Stupidity of the Democrats and their $1.927 Trillion Bill

You cannot get any dumber. Honestly...approx 300mil people will receive $1,400 but will owe $5,839 for the $1,400....LOL

Math is as follows: $422bil of the stimulus is the $1,400 per person so that results in ~301.5 mil people getting it. Now the entire Bill is $1.927Trn...divide that by the entire population (330 mil) and you get $5,839 per person. So we all took $5,839 of debt to give most $1,400....?

So, if someone came up to you on the street and offered you $1,400 for $5,839 of debt, would you take it? LOL. NO!!! But that is precisely what happened. If the Democrats (this was a partisan bill) truly wanted to help the common man why not give the full $1.927Trn to each eligible person instead or $6,393 vs. $1,400? Down up economics always work better than trickle down economics. Instead we have all this bullshit pork in there.

They claim it is a "COVID" bill but only ~10% is:

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927

So why not call it the Bill for the people and actually give the money to the people? Instead we gave people more debt LOL. So stupid. I bet people would appreciate $6.4k more than $1.4k and that would truly help the economy and the people but the Democrats didn't want to help the people...just its voting base.
Trumpkins lived that stuff when Donald was in office. So no one really cares what you think
So you cannot dispute the math but lash out like a petulant child? Got it. Feel free to do the same math for Trump's bills and we can debate it.
Where is the extension on unemployment benefit costs on your chart?

Or the expansion of Obama care for those laid off?

Or the $300 extra a week for those who were laid off and collecting UE?

Or the $10000 write off of UE benefits for 2020?

You've missed a bunch of things....
None of that is due to COVID but due to economic shut downs. Those are not nationwide but differ state to state. Why not just give each person their full amount vs. $1.4K? Would that not be simpler and more direct? Instead we each took $5+k of debt for $1.4k of monies that eligible participants received.
Those shut downs were due to covid, they are covid related.
Depending on the states. Why should a taxpayer in TX pay for someone in NJ because that state chose to be more restrictive? You're punishing those who had nothing to do with the shutdowns. But thats fine, why not just give the cash directly to the people? Why hide it in pork and other crap?
You cannot get any dumber. Honestly...approx 300mil people will receive $1,400 but will owe $5,839 for the $1,400....LOL

Math is as follows: $422bil of the stimulus is the $1,400 per person so that results in ~301.5 mil people getting it. Now the entire Bill is $1.927Trn...divide that by the entire population (330 mil) and you get $5,839 per person. So we all took $5,839 of debt to give most $1,400....?

So, if someone came up to you on the street and offered you $1,400 for $5,839 of debt, would you take it? LOL. NO!!! But that is precisely what happened. If the Democrats (this was a partisan bill) truly wanted to help the common man why not give the full $1.927Trn to each eligible person instead or $6,393 vs. $1,400? Down up economics always work better than trickle down economics. Instead we have all this bullshit pork in there.

They claim it is a "COVID" bill but only ~10% is:

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927

So why not call it the Bill for the people and actually give the money to the people? Instead we gave people more debt LOL. So stupid. I bet people would appreciate $6.4k more than $1.4k and that would truly help the economy and the people but the Democrats didn't want to help the people...just its voting base.
Trumpkins lived that stuff when Donald was in office. So no one really cares what you think
So you cannot dispute the math but lash out like a petulant child? Got it. Feel free to do the same math for Trump's bills and we can debate it.
Where is the extension on unemployment benefit costs on your chart?

Or the expansion of Obama care for those laid off?

Or the $300 extra a week for those who were laid off and collecting UE?

Or the $10000 write off of UE benefits for 2020?

You've missed a bunch of things....
None of that is due to COVID but due to economic shut downs. Those are not nationwide but differ state to state. Why not just give each person their full amount vs. $1.4K? Would that not be simpler and more direct? Instead we each took $5+k of debt for $1.4k of monies that eligible participants received.
Those shut downs were due to covid, they are covid related.
Depending on the states. Why should a taxpayer in TX pay for someone in NJ because that state chose to be more restrictive? You're punishing those who had nothing to do with the shutdowns. But thats fine, why not just give the cash directly to the people? Why hide it in pork and other crap?
Texas is getting the money too, so if they don't need it for their covid expenses, which is unlikely, but if they don't, then they can pocket the money...
You cannot get any dumber. Honestly...approx 300mil people will receive $1,400 but will owe $5,839 for the $1,400....LOL

Math is as follows: $422bil of the stimulus is the $1,400 per person so that results in ~301.5 mil people getting it. Now the entire Bill is $1.927Trn...divide that by the entire population (330 mil) and you get $5,839 per person. So we all took $5,839 of debt to give most $1,400....?

So, if someone came up to you on the street and offered you $1,400 for $5,839 of debt, would you take it? LOL. NO!!! But that is precisely what happened. If the Democrats (this was a partisan bill) truly wanted to help the common man why not give the full $1.927Trn to each eligible person instead or $6,393 vs. $1,400? Down up economics always work better than trickle down economics. Instead we have all this bullshit pork in there.

They claim it is a "COVID" bill but only ~10% is:

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927

So why not call it the Bill for the people and actually give the money to the people? Instead we gave people more debt LOL. So stupid. I bet people would appreciate $6.4k more than $1.4k and that would truly help the economy and the people but the Democrats didn't want to help the people...just its voting base.
Trumpkins lived that stuff when Donald was in office. So no one really cares what you think
So you cannot dispute the math but lash out like a petulant child? Got it. Feel free to do the same math for Trump's bills and we can debate it.
Where is the extension on unemployment benefit costs on your chart?

Or the expansion of Obama care for those laid off?

Or the $300 extra a week for those who were laid off and collecting UE?

Or the $10000 write off of UE benefits for 2020?

You've missed a bunch of things....
None of that is due to COVID but due to economic shut downs. Those are not nationwide but differ state to state. Why not just give each person their full amount vs. $1.4K? Would that not be simpler and more direct? Instead we each took $5+k of debt for $1.4k of monies that eligible participants received.
Those shut downs were due to covid, they are covid related.
Depending on the states. Why should a taxpayer in TX pay for someone in NJ because that state chose to be more restrictive? You're punishing those who had nothing to do with the shutdowns. But thats fine, why not just give the cash directly to the people? Why hide it in pork and other crap?
Texas is getting the money too, so if they don't need it for their covid expenses, which is unlikely, but if they don't, then they can pocket the money...
Which doesn't make any sense. "Pocket the money"....again why not just give every eligible person the full $5k+

You keep dodging the premise in the OP? Why?
You cannot get any dumber. Honestly...approx 300mil people will receive $1,400 but will owe $5,839 for the $1,400....LOL

Math is as follows: $422bil of the stimulus is the $1,400 per person so that results in ~301.5 mil people getting it. Now the entire Bill is $1.927Trn...divide that by the entire population (330 mil) and you get $5,839 per person. So we all took $5,839 of debt to give most $1,400....?

So, if someone came up to you on the street and offered you $1,400 for $5,839 of debt, would you take it? LOL. NO!!! But that is precisely what happened. If the Democrats (this was a partisan bill) truly wanted to help the common man why not give the full $1.927Trn to each eligible person instead or $6,393 vs. $1,400? Down up economics always work better than trickle down economics. Instead we have all this bullshit pork in there.

They claim it is a "COVID" bill but only ~10% is:

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927

So why not call it the Bill for the people and actually give the money to the people? Instead we gave people more debt LOL. So stupid. I bet people would appreciate $6.4k more than $1.4k and that would truly help the economy and the people but the Democrats didn't want to help the people...just its voting base.
Trumpkins lived that stuff when Donald was in office. So no one really cares what you think
So you cannot dispute the math but lash out like a petulant child? Got it. Feel free to do the same math for Trump's bills and we can debate it.
Where is the extension on unemployment benefit costs on your chart?

Or the expansion of Obama care for those laid off?

Or the $300 extra a week for those who were laid off and collecting UE?

Or the $10000 write off of UE benefits for 2020?

You've missed a bunch of things....
None of that is due to COVID but due to economic shut downs. Those are not nationwide but differ state to state. Why not just give each person their full amount vs. $1.4K? Would that not be simpler and more direct? Instead we each took $5+k of debt for $1.4k of monies that eligible participants received.
Those shut downs were due to covid, they are covid related.
Depending on the states. Why should a taxpayer in TX pay for someone in NJ because that state chose to be more restrictive? You're punishing those who had nothing to do with the shutdowns. But thats fine, why not just give the cash directly to the people? Why hide it in pork and other crap?
Texas is getting the money too, so if they don't need it for their covid expenses, which is unlikely, but if they don't, then they can pocket the money...
Which doesn't make any sense. "Pocket the money"....again why not just give every eligible person the full $5k+

You keep dodging the premise in the OP? Why?
Because it is for covid protection and relief. Both monies spent, go to the people. The tax break goes to the people who needed it. The small business money goes to the people who need it, the extra $300 a week UE goes to the people who need it, the school money, goes to the people who have children and need them back in school, the covid testing and vaccines goes to the people, etc etc etc.

I don't agree with you, that all the bill's $1.9 trillion should just be cash for every American, even those who were not financially affected....And nothing spent on these other measures.
You cannot get any dumber. Honestly...approx 300mil people will receive $1,400 but will owe $5,839 for the $1,400....LOL

Math is as follows: $422bil of the stimulus is the $1,400 per person so that results in ~301.5 mil people getting it. Now the entire Bill is $1.927Trn...divide that by the entire population (330 mil) and you get $5,839 per person. So we all took $5,839 of debt to give most $1,400....?

So, if someone came up to you on the street and offered you $1,400 for $5,839 of debt, would you take it? LOL. NO!!! But that is precisely what happened. If the Democrats (this was a partisan bill) truly wanted to help the common man why not give the full $1.927Trn to each eligible person instead or $6,393 vs. $1,400? Down up economics always work better than trickle down economics. Instead we have all this bullshit pork in there.

They claim it is a "COVID" bill but only ~10% is:

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927

So why not call it the Bill for the people and actually give the money to the people? Instead we gave people more debt LOL. So stupid. I bet people would appreciate $6.4k more than $1.4k and that would truly help the economy and the people but the Democrats didn't want to help the people...just its voting base.
Trumpkins lived that stuff when Donald was in office. So no one really cares what you think
So you cannot dispute the math but lash out like a petulant child? Got it. Feel free to do the same math for Trump's bills and we can debate it.
Where is the extension on unemployment benefit costs on your chart?

Or the expansion of Obama care for those laid off?

Or the $300 extra a week for those who were laid off and collecting UE?

Or the $10000 write off of UE benefits for 2020?

You've missed a bunch of things....
None of that is due to COVID but due to economic shut downs. Those are not nationwide but differ state to state. Why not just give each person their full amount vs. $1.4K? Would that not be simpler and more direct? Instead we each took $5+k of debt for $1.4k of monies that eligible participants received.
Those shut downs were due to covid, they are covid related.
Depending on the states. Why should a taxpayer in TX pay for someone in NJ because that state chose to be more restrictive? You're punishing those who had nothing to do with the shutdowns. But thats fine, why not just give the cash directly to the people? Why hide it in pork and other crap?
Texas is getting the money too, so if they don't need it for their covid expenses, which is unlikely, but if they don't, then they can pocket the money...
Which doesn't make any sense. "Pocket the money"....again why not just give every eligible person the full $5k+

You keep dodging the premise in the OP? Why?
Because it is for covid protection and relief. Both monies spent, go to the people. The tax break goes to the people who needed it. The small business money goes to the people who need it, the extra $300 a week UE goes to the people who need it, the school money, goes to the people who have children and need them back in school, the covid testing and vaccines goes to the people, etc etc etc.

I don't agree with you, that all the bill's $1.9 trillion should just be cash for every American, even those who were not financially affected....
Never said "every" I said the same who got the $1,400...and not everyone needs the PPP loans. I know that for a fact. Extra UE just means people stay home longer vs. going back to work. Give them the cash and they can work and still have the cash. Win for them and win for the employer.

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