The Mystery Of Bernie Sanders Crowds.Did Most Of Them Fail Basic Math?

Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

My solution:

End the war on drugs. Stop putting people in prison for non violent crime. End mandatory sentencing

In terms of the military: Redefine the mission of the US Military. We don't need to be the worlds policeman. Make Europe, Japan, South Korea and especially Saudi Arabia bear more of the burden in policing their region of the world

While we're at it, let's end the war on poverty as it has been a lost cause. Stop handing people someone else's money thinking it will be an incentive to do better.

What's wrong with mandatory sentencing? What's wrong with having standards that say if you are convicted of this (fill in the blank), you will spend this many years (fill in the blank) in jail? Should it be based on factors that really have nothing to do with the crime itself?

The problem is they come up with rigid requirements that do not allow judges to look at each crime on its own merits

They also create three strikes rules that turn a series of minor crimes into a major sentence
That's how Hillary said free tuition to public universities was going to be funded.

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

Prisons are being privatized. They're now a for-profit industry...but only if you keep 'em filled.

How do you suppose Eisenhower presided over a booming economy? Sanders' plan is very similar.

It's been called the New College Compact. It involves making tuition free for public universities, reducing interest rates on loans, and does so by having the wealthy pay more in taxes.

Politico seems to have moved the page, but I found the updated one:

Hillary's $350 billion plan to kill college debt

It's funny how she's copied that from Sanders' plan, except that Sanders' plan calls for a tax on hedge funds. Big difference.

However she came up with it, it's her plan and it does exactly what I said she proposed doing. Both plans call for taxing the wealthy. There's your link.
You did provide a link. I guess you didn't consider me properly grateful. However, you continue to misunderstand the concept of taxing hedge funds.

Also, I guess you would have hated the prosperity under Eisenhower...
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

My solution:

End the war on drugs. Stop putting people in prison for non violent crime. End mandatory sentencing

In terms of the military: Redefine the mission of the US Military. We don't need to be the worlds policeman. Make Europe, Japan, South Korea and especially Saudi Arabia bear more of the burden in policing their region of the world

While we're at it, let's end the war on poverty as it has been a lost cause. Stop handing people someone else's money thinking it will be an incentive to do better.

What's wrong with mandatory sentencing? What's wrong with having standards that say if you are convicted of this (fill in the blank), you will spend this many years (fill in the blank) in jail? Should it be based on factors that really have nothing to do with the crime itself?

The problem is they come up with rigid requirements that do not allow judges to look at each crime on its own merits

They also create three strikes rules that turn a series of minor crimes into a major sentence

What merits? If you rob a bank using a gun, the only merits that are necessary to understand are that you robbed a bank with a gun.

Perhaps you missed the part about it being THREE strikes. If one commits that many minor crimes, it shows a pattern of behavior for which they need to be put away.
That's how Hillary said free tuition to public universities was going to be funded.

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

Prisons are being privatized. They're now a for-profit industry...but only if you keep 'em filled.

How do you suppose Eisenhower presided over a booming economy? Sanders' plan is very similar.

It's been called the New College Compact. It involves making tuition free for public universities, reducing interest rates on loans, and does so by having the wealthy pay more in taxes.

Politico seems to have moved the page, but I found the updated one:

Hillary's $350 billion plan to kill college debt

It's funny how she's copied that from Sanders' plan, except that Sanders' plan calls for a tax on hedge funds. Big difference.

However she came up with it, it's her plan and it does exactly what I said she proposed doing. Both plans call for taxing the wealthy. There's your link.
You did provide a link. I guess you didn't consider me properly grateful. However, you continue to misunderstand the concept of taxing hedge funds.

Also, I guess you would have hated the prosperity under Eisenhower...

All I need to understand is that socialist like Clinton and Sanders want the rich to be required to fund anything they can use to pander to a voter.
Where do we get the money to field a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined? Where do we get the money to keep 2.4 million Americans incarcerated?

It is a question of priorities


Proof that far left policies do not work and should no loner be funded..
All I need to understand is that socialist like Clinton and Sanders want the rich to be required to fund anything they can use to pander to a voter.

But I bet you're swooning over that Great Big Wall that's gonna keep the immigrants out, huh?
All I need to understand is that socialist like Clinton and Sanders want the rich to be required to fund anything they can use to pander to a voter.

But I bet you're swooning over that Great Big Wall that's gonna keep the immigrants out, huh?

I don't necessarily support a wall. I support putting armed guards at the border spots where people sneak in and doing what I would do to someone trying to sneak into my house uninvited. It's cheaper and it keeps them from doing it again after being sent back.

Wow, you can post Photoshops! Would you like a sticker?
All I need to understand is that socialist like Clinton and Sanders want the rich to be required to fund anything they can use to pander to a voter.

But I bet you're swooning over that Great Big Wall that's gonna keep the immigrants out, huh?

I don't necessarily support a wall. I support putting armed guards at the border spots where people sneak in and doing what I would do to someone trying to sneak into my house uninvited. It's cheaper and it keeps them from doing it again after being sent back.

So you spend your tax dollars on that. The rest of us will be making sure our kids are educated so they can compete in a global economy.

Wow, you can post Photoshops! Would you like a sticker?
All I need to understand is that socialist like Clinton and Sanders want the rich to be required to fund anything they can use to pander to a voter.

But I bet you're swooning over that Great Big Wall that's gonna keep the immigrants out, huh?

I don't necessarily support a wall. I support putting armed guards at the border spots where people sneak in and doing what I would do to someone trying to sneak into my house uninvited. It's cheaper and it keeps them from doing it again after being sent back.

So you spend your tax dollars on that. The rest of us will be making sure our kids are educated so they can compete in a global economy.

I'll provide the bullets myself.

You mean so they can pay more in taxes to fund someone else's kids college or provide handouts to the illegals you don't mind coming here.

Wow, you can post Photoshops! Would you like a sticker?
All I need to understand is that socialist like Clinton and Sanders want the rich to be required to fund anything they can use to pander to a voter.

But I bet you're swooning over that Great Big Wall that's gonna keep the immigrants out, huh?

I don't necessarily support a wall. I support putting armed guards at the border spots where people sneak in and doing what I would do to someone trying to sneak into my house uninvited. It's cheaper and it keeps them from doing it again after being sent back.

So you spend your tax dollars on that. The rest of us will be making sure our kids are educated so they can compete in a global economy.

Condolences on your complete lack of a sense of humor.
Condolences on your complete lack of a sense of humor.

Your inability to find humor in my "sticker" comment is on you.

You mean so they can pay more in taxes to fund someone else's kids college or provide handouts to the illegals you don't mind coming here.

I mean "American kids."

You are boring. It's so sad to see USMB overrun with BORING PROGS.

Is this what's known as "posting content before trolling"?

Wow, you can post Photoshops! Would you like a sticker?
All I need to understand is that socialist like Clinton and Sanders want the rich to be required to fund anything they can use to pander to a voter.

But I bet you're swooning over that Great Big Wall that's gonna keep the immigrants out, huh?

I don't necessarily support a wall. I support putting armed guards at the border spots where people sneak in and doing what I would do to someone trying to sneak into my house uninvited. It's cheaper and it keeps them from doing it again after being sent back.

So you spend your tax dollars on that. The rest of us will be making sure our kids are educated so they can compete in a global economy.
Educated at what? Medieval Studies?
Global economy? Where do your kids think that exists?
Not in the USA pal.
Unless your kid has a PHD from Harvard in chemistry and computer science and is willing move to Mumbai and be paid 30K a year working/competing against the brightest 'kids' on the planet your 'kids are pretty much fucked.
Today I can drive to my local Starbucks and watch twenty 'kids' with Masters and PHDs making fucking coffee for all the people going off to work at Walmart.....many of whom have Masters and PHDs in fields completely useless in today's global economy. Wise up pal and tell your kids' to wise up to. If they are seriously interested in being able to earn a living wage tell them to enroll in a trade school.
Anybody who suggests spending $18 trillion is in want of math. Since a number like that is beyond comprehension of Democrats, that is 18 thousand billion. Think about it. If Sanders seems to have any chance of winning, the money will flow out of the US faster than Hillary can tell a lie.
Anybody who suggests spending $18 trillion is in want of math. Since a number like that is beyond comprehension of Democrats, that is 18 thousand billion. Think about it. If Sanders seems to have any chance of winning, the money will flow out of the US faster than Hillary can tell a lie.

Hey! MATH is HARD....for the Progs.

Wow, you can post Photoshops! Would you like a sticker?
All I need to understand is that socialist like Clinton and Sanders want the rich to be required to fund anything they can use to pander to a voter.

But I bet you're swooning over that Great Big Wall that's gonna keep the immigrants out, huh?

I don't necessarily support a wall. I support putting armed guards at the border spots where people sneak in and doing what I would do to someone trying to sneak into my house uninvited. It's cheaper and it keeps them from doing it again after being sent back.

So you spend your tax dollars on that. The rest of us will be making sure our kids are educated so they can compete in a global economy.
Educated at what? Medieval Studies?
Global economy? Where do your kids think that exists?
Not in the USA pal.
Unless your kid has a PHD from Harvard in chemistry and computer science and is willing move to Mumbai and be paid 30K a year working/competing against the brightest 'kids' on the planet your 'kids are pretty much fucked.
Today I can drive to my local Starbucks and watch twenty 'kids' with Masters and PHDs making fucking coffee for all the people going off to work at Walmart.....many of whom have Masters and PHDs in fields completely useless in today's global economy. Wise up pal and tell your kids' to wise up to. If they are seriously interested in being able to earn a living wage tell them to enroll in a trade school.
Trade schools would also be an option. Currently a degree from a trade school averages 33K (about the cost of one year for an academic degree), which is out of reach for a lot of people.

I think you'd also find that when state colleges (those under discussion - no one's going to Harvard or Yale for free, so you need to inform yourself on that point) no longer have to scramble for funding or offer niche degrees they'll be able to provide more courses in subjects that are relevant to the global economy.
Anybody who suggests spending $18 trillion is in want of math. Since a number like that is beyond comprehension of Democrats, that is 18 thousand billion. Think about it. If Sanders seems to have any chance of winning, the money will flow out of the US faster than Hillary can tell a lie.

Anyone who's still repeating that $18 trillion figure is being calculatedly ignorant, particularly when the accurate figures have been posted right here in this very thread.
Anybody who suggests spending $18 trillion is in want of math. Since a number like that is beyond comprehension of Democrats, that is 18 thousand billion. Think about it. If Sanders seems to have any chance of winning, the money will flow out of the US faster than Hillary can tell a lie.

Anyone who's still repeating that $18 trillion figure is being calculatedly ignorant, particularly when the accurate figures have been posted right here in this very thread.
It is not a dingbat site;

Price Tag of Bernie Sanders’s Proposals: $18 Trillion

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