The most terrifying examples of christian persecution


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The lions in the coliseum aaaaa wait wait , never mind

The lions in the coliseum aaaaa wait wait , never mind

Interesting meme...... I guess since you posted it we're supposed to take it as "gospel".......

Should we discuss the history of the Colosseum, in specific the 300 years of so called gladiatorial games and killing of "criminals" in games preceding it's construction and why it was constructed?
Hell Christianity didn't even take hold in the Roman Empire until the 3rd century AD and had been continuously persecuted up to and in some areas even after then.

Were the Early Christians Really Persecuted? | Cold Case Christianity

History of the Colosseum


High school level history is not really a comprehensive source, you shouldn't rely on it as much as you do.........

They didn't even have the Town of Nazareth built yet until 90 ad as found through Roman order letters to their soldiers to build the town. THERE WAS YET TO BE a group called Christians, there were Yehudites, Mithraic temples, KRISHNAS (called Christos), HaNotzrim, followers of John the righteous, Followers of Theudas, possibly Nazarenes (guardians) might be one of these groups or might have been a later term also.
Possibly other fringe groups like Shimon the sorcerer's followers etc.
They didn't even have the Town of Nazareth built yet until 90 ad as found through Roman order letters to their soldiers to build the town. THERE WAS YET TO BE a group called Christians, there were Yehudites, Mithraic temples, KRISHNAS (called Christos), HaNotzrim, followers of John the righteous, Followers of Theudas, possibly Nazarenes (guardians) might be one of these groups or might have been a later term also.
Possibly other fringe groups like Shimon the sorcerer's followers etc.

However, archaeology offers another type of testimony. The excavations identified the area where the ancient village stood and which Medieval and modern town planning incorporated into the current large Nazareth. The ancient village extended from north to south on the hilltop where the Basilica of the Annunciation, the Franciscan convent and the church of Saint Joseph now stand. The archaeological finds show that the first signs of life in the area date back to the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1550 B.C.).

The excavations conducted in the last century by the Franciscan Friars in the area of the sanctuaries, highlighted the remains of an agricultural village inhabited during the Iron Age (900-600 B.C.), that was gradually structured with simple dwellings constructed around caves used for their domestic work and for the recovery of animals. It was in this simple environment that Joseph and Mary went about their domestic lives and Jesus spent his childhood.

Ancient Nazareth

The ancient village of Nazareth: In 2009, the Israeli Antiquities Authority announced that archaeologists working in the ancient village of Nazareth, where the New Testament says that Jesus lived, had uncovered the first actual remains of a house that dated back to that period. The ruins are located next to the Basilica of the Annunciation, Yardenna Alexandre, who supervised the excavation for the IAA, told Archaeology magazine: “This [house] may have been a place that Jesus and his contemporaries were familiar with.” The house was small--just two rooms, plus a courtyard plus a courtyard with a cistern hewn from rock to collect rainwater. Other ruins since found in Nazareth have been similarly small private dwellings, without any adornments such as mosaics or frescoes, and archaeologists have yet to find any traces of public buildings or a paved street. But they have found evidence of ancient vineyards, terrace farming, and grape and olive presses as well as stonemasonry-- indications of how the small community’s inhabitants worked to make a living.

Archaeological Finds from the Jesus Era
They didn't even have the Town of Nazareth built yet until 90 ad as found through Roman order letters to their soldiers to build the town. THERE WAS YET TO BE a group called Christians, there were Yehudites, Mithraic temples, KRISHNAS (called Christos), HaNotzrim, followers of John the righteous, Followers of Theudas, possibly Nazarenes (guardians) might be one of these groups or might have been a later term also.
Possibly other fringe groups like Shimon the sorcerer's followers etc.

You seem to forget the Essenes. As far as Nazareth go's, the actual archaeological evidence says otherwise. A dig done in Caesarea in 1962 found fragments of a record that named Nazareth.

"Nazareth Settled Before Jesus' Birth Archeological research in and around the Church of the Annunciation has convinced scholars that Nazareth was not only settled as an agricultural village several centuries before Jesus was born but also that it was occupied during His lifetime. Numerous grottoes, silos, cisterns, presses, millstones, and other artifacts have been discovered. In the silos some of the pottery found dates as far back as the Iron II (900- 539 B.C.) period. Other pottery found dates back to the Hellenistic (332-63 B.C.), Roman (63 B.C.-A.D. 324), and Byzantine (A.D. 324-640) periods.

In addition twenty-three tombs have been investigated. Of these, eighteen are of the kokim type, a type that "virtually became the canonical form of the Jewish family grave" between 150 B.C. and A.D. 150; four were sealed with "rolling stones," a type of closure that "seems to have been a characteristic Jewish practice only in the Roman period;" 10 and two contained a variety of objects such as pottery lamps and vases and glass vessels that date from the first to the fourth centuries A.D."
1)the NT says the character is from Capernaum
2)Nazarene means guardian not to be confused with Nazarite(person from Nazareth) where the mistake occured with similar Hebrew words or in combining characters like the HaNotzrim figure with later Nazarene.
3) The town did not exist at that time period and not named to be used for the character.
4) self testimony thus Christian info used to argue the city is pointless because the character says self testimony is false.
5) using a non Hebrew name for character to make the point only proves it's corruption.
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They didn't even have the Town of Nazareth built yet until 90 ad as found through Roman order letters to their soldiers to build the town. THERE WAS YET TO BE a group called Christians, there were Yehudites, Mithraic temples, KRISHNAS (called Christos), HaNotzrim, followers of John the righteous, Followers of Theudas, possibly Nazarenes (guardians) might be one of these groups or might have been a later term also.
Possibly other fringe groups like Shimon the sorcerer's followers etc.

You seem to forget the Essenes. As far as Nazareth go's, the actual archaeological evidence says otherwise. A dig done in Caesarea in 1962 found fragments of a record that named Nazareth.

"Nazareth Settled Before Jesus' Birth Archeological research in and around the Church of the Annunciation has convinced scholars that Nazareth was not only settled as an agricultural village several centuries before Jesus was born but also that it was occupied during His lifetime. Numerous grottoes, silos, cisterns, presses, millstones, and other artifacts have been discovered. In the silos some of the pottery found dates as far back as the Iron II (900- 539 B.C.) period. Other pottery found dates back to the Hellenistic (332-63 B.C.), Roman (63 B.C.-A.D. 324), and Byzantine (A.D. 324-640) periods.

In addition twenty-three tombs have been investigated. Of these, eighteen are of the kokim type, a type that "virtually became the canonical form of the Jewish family grave" between 150 B.C. and A.D. 150; four were sealed with "rolling stones," a type of closure that "seems to have been a characteristic Jewish practice only in the Roman period;" 10 and two contained a variety of objects such as pottery lamps and vases and glass vessels that date from the first to the fourth centuries A.D."
Was thinking about adding
Essenes to the list, but actually they were still Jews, perhaps a sect, who did not have a messianic figure or cult.
Once again the NT says his hometown is Capernaumn, so this would admit there is more then 1 christ and compilation of towns therefore would occur.

Capernaum sources:
hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....
They didn't even have the Town of Nazareth built yet until 90 ad as found through Roman order letters to their soldiers to build the town. THERE WAS YET TO BE a group called Christians, there were Yehudites, Mithraic temples, KRISHNAS (called Christos), HaNotzrim, followers of John the righteous, Followers of Theudas, possibly Nazarenes (guardians) might be one of these groups or might have been a later term also.
Possibly other fringe groups like Shimon the sorcerer's followers etc.

You seem to forget the Essenes. As far as Nazareth go's, the actual archaeological evidence says otherwise. A dig done in Caesarea in 1962 found fragments of a record that named Nazareth.

"Nazareth Settled Before Jesus' Birth Archeological research in and around the Church of the Annunciation has convinced scholars that Nazareth was not only settled as an agricultural village several centuries before Jesus was born but also that it was occupied during His lifetime. Numerous grottoes, silos, cisterns, presses, millstones, and other artifacts have been discovered. In the silos some of the pottery found dates as far back as the Iron II (900- 539 B.C.) period. Other pottery found dates back to the Hellenistic (332-63 B.C.), Roman (63 B.C.-A.D. 324), and Byzantine (A.D. 324-640) periods.

In addition twenty-three tombs have been investigated. Of these, eighteen are of the kokim type, a type that "virtually became the canonical form of the Jewish family grave" between 150 B.C. and A.D. 150; four were sealed with "rolling stones," a type of closure that "seems to have been a characteristic Jewish practice only in the Roman period;" 10 and two contained a variety of objects such as pottery lamps and vases and glass vessels that date from the first to the fourth centuries A.D."
Was thinking about adding
Essenes to the list, but actually they were still Jews, perhaps a sect, who did not have a messianic figure or cult.
Once again the NT says his hometown is Capernaumn, so this would admit there is more then 1 christ and compilation of towns therefore would occur.

Capernaum sources:
hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....

There is compelling evidence that Jesus was an Essene. And yes, he was a Jew. An orthodox Jew. He didn't found Christianity, his followers did that. There are period writings that show a Christian sect as early as AD 64 from Roman sources. Tacitus specifically wrote..

"Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."-Tacitus Annals 15.44

So here you have clear evidence from non Christian sources describing a sect that was well established. Established enough to be hated.
They didn't even have the Town of Nazareth built yet until 90 ad as found through Roman order letters to their soldiers to build the town. THERE WAS YET TO BE a group called Christians, there were Yehudites, Mithraic temples, KRISHNAS (called Christos), HaNotzrim, followers of John the righteous, Followers of Theudas, possibly Nazarenes (guardians) might be one of these groups or might have been a later term also.
Possibly other fringe groups like Shimon the sorcerer's followers etc.

You seem to forget the Essenes. As far as Nazareth go's, the actual archaeological evidence says otherwise. A dig done in Caesarea in 1962 found fragments of a record that named Nazareth.

"Nazareth Settled Before Jesus' Birth Archeological research in and around the Church of the Annunciation has convinced scholars that Nazareth was not only settled as an agricultural village several centuries before Jesus was born but also that it was occupied during His lifetime. Numerous grottoes, silos, cisterns, presses, millstones, and other artifacts have been discovered. In the silos some of the pottery found dates as far back as the Iron II (900- 539 B.C.) period. Other pottery found dates back to the Hellenistic (332-63 B.C.), Roman (63 B.C.-A.D. 324), and Byzantine (A.D. 324-640) periods.

In addition twenty-three tombs have been investigated. Of these, eighteen are of the kokim type, a type that "virtually became the canonical form of the Jewish family grave" between 150 B.C. and A.D. 150; four were sealed with "rolling stones," a type of closure that "seems to have been a characteristic Jewish practice only in the Roman period;" 10 and two contained a variety of objects such as pottery lamps and vases and glass vessels that date from the first to the fourth centuries A.D."
Was thinking about adding
Essenes to the list, but actually they were still Jews, perhaps a sect, who did not have a messianic figure or cult.
Once again the NT says his hometown is Capernaumn, so this would admit there is more then 1 christ and compilation of towns therefore would occur.

Capernaum sources:
hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....

There is compelling evidence that Jesus was an Essene. And yes, he was a Jew. An orthodox Jew. He didn't found Christianity, his followers did that. There are period writings that show a Christian sect as early as AD 64 from Roman sources. Tacitus specifically wrote..

"Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."-Tacitus Annals 15.44

So here you have clear evidence from non Christian sources describing a sect that was well established. Established enough to be hated.

Are you sure Jesus was a Jew, an orthodox Jew?
They didn't even have the Town of Nazareth built yet until 90 ad as found through Roman order letters to their soldiers to build the town. THERE WAS YET TO BE a group called Christians, there were Yehudites, Mithraic temples, KRISHNAS (called Christos), HaNotzrim, followers of John the righteous, Followers of Theudas, possibly Nazarenes (guardians) might be one of these groups or might have been a later term also.
Possibly other fringe groups like Shimon the sorcerer's followers etc.

You seem to forget the Essenes. As far as Nazareth go's, the actual archaeological evidence says otherwise. A dig done in Caesarea in 1962 found fragments of a record that named Nazareth.

"Nazareth Settled Before Jesus' Birth Archeological research in and around the Church of the Annunciation has convinced scholars that Nazareth was not only settled as an agricultural village several centuries before Jesus was born but also that it was occupied during His lifetime. Numerous grottoes, silos, cisterns, presses, millstones, and other artifacts have been discovered. In the silos some of the pottery found dates as far back as the Iron II (900- 539 B.C.) period. Other pottery found dates back to the Hellenistic (332-63 B.C.), Roman (63 B.C.-A.D. 324), and Byzantine (A.D. 324-640) periods.

In addition twenty-three tombs have been investigated. Of these, eighteen are of the kokim type, a type that "virtually became the canonical form of the Jewish family grave" between 150 B.C. and A.D. 150; four were sealed with "rolling stones," a type of closure that "seems to have been a characteristic Jewish practice only in the Roman period;" 10 and two contained a variety of objects such as pottery lamps and vases and glass vessels that date from the first to the fourth centuries A.D."
Was thinking about adding
Essenes to the list, but actually they were still Jews, perhaps a sect, who did not have a messianic figure or cult.
Once again the NT says his hometown is Capernaumn, so this would admit there is more then 1 christ and compilation of towns therefore would occur.

Capernaum sources:
hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....

There is compelling evidence that Jesus was an Essene. And yes, he was a Jew. An orthodox Jew. He didn't found Christianity, his followers did that. There are period writings that show a Christian sect as early as AD 64 from Roman sources. Tacitus specifically wrote..

"Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."-Tacitus Annals 15.44

So here you have clear evidence from non Christian sources describing a sect that was well established. Established enough to be hated.

Are you sure Jesus was a Jew, an orthodox Jew?

The gospels show that Jesus was raised as an observant Jew.
During those times, even under roman occupation of Judea, conforming to a literal application of Mosaic law was compulsory for all Jews under threats of persecution and death, very much like modern life under ISIS rule....

Returning the Jewish people to the insanity of the Temple based theocracy that existed at the time of Jesus is exactly how HaShev hopes to make Israel great again and save the world. What a guy! Pft.....

As an adult Jesus openly rejected this literal approach to fulfilling the demands of the law and conformed to the deeper meaning and hidden subjects only alluded to by the figurative language used..

Thats what the dispute between Jesus and the religious establishment was all about.....what was the only truly orthodox way to understand and conform to the divine commands that results in the promise of eternal life for compliance fulfilled.
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They didn't even have the Town of Nazareth built yet until 90 ad as found through Roman order letters to their soldiers to build the town. THERE WAS YET TO BE a group called Christians, there were Yehudites, Mithraic temples, KRISHNAS (called Christos), HaNotzrim, followers of John the righteous, Followers of Theudas, possibly Nazarenes (guardians) might be one of these groups or might have been a later term also.
Possibly other fringe groups like Shimon the sorcerer's followers etc.

You seem to forget the Essenes. As far as Nazareth go's, the actual archaeological evidence says otherwise. A dig done in Caesarea in 1962 found fragments of a record that named Nazareth.

"Nazareth Settled Before Jesus' Birth Archeological research in and around the Church of the Annunciation has convinced scholars that Nazareth was not only settled as an agricultural village several centuries before Jesus was born but also that it was occupied during His lifetime. Numerous grottoes, silos, cisterns, presses, millstones, and other artifacts have been discovered. In the silos some of the pottery found dates as far back as the Iron II (900- 539 B.C.) period. Other pottery found dates back to the Hellenistic (332-63 B.C.), Roman (63 B.C.-A.D. 324), and Byzantine (A.D. 324-640) periods.

In addition twenty-three tombs have been investigated. Of these, eighteen are of the kokim type, a type that "virtually became the canonical form of the Jewish family grave" between 150 B.C. and A.D. 150; four were sealed with "rolling stones," a type of closure that "seems to have been a characteristic Jewish practice only in the Roman period;" 10 and two contained a variety of objects such as pottery lamps and vases and glass vessels that date from the first to the fourth centuries A.D."
Was thinking about adding
Essenes to the list, but actually they were still Jews, perhaps a sect, who did not have a messianic figure or cult.
Once again the NT says his hometown is Capernaumn, so this would admit there is more then 1 christ and compilation of towns therefore would occur.

Capernaum sources:
hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....

There is compelling evidence that Jesus was an Essene. And yes, he was a Jew. An orthodox Jew. He didn't found Christianity, his followers did that. There are period writings that show a Christian sect as early as AD 64 from Roman sources. Tacitus specifically wrote..

"Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."-Tacitus Annals 15.44

So here you have clear evidence from non Christian sources describing a sect that was well established. Established enough to be hated.

Are you sure Jesus was a Jew, an orthodox Jew?

The gospels show that Jesus was raised as an observant Jew.
During those times, even under roman occupation of Judea, conforming to a literal application of Mosaic law was compulsory for all Jews under threats of persecution and death, very much like modern life under ISIS rule....

Returning the Jewish people to the insanity of the Temple based theocracy that existed at the time of Jesus is exactly how HaShev hopes to make Israel great again and save the world. What a guy! Pft.....

As an adult Jesus openly rejected this literal approach to fulfilling the demands of the law and conformed to the deeper meaning and hidden subjects only alluded to by the figurative language used..

Thats what the dispute between Jesus and the religious establishment was all about.....what was the only truly orthodox way to understand and conform to the divine commands that results in the promise of eternal life for compliance fulfilled.

Yes the character of Jesus in the NT was a Jew, orthodox I'm not so sure. He let the woman go when the men were going to stone who, healed on the Sabbath, performed miracles, befriended the Samaritans, and forgave sins. The elite Jews did not like Jesus interfering in the money making scheme of the Temple, true. He was not a true Jewish Messiah because he did not fight as a zealot would do.

I see no reason on earth for the Jewish Temple to be reconstructed on the Temple Mount.
Yes the character of Jesus in the NT was a Jew, orthodox I'm not so sure. He let the woman go when the men were going to stone who, healed on the Sabbath, performed miracles, befriended the Samaritans, and forgave sins. The elite Jews did not like Jesus interfering in the money making scheme of the Temple, true. He was not a true Jewish Messiah because he did not fight as a zealot would do.

The Jewish expectations for the messiah at the time were as irrational as Christian expectations for Jesus to come floating down from the sky one day. This same Jesus who said love your enemy and turn the other cheek also said that he came to bring a sword as the messiah was expected to lift a divine sword against the invading foreign hordes which only made him look like a relatively harmless nutjob spouting hubris to those who failed to understand the scriptural reference..

They didn't comprehend that the sword is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine as shown in Jeremiah 25:15;

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." Revelation 19:15

"Take from my hand this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant"

"Just art thou in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."


"I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob."

I see no reason on earth for the Jewish Temple to be reconstructed on the Temple Mount.

If there is no Temple rebuilt then how is Hashev ever going to be installed as the high priest and butcher farm animals in the name of the Lord?
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The Colosseum was finished in 80 AD. Many Roman persecutions occurred after this time.

Christian History Institute

But don't let the facts get in the way of your obsessive hate, guno.
That was shortly after the fire that Nero blamed Christians for in 64 AD, when the General Persecutions began, so certainly the scenario could have been realized. But I don't believe any of the persecution involved lions. It generally involved rape, murder, burning holy texts and churches and the homes of Christians, and daggers, crucifixions, scourges, and the like.

Some of the ways in which believers were martyred were quite creative, and the feeding of them to lions would have been creative, but I think that method of execution just got incorporated into the narrative through lore, though somewhat based in reality.
You seem to forget the Essenes. As far as Nazareth go's, the actual archaeological evidence says otherwise. A dig done in Caesarea in 1962 found fragments of a record that named Nazareth.

"Nazareth Settled Before Jesus' Birth Archeological research in and around the Church of the Annunciation has convinced scholars that Nazareth was not only settled as an agricultural village several centuries before Jesus was born but also that it was occupied during His lifetime. Numerous grottoes, silos, cisterns, presses, millstones, and other artifacts have been discovered. In the silos some of the pottery found dates as far back as the Iron II (900- 539 B.C.) period. Other pottery found dates back to the Hellenistic (332-63 B.C.), Roman (63 B.C.-A.D. 324), and Byzantine (A.D. 324-640) periods.

In addition twenty-three tombs have been investigated. Of these, eighteen are of the kokim type, a type that "virtually became the canonical form of the Jewish family grave" between 150 B.C. and A.D. 150; four were sealed with "rolling stones," a type of closure that "seems to have been a characteristic Jewish practice only in the Roman period;" 10 and two contained a variety of objects such as pottery lamps and vases and glass vessels that date from the first to the fourth centuries A.D."
Was thinking about adding
Essenes to the list, but actually they were still Jews, perhaps a sect, who did not have a messianic figure or cult.
Once again the NT says his hometown is Capernaumn, so this would admit there is more then 1 christ and compilation of towns therefore would occur.

Capernaum sources:
hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....

There is compelling evidence that Jesus was an Essene. And yes, he was a Jew. An orthodox Jew. He didn't found Christianity, his followers did that. There are period writings that show a Christian sect as early as AD 64 from Roman sources. Tacitus specifically wrote..

"Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."-Tacitus Annals 15.44

So here you have clear evidence from non Christian sources describing a sect that was well established. Established enough to be hated.

Are you sure Jesus was a Jew, an orthodox Jew?

The gospels show that Jesus was raised as an observant Jew.
During those times, even under roman occupation of Judea, conforming to a literal application of Mosaic law was compulsory for all Jews under threats of persecution and death, very much like modern life under ISIS rule....

Returning the Jewish people to the insanity of the Temple based theocracy that existed at the time of Jesus is exactly how HaShev hopes to make Israel great again and save the world. What a guy! Pft.....

As an adult Jesus openly rejected this literal approach to fulfilling the demands of the law and conformed to the deeper meaning and hidden subjects only alluded to by the figurative language used..

Thats what the dispute between Jesus and the religious establishment was all about.....what was the only truly orthodox way to understand and conform to the divine commands that results in the promise of eternal life for compliance fulfilled.

Yes the character of Jesus in the NT was a Jew, orthodox I'm not so sure. He let the woman go when the men were going to stone who, healed on the Sabbath, performed miracles, befriended the Samaritans, and forgave sins. The elite Jews did not like Jesus interfering in the money making scheme of the Temple, true. He was not a true Jewish Messiah because he did not fight as a zealot would do.

I see no reason on earth for the Jewish Temple to be reconstructed on the Temple Mount.

The money tables overturned account was a story taken from Yehuda the Galionite who ransacked the Temple & which was confused for similar named Herod era Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter christ.
The money changers were a necessity surrounding the large crowds attracted during holidays, (people came far and wide & needed them). So they would be lined up around non holy sections in the same way stadiums sell concessions and goods to the visitors. It was a normal accomadation that your faith tries to paint otherwise so they can demonize the Temple which they wanted to replace authority of. Everything you speak of on the Temple is learned through your propaganda taught by the adversary and accuser(satan). The traditions & things in the Temple including the name Mikdash is for purpose of HaShev= "placing back"-"returning"-"restoring" the INHERITANCE.
They make no sense to you, so your comments stem from your being raised and influenced as THE REAL SATANISTS accuser and adversary of the Temple and the Priests.
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Was thinking about adding
Essenes to the list, but actually they were still Jews, perhaps a sect, who did not have a messianic figure or cult.
Once again the NT says his hometown is Capernaumn, so this would admit there is more then 1 christ and compilation of towns therefore would occur.

Capernaum sources:
hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....

There is compelling evidence that Jesus was an Essene. And yes, he was a Jew. An orthodox Jew. He didn't found Christianity, his followers did that. There are period writings that show a Christian sect as early as AD 64 from Roman sources. Tacitus specifically wrote..

"Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."-Tacitus Annals 15.44

So here you have clear evidence from non Christian sources describing a sect that was well established. Established enough to be hated.

Are you sure Jesus was a Jew, an orthodox Jew?

The gospels show that Jesus was raised as an observant Jew.
During those times, even under roman occupation of Judea, conforming to a literal application of Mosaic law was compulsory for all Jews under threats of persecution and death, very much like modern life under ISIS rule....

Returning the Jewish people to the insanity of the Temple based theocracy that existed at the time of Jesus is exactly how HaShev hopes to make Israel great again and save the world. What a guy! Pft.....

As an adult Jesus openly rejected this literal approach to fulfilling the demands of the law and conformed to the deeper meaning and hidden subjects only alluded to by the figurative language used..

Thats what the dispute between Jesus and the religious establishment was all about.....what was the only truly orthodox way to understand and conform to the divine commands that results in the promise of eternal life for compliance fulfilled.

Yes the character of Jesus in the NT was a Jew, orthodox I'm not so sure. He let the woman go when the men were going to stone who, healed on the Sabbath, performed miracles, befriended the Samaritans, and forgave sins. The elite Jews did not like Jesus interfering in the money making scheme of the Temple, true. He was not a true Jewish Messiah because he did not fight as a zealot would do.

I see no reason on earth for the Jewish Temple to be reconstructed on the Temple Mount.

The money tables overturned account was a story taken from Yehuda the Galionite who ransacked the Temple & which was confused for similar named Herod era Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter christ.
The money changers were a necessity surrounding the large crowds attracted during holidays, (people came far and wide & needed them). So they would be lined up around non holy sections in the same way stadiums sell concessions and goods to the visitors. It was a normal accomadation that your faith tries to paint otherwise so they can demonize the Temple which they wanted to replace authority of. Everything you speak of on the Temple is learned through your propaganda taught by the adversary and accuser(satan). The traditions & things in the Temple including the name Mikdash is for purpose of HaShev= "placing back"-"returning"-"restoring" the INHERITANCE.
They make no sense to you, so your comments stem from your being raised and influenced as THE REAL SATANISTS accuser and adversary of the Temple and the Priests.

Time had long gone for the killing of animals for sacrifices. No need for a new temple at all. From what I've read the synagogues in Israel are half empty.
Yes the character of Jesus in the NT was a Jew, orthodox I'm not so sure. He let the woman go when the men were going to stone who, healed on the Sabbath, performed miracles, befriended the Samaritans, and forgave sins. The elite Jews did not like Jesus interfering in the money making scheme of the Temple, true. He was not a true Jewish Messiah because he did not fight as a zealot would do.

The Jewish expectations for the messiah at the time were as irrational as Christian expectations for Jesus to come floating down from the sky one day. This same Jesus who said love your enemy and turn the other cheek also said that he came to bring a sword as the messiah was expected to lift a divine sword against the invading foreign hordes which only made him look like a relatively harmless nutjob spouting hubris to those who failed to understand the scriptural reference..

They didn't comprehend that the sword is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine as shown in Jeremiah 25:15;

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." Revelation 19:15

"Take from my hand this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant"

"Just art thou in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."


"I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob."

I see no reason on earth for the Jewish Temple to be reconstructed on the Temple Mount.

If there is no Temple rebuilt then how is Hashev ever going to be installed as the high priest and butcher farm animals in the name of the Lord?

He ain't.
There is compelling evidence that Jesus was an Essene. And yes, he was a Jew. An orthodox Jew. He didn't found Christianity, his followers did that. There are period writings that show a Christian sect as early as AD 64 from Roman sources. Tacitus specifically wrote..

"Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."-Tacitus Annals 15.44

So here you have clear evidence from non Christian sources describing a sect that was well established. Established enough to be hated.

Are you sure Jesus was a Jew, an orthodox Jew?

The gospels show that Jesus was raised as an observant Jew.
During those times, even under roman occupation of Judea, conforming to a literal application of Mosaic law was compulsory for all Jews under threats of persecution and death, very much like modern life under ISIS rule....

Returning the Jewish people to the insanity of the Temple based theocracy that existed at the time of Jesus is exactly how HaShev hopes to make Israel great again and save the world. What a guy! Pft.....

As an adult Jesus openly rejected this literal approach to fulfilling the demands of the law and conformed to the deeper meaning and hidden subjects only alluded to by the figurative language used..

Thats what the dispute between Jesus and the religious establishment was all about.....what was the only truly orthodox way to understand and conform to the divine commands that results in the promise of eternal life for compliance fulfilled.

Yes the character of Jesus in the NT was a Jew, orthodox I'm not so sure. He let the woman go when the men were going to stone who, healed on the Sabbath, performed miracles, befriended the Samaritans, and forgave sins. The elite Jews did not like Jesus interfering in the money making scheme of the Temple, true. He was not a true Jewish Messiah because he did not fight as a zealot would do.

I see no reason on earth for the Jewish Temple to be reconstructed on the Temple Mount.

The money tables overturned account was a story taken from Yehuda the Galionite who ransacked the Temple & which was confused for similar named Herod era Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter christ.
The money changers were a necessity surrounding the large crowds attracted during holidays, (people came far and wide & needed them). So they would be lined up around non holy sections in the same way stadiums sell concessions and goods to the visitors. It was a normal accomadation that your faith tries to paint otherwise so they can demonize the Temple which they wanted to replace authority of. Everything you speak of on the Temple is learned through your propaganda taught by the adversary and accuser(satan). The traditions & things in the Temple including the name Mikdash is for purpose of HaShev= "placing back"-"returning"-"restoring" the INHERITANCE.
They make no sense to you, so your comments stem from your being raised and influenced as THE REAL SATANISTS accuser and adversary of the Temple and the Priests.

Time had long gone for the killing of animals for sacrifices. No need for a new temple at all. From what I've read the synagogues in Israel are half empty.

Because you see animal sacrifices as it was before the days of the first temple where it was archaic in other cultures.
Then some see it as the animal taking the sacrifice, which is absurd even as a symbol.
But in this case It was (and will be) eaten and shared (including the harvests)with the less fortunate thus an act of attoning through good will and sacrafice of their labors. In other words:
this was a giant bring your own dish barbeque, where community learned to appreciate their neighbors for the sustanance they bring.
I think when people think of animal sacrifice they think of Aztec like blood lust and archaic beliefs of sacrifice to gods. Remember Jews didn't and don't believe in any magic transformation through rituals, the transformation of spirit was in the community bonding over the spoils of their labors, what any good bring your own dish & block party will do.
And once again, everything in the MIKdash secrets the inheritance, from the Shew(Shv)bread to the Man/is/Shev/itz wine..*Note the 1st 3 letters of Shalem is actually SHV (found on Canaanite Tablets).
The altar for sacrificing at the temple has been rebuilt and that it is
7(Sheva) ft 7 (Sheva)inches in size.

The gospels show that Jesus was raised as an observant Jew.
During those times, even under roman occupation of Judea, conforming to a literal application of Mosaic law was compulsory for all Jews under threats of persecution and death, very much like modern life under ISIS rule....

Returning the Jewish people to the insanity of the Temple based theocracy that existed at the time of Jesus is exactly how HaShev hopes to make Israel great again and save the world. What a guy! Pft.....

As an adult Jesus openly rejected this literal approach to fulfilling the demands of the law and conformed to the deeper meaning and hidden subjects only alluded to by the figurative language used..

Thats what the dispute between Jesus and the religious establishment was all about.....what was the only truly orthodox way to understand and conform to the divine commands that results in the promise of eternal life for compliance fulfilled.

Yes the character of Jesus in the NT was a Jew, orthodox I'm not so sure. He let the woman go when the men were going to stone who, healed on the Sabbath, performed miracles, befriended the Samaritans, and forgave sins. The elite Jews did not like Jesus interfering in the money making scheme of the Temple, true. He was not a true Jewish Messiah because he did not fight as a zealot would do.

I see no reason on earth for the Jewish Temple to be reconstructed on the Temple Mount.
You seem to forget the Essenes. As far as Nazareth go's, the actual archaeological evidence says otherwise. A dig done in Caesarea in 1962 found fragments of a record that named Nazareth.

"Nazareth Settled Before Jesus' Birth Archeological research in and around the Church of the Annunciation has convinced scholars that Nazareth was not only settled as an agricultural village several centuries before Jesus was born but also that it was occupied during His lifetime. Numerous grottoes, silos, cisterns, presses, millstones, and other artifacts have been discovered. In the silos some of the pottery found dates as far back as the Iron II (900- 539 B.C.) period. Other pottery found dates back to the Hellenistic (332-63 B.C.), Roman (63 B.C.-A.D. 324), and Byzantine (A.D. 324-640) periods.

In addition twenty-three tombs have been investigated. Of these, eighteen are of the kokim type, a type that "virtually became the canonical form of the Jewish family grave" between 150 B.C. and A.D. 150; four were sealed with "rolling stones," a type of closure that "seems to have been a characteristic Jewish practice only in the Roman period;" 10 and two contained a variety of objects such as pottery lamps and vases and glass vessels that date from the first to the fourth centuries A.D."
Was thinking about adding
Essenes to the list, but actually they were still Jews, perhaps a sect, who did not have a messianic figure or cult.
Once again the NT says his hometown is Capernaumn, so this would admit there is more then 1 christ and compilation of towns therefore would occur.

Capernaum sources:
hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc.....

There is compelling evidence that Jesus was an Essene. And yes, he was a Jew. An orthodox Jew. He didn't found Christianity, his followers did that. There are period writings that show a Christian sect as early as AD 64 from Roman sources. Tacitus specifically wrote..

"Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome...."-Tacitus Annals 15.44

So here you have clear evidence from non Christian sources describing a sect that was well established. Established enough to be hated.

Are you sure Jesus was a Jew, an orthodox Jew?

The gospels show that Jesus was raised as an observant Jew.
During those times, even under roman occupation of Judea, conforming to a literal application of Mosaic law was compulsory for all Jews under threats of persecution and death, very much like modern life under ISIS rule....

Returning the Jewish people to the insanity of the Temple based theocracy that existed at the time of Jesus is exactly how HaShev hopes to make Israel great again and save the world. What a guy! Pft.....

As an adult Jesus openly rejected this literal approach to fulfilling the demands of the law and conformed to the deeper meaning and hidden subjects only alluded to by the figurative language used..

Thats what the dispute between Jesus and the religious establishment was all about.....what was the only truly orthodox way to understand and conform to the divine commands that results in the promise of eternal life for compliance fulfilled.

Yes the character of Jesus in the NT was a Jew, orthodox I'm not so sure. He let the woman go when the men were going to stone who, healed on the Sabbath, performed miracles, befriended the Samaritans, and forgave sins. The elite Jews did not like Jesus interfering in the money making scheme of the Temple, true. He was not a true Jewish Messiah because he did not fight as a zealot would do.

I see no reason on earth for the Jewish Temple to be reconstructed on the Temple Mount.

Penelope never read the bible----ie not the " OT " or " NT " and knows nothing
at all about the practice of Judaism at the time of Jesus. Jesus was a very typical PHARISEE JEW-------and of the school of Hillel. Such people were
as the "ORTHODOX" jews are today. The Essenes were MONASTIC jews----
they took to the desert in order to escape Roman control and oppression and
engaged in some level of mysticism and a socialist lifestyle. They were the
CHASSIDIM of their day-------similarly "isolationist". I read the New
Testament-----it makes no note of the "Samaritan friends of Jesus" but just
about all -----if not all----of his friends were Pharisees.
Standard jews and Samaritan jews have been in a state of "schism" for
more than 2000 years having its roots actually dating back something like
2500 years and related to some extent to disputes about amongst talmudists,
That schism is nothing like the fractionation of Christianity or
islam in that it has never been bloody. It remains non-bloody-----
The Samaritans of today are called KARAITES. There is an active
KARAITE movement in the USA today----so far no "ORTHODOX JEWS"
have bombed it.

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