The Most Famous Fakes In Science

A Flat Earther trying to discuss common sense is comedy gold.

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You are wrong again as usual. You show that you are angry and emotive over atheists losing perfection and choosing Satan's domain. Maybe he'll have a flat hell place for you to stay there.
You do come across as angry and emotive when you project your fears and superstitions at others.
Gee,you aren’t going to start talking about help from space aliens are you ?

There are no space aliens because God didn't create them. Jesus did not die for space aliens and finding one would cause some questioning of this in the Bible. Of course, no space alien has been found even though liberals and atheists believe in them for no reason.

Moreover, all eyes will see when Jesus comes again on Earth. They won't be able to see on another planet. Thus, we probably won't become multiplanetary either.

They succumb to the old “god of the gaps” notion. Making up shit is a lot easier then doing a little research.

God of the gaps is an old Christian concept. People like Newton were warned not to use God to help them complete their scientific research such as God did the rest or he did his little miracle here.

Liberals and atheists stole the concept during the discussion over the big bang because they were losing their argument. They also found fine tuning parameters during researching the big bang concept, but eventually discarded their findings because it helped the other side. These were facts they cast aside. Thus, the creation scientists have the fine tuning facts now as evidence for God. Fine tuning means life is finely tuned for Earth and no other place. It meant evolutionists finally admitted life is rare. Thus, no space aliens. See how science backs up the Bible?
That’s quite a conspiracy theory.

Aliens aren't in the Bible. That's why atheist scientist, Stephen Hawking, and his Russian billionaire partner put up $100 million to look for aliens, but they haven't found one and Hawking has died already. He was just like Carl Sagan in that they died before finding aliens despite their evolutionary beliefs. The billionaire Yuri Miner will give it until 2025 until he calls it quits. See how evolution doesn't work. Only God and creation works.

I used to believe we could be multiplanetary, but we can't even live on the moon. Same with Mars. You are a simpleton, so you cannot even figure out why we can't.

I even proved you were a simp because you didn't understand what God of the Gaps really meant.

Maybe Dagosa can join you in that flat place we talked about.

You do come across as angry and emotive when you project your fears and superstitions at others.

What fears and superstitions are you talking about? It is all true because it's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible.
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Here it is Hollie and Dagosa. They are almost at the halfway point and still nothing. A lot of money and technology, but if God didn't create aliens, then they aren't there. Evolution is a lie.
What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
I'll prove evolution to you. Look at houses and clothes from 200 years ado. People were a lot smaller back then, meaning that over time, we're evolving to be taller humans. It's a fact.
Better childhood nutrition and medical care can explain that. Consider as well that there are no genetic changes between humans of today and humans of 200 years ago.
Gee,you aren’t going to start talking about help from space aliens are you ?

There are no space aliens because God didn't create them. Jesus did not die for space aliens and finding one would cause some questioning of this in the Bible. Of course, no space alien has been found even though liberals and atheists believe in them for no reason.

Moreover, all eyes will see when Jesus comes again on Earth. They won't be able to see on another planet. Thus, we probably won't become multiplanetary either.

They succumb to the old “god of the gaps” notion. Making up shit is a lot easier then doing a little research.

God of the gaps is an old Christian concept. People like Newton were warned not to use God to help them complete their scientific research such as God did the rest or he did his little miracle here.

Liberals and atheists stole the concept during the discussion over the big bang because they were losing their argument. They also found fine tuning parameters during researching the big bang concept, but eventually discarded their findings because it helped the other side. These were facts they cast aside. Thus, the creation scientists have the fine tuning facts now as evidence for God. Fine tuning means life is finely tuned for Earth and no other place. It meant evolutionists finally admitted life is rare. Thus, no space aliens. See how science backs up the Bible?
That’s quite a conspiracy theory.

Aliens aren't in the Bible. That's why atheist scientist, Stephen Hawking, and his Russian billionaire partner put up $100 million to look for aliens, but they haven't found one and Hawking has died already. He was just like Carl Sagan in that they died before finding aliens despite their evolutionary beliefs. The billionaire Yuri Miner will give it until 2025 until he calls it quits. See how evolution doesn't work. Only God and creation works.

I used to believe we could be multiplanetary, but we can't even live on the moon. Same with Mars. You are a simpleton, so you cannot even figure out why we can't.

I even proved you were a simp because you didn't understand what God of the Gaps really meant.

Maybe Dagosa can join you in that flat place we talked about.

You do come across as angry and emotive when you project your fears and superstitions at others.

What fears and superstitions are you talking about? It is all true because it's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible.
All the above is typical slogan-speak that accompanies your emotional outbursts.

Your conspiracy theories about aliens are entertaining but they suggest a maladjusted personality.

Similarly, your slogans about the bibles being science texts are rather odd in that nothing in science supports supernaturalism.

In a real sense, science is the antidote to religious fears and superstitions as science provides explanations to natural phenomenon.

It's interesting that although challenged constantly with demonstrating a single, verifiable supernatural event, you continue to sidestep and evade.
What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
I'll prove evolution to you. Look at houses and clothes from 200 years ado. People were a lot smaller back then, meaning that over time, we're evolving to be taller humans. It's a fact.
Better childhood nutrition and medical care can explain that. Consider as well that there are no genetic changes between humans of today and humans of 200 years ago.
Humans are still evolving – and scientists don't know why

Here it is Hollie and Dagosa. They are almost at the halfway point and still nothing. A lot of money and technology, but if God didn't create aliens, then they aren't there. Evolution is a lie.

That you troll youtube for information regarding science is comedy gold.

Here it is Hollie and Dagosa. They are almost at the halfway point and still nothing. A lot of money and technology, but if God didn't create aliens, then they aren't there. Evolution is a lie.

From the “about” section of your YouTube video:

Hi! Welcome to Beyond Science! This is where I bring you stories of strange, mysterious phenomenons and anything else that is really cool and interesting. My name is Mike Chen and there are a few things I love and those are Food, News, Chinese Culture and Mysterious Phenomenons. Also please check out my other Channel(link on banner) "Strictly Dumpling" where I share my love of food!

Could you maybe post a recipe for dumplings and gravy?

The biggest science fake?

Actually AGW separates the informed from the ignorant. Congrats. You’re in the second group.

Congratulations you have proven that you have been duped by fake science.

You uneducated idiot Moon Bats claim that man made CO2 levels is changing the climate of the earth but you are too damn stupid to know that at one time the CO2 levels were ten times higher what they are now and the earth was significantly cooler and even in recent times the CO2 levels were lower but the earth was warmer. You also ignore the significant data that says that CO2 levels lags climate changes, not drive the changes.

If this AGW bullshit story was real then the idiots would not have to create false data like we find them doing all the time.

It would be helpful if you uneducated low information Moon Bats would occasionally pull your heads out of your asses.
Gee,you aren’t going to start talking about help from space aliens are you ?

There are no space aliens because God didn't create them. Jesus did not die for space aliens and finding one would cause some questioning of this in the Bible. Of course, no space alien has been found even though liberals and atheists believe in them for no reason.

Moreover, all eyes will see when Jesus comes again on Earth. They won't be able to see on another planet. Thus, we probably won't become multiplanetary either.

They succumb to the old “god of the gaps” notion. Making up shit is a lot easier then doing a little research.

God of the gaps is an old Christian concept. People like Newton were warned not to use God to help them complete their scientific research such as God did the rest or he did his little miracle here.

Liberals and atheists stole the concept during the discussion over the big bang because they were losing their argument. They also found fine tuning parameters during researching the big bang concept, but eventually discarded their findings because it helped the other side. These were facts they cast aside. Thus, the creation scientists have the fine tuning facts now as evidence for God. Fine tuning means life is finely tuned for Earth and no other place. It meant evolutionists finally admitted life is rare. Thus, no space aliens. See how science backs up the Bible?
That’s quite a conspiracy theory.

Aliens aren't in the Bible. That's why atheist scientist, Stephen Hawking, and his Russian billionaire partner put up $100 million to look for aliens, but they haven't found one and Hawking has died already. He was just like Carl Sagan in that they died before finding aliens despite their evolutionary beliefs. The billionaire Yuri Miner will give it until 2025 until he calls it quits. See how evolution doesn't work. Only God and creation works.

I used to believe we could be multiplanetary, but we can't even live on the moon. Same with Mars. You are a simpleton, so you cannot even figure out why we can't.

I even proved you were a simp because you didn't understand what God of the Gaps really meant.

Maybe Dagosa can join you in that flat place we talked about.

You do come across as angry and emotive when you project your fears and superstitions at others.

What fears and superstitions are you talking about? It is all true because it's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible.
All the above is typical slogan-speak that accompanies your emotional outbursts.

Your conspiracy theories about aliens are entertaining but they suggest a maladjusted personality.

Similarly, your slogans about the bibles being science texts are rather odd in that nothing in science supports supernaturalism.

In a real sense, science is the antidote to religious fears and superstitions as science provides explanations to natural phenomenon.

It's interesting that although challenged constantly with demonstrating a single, verifiable supernatural event, you continue to sidestep and evade.

It's interesting you continue to see me as being angry and emotive. I've said this many times. What does God do? What does Satan do?

I do not have any conspiracy theories about aliens, but I've read the Bible and can figure these things out. Evolution has to have life in other places because life evolved on Earth. Thus, atheists and their scientists believe in space aliens. The Christians and their creation scientists know we have the seven days of creation. No life beyond that except through natural selection as explained by Alfred Russel Wallace. No aliens anywhere.

I've also figured out that the supernatural exists along side the natural. Life itself is supernatural. There is no abiogenesis or life from non-life. We continue to live as our life spirit after our physical bodies give out. Thus, Satan came up with abiogenesis to sucker all the non-believers with fake science.

As for the rest, you and your posts are wrong as usual.

Here it is Hollie and Dagosa. They are almost at the halfway point and still nothing. A lot of money and technology, but if God didn't create aliens, then they aren't there. Evolution is a lie.

From the “about” section of your YouTube video:

Hi! Welcome to Beyond Science! This is where I bring you stories of strange, mysterious phenomenons and anything else that is really cool and interesting. My name is Mike Chen and there are a few things I love and those are Food, News, Chinese Culture and Mysterious Phenomenons. Also please check out my other Channel(link on banner) "Strictly Dumpling" where I share my love of food!

Could you maybe post a recipe for dumplings and gravy?


Look at the sampling of my audience, you and Dagosa, a couple of non-science idiots. Probably dumplings would be more your speed. Just hit follow, so the Mike guy can explain. I wouldn't touch if it was "Made in China" though.

Anyway, I thought spending $100 million to look for space aliens would make an impact on you. SETI is now only supported by public donations and probably would not know how to do what these guys did. NASA still wants to send explorers to Mars and other moons and planets in search of aliens and a new place to live as AGW will render Earth uninhabitable. They're a bunch of failures, too, if that is their mission. Atheists and their scientists just do not learn from their opposition.
Gee,you aren’t going to start talking about help from space aliens are you ?

There are no space aliens because God didn't create them. Jesus did not die for space aliens and finding one would cause some questioning of this in the Bible. Of course, no space alien has been found even though liberals and atheists believe in them for no reason.

Moreover, all eyes will see when Jesus comes again on Earth. They won't be able to see on another planet. Thus, we probably won't become multiplanetary either.

They succumb to the old “god of the gaps” notion. Making up shit is a lot easier then doing a little research.

God of the gaps is an old Christian concept. People like Newton were warned not to use God to help them complete their scientific research such as God did the rest or he did his little miracle here.

Liberals and atheists stole the concept during the discussion over the big bang because they were losing their argument. They also found fine tuning parameters during researching the big bang concept, but eventually discarded their findings because it helped the other side. These were facts they cast aside. Thus, the creation scientists have the fine tuning facts now as evidence for God. Fine tuning means life is finely tuned for Earth and no other place. It meant evolutionists finally admitted life is rare. Thus, no space aliens. See how science backs up the Bible?
That’s quite a conspiracy theory.

Aliens aren't in the Bible. That's why atheist scientist, Stephen Hawking, and his Russian billionaire partner put up $100 million to look for aliens, but they haven't found one and Hawking has died already. He was just like Carl Sagan in that they died before finding aliens despite their evolutionary beliefs. The billionaire Yuri Miner will give it until 2025 until he calls it quits. See how evolution doesn't work. Only God and creation works.

I used to believe we could be multiplanetary, but we can't even live on the moon. Same with Mars. You are a simpleton, so you cannot even figure out why we can't.

I even proved you were a simp because you didn't understand what God of the Gaps really meant.

Maybe Dagosa can join you in that flat place we talked about.

You do come across as angry and emotive when you project your fears and superstitions at others.

What fears and superstitions are you talking about? It is all true because it's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible.
All the above is typical slogan-speak that accompanies your emotional outbursts.

Your conspiracy theories about aliens are entertaining but they suggest a maladjusted personality.

Similarly, your slogans about the bibles being science texts are rather odd in that nothing in science supports supernaturalism.

In a real sense, science is the antidote to religious fears and superstitions as science provides explanations to natural phenomenon.

It's interesting that although challenged constantly with demonstrating a single, verifiable supernatural event, you continue to sidestep and evade.

It's interesting you continue to see me as being angry and emotive. I've said this many times. What does God do? What does Satan do?

I do not have any conspiracy theories about aliens, but I've read the Bible and can figure these things out. Evolution has to have life in other places because life evolved on Earth. Thus, atheists and their scientists believe in space aliens. The Christians and their creation scientists know we have the seven days of creation. No life beyond that except through natural selection as explained by Alfred Russel Wallace. No aliens anywhere.

I've also figured out that the supernatural exists along side the natural. Life itself is supernatural. There is no abiogenesis or life from non-life. We continue to live as our life spirit after our physical bodies give out. Thus, Satan came up with abiogenesis to sucker all the non-believers with fake science.

As for the rest, you and your posts are wrong as usual.
It’s not unfair to point out you’re being angry and emotive when you’re angry and emotive.

Still no evidence of any supernaturalism you can offer? That’s a shame. You preach supernaturalism yet you can’t offer any evidence.

Here it is Hollie and Dagosa. They are almost at the halfway point and still nothing. A lot of money and technology, but if God didn't create aliens, then they aren't there. Evolution is a lie.

From the “about” section of your YouTube video:

Hi! Welcome to Beyond Science! This is where I bring you stories of strange, mysterious phenomenons and anything else that is really cool and interesting. My name is Mike Chen and there are a few things I love and those are Food, News, Chinese Culture and Mysterious Phenomenons. Also please check out my other Channel(link on banner) "Strictly Dumpling" where I share my love of food!

Could you maybe post a recipe for dumplings and gravy?


Look at the sampling of my audience, you and Dagosa, a couple of non-science idiots. Probably dumplings would be more your speed. Just hit follow, so the Mike guy can explain. I wouldn't touch if it was "Made in China" though.

Anyway, I thought spending $100 million to look for space aliens would make an impact on you. SETI is now only supported by public donations and probably would not know how to do what these guys did. NASA still wants to send explorers to Mars and other moons and planets in search of aliens and a new place to live as AGW will render Earth uninhabitable. They're a bunch of failures, too, if that is their mission. Atheists and their scientists just do not learn from their opposition.

As usual, you’re lashing out as angry and emotive.
Humans are still evolving – and scientists don't know why

There is no evolutionary genetics nor beneficial mutations. Another BS article.
Does religionism always inspire ignorance?

Claim CB101:
Most mutations are harmful, so the overall effect of mutations is harmful.

Morris, Henry M. 1985. Scientific Creationism. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, pp. 55-57.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 1985. Life--How Did It Get Here? Brooklyn, NY, pg. 100.

  1. Most mutations are neutral. Nachman and Crowell estimate around 3 deleterious mutations out of 175 per generation in humans (2000). Of those that have significant effect, most are harmful, but the fraction which are beneficial is higher than usually though. An experiment with E. coli found that about 1 in 150 newly arising mutations and 1 in 10 functional mutations are beneficial (Perfeito et al. 2007).

    The harmful mutations do not survive long, and the beneficial mutations survive much longer, so when you consider only surviving mutations, most are beneficial.

  2. Beneficial mutations are commonly observed. They are common enough to be problems in the cases of antibiotic resistance in disease-causing organisms and pesticide resistance in agricultural pests (e.g., Newcomb et al. 1997; these are not merely selection of pre-existing variation.) They can be repeatedly observed in laboratory populations (Wichman et al. 1999). Other examples include the following:
    • Mutations have given bacteria the ability to degrade nylon (Prijambada et al. 1995).
    • Plant breeders have used mutation breeding to induce mutations and select the beneficial ones (FAO/IAEA 1977).
    • Certain mutations in humans confer resistance to AIDS (Dean et al. 1996; Sullivan et al. 2001) or to heart disease (Long 1994; Weisgraber et al. 1983).
    • A mutation in humans makes bones strong (Boyden et al. 2002).
    • Transposons are common, especially in plants, and help to provide beneficial diversity (Moffat 2000).
    • In vitro mutation and selection can be used to evolve substantially improved function of RNA molecules, such as a ribozyme (Wright and Joyce 1997).
  3. Whether a mutation is beneficial or not depends on environment. A mutation that helps the organism in one circumstance could harm it in another. When the environment changes, variations that once were counteradaptive suddenly become favored. Since environments are constantly changing, variation helps populations survive, even if some of those variations do not do as well as others. When beneficial mutations occur in a changed environment, they generally sweep through the population rapidly (Elena et al. 1996).

  4. High mutation rates are advantageous in some environments. Hypermutable strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are found more commonly in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients, where antibiotics and other stresses increase selection pressure and variability, than in patients without cystic fibrosis (Oliver et al. 2000).

  5. Note that the existence of any beneficial mutations is a falsification of the young-earth creationism model (Morris 1985, 13).

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