The Multiple Impacts of "Ocean Acidification" on a Tropical Coral


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
The Multiple Impacts of "Ocean Acidification" on a Tropical Coral
The authors write that "according to the IPCC (2007) models, atmospheric CO2 is predicted to rise to 540-970 ppm by the end of this century and reach a maximum of approximately 1,900 ppm when the world's fossil fuel reserves are fully exploited," while noting that "a substantial number of laboratory studies have suggested a decline in coral calcification with a rise in seawater pCO2." However, they say that recent studies "have postulated that the sensitivity of corals to elevated levels of CO2 is potentially more diverse than previously considered," citing the works of Fabricius et al. (2011), Pandolfi et al. (2011) and Rodolfo-Metalpa et al. (2011).

What was done
Intrigued by these new and diverse findings, Takahashi and Kurihara measured the rates of calcification, respiration and photosynthesis of the tropical coral Acropora digitifera - along with the coral's zooxanthellae density - under near-natural summertime temperature and sunlight conditions for a period of five weeks.

What was learned
The two Japanese researchers found that these "key physiological parameters" were not affected by either predicted mid-range CO2 concentrations (pCO2 = 744 ppm, pH = 7.97, Ωarag = 2.6) or by high CO2 concentrations (pCO2 = 2,142 ppm, pH = 7.56, Ωarag = 1.1) over the 35-day period of their experiment. In addition, they state that there was "no significant correlation between calcification rate and seawater aragonite saturation (Ωarag)" and "no evidence of CO2 impact on bleaching."

What it means
Contrary to what many climate alarmists have long contended, there is mounting evidence that suggests that the negative consequences they predict for the world's marine life in a future high-CO2 world are by no means assured, nor are they likely to be widespread.​
The Multiple Impacts of "Ocean Acidification" on a Tropical Coral
The authors write that "according to the IPCC (2007) models, atmospheric CO2 is predicted to rise to 540-970 ppm by the end of this century and reach a maximum of approximately 1,900 ppm when the world's fossil fuel reserves are fully exploited," while noting that "a substantial number of laboratory studies have suggested a decline in coral calcification with a rise in seawater pCO2." However, they say that recent studies "have postulated that the sensitivity of corals to elevated levels of CO2 is potentially more diverse than previously considered," citing the works of Fabricius et al. (2011), Pandolfi et al. (2011) and Rodolfo-Metalpa et al. (2011).

What was done
Intrigued by these new and diverse findings, Takahashi and Kurihara measured the rates of calcification, respiration and photosynthesis of the tropical coral Acropora digitifera - along with the coral's zooxanthellae density - under near-natural summertime temperature and sunlight conditions for a period of five weeks.

What was learned
The two Japanese researchers found that these "key physiological parameters" were not affected by either predicted mid-range CO2 concentrations (pCO2 = 744 ppm, pH = 7.97, Ωarag = 2.6) or by high CO2 concentrations (pCO2 = 2,142 ppm, pH = 7.56, Ωarag = 1.1) over the 35-day period of their experiment. In addition, they state that there was "no significant correlation between calcification rate and seawater aragonite saturation (Ωarag)" and "no evidence of CO2 impact on bleaching."

What it means
Contrary to what many climate alarmists have long contended, there is mounting evidence that suggests that the negative consequences they predict for the world's marine life in a future high-CO2 world are by no means assured, nor are they likely to be widespread.​

How weird is that? ACTUAL laboratory verification.. Bet they originally started with MASSIVE doses of CO2 and then had to resort to WORST CASE doses of CO2 to try and prove their "pre-conceived" thesis..

Just like NOAA did when attempting to kill the baby oysters with CO2.. Very unsuccessfully..

When the NATIVE PH range for coral varies DAILY and SEASONALLY by MORE than the "acidification" from MASSIVE CO2 --- you'd think this would be settled sooner..

Thanks VERY MUCH for the thread and links.. They are now safe in "my cloud"..
PLOS ONE: Ocean Acidification Accelerates Reef Bioerosion


In the recent discussion how biotic systems may react to ocean acidification caused by the rapid rise in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in the marine realm, substantial research is devoted to calcifiers such as stony corals. The antagonistic process – biologically induced carbonate dissolution via bioerosion – has largely been neglected. Unlike skeletal growth, we expect bioerosion by chemical means to be facilitated in a high-CO2 world. This study focuses on one of the most detrimental bioeroders, the sponge Cliona orientalis, which attacks and kills live corals on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Experimental exposure to lowered and elevated levels of pCO2 confirms a significant enforcement of the sponges’ bioerosion capacity with increasing pCO2 under more acidic conditions. Considering the substantial contribution of sponges to carbonate bioerosion, this finding implies that tropical reef ecosystems are facing the combined effects of weakened coral calcification and accelerated bioerosion, resulting in critical pressure on the dynamic balance between biogenic carbonate build-up and degradation.
Oceans Acidifying Faster Today Than in Past 300 Million Years

In about 5,000 years, atmospheric carbon doubled to 1,800 parts per million (ppm), and average global temperatures rose by about 6 degrees Celsius.

The carbonate plankton shells littering the seafloor dissolved, leaving the brown clay layer that scientists see in sediment cores today.

As many as half of all species of benthic foraminifera, a group of one-celled organisms that live at the ocean bottom, went extinct, suggesting that deep-sea organisms higher on the food chain may have also disappeared, said paper co-author Ellen Thomas, a paleoceanographer at Yale University.

"It's really unusual that you lose more than 5 to 10 percent of species," she said.

Scientists estimate that ocean acidity--its pH--may have fallen as much as 0.45 units as the planet vented stores of carbon into the air.

"These scientists have synthesized and evaluated evidence far back in Earth's history," said Candace Major, program officer in the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Division of Ocean Sciences, which funded the research.

"The ocean acidification we're seeing today is unprecedented," said Major, "even when viewed through the lens of the past 300 million years, a result of the very fast rates at which we're changing the chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans."

In the last hundred years, rising carbon dioxide from human activities has lowered ocean pH by 0.1 unit, an acidification rate at least 10 times faster than 56 million years ago, says Hönisch.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that pH will fall another 0.2 units by 2100, raising the possibility that we may soon see ocean changes similar to those observed during the PETM
PLOS ONE: Ocean Acidification Accelerates Reef Bioerosion


In the recent discussion how biotic systems may react to ocean acidification caused by the rapid rise in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in the marine realm, substantial research is devoted to calcifiers such as stony corals. The antagonistic process – biologically induced carbonate dissolution via bioerosion – has largely been neglected. Unlike skeletal growth, we expect bioerosion by chemical means to be facilitated in a high-CO2 world. This study focuses on one of the most detrimental bioeroders, the sponge Cliona orientalis, which attacks and kills live corals on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Experimental exposure to lowered and elevated levels of pCO2 confirms a significant enforcement of the sponges’ bioerosion capacity with increasing pCO2 under more acidic conditions. Considering the substantial contribution of sponges to carbonate bioerosion, this finding implies that tropical reef ecosystems are facing the combined effects of weakened coral calcification and accelerated bioerosion, resulting in critical pressure on the dynamic balance between biogenic carbonate build-up and degradation.

Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzz snnnorf........ Super sponges on co2..... snzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide | Royal Society

The Oceanic Sink for Anthropogenic CO2

Evidence for Upwelling of Corrosive "Acidified" Water onto the Continental Shelf

BG - Abstract - Imminent ocean acidification in the Arctic projected with the NCAR global coupled carbon cycle-climate model

Chemostatic modes of the ocean-atmosphere-sediment system through Phanerozoic time

Impact of Anthropogenic CO2 on the CaCO3 System in the Oceans

Marine Calcifiers in a High-CO2 Ocean

Marine Calcifiers in a High-CO2 Ocean

Geochemical Consequences of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Coral Reefs

Effect of calcium carbonate saturation state on the calcification rate of an experimental coral reef - Langdon - 2012 - Global Biogeochemical Cycles - Wiley Online Library

Suppression of skeletal growth in scleractinian corals by decreasing ambient carbonate-ion concentration: a cross-family comparison

Coral Reefs Under Rapid Climate Change and Ocean Acidification

Interacting effects of CO2 partial pressure and temperature on photosynthesis and calcification in a scleractinian coral - Reynaud - 2003 - Global Change Biology - Wiley Online Library

Ocean acidification causes bleaching and productivity loss in coral reef builders

Coral Reefs Under Rapid Climate Change and Ocean Acidification

Coral reefs may start dissolving when atmospheric CO2 doubles - Silverman - 2009 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library
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Author information•
Supplementary information

Anthropogenic CO2 emitted to the atmosphere is absorbed by the oceans, causing a progressive increase in ocean inorganic carbon concentrations and resulting in decreased water pH and calcium carbonate saturation. This phenomenon, called ocean acidification, is in addition to the warming effects of CO2 emissions. Ocean acidification has been reported to affect ocean biota, but the severity of this threat to ocean ecosystems (and humans depending on these ecosystems) is poorly understood. Here we evaluate the scale of this threat in the context of widely used representative concentration pathways (RCPs) by analysing the sensitivities of five animal taxa (corals, echinoderms, molluscs, crustaceans and fishes) to a wide range of CO2 concentrations. Corals, echinoderms and molluscs are more sensitive to RCP8.5 (936 ppm in 2100) than are crustaceans. Larval fishes may be even more sensitive than the lower invertebrates, but taxon sensitivity on evolutionary timescales remains obscure. The variety of responses within and between taxa, together with observations in mesocosms and palaeo-analogues, suggest that ocean acidification is a driver for substantial change in ocean ecosystems this century, potentially leading to long-term shifts in species composition.

Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide | Royal Society

The Oceanic Sink for Anthropogenic CO2

Evidence for Upwelling of Corrosive "Acidified" Water onto the Continental Shelf

BG - Abstract - Imminent ocean acidification in the Arctic projected with the NCAR global coupled carbon cycle-climate model

Chemostatic modes of the ocean-atmosphere-sediment system through Phanerozoic time

Impact of Anthropogenic CO2 on the CaCO3 System in the Oceans

Marine Calcifiers in a High-CO2 Ocean

Marine Calcifiers in a High-CO2 Ocean

Geochemical Consequences of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Coral Reefs

Effect of calcium carbonate saturation state on the calcification rate of an experimental coral reef - Langdon - 2012 - Global Biogeochemical Cycles - Wiley Online Library

Suppression of skeletal growth in scleractinian corals by decreasing ambient carbonate-ion concentration: a cross-family comparison

Coral Reefs Under Rapid Climate Change and Ocean Acidification

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Interacting effects of CO2 partial pressure and temperature on photosynthesis and calcification in a scleractinian coral - Reynaud - 2003 - Global Change Biology - Wiley Online Library

Ocean acidification causes bleaching and productivity loss in coral reef builders

Coral Reefs Under Rapid Climate Change and Ocean Acidification

Coral reefs may start dissolving when atmospheric CO2 doubles - Silverman - 2009 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library
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ZOMG! Global Warming is killing our browsers!! :eek:
BGD - Abstract - Benthic buffers and boosters of ocean acidification on coral reefs

Related Articles

Review Status
This discussion paper has been under review for the journal Biogeosciences (BG). Please refer to the corresponding final paper in BG.
Benthic buffers and boosters of ocean acidification on coral reefs
K. R. N. Anthony1,3, G. Diaz-Pulido2, N. Verlinden3, B. Tilbrook4, and A. J. Andersson5
1Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Qld 4810, Australia
2Griffith School of Environment and Australian Rivers Institute – Coasts & Estuaries, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland 4111, Australia
3Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Q4072, Australia
4Marine and Atmospheric Research, CSIRO, Hobart, Tasmania 7000, Australia
5Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0202, USA

Abstract. Ocean acidification is a threat to marine ecosystems globally. In shallow-water systems, however, ocean acidification can be masked by benthic carbon fluxes, depending on community composition, seawater residence time, and the magnitude and balance of net community production (pn) and calcification (gn). Here, we examine how six benthic groups from a coral reef environment on Heron Reef (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) contribute to changes in seawater aragonite saturation state (Ωa). Results of flume studies showed a hierarchy of responses across groups, depending on CO2 level, time of day and water flow. At low CO2 (350–450 μatm), macroalgae (Chnoospora implexa), turfs and sand elevated Ωa of the flume water by around 0.10 to 1.20 h−1 – normalised to contributions from 1 m2 of benthos to a 1 m deep water column. The rate of Ωa increase in these groups was doubled under acidification (560–700 μatm) and high flow (35 compared to 8 cm s−1). In contrast, branching corals (Acropora aspera) increased Ωa by 0.25 h−1 at ambient CO2 (350–450 μatm) during the day, but reduced Ωa under acidification and high flow. Nighttime changes in Ωa by corals were highly negative (0.6–0.8 h−1) and exacerbated by acidification. Calcifying macroalgae (Halimeda spp.) raised Ωa by day (by around 0.13 h−1), but lowered Ωa by a similar or higher amount at night. Analyses of carbon flux contributions from four different benthic compositions to the reef water carbon chemistry across Heron Reef flat and lagoon indicated that the net lowering of Ωa by coral-dominated areas can to some extent be countered by long water residence times in neighbouring areas dominated by turfs, macroalgae and potentially sand.
PLOS ONE: Ocean Acidification Accelerates Reef Bioerosion


In the recent discussion how biotic systems may react to ocean acidification caused by the rapid rise in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in the marine realm, substantial research is devoted to calcifiers such as stony corals. The antagonistic process – biologically induced carbonate dissolution via bioerosion – has largely been neglected. Unlike skeletal growth, we expect bioerosion by chemical means to be facilitated in a high-CO2 world. This study focuses on one of the most detrimental bioeroders, the sponge Cliona orientalis, which attacks and kills live corals on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Experimental exposure to lowered and elevated levels of pCO2 confirms a significant enforcement of the sponges’ bioerosion capacity with increasing pCO2 under more acidic conditions. Considering the substantial contribution of sponges to carbonate bioerosion, this finding implies that tropical reef ecosystems are facing the combined effects of weakened coral calcification and accelerated bioerosion, resulting in critical pressure on the dynamic balance between biogenic carbonate build-up and degradation.

Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzz snnnorf........ Super sponges on co2..... snzzzzzzzzzzzz

You claim that the AGW "alarmists" don't use sufficient hard science for a critical reviewer such as yourself. Yet, when presented with some, this is your reaction. Very impressive.
IPCC= Total Bullshit

It's like saying "yeah, Bernie Madoff's accountants signed off on our numbers"
Impressive argument there Dave. At least technically.
Your link's webmasters are incompetent. :lol:

Then ignore him and explain why the other TWENTY-SIX linked articles say you're full of shite.

The vast majority of those papers are based on.....wait for it.....MODELS! Yet again you ignorant asshats think that models are data. What 'tards.... So far not a single real lab experiment has supported the hypothesis that corals will die from acidification, acidification that can't even happen FYI. We could burn every carbon bearing rock on this planet and the ocean's pH would drop from 8.1 to 8.0.

In other words acidification is yet another in a very long line of "terrible" things that is physically impossible to occur.
We could burn every carbon bearing rock on this planet and the ocean's pH would drop from 8.1 to 8.0.

Looking back it's been almost comedic to watch the denier camp swing from argument to argument as each fails to stop the momentum of reality. As we all know and we all know we all know, there are a number of things that cannot be determined without models AND models work with real world measurements and the laws of nature as determined in the labs of the world. The likely future of the world's oceans under varying emissions scenarios is something that requires models.

As to your claim that all the earth's carbon would only lower the ocean's pH a tenth of a point: have you some lab data with which to back up that claim?
PLOS ONE: Ocean Acidification Accelerates Reef Bioerosion


In the recent discussion how biotic systems may react to ocean acidification caused by the rapid rise in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in the marine realm, substantial research is devoted to calcifiers such as stony corals. The antagonistic process – biologically induced carbonate dissolution via bioerosion – has largely been neglected. Unlike skeletal growth, we expect bioerosion by chemical means to be facilitated in a high-CO2 world. This study focuses on one of the most detrimental bioeroders, the sponge Cliona orientalis, which attacks and kills live corals on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Experimental exposure to lowered and elevated levels of pCO2 confirms a significant enforcement of the sponges’ bioerosion capacity with increasing pCO2 under more acidic conditions. Considering the substantial contribution of sponges to carbonate bioerosion, this finding implies that tropical reef ecosystems are facing the combined effects of weakened coral calcification and accelerated bioerosion, resulting in critical pressure on the dynamic balance between biogenic carbonate build-up and degradation.

You can "expect" whatever the fuck you want; the lab work fails your expectations

Time for a new theory

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