The MSM tells us that.."if you drank bleach you may be okay" ?

You are a piece of shit liar.
Trump telling everyone to drink bleach is a well known fact. His own NIH people had to hide their face in shame that they were working for such a dolt.
Trump proven by never said "drink bleach"!
No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach
You are a piece of shit liar.
Hahahaha, That's okay, we know Al Gore didn't claim to invent the internet and Sarah Palin didn't say she could see Russia from her house in Alaska too.

Politifact huh?
Oh RIGHT! A totally LEFT WING organization owned by the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg,FL-- I lived in Tampa for 25 years and know the non-profit Poynter very well and WHEN THEY HAVE to declare "No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach" that is something!
But of course YOU being the blindPoop guy can't even fathom what that means with the Democrat biased makes a clear out and out
support...GEEZ you are dumb and blind!
Oh RIGHT! A totally LEFT WING organization owned by the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg,FL-- I lived in Tampa for 25 years and know the non-profit Poynter very well and WHEN THEY HAVE to declare "No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach" that is something!
But of course YOU being the blindPoop guy can't even fathom what that means with the Democrat biased makes a clear out and out
support...GEEZ you are dumb and blind!
Never said it. That this narrative still exist years after the fact shows how stupid and lazy people are.

a 30 second google search can find the quote.

That simply believing what the media spews is preferable than taking literally a minute to verify the facts and determine the truth is the perfect example of WTF is wrong in this country.

Morons. Morons are what is wrong. And morons vote.
Creating (funding) a network is not inventing networking.

Seeing Russia form Alaska on a clear day is not from her house

Drinking bleach is not injecting disinfectant.

But they do make for funny memes.
I deal in FACTS and these are THE FACTS!!!
Al Gore said ..

Al said "I took the initiative in creating the internet".... sounds like credit taken by him!
Now as far as Sarah Palin... 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin did not say 'I can see Russia from my house.'
Now the exact words of Biden... maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay," said Biden.
No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach

BlindPoop... here is an exact quote specifically describing you!

You can't handle the truth

BlindPoo... And Trump never said "Drink bleach" you dummy! Biden said it!!!
FACTS which you so frequently get so screwed up...
BIDEN said drink Bleach! FACTS:
maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay,

Just amazes me how totally uninformed people like BlindPoo are especially with Internet access!
Why do you make such inane inappropriate and especially incorrect statements?

So Biden was trolling Trump?
"I took the initiative in creating the internet"
Who was the driving force behind the legislation that build the internet.

When asked to describe what distinguished him from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gore replied (in part): “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”

In context, Gore’s response (which employed the word “created,” not “invented”) was clear in meaning: the vice president was not claiming that he “invented” the Internet in the sense of having thought up, designed, or implemented it, but rather asserting that he was one of the visionaries responsible for helping to bring it into being by fostering its development in an economic and legislative sense.

The claim that Gore was actually trying to take credit for the “invention” of the Internet was plainly just derisive political posturing that arose out of a close presidential campaign. If, for example, Dwight Eisenhower had said in the mid-1960s that he, while president, “took the initiative in creating the Interstate Highway System,” he would not have been the subject of dozens and dozens of editorials lampooning him for claiming he “invented” the concept of highways or implying that he personally went out and dug ditches across the country to help build the roadway. Everyone would have understood that Eisenhower meant he was a driving force behind the legislation that created the highway system, and this was the very same concept Al Gore was expressing about himself with interview remarks about the Internet.

I deal in FACTS and these are THE FACTS!!!

Fact is creating and inventing are two different words with two different meanings.

See when they lampooned him they switched words like they did in the other examples.

You just want to believe Gore said he invented the internet, dontcha?
Trump telling everyone to drink bleach is a well known fact.

And like most of the "facts" from you - a complete lie. You are Nazi, consumed with hate. You will and do tell any lie to slander and defame your enemy - which is America. Trump is just a distraction from the real object of your hatred.

Some here think you're a ChiCom spy - but I know better, I remember you from AWE, I was one of the mods in the middle east forum, and at that time you were pro-Israel. I'm sure you're not any more, since your Reich is deeply AntiSemitic and you are nothing more than a drone of the Nazi party.

Pretty much everything you post is a lie - and you know it is - but you're a bitter old hag filled with hatred, spewing obscenities at your betters.

His own NIH people had to hide their face in shame that they were working for such a dolt.
Yes, and he has horns, and makes Matzo from the blood of colored babies.

You're not original - evil is banal.
Fact is creating and inventing are two different words with two different meanings.

See when they lampooned him they switched words like they did in the other examples.

You just want to believe Gore said he invented the internet, dontcha?
We'll I'll be! You actually provided substantiation! Why was that so difficult?
Thank you for your clarity and substantiation for your statement.
When used as verbs,
"create" means to bring into existence out of nothing, without the prior existence of the materials or elements used,
whereas " invent "means to design a new process or mechanism.
But he never said he invented right. He was much worse! Like a "god" he "created" the internet!


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