The Muslims Are Coming!


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Bet they don't crack any MooHamMud jokes...

The Muslims Are Coming!

September 12, 2013 By Mark Tapson


This Friday marks the Chicago, Seattle, and Los Angeles premiere of a documentary called The Muslims Are Coming!, which features a band of Muslim comedians touring middle America “to explore the issue of Islamophobia!” The exclamation mark is there to let you know that the show is going to be great fun! And all just in time for the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks (as they say in comedy, timing is everything).

As the film’s website explains, this project arose in a context in which “Islam has been duly tarnished by the mainstream media.” Actually, it has been duly tarnished by the barbarism of Islamic fundamentalists, and duly defended and whitewashed by the mainstream media. “We are so many years out of 9/11,” the website continues, “and Muslim fear-mongering hasn’t dissipated.” Yes, 9/11 was so long ago and yet the Islamophobia inexplicably never ends! When are we Americans going to get over it and realize we have nothing to fear from Muslims?

As FrontPage Magazine has pointed out many times, “Islamophobia” is a Muslim Brotherhood construct to paint legitimate concern about the demonstrable threat of fundamentalist Islam as bigotry and “Muslim fear-mongering.” That threat didn’t end on 9/11 – it is a continuing danger not just on our own soil but worldwide, as the most cursory look at history and current events will show. It is offensive and dishonest to claim that the media are to blame for Islam’s bad reputation and that 9/11 is in the distant past. The day that the victims of 9/11 stop living in American hearts will be a day of shame and surrender for this country.


For Muslim-Americans who don’t want to be judged by the evil their fellow believers do, the answer is not to try to slap a happy face on the issue and expect to laugh our troubles away, but to acknowledge that Islam itself, not “Islamophobia,” is the biggest obstacle to peace.

The Muslims Are Coming! | FrontPage Magazine
No such thing as "Islamophobia." A phobia is an irrational fear of something.
When you have various nations across the planet, dealing with violence against or planned against non-Muslims purpetrated in the name of Islam (China, Russia, England, United States, France, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Thailand, Philippines, Bali, Canada, et cetera), the fear isn't irrational, it's quite realistic. There's a pattern that even a child can see, but for some reason, most adults choose to ignore and shrug off. Scientists refer to it as a "everything will turn out just fine" mentality, which is non-realistic. So, there is no Islamophobia, but rather an Islamorealism mentality. Western governments are catering more and more to them, and in the end, it will bite them in the ass.
No such thing as "Islamophobia." A phobia is an irrational fear of something.
When you have various nations across the planet, dealing with violence against or planned against non-Muslims purpetrated in the name of Islam (China, Russia, England, United States, France, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Thailand, Philippines, Bali, Canada, et cetera), the fear isn't irrational, it's quite realistic. There's a pattern that even a child can see, but for some reason, most adults choose to ignore and shrug off. Scientists refer to it as a "everything will turn out just fine" mentality, which is non-realistic. So, there is no Islamophobia, but rather an Islamorealism mentality. Western governments are catering more and more to them, and in the end, it will bite them in the ass.

Until we overthrow the thieves and traitors in our united Conservative/Liberal Axis ruling class, you Dhimmis have nobody to blame but yourselves. Follow the money. Appeasement is all about cheap labor in the Islamic ratholes and oil price-gouging by the American collaborators with OPEC. Don't listen to the tough-talking Right Wing phonies. They are Chickenhawks and should have paid for that with their lives. Letting them weasel out of having to fight in Vietnam is why they have failed to protect us from Islam.
How dare they attempt to show Musllims in a positive light.

No such thing as "Islamophobia." A phobia is an irrational fear of something.
When you have various nations across the planet, dealing with violence against or planned against non-Muslims purpetrated in the name of Islam (China, Russia, England, United States, France, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Thailand, Philippines, Bali, Canada, et cetera), the fear isn't irrational, it's quite realistic. There's a pattern that even a child can see, but for some reason, most adults choose to ignore and shrug off. Scientists refer to it as a "everything will turn out just fine" mentality, which is non-realistic. So, there is no Islamophobia, but rather an Islamorealism mentality. Western governments are catering more and more to them, and in the end, it will bite them in the ass.

Until we overthrow the thieves and traitors in our united Conservative/Liberal Axis ruling class, you Dhimmis have nobody to blame but yourselves. Follow the money. Appeasement is all about cheap labor in the Islamic ratholes and oil price-gouging by the American collaborators with OPEC. Don't listen to the tough-talking Right Wing phonies. They are Chickenhawks and should have paid for that with their lives. Letting them weasel out of having to fight in Vietnam is why they have failed to protect us from Islam.

You forgot to mention the left-wingers that scurry up to canNoDuh leaving a brown trial behind...:eusa_shifty:

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