The (Mostly) Old White Men Who Will Be Running The Senate If The GOP Takes Over

Take the OP for example.. once again, noting skin color.. That's what racism is.. distinguishing a segment of people and passing judgement based upon skin color.

Yes, a clear lack of DIVERSITY. Old white men ruled in the beginning - but the melting pot is taking over.

This place was much more fun when you were in your time out.

Now it's worse. Not because of your ideology, but because of your unadulterated stupidity.
I basically like Reid because you idiot assholes on the right don't like him. Regardless, he beats the hell out of Mitch "Turtle" McConnell the obstructionist.

thats a great reason to like a useless wonder this Country is falling apart....
that title, seven BADASS things about Reid?

is why the left/liberals/progressives have become so nasty, hateful and ugly

they buy into all that crap then wail there is no CIVILITY

I'm waiting for the 700 dumbass things about Reid.

Like the land deal involving that bridge over Hoover Dam that nobody wanted...the one that made him some really good money.

WASHINGTON -- The Huffington Post recently asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) how he thought the current minority leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), would handle the top job if Republicans won the Senate in November. "I don't even contemplate that," Reid said.

Maybe he doesn't, but Republicans certainly are. The possibility that the GOP could win the Senate is already serving to encourage obstruction. "Regardless of whether the GOP takes the majority in the Senate, the prospect of a takeover is impacting pending legislation," reads a memo from a Republican lobby shop, Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen. "Conservatives in the House reason their approach to compromise this way: 'Why work with outgoing liberal chairmen, when conservative chairmen will assume gavels in January?'"

The memo goes on to forecast how the game of musical chairs will unfold if Republicans win the six seats needed to take control: Here are the (mostly) old white men and one woman to watch for.

NAMES & DETAILS: Here Are The (Mostly) Old White Men Who Will Be Running The Senate If The GOP Takes Over

A scary scenario if Republicans retake the Senate.

Well, looks like they got enough for a softball team there, which one looks like the closer?
You can see what's more important to Hufferpufferpost

stirring up some good ole race hustling...just look at the ugly title

Here Are The (Mostly) Old White Men Who Will Be Running The Senate If The GOP Takes Over

You think you'd see a title that says, Here are the (mostly) Old Black Men who will be running The Senate?

I haven't ran across one left wing site that isn't this kind of trashy reporting. What is the purpose of titles like that? take a guess
Have you forgotten about the BLACK skinned but equally white haired male and female free loaders who have been sucking on the tax payers' teats for decades?

Do I need to mention names?

Or will you be honest to wish these black bloodsuckers out of office as you seem to be about wishing the white ones out of office?

NO HYPOCRISY, please! Just honest answers!
I basically like Reid because you idiot assholes on the right don't like him. Regardless, he beats the hell out of Mitch "Turtle" McConnell the obstructionist.

thats a great reason to like a useless wonder this Country is falling apart....

yep, and with more like him voting in every election we are doomed

yea i love these people who are apparently content with their parties dismal rating......and they will still vote for the same losers.....
thats a great reason to like a useless wonder this Country is falling apart....

yep, and with more like him voting in every election we are doomed

yea i love these people who are apparently content with their parties dismal rating......and they will still vote for the same losers.....

Being "content with their parties" is not correct. Lefties are just "more content" with their party than the obstructionist lunatics on the right. It ain't rocket science...

BTW, who would YOU like to replace Harry Reid - Mitch McConnell? Not me!!!!!
Why won't any of you genius righties name who you would like to replace Harry Reid?

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