The Most Honest Man in Congress/Washington

Sorry too much blather to read the whole thing. But I do agree we need to get rid of
John Bohener, I never liked the guy.

I hope the American people deliver the ass whooping that the democrats deserve considering the last 8 years. Pelosi, running
anything? What a joke. Dirty Harry in charge of the Senate, ridiculous.
Pubs have been in control of congress except for less than 6 months. 7/7/2009-2/4/2010. Course all they want is to obstruct, keep the megarich making all the money is all they care about., progress stopped.
Pubs have been in control of congress except for less than 6 months. 7/7/2009-2/4/2010. Course all they want is to obstruct, keep the megarich making all the money is all they care about., progress stopped.
^ Does not know the definition of control or that there are 2 houses in congress.

Not surprised.
The OP seems to be looking for hits to his or her dopey website.

The first thing you see when you click on the Congressman's website is a call for Ebola travel bans.

That tells you that the congressman is either an idiot.....or he's pandering to the idiots in his district.

Pubs have been in control of congress except for less than 6 months. 7/7/2009-2/4/2010. Course all they want is to obstruct, keep the megarich making all the money is all they care about., progress stopped.
300 Bills, most of them bi-partisan, sitting in Harry Reid's wastebasket and you say the GOP is obstructing? Take it to Facebook, we know better here at USMB.

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