The mystery carbon tetrachloride


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) is both an ozone muncher and a greenhouse gas, and poisonous as all hell, so nobody wants it around. Emissions of it were completely banned by the Montreal Protocol, but they're now finding significant amounts of it being emitted, about 30% of what was emitted at peak.

Ozone-Depleting Compound Persists NASA Research Shows NASA

Don't blame the Chinese too fast, as right now the source is a mystery. I'm thinking the OCO-2 satellite (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) that was just launched might be able to pin down where the stuff is coming from. OCO-2 has reached final orbit in the A-train and tested out its spectrometers, and next comes the calibration period.
They used to use the stuff in the really old fashioned fire extinguishers.

It's also really good for cleaning dirty electronics, such as automotive alternators.

What other uses did it have?

When it was banned they had to send the unused stuff somewhere for containment. Could the tank farm have sprung a leak?
They used to use the stuff in the really old fashioned fire extinguishers.

It's also really good for cleaning dirty electronics, such as automotive alternators.

What other uses did it have?

When it was banned they had to send the unused stuff somewhere for containment. Could the tank farm have sprung a leak?
I can remember my parents had a bottle of it made especially to take stains out if carpets, clothes etc.
I think dillo may be on to something. Bet theyll find there is a black market for 3rd world dry cleaning..

Or its leakage from old disposal. A real Scooby Doo case for the cat...
We used tric on electrical contacts all the time back in the day. It did wonders on cleaning up sticking contactors. It was banned later on yet we used the stuff for many years.
quelle suprise!!! The deniers either continued using the toxic compound (because its their gawd given right) or laugh about its reappearance.
In the military, back in the day, we used to wash parts in it...that and ventilation. You would get high as a kite in about 15 minutes. Quite sure one of the two is what caused my cancer (remission for 14 years)
We must sound the alarm !!!!

GLOBAL WARMING!!! Holes in the OZONE!!! Global COOLING!!! ICE Age!!! POLLuTION!!! DIrtY Air And WaTEr!!!! GEOrge BOoOSH!!

I feel much better now.....

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