The Movie Industry Is Destroying Itself

I get the feeling from Pine that he's forced to go along with the woke industry because he needs a paycheck.
The feeling I get from most actors is that the only reason they have a job is because they sucked up to the left.
This is why I hate Tom Hanks now.
He's obviously not someone I would admire, and I feel that he's riding off of past successes. But does anyone really want to see his movies anymore?
Probably not.

The Elephant in the room is the simple fact that after all of the trashing of Republicans that Biden and his minions do, nobody likes the people that produce this rubbish anymore.
The list of actors that people admire can be counted on one hand. Whereas the list of actors that people hate is long.
Yeah …celebrities have certainly worn out their welcome. Most are overrated narcissists with few redeeming qualities. Once you find that out you not only dont respect them ,you don’t care to support their projects either. There are very few I will watch due to name recognition anymore.
Yeah …celebrities have certainly worn out their welcome. Most are overrated narcissists with few redeeming qualities. Once you find that out you not only dont respect them ,you don’t care to support their projects either. There are very few I will watch due to name recognition anymore.
It's difficult to fight traffic, shell out $50, and put up with being possibly a victim in a mass-shooting, or exposed to COVID, just to watch someone who has said openly that they hate our guts.

I'm not gonna waste 3 hours, as well as hard earned cash, on somebody that hates everything I stand for.
When Hollywood decided to make sure that the only way that movies can qualify for awards was if they adhered to diversity standards, they made sure that fans wouldn't want to pay to see their product.

Even leftists are tired of being told how to think. So how can they expect fans to want to pay to be told how they must think.

If you want to destroy a movie, just make sure that you change the sex or race of the main characters and you'll assure that it will be a flop.

Marking thread as another pointless conservative whiner…
Yeah …celebrities have certainly worn out their welcome. Most are overrated narcissists with few redeeming qualities. Once you find that out you not only dont respect them ,you don’t care to support their projects either. There are very few I will watch due to name recognition anymore.
Posts a fuckup who votes for a cult leader.
It must burn Hollywood that the only successful movie in recent memory was the Tom Cruise Top Gun sequel.

I could not care less about what burns Hollywood. Or their movies. Screw that.
They don’t market to olde grandma bitches like you.
It's difficult to fight traffic, shell out $50, and put up with being possibly a victim in a mass-shooting, or exposed to COVID, just to watch someone who has said openly that they hate our guts.

I'm not gonna waste 3 hours, as well as hard earned cash, on somebody that hates everything I stand for.
I was even given a free ticket to the new Indiana Jones movie…but I’m really not in the mood to watch yet another bait and switch or Kathleen Kennedy self insert posing as an “ Indiana Jones” movie with a 2 1/2 run time. Doesn’t sound appealing.

Plus ,I’ve seen the Lucas Film employees in action on social media. They are all vile scumbags that treat fans like shit and deserve zero support from me…least of all any that requires me to exert “effort”.
I was even given a free ticket to the new Indiana Jones movie…but I’m really not in the mood to watch yet another bait and switch or Kathleen Kennedy self insert posing as an “ Indiana Jones” movie with a 2 1/2 run time. Doesn’t sound appealing.

Plus ,I’ve seen the Lucas Film employees in action on social media. They are all vile scumbags that treat fans like shit and deserve zero support from me…least of all any that requires me to exert “effort”.
They tried to replace Harrison Ford with Shia LiBeouf, and that didn't work, so now they're trying to replace him with a known Lesbo. Not that I hate Lesbians, but too many of them have said they hate me. So when they do, I tell them I hate them back.

The truth is we all know Hollywood hates their fans with a passion.
Many of them worship Satan, and God only knows what they do in their private lives.
But truth is, nobody wants to be them anymore.
That's the whole point of the various forms of media. Selling Characters that people want to be like.
I was even given a free ticket to the new Indiana Jones movie…but I’m really not in the mood to watch yet another bait and switch or Kathleen Kennedy self insert posing as an “ Indiana Jones” movie with a 2 1/2 run time. Doesn’t sound appealing.

Plus ,I’ve seen the Lucas Film employees in action on social media. They are all vile scumbags that treat fans like shit and deserve zero support from me…least of all any that requires me to exert “effort”.
Awwww, poor baby. You still made that films are in color?

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