The Most Important Passage in the Whole of Scripture

No one knows what the hell your god says son, including you.

The bible is fiction, and your religious perceptual reality was/is merely a tool of colonialism, oppression and wealth extraction.

The religious system is all about authoritarianism and conquest. See the Papal Bulls of the 1500s, they flat out called for the extermination of the native peoples of the americas.

Fuck the bible.

Dear Fenton Lum
You bring up a number of important points.
1. RE: Oppression destruction slavery in Bible history:
A. the OLD TESTAMENT is filled with genocide and the sad destructive history of man living by the "LETTER of the law." YES it leads to DEATH and DESTRUCTION.
It is there to teach by experience and example

B. the NEW Testament is the CORRECTION and
SOLUTION to all that. living by the "SPIRIT of the laws"

OT = letter of the law, corrupted by greed, love of money, power, materialism
NT = spirit of the law, living by love for neighbors and charity for all people

the point of the history in the Bible is to MOVE from
"retributive justice" which brings death (kills relations by ill will and bad faith)
"restorative justice" which renews life (rebuilds relations with good will for all people)

2. RE: Bible is mythical, false, no one has authority to interpret the truth and speak for God/Jesus

One doesn't HAVE to believe in God/Jesus or
that any of the stories or depictions are true
to UNDERSTAND the universal message and meaning.

The meaning in the Bible is the PROCESS by which
humanity REALIZES peace and justice by establishing agreement in TRUTH.

TRUTH casts out fear of the unknown, error, and falsehood.

So as long as we seek TRUTH that is the same as "seeking the Kingdom of God"
it's the TRUTH that sets us free from error, strife
and conflict.

So you don't have to believe in a personified God and
Jesus to believe in TRUTH and JUSTICE (which
God and Jesus symbolize collectively).

Are you okay with this interpretation of
* Christ Jesus as the spirit of "Restorative Justice"
(while Retributive Justice is Antichrist)
* the Kingdom of God as collective truth,
wisdom, understanding of universal laws
which set humanity free from war and bring peace

I believe these are universal terms
so the religious symbols are not necessary to use
if we can agree what CONCEPTS and principles
we mean by them. Why not translate into secular
meanings and communicate that way.

Would you prefer this approach?
This helps me, this is the way I can understand what the Bible means. Does it make more sense to you explained this way? Thanks Fenton Lum

God/Christ/Holy Spirit are symbols of collective
Truth, Justice and Peace for all humanity.

Humanity is going through a process of leaving
behind our past of death/destruction and reforming and
renewing society in the spirit of truth justice and peace.

This process is universally true and inclusive of all people,
REGARDLESS if the Bible is true or mythical or whatever.
It can be used to symbolize or represent this process,
but secular gentiles may prefer nontheistic terms
that explain the process. We can still agree on MEANING
even if we don't agree on which LANGUAGE we prefer to use,
either secular or religious. it's still the same process of
establishing TRUTH and JUSTICE, in order to achieve lasting PEACE.
Last edited:
by Michael J. Kruger

I have been teaching a weekly Bible study on the book of Romans to women in the Charlotte community. For the last several months, we have been plodding our way through the first three chapters as Paul has laid out his case that all mankind—Jew and Gentile—are sinful and rightly under the judgment of God. Paul finishes this section of his letter with this monumental statement: “For by works of the Law no human being will be justified in his sight” (Rom 3:20).

You can almost hear the gavel fall with a boom.

Thankfully, Paul does not end his letter here. This morning, in the last installment of the women’s study for the Fall term (we will resume in the new year), we will move onto to 3:21 and following. There Paul utters two of the most beautiful words in all of Scripture, “But now….” These two little words provide a great sigh of relief for any sin-wracked soul wondering about his fate.

“But now” tells us that something has been done to solve the problem of our sins.

What is it that solves the problem of our sins? “A righteousness of (from) God has been manifested apart from the law… through faith in Jesus Christ” (3:21–22). Luther referred to these verses as “the center of the whole Bible.” Martin Lloyd Jones called it “the most important and crucial passage in the whole of Scripture.” Leon Morris said it is “possibly the most important single paragraph ever written.”

This passage is the basis for the great Reformation doctrine of sola fide—the idea that we are saved by faith alone and not by the works of the law.

But Paul makes a critical clarification here. He makes it clear that the righteous status we so desperately need comes through faith (v.22), but it is not the faith itself that is the grounds of our justification. The grounds of our justification—the reason God can declare us sinners to be righteous—is because of the righteousness of Christ given to us. He can regard us as righteous because a righteous status has been granted to us.

Thus, faith is merely the instrument or the means by which that righteous status is attained.

This is a critical reminder for Christians today. Whenever our world discusses religion, they will praise the merits of “faith” and laud people who possess it (think Oprah Winfrey). But notice the world never praises the merits of the object of that faith. It doesn’t matter what you believe in (after all, all religions are the same), what matters is that you are sincerely committed.

For our world, then, faith is its own object.

Contrast that to what Paul is saying in Rom 3:21–22. Paul is saying that you are not saved because of faith (as if it were meritorious in itself), but you are saved through and by faith in Christ. The object of the faith is what is definitive.

So, the Reformed doctrine of sola fide does not mean what the world might think it means. For the world, it simply means that all you need is faith. For the Reformers, it meant faith is the sole instrument by which you acquire a righteous status in Christ (and thus not by works).

For those who doubt their faith and find their faith to be weak, this is a great encouragement. Our hope is not in how strong our faith is, but in how strong and righteous our Savior is.

Probably in Geeks 54:4 when God said "Thou shalt chooseth Nintendo over Sega for Sega will surely die out one day."
Probably in Geeks 54:4 when God said "Thou shalt chooseth Nintendo over Sega for Sega will surely die out one day."


No one knows what the hell your god says son, including you.

The bible is fiction, and your religious perceptual reality was/is merely a tool of colonialism, oppression and wealth extraction.

The religious system is all about authoritarianism and conquest. See the Papal Bulls of the 1500s, they flat out called for the extermination of the native peoples of the americas.

Fuck the bible.

The most important part of the bible, the gospels that talks about aliens, were removed.

I sympathize with both of you.

That means soooooooooo much to me.
It means that I am suffering with you.
Nah, we're not doing anything together.
No one knows what the hell your god says son, including you.

The bible is fiction, and your religious perceptual reality was/is merely a tool of colonialism, oppression and wealth extraction.

The religious system is all about authoritarianism and conquest. See the Papal Bulls of the 1500s, they flat out called for the extermination of the native peoples of the americas.

Fuck the bible.

Dear Fenton Lum
You bring up a number of important points.
1. RE: Oppression destruction slavery in Bible history:
A. the OLD TESTAMENT is filled with genocide and the sad destructive history of man living by the "LETTER of the law." YES it leads to DEATH and DESTRUCTION.
It is there to teach by experience and example

B. the NEW Testament is the CORRECTION and
SOLUTION to all that. living by the "SPIRIT of the laws"

OT = letter of the law, corrupted by greed, love of money, power, materialism
NT = spirit of the law, living by love for neighbors and charity for all people

the point of the history in the Bible is to MOVE from
"retributive justice" which brings death (kills relations by ill will and bad faith)
"restorative justice" which renews life (rebuilds relations with good will for all people)

2. RE: Bible is mythical, false, no one has authority to interpret the truth and speak for God/Jesus

One doesn't HAVE to believe in God/Jesus or
that any of the stories or depictions are true
to UNDERSTAND the universal message and meaning.

The meaning in the Bible is the PROCESS by which
humanity REALIZES peace and justice by establishing agreement in TRUTH.

TRUTH casts out fear of the unknown, error, and falsehood.

So as long as we seek TRUTH that is the same as "seeking the Kingdom of God"
it's the TRUTH that sets us free from error, strife
and conflict.

So you don't have to believe in a personified God and
Jesus to believe in TRUTH and JUSTICE (which
God and Jesus symbolize collectively).

Are you okay with this interpretation of
* Christ Jesus as the spirit of "Restorative Justice"
(while Retributive Justice is Antichrist)
* the Kingdom of God as collective truth,
wisdom, understanding of universal laws
which set humanity free from war and bring peace

I believe these are universal terms
so the religious symbols are not necessary to use
if we can agree what CONCEPTS and principles
we mean by them. Why not translate into secular
meanings and communicate that way.

Would you prefer this approach?
This helps me, this is the way I can understand what the Bible means. Does it make more sense to you explained this way? Thanks Fenton Lum

God/Christ/Holy Spirit are symbols of collective
Truth, Justice and Peace for all humanity.

Humanity is going through a process of leaving
behind our past of death/destruction and reforming and
renewing society in the spirit of truth justice and peace.

This process is universally true and inclusive of all people,
REGARDLESS if the Bible is true or mythical or whatever.
It can be used to symbolize or represent this process,
but secular gentiles may prefer nontheistic terms
that explain the process. We can still agree on MEANING
even if we don't agree on which LANGUAGE we prefer to use,
either secular or religious. it's still the same process of
establishing TRUTH and JUSTICE, in order to achieve lasting PEACE.

"The meaning in the Bible is the PROCESS by which
humanity REALIZES peace and justice by establishing agreement in TRUTH."

No. And it is pretty arrogant, self-serving/aggrandizing, self-righteous, myopic, and provincial to suggest such. If that’s what does it for you? Wonderful, be religious and love your particular flavor. But understand, that’s all it is, your preferred flavor.

No one knows what the hell your god says son, including you.

The bible is fiction, and your religious perceptual reality was/is merely a tool of colonialism, oppression and wealth extraction.

The religious system is all about authoritarianism and conquest. See the Papal Bulls of the 1500s, they flat out called for the extermination of the native peoples of the americas.

Fuck the bible.

Dear Fenton Lum
You bring up a number of important points.
1. RE: Oppression destruction slavery in Bible history:
A. the OLD TESTAMENT is filled with genocide and the sad destructive history of man living by the "LETTER of the law." YES it leads to DEATH and DESTRUCTION.
It is there to teach by experience and example

B. the NEW Testament is the CORRECTION and
SOLUTION to all that. living by the "SPIRIT of the laws"

OT = letter of the law, corrupted by greed, love of money, power, materialism
NT = spirit of the law, living by love for neighbors and charity for all people

the point of the history in the Bible is to MOVE from
"retributive justice" which brings death (kills relations by ill will and bad faith)
"restorative justice" which renews life (rebuilds relations with good will for all people)

2. RE: Bible is mythical, false, no one has authority to interpret the truth and speak for God/Jesus

One doesn't HAVE to believe in God/Jesus or
that any of the stories or depictions are true
to UNDERSTAND the universal message and meaning.

The meaning in the Bible is the PROCESS by which
humanity REALIZES peace and justice by establishing agreement in TRUTH.

TRUTH casts out fear of the unknown, error, and falsehood.

So as long as we seek TRUTH that is the same as "seeking the Kingdom of God"
it's the TRUTH that sets us free from error, strife
and conflict.

So you don't have to believe in a personified God and
Jesus to believe in TRUTH and JUSTICE (which
God and Jesus symbolize collectively).

Are you okay with this interpretation of
* Christ Jesus as the spirit of "Restorative Justice"
(while Retributive Justice is Antichrist)
* the Kingdom of God as collective truth,
wisdom, understanding of universal laws
which set humanity free from war and bring peace

I believe these are universal terms
so the religious symbols are not necessary to use
if we can agree what CONCEPTS and principles
we mean by them. Why not translate into secular
meanings and communicate that way.

Would you prefer this approach?
This helps me, this is the way I can understand what the Bible means. Does it make more sense to you explained this way? Thanks Fenton Lum

God/Christ/Holy Spirit are symbols of collective
Truth, Justice and Peace for all humanity.

Humanity is going through a process of leaving
behind our past of death/destruction and reforming and
renewing society in the spirit of truth justice and peace.

This process is universally true and inclusive of all people,
REGARDLESS if the Bible is true or mythical or whatever.
It can be used to symbolize or represent this process,
but secular gentiles may prefer nontheistic terms
that explain the process. We can still agree on MEANING
even if we don't agree on which LANGUAGE we prefer to use,
either secular or religious. it's still the same process of
establishing TRUTH and JUSTICE, in order to achieve lasting PEACE.

"The meaning in the Bible is the PROCESS by which
humanity REALIZES peace and justice by establishing agreement in TRUTH."

No. And it is pretty arrogant, self-serving/aggrandizing, self-righteous, myopic, and provincial to suggest such. If that’s what does it for you? Wonderful, be religious and love your particular flavor. But understand, that’s all it is, your preferred flavor.

Again Fenton Lum that IS MY POINT.

A. the SECULAR GENTILES use Natural Laws, Science,
Reason, to arrive at conclusions about EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW.
That's ONE path or "fold of the one flock"

use the BIBLE as the OTHER fold of the flock.

Both seek JUSTICE but one takes a nontheistic SECULAR approach.
The other follows the religious teachings of JESUS as JUSTICE.

The expressions are RELATIVE.
But the Truth and Justice we seek are UNIVERSAL.
No one knows what the hell your god says son, including you.

The bible is fiction, and your religious perceptual reality was/is merely a tool of colonialism, oppression and wealth extraction.

The religious system is all about authoritarianism and conquest. See the Papal Bulls of the 1500s, they flat out called for the extermination of the native peoples of the americas.

Fuck the bible.

Dear Fenton Lum
You bring up a number of important points.
1. RE: Oppression destruction slavery in Bible history:
A. the OLD TESTAMENT is filled with genocide and the sad destructive history of man living by the "LETTER of the law." YES it leads to DEATH and DESTRUCTION.
It is there to teach by experience and example

B. the NEW Testament is the CORRECTION and
SOLUTION to all that. living by the "SPIRIT of the laws"

OT = letter of the law, corrupted by greed, love of money, power, materialism
NT = spirit of the law, living by love for neighbors and charity for all people

the point of the history in the Bible is to MOVE from
"retributive justice" which brings death (kills relations by ill will and bad faith)
"restorative justice" which renews life (rebuilds relations with good will for all people)

2. RE: Bible is mythical, false, no one has authority to interpret the truth and speak for God/Jesus

One doesn't HAVE to believe in God/Jesus or
that any of the stories or depictions are true
to UNDERSTAND the universal message and meaning.

The meaning in the Bible is the PROCESS by which
humanity REALIZES peace and justice by establishing agreement in TRUTH.

TRUTH casts out fear of the unknown, error, and falsehood.

So as long as we seek TRUTH that is the same as "seeking the Kingdom of God"
it's the TRUTH that sets us free from error, strife
and conflict.

So you don't have to believe in a personified God and
Jesus to believe in TRUTH and JUSTICE (which
God and Jesus symbolize collectively).

Are you okay with this interpretation of
* Christ Jesus as the spirit of "Restorative Justice"
(while Retributive Justice is Antichrist)
* the Kingdom of God as collective truth,
wisdom, understanding of universal laws
which set humanity free from war and bring peace

I believe these are universal terms
so the religious symbols are not necessary to use
if we can agree what CONCEPTS and principles
we mean by them. Why not translate into secular
meanings and communicate that way.

Would you prefer this approach?
This helps me, this is the way I can understand what the Bible means. Does it make more sense to you explained this way? Thanks Fenton Lum

God/Christ/Holy Spirit are symbols of collective
Truth, Justice and Peace for all humanity.

Humanity is going through a process of leaving
behind our past of death/destruction and reforming and
renewing society in the spirit of truth justice and peace.

This process is universally true and inclusive of all people,
REGARDLESS if the Bible is true or mythical or whatever.
It can be used to symbolize or represent this process,
but secular gentiles may prefer nontheistic terms
that explain the process. We can still agree on MEANING
even if we don't agree on which LANGUAGE we prefer to use,
either secular or religious. it's still the same process of
establishing TRUTH and JUSTICE, in order to achieve lasting PEACE.

"The meaning in the Bible is the PROCESS by which
humanity REALIZES peace and justice by establishing agreement in TRUTH."

No. And it is pretty arrogant, self-serving/aggrandizing, self-righteous, myopic, and provincial to suggest such. If that’s what does it for you? Wonderful, be religious and love your particular flavor. But understand, that’s all it is, your preferred flavor.

Again Fenton Lum that IS MY POINT.

A. the SECULAR GENTILES use Natural Laws, Science,
Reason, to arrive at conclusions about EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW.
That's ONE path or "fold of the one flock"

use the BIBLE as the OTHER fold of the flock.

Both seek JUSTICE but one takes a nontheistic SECULAR approach.
The other follows the religious teachings of JESUS as JUSTICE.

The expressions are RELATIVE.
But the Truth and Justice we seek are UNIVERSAL.

I'm sorry love, but the version of christianity that made landfall in the "new" world sought nothing related to "Truth and Justice", and it certainly had no affinity for any semblance of "Truth and Justice" it managed to blunder into to be "UNIVERSAL", even in terms as meager as across american society.
No one knows what the hell your god says son, including you.

The bible is fiction, and your religious perceptual reality was/is merely a tool of colonialism, oppression and wealth extraction.

The religious system is all about authoritarianism and conquest. See the Papal Bulls of the 1500s, they flat out called for the extermination of the native peoples of the americas.

Fuck the bible.

The most important part of the bible, the gospels that talks about aliens, were removed.

I sympathize with both of you.

That means soooooooooo much to me.
It means that I am suffering with you.
Nah, we're not doing anything together.
You don't have any control over it.
No one knows what the hell your god says son, including you.

The bible is fiction, and your religious perceptual reality was/is merely a tool of colonialism, oppression and wealth extraction.

The religious system is all about authoritarianism and conquest. See the Papal Bulls of the 1500s, they flat out called for the extermination of the native peoples of the americas.

Fuck the bible.

Dear Fenton Lum
You bring up a number of important points.
1. RE: Oppression destruction slavery in Bible history:
A. the OLD TESTAMENT is filled with genocide and the sad destructive history of man living by the "LETTER of the law." YES it leads to DEATH and DESTRUCTION.
It is there to teach by experience and example

B. the NEW Testament is the CORRECTION and
SOLUTION to all that. living by the "SPIRIT of the laws"

OT = letter of the law, corrupted by greed, love of money, power, materialism
NT = spirit of the law, living by love for neighbors and charity for all people

the point of the history in the Bible is to MOVE from
"retributive justice" which brings death (kills relations by ill will and bad faith)
"restorative justice" which renews life (rebuilds relations with good will for all people)

2. RE: Bible is mythical, false, no one has authority to interpret the truth and speak for God/Jesus

One doesn't HAVE to believe in God/Jesus or
that any of the stories or depictions are true
to UNDERSTAND the universal message and meaning.

The meaning in the Bible is the PROCESS by which
humanity REALIZES peace and justice by establishing agreement in TRUTH.

TRUTH casts out fear of the unknown, error, and falsehood.

So as long as we seek TRUTH that is the same as "seeking the Kingdom of God"
it's the TRUTH that sets us free from error, strife
and conflict.

So you don't have to believe in a personified God and
Jesus to believe in TRUTH and JUSTICE (which
God and Jesus symbolize collectively).

Are you okay with this interpretation of
* Christ Jesus as the spirit of "Restorative Justice"
(while Retributive Justice is Antichrist)
* the Kingdom of God as collective truth,
wisdom, understanding of universal laws
which set humanity free from war and bring peace

I believe these are universal terms
so the religious symbols are not necessary to use
if we can agree what CONCEPTS and principles
we mean by them. Why not translate into secular
meanings and communicate that way.

Would you prefer this approach?
This helps me, this is the way I can understand what the Bible means. Does it make more sense to you explained this way? Thanks Fenton Lum

God/Christ/Holy Spirit are symbols of collective
Truth, Justice and Peace for all humanity.

Humanity is going through a process of leaving
behind our past of death/destruction and reforming and
renewing society in the spirit of truth justice and peace.

This process is universally true and inclusive of all people,
REGARDLESS if the Bible is true or mythical or whatever.
It can be used to symbolize or represent this process,
but secular gentiles may prefer nontheistic terms
that explain the process. We can still agree on MEANING
even if we don't agree on which LANGUAGE we prefer to use,
either secular or religious. it's still the same process of
establishing TRUTH and JUSTICE, in order to achieve lasting PEACE.

"The meaning in the Bible is the PROCESS by which
humanity REALIZES peace and justice by establishing agreement in TRUTH."

No. And it is pretty arrogant, self-serving/aggrandizing, self-righteous, myopic, and provincial to suggest such. If that’s what does it for you? Wonderful, be religious and love your particular flavor. But understand, that’s all it is, your preferred flavor.

Again Fenton Lum that IS MY POINT.

A. the SECULAR GENTILES use Natural Laws, Science,
Reason, to arrive at conclusions about EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW.
That's ONE path or "fold of the one flock"

use the BIBLE as the OTHER fold of the flock.

Both seek JUSTICE but one takes a nontheistic SECULAR approach.
The other follows the religious teachings of JESUS as JUSTICE.

The expressions are RELATIVE.
But the Truth and Justice we seek are UNIVERSAL.

I'm sorry love, but the version of christianity that made landfall in the "new" world sought nothing related to "Truth and Justice", and it certainly had no affinity for any semblance of "Truth and Justice" it managed to blunder into to be "UNIVERSAL", even in terms as meager as across american society.

Dear Fenton Lum
The "version" of Constitutionalism that enforced laws on SLAVERY
was also self-contradictory, went against its own principles of equal justice and liberty,
and had to undergo "REFORMS" in order to "form a more perfect union."

Humans are not going to get it right the first time around.
There is "Old School" and there is "New School"
there is a LEARNING CURVE to go through
to FULLY DEVELOP spiritually and politically.

The laws still state timeless principles.

Just like students learning math, the "human failure" to follow and apply the laws
reflects on the followers. Not on the consistency of the laws themselves,
just because we couldn't get them right without a struggle!
All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems. Humankind really went off in an unhealthy direction once it attached itself to this notion of the creator in human form.

when did that happen-------where are the non middle eastern religions that lack a
creator in human form?

Before the inquisition, colonialism/missionaryism, tribal societies. Humans have been on the planet long before Christ and these male dominator god aunthoritarian peceptual realities were spread through violence and war.
You cannot include Christianity in that lot. The Bible teaches things that are contrary to human nature. Like love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Christianity is the opposite of authoritarian. It is a person placing their faith in a risen Savior. How is that authoritarian?

It ain't what they say, it's what they do son. In america for example? Genocide, slavery, colonialism all over the planet that continues today.

Just like it says in the bible.

Gimme that old time religion, pick and choose what they want to believe in but then preach to others what they should do and believe.

Sent from my iPad using
All of the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems. Humankind really went off in an unhealthy direction once it attached itself to this notion of the creator in human form.

when did that happen-------where are the non middle eastern religions that lack a
creator in human form?

Before the inquisition, colonialism/missionaryism, tribal societies. Humans have been on the planet long before Christ and these male dominator god aunthoritarian peceptual realities were spread through violence and war.

so? can you name the belief systems that DID NOT include the "male" denominator?


Sent from my iPad using
when did that happen-------where are the non middle eastern religions that lack a
creator in human form?

Before the inquisition, colonialism/missionaryism, tribal societies. Humans have been on the planet long before Christ and these male dominator god aunthoritarian peceptual realities were spread through violence and war.
You cannot include Christianity in that lot. The Bible teaches things that are contrary to human nature. Like love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Christianity is the opposite of authoritarian. It is a person placing their faith in a risen Savior. How is that authoritarian?

It ain't what they say, it's what they do son. In america for example? Genocide, slavery, colonialism all over the planet that continues today.
Wrong. It is what God says that matters. Anyone who does the opposite of what God tells us to do is not a Christian. Plain and simple.

No one knows what the hell your god says son, including you.
That reply shows such profound ignorance.
Before the inquisition, colonialism/missionaryism, tribal societies. Humans have been on the planet long before Christ and these male dominator god aunthoritarian peceptual realities were spread through violence and war.
You cannot include Christianity in that lot. The Bible teaches things that are contrary to human nature. Like love your neighbor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Christianity is the opposite of authoritarian. It is a person placing their faith in a risen Savior. How is that authoritarian?

It ain't what they say, it's what they do son. In america for example? Genocide, slavery, colonialism all over the planet that continues today.
Wrong. It is what God says that matters. Anyone who does the opposite of what God tells us to do is not a Christian. Plain and simple.

No one knows what the hell your god says son, including you.
That reply shows such profound ignorance.

You must be one of those zealots god "talks so".

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