The most melancholic, nostalgic, dramatic and soul-touching songs, are serbian


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
But I dont really have the comparison to every other nation, just some other nations like german schlager or american/english pop. Serbian definitely touches the soul much more.

Nazdravite Drugovi
U ocima krijem tugu
samoca mi dusu para
pijem da je zaboravim
a zelja se veca stvara

Ref. 2x
Nazdravite drugovi
sa mnom i sa tugom
otisla je voljena
u zagrljaj drugom

S' punom casom ja drugujem
ona mi je samo vjerna
casu gledam mislim na nju
sad je casa razbijena


Uz muziku i uz pjesmu
da mi brze prodje vrijeme
a u zoru suzdisajem
u prozore gledam njene

Tako dane ja provodim
i besane svoje noci
a srce mi ne vjeruje
da mi ona nece doci


Toast Comrades
I hide sadness in my eyes
loneliness gives my soul money
I drink to forget it
and a greater desire is created

Ref. 2x
Toast comrades
with me and with sorrow
she left beloved
in the embrace of another

I'm full time
she is just faithful to me
the moment I look I think of her
now the glass is broken


With music and with song
to pass my time quickly
and at dawn I sigh
I look at her in the windows

That's how I spend my days
and the sleeplessness of his night
and my heart does not believe
that she will not come to me



Hajde Konobarice, daj produzi smenu, ucini coveku, sipaj mi jos jednu
Ajde Konobarice, budi srcu leka, ucini coveku kome nema leka

Come on Waitress, extend the shift, do it for the man, pour me another one
Come on Waitress, be the cure for the heart, do it to the man who has no cure

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