the global distribution of species is consistent with evolutionary history. Marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, for one exampke, and the ''exceptions to the rule'' are explained by continental drift. A truth confirmed by Darwin's study of the Galapagos is that remote islands often have species (groups of species), that are very diverse in physical appearance and habits related to survival but closely related genetically. That kind of species diversity consistency is still true when the distribution of fossil species is included.

Sadly, science, fact and critical thinking is discarded by the usual suspect religious extremists represented in these forums with the insistence that all of existence is shoe-horned into a 6,000 year old planet, that an Ark sailed the seas and that incestuous, familial relations after the Ark reached Port are responsible for human repopulation of the planet.

"The Gawds Did It'' answers every question.

You can't prove anything you said. The continental drift theory was discovered by creation scientists Antonio Snider (first proposed in 1859 based on esis 1:9-10 ) and the work of Alfred Wegener as a pioneer in plate tectonics.

Then, more lies from Hollie.

"The public defection from Darwinism by Yale computer science professor David Gelernter made waves. He said in an interview with Daniel Robinson that he had not suffered any persecution from his colleagues so far, but based on what he knows from others’ testimonies, Gelernter warned that “they will destroy you” if you leave the Darwin camp. That’s because it’s a religion to them, he added. Nevertheless, there have been others, as Evolution News reports today: Wolfe, Shapiro, Prager, Nagel among them. Matti Leisola is another. Will a critical mass be reached that will make it easier for others to jump ship? Maybe if the Darwin ship keeps taking on water and is about to sink scientifically, others will rush to the lifeboats. "

Why would I or anyone else have any use for silly cutting and pasting from another fundie Christian ministry?

Creation Safaris (TM) is a ministry of Master Plan Association, a California non-profit corporation dedicated to helping young people (and adults) understand and follow God’s plan for their lives, and God’s plan for the world, as revealed in the Bible:

“Fear God, and give glory to Him… and worship Him who made heaven and earth” (Revelation 14:7).

“Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God [i.e., the Master] prepared beforehand [i.e., planned] that we should walk in them” ( Ephesians 2:10).

“The works of the Lord are great; studied by all who have pleasure in them” (Psalm 111:2).

Master Plan Association is nothing more than Answers in Genesis lite

The Darwin flotilla is sailing.

Silly Ark fables? Well, that fable sank like a boat anchor.

It's the science of atheism vs the creation science and ID. It's one science versus another. It's one religions versus another and science philosophy.

When you and the atheists won't accept the supernatural of life and the natural coexisting with each other daily, i.e. everything is natural, then this is what you get foo.
There is no such thing as the science of atheism, creation or anything else that has not been defined as a scientific endeavor. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Science is a supported method of gathering evidence then coming to consensus conclusions which adds knowledge.

The Bible isn’t evidence, your opinion is not evidence so neither has a place in the scientific method. Science does not try to prove or disprove gods.

Why bother. At least one of your gods of the trinity religions accepts their followers to work in evolution. Why the fk can’t you. .
I suppose for the benefit of the religious extremists it's worth doubling down on the reality that science does not achieve absolute certainty. In the case of biological evolution however, we have overwhelming amounts of data from diverse fields. Supportable evidence exists from complimentary science disciplines with each new piece of evidence testing the rest.

Even the global distribution of species is consistent with evolutionary history. Marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, for one exampke, and the ''exceptions to the rule'' are explained by continental drift. A truth confirmed by Darwin's study of the Galapagos is that remote islands often have species (groups of species), that are very diverse in physical appearance and habits related to survival but closely related genetically. That kind of species diversity consistency is still true when the distribution of fossil species is included.

Sadly, science, fact and critical thinking is discarded by the usual suspect religious extremists represented in these forums with the insistence that all of existence is shoe-horned into a 6,000 year old planet, that an Ark sailed the seas and that incestuous, familial relations after the Ark reached Port are responsible for human repopulation of the planet.

"The Gawds Did It'' answers every question.

You can't prove anything you said. The continental drift theory was discovered by creation scientists Antonio Snider (first proposed in 1859 based on esis 1:9-10 ) and the work of Alfred Wegener as a pioneer in plate tectonics.

Then, more lies from Hollie.

"The public defection from Darwinism by Yale computer science professor David Gelernter made waves. He said in an interview with Daniel Robinson that he had not suffered any persecution from his colleagues so far, but based on what he knows from others’ testimonies, Gelernter warned that “they will destroy you” if you leave the Darwin camp. That’s because it’s a religion to them, he added. Nevertheless, there have been others, as Evolution News reports today: Wolfe, Shapiro, Prager, Nagel among them. Matti Leisola is another. Will a critical mass be reached that will make it easier for others to jump ship? Maybe if the Darwin ship keeps taking on water and is about to sink scientifically, others will rush to the lifeboats. "

Why would I or anyone else have any use for silly cutting and pasting from another fundie Christian ministry?

Creation Safaris (TM) is a ministry of Master Plan Association, a California non-profit corporation dedicated to helping young people (and adults) understand and follow God’s plan for their lives, and God’s plan for the world, as revealed in the Bible:

“Fear God, and give glory to Him… and worship Him who made heaven and earth” (Revelation 14:7).

“Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God [i.e., the Master] prepared beforehand [i.e., planned] that we should walk in them” ( Ephesians 2:10).

“The works of the Lord are great; studied by all who have pleasure in them” (Psalm 111:2).

Master Plan Association is nothing more than Answers in Genesis lite

The Darwin flotilla is sailing.

Silly Ark fables? Well, that fable sank like a boat anchor.

It's the science of atheism vs the creation science and ID. It's one science versus another. It's one religions versus another and science philosophy.

When you and the atheists won't accept the supernatural of life and the natural coexisting with each other daily, i.e. everything is natural, then this is what you get foo.
There is no such thing as the science of atheism, creation or anything else that has not been defined as a scientific endeavor. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Science is a supported method of gathering evidence then coming to consensus conclusions which adds knowledge.

The Bible isn’t evidence, your opinion is not evidence so neither has a place in the scientific method. Science does not try to prove or disprove gods.

Why bother. At least one of your gods of the trinity religions accepts their followers to work in evolution. Why the fk can’t you. .

Now, you resort to lying. Where is God in terms of creation as per Genesis in today's science? The God theory or creation theory has been systematically eliminated from science as an assumption. Thus, we have the science of atheism being taught in schools today. It has become the norm for higher education and thus we have fake science. There is no abiogenesis. There is no big bang. There are no millions and billions of years. Darwin just explained how theory of evolution worked and he was wrong. Darwinism just led to black and Jew genocide. That is fact.

I argue facts, reasoning, historical truths, and science while you just argue religion. Where is the science of atheism? It's what you wrongly believe in.

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