The Most Perfect Petition For Neocons, Ever

I heard Obama has offered to negotiate any future status of Alaska in return for assurances that Putin will not invade Martha's Vineyard.
At first I was like, ROFLMAO, but then I was like, hmmmm...but then I thought, maybe just her porch?
you're the kind of smug, arrogant idiot that is too blind to admit you are part of the problem.
there is nothing sick, bigoted, psychopathic, hypocritical or retarded about the Republican Party. the Democrat Party has moved so far to the Left that everything they look at APPEARS to be on the far Right

ur the kind of self-absorbed nutjob that fell for the bullshit line
Neocons pine for state secession. They have also been getting wet between the legs and heavily fellating their Russian strongman Vladimir Putin lately. And I think we all have noticed their poor spelling and grammar skills.

Well, do we have a petition for you! Over 22,000 have already signed. Don't be the last kid on your block to join up!

Petition to give Alaska back to Russia

Vote for secession of Alaska from the United States and joining Russia

What's good enough for Crimea is good enough for Palin.


We already know that you're a numskull, so why do you expend so much effort trying to convince us of the fact?
Bush didnt sell guns to Mexican druglords that got 300 people or so killed; obama did.

Operation Wide Receiver. Happened on Bush's watch.

obama has ramped up warrantless wiretapping and SPYING ON AMERICANS

All begun under Bush. All of this is only possible because of the Patriot Act. Obama did not enact the Patriot Act, Bush did. Obama did not create the Department of Fatherland Security. Bush did.

Obama did not arrest and detain American citizens without habeas corpus, but Bush did.

But you rubes were too worried about who was or was not wearing a flag pin at the time, or who had their hand on their heart during the national anthem.
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Bush didnt sell guns to Mexican druglords that got 300 people or so killed; obama did.

Operation Wide Receiver. Happened on Bush's watch.

obama has ramped up warrantless wiretapping and SPYING ON AMERICANS

All begun under Bush. All of this is only possible because of the Patriot Act. Obama did not enact the Patriot Act, Bush did. Obama did not create the Department of Fatherland Security. Bush did.

But you rubes were too worried about who was or was not wearing a flag pin at the time.

more stupid shit from this retard

"started by Bush"

how old are you? seven?
why dont you go hang yourself angry idiot? losers like you are what gave us obama
presidents cant enact laws by themselves dork; and laws can be repealed.

why dont you go somewhere and cry?
Bush didnt sell guns to Mexican druglords that got 300 people or so killed; obama did.

Operation Wide Receiver. Happened on Bush's watch.

obama has ramped up warrantless wiretapping and SPYING ON AMERICANS

All begun under Bush. All of this is only possible because of the Patriot Act. Obama did not enact the Patriot Act, Bush did. Obama did not create the Department of Fatherland Security. Bush did.

But you rubes were too worried about who was or was not wearing a flag pin at the time.

more stupid shit from this retard

"started by Bush"

how old are you? seven?
why dont you go hang yourself angry idiot? losers like you are what gave us obama


I see you are completely unable to refute the truth.

And it was rubes like yourself who gave us Obama. And you worked double overtime to get him re-elected. Just by being yourselves. It's pretty sad you are so incompetent and stupid you can't beat a guy like Obama. :lol:

Reagan is spinning in his grave.
Agreed with Kaz. You don't know what a neocon is. This is the exact opposite of what they'd do. If the Bush neocons were running things right now we'd be invading the Ukraine.
The neocons have gone full batshit insane since Bush. Actually, they went full batshit insane during Bush. They were okay with Bush spying on Americans, losing guns in Mexico, starting wars, crashing the economy, stomping the shit out of the Constitution. They didn't care about attacks on our overseas diplomatic missions and probably can't even name the diplomat who was killed during one of those attacks.

But they completely flipped to the other side when Obama came along and began acting like a watered down version of Bush.

And now they have gone all the way. They are sucking off Putin over Syria and Crimea.

They also support secession.

So this petition is perfect.

I think they should split off from the Republican Party and create their own Nazi Party. I am kind of glad we have seen a recent influx of White Nationalists on this forum. This way the brainless parroting drones who have infected the GOP can see the unadulterated original sources of their own rhetoric.

I have been active in politics since I was a teen, and I am disgusted with the sick pschopathic hypocritical bigoted retards that have infected the Republican Party who have so destroyed its principles that someone as idiotic and incompetent as Obama can kick their asses.

So all you Putin-loving secessionists should go to Alaska and join up on this petition.

more comical hilarity from a left-wing nutjob too stupid, arrogant and blind to be aware of his hypocritical projection of his own mental illness onto others!

Bush didnt sell guns to Mexican druglords that got 300 people or so killed; obama did.

obama has ramped up warrantless wiretapping and SPYING ON AMERICANS
left-wing idiots like the loser here cant name 3 "Bush" policies Dems didnt use literally thousands of votes from hundreds of their members to CONTINUE, EXTEND OR OTHERWISE VOTE FOR....

obama is the one stomping on the Constitution; and it's perfectly ok with left-wing morons like you. in fact you're such a blind loser you cant even admithe's doing it.

NOOB, you're replying to a real conservative. Might have given him green for the first time in 5 years here, not that my green is anything hefty...but still.
The neocons have gone full batshit insane since Bush. Actually, they went full batshit insane during Bush. They were okay with Bush spying on Americans, losing guns in Mexico, starting wars, crashing the economy, stomping the shit out of the Constitution. They didn't care about attacks on our overseas diplomatic missions and probably can't even name the diplomat who was killed during one of those attacks.

But they completely flipped to the other side when Obama came along and began acting like a watered down version of Bush.

And now they have gone all the way. They are sucking off Putin over Syria and Crimea.

They also support secession.

So this petition is perfect.

I think they should split off from the Republican Party and create their own Nazi Party. I am kind of glad we have seen a recent influx of White Nationalists on this forum. This way the brainless parroting drones who have infected the GOP can see the unadulterated original sources of their own rhetoric.

I have been active in politics since I was a teen, and I am disgusted with the sick pschopathic hypocritical bigoted retards that have infected the Republican Party who have so destroyed its principles that someone as idiotic and incompetent as Obama can kick their asses.

So all you Putin-loving secessionists should go to Alaska and join up on this petition.

more comical hilarity from a left-wing nutjob too stupid, arrogant and blind to be aware of his hypocritical projection of his own mental illness onto others!

Bush didnt sell guns to Mexican druglords that got 300 people or so killed; obama did.

obama has ramped up warrantless wiretapping and SPYING ON AMERICANS
left-wing idiots like the loser here cant name 3 "Bush" policies Dems didnt use literally thousands of votes from hundreds of their members to CONTINUE, EXTEND OR OTHERWISE VOTE FOR....

obama is the one stomping on the Constitution; and it's perfectly ok with left-wing morons like you. in fact you're such a blind loser you cant even admithe's doing it.

NOOB, you're replying to a real conservative. Might have given him green for the first time in 5 years here, not that my green is anything hefty...but still.

"real conservative"

beware of morons insisting how "real" they are; that they are the only genuine ones.

a guy with a funny mustache did a similar thing
you're the kind of smug, arrogant idiot that is too blind to admit you are part of the problem.
there is nothing sick, bigoted, psychopathic, hypocritical or retarded about the Republican Party. the Democrat Party has moved so far to the Left that everything they look at APPEARS to be on the far Right

ur the kind of self-absorbed nutjob that fell for the bullshit line

oKAY now, WHO is twelve? Eat your animal crackers and take your nap.
you're the kind of smug, arrogant idiot that is too blind to admit you are part of the problem.
there is nothing sick, bigoted, psychopathic, hypocritical or retarded about the Republican Party. the Democrat Party has moved so far to the Left that everything they look at APPEARS to be on the far Right

ur the kind of self-absorbed nutjob that fell for the bullshit line

oKAY now, WHO is twelve? Eat your animal crackers and take your nap.

wah go cry; im sure he can handle his own defense
you're the kind of smug, arrogant idiot that is too blind to admit you are part of the problem.
there is nothing sick, bigoted, psychopathic, hypocritical or retarded about the Republican Party. the Democrat Party has moved so far to the Left that everything they look at APPEARS to be on the far Right

ur the kind of self-absorbed nutjob that fell for the bullshit line

What color is the sky on your planet?
you're the kind of smug, arrogant idiot that is too blind to admit you are part of the problem.
there is nothing sick, bigoted, psychopathic, hypocritical or retarded about the Republican Party. the Democrat Party has moved so far to the Left that everything they look at APPEARS to be on the far Right

ur the kind of self-absorbed nutjob that fell for the bullshit line

What color is the sky on your planet?

why leftard; learning your colors?

are record welfare and food stamps signs of "forward progress"?
I heard Obama has offered to negotiate any future status of Alaska in return for assurances that Putin will not invade Martha's Vineyard.

Obama should ask Saudi Arabia to crank up oil production. Putin's economy is very shaky right now and absolutely depends on the price of oil. If Obama can encourage our oil producing allies to increase production and lower the price of oil, Putin's economy will come crashing down.

Saudi Arabia should desire this. The Muslim world is engaged in conflict between Sunnis and Shi'as. The Sunnis have the money, the Shi'as have the numbers. Iran is Shi'a, Saudi Arabia is Sunni.

Russia is allying itself with the Shi'as, and so it would be in Saudi Arabia's survivalist interests to do anything it can to undermine Putin.

Thus, for the moment, our interests and Saudi Arabia's interests align perfectly. Obama should be exploiting this to the max.
I heard Obama has offered to negotiate any future status of Alaska in return for assurances that Putin will not invade Martha's Vineyard.

Obama should ask Saudi Arabia to crank up oil production. Putin's economy is very shaky right now and absolutely depends on the price of oil. If Obama can encourage our oil producing allies to increase production and lower the price of oil, Putin's economy will come crashing down.

Saudi Arabia should desire this. The Muslim world is engaged in conflict between Sunnis and Shi'as. The Sunnis have the money, the Shi'as have the numbers. Iran is Shi'a, Saudi Arabia is Sunni.

Russia is allying itself with the Shi'as, and so it would be in Saudi Arabia's survivalist interests to do anything it can to undermine Putin.

Thus, for the moment, our interests and Saudi Arabia's interests align perfectly. Obama should be exploiting this to the max.

Shi'as "have the numbers"?

are you sure? more than 80% of the worlds Muslims are Sunni mr know-it-all

see that's exactly the kind of thing i mean about people like you

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