The most lopsided war between nation-states


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
in military annals.

Poland against Nazi Germany from the west and the Soviet Union from the east in Sept 1939.

Actually the Poles held out heroically -even though they were forced to surrender after 3 about 3 weeks.

Poland also suffered the most of any nation recorded history during WW2.
The Russians would claim they lost more in WW2.

The question has several different angles you could take,

Germany v Denmark in WW2 is one of many "one sided wars" that took place during WW2.

If your talking two heavy weights, Germany v France in WW2 has to rank high. Nobody thought France, a world power at the time would fall so quickly

NATO v Iraq is an example of the complete manhandling of a sizable military force.

Israel v Arab World could be an example of "agaist all odds" victory as could American Colonists v British Empire.

In a particular engagement, there was a case in WW2 of a few destroyers, in an attempt to buy the carrier they were defending time to escape the Japanese fleet, attacked a force with multiple battleships and their escorts ... And turned them back ... (Not sure of the exact battle that took place, but I'm sure someone here does)
The Poles lost a far greater % of their population than the Soviets did.

In the Revolution - the Brits were fighting across the pond thousands of miles from home on our home turf - and the French helped us.

re Israel vs theArabs -latter can't tie their own shoelaces.
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In the Revolution - the Brits were fighting across the pond thousands of miles from home on our home turf - and the French helped us.

re Israel vs theArabs -latter can't tie their own shoelaces.

There are always "reasons" for a one-sided or "agaist all odds" victory
USA v Grenada

True. I would also say the German Invasion of Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg during WWII would rank as routs too.

And what of the US v Panama?

Many instances of lopsided wars.
in military annals.

Poland against Nazi Germany from the west and the Soviet Union from the east in Sept 1939.

Actually the Poles held out heroically -even though they were forced to surrender after 3 about 3 weeks.

Poland also suffered the most of any nation recorded history during WW2.

They lasted longer than the Allied forces V the Germans in France in 1940.

time line:

10 May 1940 British expedition and France finally engage the Germans on the continent.

The War Office made the decision to evacuate British forces on 25 May 1940.

The Germans beat the FRENCH BELGIANS and BRITS in 15 DAYS.

That rather make the Poles, who were facing the combined German and Soviet forces ALONE, seem like military geniuses by comparison.


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