The (Mostly) Old White Men Who Will Be Running The Senate If The GOP Takes Over

Take the OP for example.. once again, noting skin color.. That's what racism is.. distinguishing a segment of people and passing judgement based upon skin color.
Take the OP for example.. once again, noting skin color.. That's what racism is.. distinguishing a segment of people and passing judgement based upon skin color.
Old white men founded our country, too. The most liberated and prosperous country the world had ever known. But still, old white men are evil somehow.
Yeah, but your old white guys are insane. Our old white guys are at least semi-sane.

You complain about old insane white guys after just ensuring Cochran has a chance to get back in.....and cheering McConnell's victory and now want to blame the people who tried to get rid of them.......what is that
Take the OP for example.. once again, noting skin color.. That's what racism is.. distinguishing a segment of people and passing judgement based upon skin color.

Yes, a clear lack of DIVERSITY. Old white men ruled in the beginning - but the melting pot is taking over.
Got news for you this is not a young Hispanic female running the Senate. it is however a old increasingly crazy liberal white guy.
I read the story, and checked out some of the comments. One person posted "Blow it out your yellow ass Marina !"

Lol ! The author, Marina Fang is an Asian American
Take the OP for example.. once again, noting skin color.. That's what racism is.. distinguishing a segment of people and passing judgement based upon skin color.

Yes, a clear lack of DIVERSITY. Old white men ruled in the beginning - but the melting pot is taking over.
So you're not worried about old white men taking the Senate?

Why did you start this thread? Not getting enough attention at home?

WASHINGTON -- The Huffington Post recently asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) how he thought the current minority leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), would handle the top job if Republicans won the Senate in November. "I don't even contemplate that," Reid said.

Maybe he doesn't, but Republicans certainly are. The possibility that the GOP could win the Senate is already serving to encourage obstruction. "Regardless of whether the GOP takes the majority in the Senate, the prospect of a takeover is impacting pending legislation," reads a memo from a Republican lobby shop, Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen. "Conservatives in the House reason their approach to compromise this way: 'Why work with outgoing liberal chairmen, when conservative chairmen will assume gavels in January?'"

The memo goes on to forecast how the game of musical chairs will unfold if Republicans win the six seats needed to take control: Here are the (mostly) old white men and one woman to watch for.

NAMES & DETAILS: Here Are The (Mostly) Old White Men Who Will Be Running The Senate If The GOP Takes Over

A scary scenario if Republicans retake the Senate.

'Why work with outgoing liberal chairmen, when conservative chairmen will assume gavels in January?'"

Walk us through how Pelosi and Company worked with outgoing conservative chairmen?

WASHINGTON -- The Huffington Post recently asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) how he thought the current minority leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), would handle the top job if Republicans won the Senate in November. "I don't even contemplate that," Reid said.

Maybe he doesn't, but Republicans certainly are. The possibility that the GOP could win the Senate is already serving to encourage obstruction. "Regardless of whether the GOP takes the majority in the Senate, the prospect of a takeover is impacting pending legislation," reads a memo from a Republican lobby shop, Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen. "Conservatives in the House reason their approach to compromise this way: 'Why work with outgoing liberal chairmen, when conservative chairmen will assume gavels in January?'"

The memo goes on to forecast how the game of musical chairs will unfold if Republicans win the six seats needed to take control: Here are the (mostly) old white men and one woman to watch for.

NAMES & DETAILS: Here Are The (Mostly) Old White Men Who Will Be Running The Senate If The GOP Takes Over

A scary scenario if Republicans retake the Senate.

Well look.. It's that old fucking Fossil Thad Crockeran that you moronic liberals helped to get to election.. LIBRULS VOTED FOR A WHITE CRUSTY OLD REPUBLICAN ..:lol:

I know. And meanwhile Lakhota is saying Rangel is an icon. He's 90 freaking years old.

Hell's bells for both sides to have grandparents and great grandparents running a country who have been in so long they are completely out of touch with the real world is frankly crazy.

But the power greedy old bastards won't pass the torch on. And that's both sides.

No wonder voter turn out is so low.

WASHINGTON -- The Huffington Post recently asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) how he thought the current minority leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), would handle the top job if Republicans won the Senate in November. "I don't even contemplate that," Reid said.

Maybe he doesn't, but Republicans certainly are. The possibility that the GOP could win the Senate is already serving to encourage obstruction. "Regardless of whether the GOP takes the majority in the Senate, the prospect of a takeover is impacting pending legislation," reads a memo from a Republican lobby shop, Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen. "Conservatives in the House reason their approach to compromise this way: 'Why work with outgoing liberal chairmen, when conservative chairmen will assume gavels in January?'"

The memo goes on to forecast how the game of musical chairs will unfold if Republicans win the six seats needed to take control: Here are the (mostly) old white men and one woman to watch for.

NAMES & DETAILS: Here Are The (Mostly) Old White Men Who Will Be Running The Senate If The GOP Takes Over

A scary scenario if Republicans retake the Senate.

Yes old pasty faced christers
Got news for you this is not a young Hispanic female running the Senate. it is however a old increasingly crazy liberal white guy.

Harry for some reason always reminded me of the preacher in Poltergeist II. I don't really understand why because the Preacher actually smiles more than Harry who always looks like he needs an enema.

Republicans are way younger than democrats
Ted Cruz to Nancy Pelosi. Marco Rubio to Harry Reid. Rand Paul to Hillary Clinton. The young blood is with Republicans not democrats. The democrats are old tired has beens.

Harry for some reason always reminded me of the preacher in Poltergeist II. I don't really understand why because the Preacher actually smiles more than Harry who always looks like he needs an enema.


The Preacher hasn't spent 6 years babysitting Obama.

Exorcising Demonic Possession is a cake-walk in comparison.

That explains it now. Thanks. I always wondered.

Why is the left outright racist towards white people? You do realize you are racist, just like you feel minorities need welfare to make it, because you view them as lessor beings.
Got news for you this is not a young Hispanic female running the Senate. it is however a old increasingly crazy liberal white guy.

Harry for some reason always reminded me of the preacher in Poltergeist II. I don't really understand why because the Preacher actually smiles more than Harry who always looks like he needs an enema.


Are you sure that lower pic isn't Goono ?
Why is the left outright racist towards white people? You do realize you are racist, just like you feel minorities need welfare to make it, because you view them as lessor beings.

The author of the story is Asian/American, so in my book she is being a racist by using that title.

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