The most inept leader in world history

Katz -

And yet some of these peoples have lived in peace with their neighbours for decades. Some have never fought a war. How do you explain that?
There are plenty of good, safe, sane Islamic democracies now, so there does seem to be a trend.

Could you name 2?

Why only 2?

I'll give you 5 for no extra cost!


Turkey is playing "Dare you" with israel, otherwise a long time ally.
Malaysia is fighting off abu sayyaf. For now.
Only one mentioned is in the middle east.

Pretty piss-poor showing there.
Rabbi -

Both Malaysia and Turkey are stable democracies. That does not mean they do not have problems at home and abroad - mot countries do.

I could also have mentioned a half-dozen others and several in the ME.

If we look across the developing world, I doubt the proportion of democracies in the Islamic world is significantly lower than in Christian countries.
Katz -

And yet some of these peoples have lived in peace with their neighbours for decades. Some have never fought a war. How do you explain that?

Some of those people were forcibly held in check by dictators who would gladly hang them from the nearest lamp post if peace were threatened. Like Hosni Mubarak for instance. Some of them merely want to be left alone by their neighbors so they take pains to leave their neighbors alone. Some of people who live in these peaceful countries are just waiting for an opportunity. There is no way that Libya, Egypt or Syria could be said to be moving towards peace. Democracy yes, as the people vote for an even more oppressive government than the one they had. There are anti freedom riots right now in Tunisia and Malyasia.

Turkey is a nation perpetually on the edge. The government is officially secular but the people don't like it, they would rather have a strict islamic nation. The policy in Turkey is "For the People, Despite the People". It's been that way since the 20s How long the government can continue to oppose a growing majority is open to speculation.

Islamist Politics in Turkey: The New Model? | Brookings Institution

Yet despite massive reforms, secular Kemalism barely infiltrated Turkish society at large. The rural and pious masses of Anatolia remained largely unaffected by the cultural reengineering in Ankara, in contrast to the military, the bureaucracy, and the urban bourgeoisie, who embraced or adapted to Kemalism’s superficial Westernization. The cultural gap between the Kemalist center and the Anatolian periphery soon became insurmountable. A Kemalist slogan in the 1920s acknowledged that the Turkish government ruled “For the people, despite the people.”
Rabbi -

Both Malaysia and Turkey are stable democracies. That does not mean they do not have problems at home and abroad - mot countries do.

I could also have mentioned a half-dozen others and several in the ME.

If we look across the developing world, I doubt the proportion of democracies in the Islamic world is significantly lower than in Christian countries.

I would. Most Islamic states are failed states or authoritarian regimes.
This is just the very definition of inept. How the President of the United States cannot tell you what the current national debt is, is just humiliating. And David Letterman is damn near as bad. $10 trillion David?!?! Yeah, 4 years ago. Both of these men are an embarassment to America. No wonder the debt is skyrocketing, Obama isn't paying any attention to it...’t-know-debt-clock-numbers/

Let's see, most inept leader in world history? How about Idi Amin, King Louis XIV, Kaiser Wilhelm, Czar Nicholas, Montazuma.

Even if Obama is not an ideal president he is far from the worst leader in world history.

Remember, when you exagerate, you lose credibility.

Well Louis XIV was actually pretty good, you're probably talking about Louis XVI. Wilhelm wasnt bad
I'd really say Idi Amin, Stalin, Hitler, Nero, Diocletian, Castro, Richard III, Khamir Rouge, Mao, Mussolini, were all evil and you can add tons more to this list.

King John, was probably the most inept leader, he really sucked.

Have to go with Caligula and I think I win. Pimping your own sisters? We can make it a "Worst Leader" thread since OP doesn't know history.
I love how shrill you and Glenn are getting now that Romney is sinking like a rock, Poodle.

I love how panic stricken you are when people provide simple facts ever since Obama got annihilated in the November 2010 elections. All of you know what is coming, and it just has you in an emotional melt down... :lol:

I wasn't aware Obama was on the Ballot in the 2010 election.

You'll have to point out where he was..

Midterms don't count. It'd be nice if we got rid of them altogether.
Incessant whining about Obama's past doesn't make up for the fact the GOP failed to put up a decent candidate this time.

Romney sucked in 2008 and he sucks now.

The GOP failed to put up a decent candidate in 2008, which is why Obama won. This time, they've put up a phenomenal duo who is going to right the ship. Which is why you guys are so panic stricken and trying to convince everyone Romney "sucks". He's a real leader and you already know that Obama is going home. That's why you're whining like a bitch. Because you know you're no longer going to get to be the parasite to society that Obama has allowed you to be.

Actually, Romney's a joke.

He was a joke in 2008, and he's a bigger joke now.

Notice he knuckled under on his "no way do you get to see my taxes" stuff today.

And you've got Republicans running away from him like escaped Sister-wives.
Incessant whining about Obama's past doesn't make up for the fact the GOP failed to put up a decent candidate this time.

Romney sucked in 2008 and he sucks now.

The GOP failed to put up a decent candidate in 2008, which is why Obama won. This time, they've put up a phenomenal duo who is going to right the ship. Which is why you guys are so panic stricken and trying to convince everyone Romney "sucks". He's a real leader and you already know that Obama is going home. That's why you're whining like a bitch. Because you know you're no longer going to get to be the parasite to society that Obama has allowed you to be.

Actually, Romney's a joke.

He was a joke in 2008, and he's a bigger joke now.

Notice he knuckled under on his "no way do you get to see my taxes" stuff today.

And you've got Republicans running away from him like escaped Sister-wives.

No, Joe he did not knuckle under. He promised 2 years and produced it.
The GOP failed to put up a decent candidate in 2008, which is why Obama won. This time, they've put up a phenomenal duo who is going to right the ship. Which is why you guys are so panic stricken and trying to convince everyone Romney "sucks". He's a real leader and you already know that Obama is going home. That's why you're whining like a bitch. Because you know you're no longer going to get to be the parasite to society that Obama has allowed you to be.

Actually, Romney's a joke.

He was a joke in 2008, and he's a bigger joke now.

Notice he knuckled under on his "no way do you get to see my taxes" stuff today.

And you've got Republicans running away from him like escaped Sister-wives.

No, Joe he did not knuckle under. He promised 2 years and produced it.

And "summaries" of the last 20 years.

Which he said he wouldn't do.

it's just getting worse and worse for him, as even Republicans are breaking bad on him.
I love how shrill you and Glenn are getting now that Romney is sinking like a rock, Poodle.

I love how panic stricken you are when people provide simple facts ever since Obama got annihilated in the November 2010 elections. All of you know what is coming, and it just has you in an emotional melt down... :lol:

I wasn't aware Obama was on the Ballot in the 2010 election.

You'll have to point out where he was..

Midterms don't count. It'd be nice if we got rid of them altogether.

I know you democrats think it would be "nice" if we got rid of all elections where you get your asses kicked, but it ain't happening, comrade.
I know you democrats think it would be "nice" if we got rid of all elections where you get your asses kicked, but it ain't happening, comrade.

Actually, it would be nice if we didn't have Congress in perpetual election mode, yeah.

How about you elect Congress at the same time you elect the president. Get rid of the Senate, that's worthless, and be done with it.

What the British have works reasonably well....

Us, nope, we are going to let the entire government get gummed up because 80 districts out of 425 elect complete nutjob Teabaggers who think gummit is "evil".
Sounds to me like you'd be happier living somewhere else, comrade. Of course, you'd never have the balls to live up to the nonsense you post (about ANYTHING).
Actually, Romney's a joke.

He was a joke in 2008, and he's a bigger joke now.

Notice he knuckled under on his "no way do you get to see my taxes" stuff today.

And you've got Republicans running away from him like escaped Sister-wives.

No, Joe he did not knuckle under. He promised 2 years and produced it.

And "summaries" of the last 20 years.

Which he said he wouldn't do.

it's just getting worse and worse for him, as even Republicans are breaking bad on him.
So do you want him to release information or not? If he doesnt, you complain. If he does, you complain.
Just admit you're a knuckle-dragging uneducated bigot and you wouldn't vote for Romney if he could perform miracles.
Pub dupes are hilarious. BTW, amnesty is the only thing that works. It's Pubs blocking a real work SS ID card that doesn't work- as they well know, they love cheap labor, dupes.
Libtard dope, amnesty does not work. Grow a brain , dopey dipshit.

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