The Mystery Of Bernie Sanders Crowds.Did Most Of Them Fail Basic Math?

:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:
Failed basic math?

they are still floating on how proud mommy and daddy where when they got to potato.

fuck adding, that racist or something
OK...lets do the math


Here is where the money is

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see that if you want to significantly increase revenue, you go after the 1 percent who have 34.6% of the wealth rather than trying to soak the 40% of Americans who only have 2 TENTHS of a percent of the wealth

How much money do you think you can get out of them?

Interesting use of words with go after. That implied jealousy of something you'll never be.

Expecting the half that pay no incomes taxes to do something isn't soaking them. Isn't it part of living in society to contribute. They contribute nothing.

By the way, the only answer isn't raising taxes. You cut spending. If you'll support cutting out social welfare programs like food stamps, welfare, WIC, government housing, etc., I won't expect those receiving them to pay the taxes that fund what they get for nothing. You fuss about those paying getting a reduction yet have no problem with those paying nothing getting something for nothing.

Once much revenue do you expect to get from the part of the population that only has pennies in their pockets while the wealthy have hundred dollar bills? That is not jealosy, that is common sense

And when you talk cutting spending, you don't talk cutting spending on the wealthy, you talk cutting spending on the people who are struggling to survive

How much? The amount they should be contributing to be part of society. That's the argument given by lefties when those of us who actually pay incomes taxes say something about what we pay. We're told that's part of living in society.

What spending the wealthy? What social welfare programs do the wealthy get?


In trying to ballance our budget, why do you go after people who have pennies rather than those who toss around hundred dollar bills?

What do the wealthy get? They get the lowest efective tax rate in 70 years, they get tariffs and lengthy patent protections, they get protection from foreign competition, they get infrastructure improvements that benefit their business, they get a relaxation of labor laws, they get our military protecting their global investments

The lowest effective tax rate is 0% and that's less than whatever percentage you gripe about the rich getting.

You forgot to mention what businesses provide to you. Next time you need a product, go to that poor person you want to give a free ride and get it.

Businesses rely on their workers to generate wealth. They make a profit off of every worker. They also benefit the most from our government. Business could not exist without government
Interesting use of words with go after. That implied jealousy of something you'll never be.

Expecting the half that pay no incomes taxes to do something isn't soaking them. Isn't it part of living in society to contribute. They contribute nothing.

By the way, the only answer isn't raising taxes. You cut spending. If you'll support cutting out social welfare programs like food stamps, welfare, WIC, government housing, etc., I won't expect those receiving them to pay the taxes that fund what they get for nothing. You fuss about those paying getting a reduction yet have no problem with those paying nothing getting something for nothing.

Once much revenue do you expect to get from the part of the population that only has pennies in their pockets while the wealthy have hundred dollar bills? That is not jealosy, that is common sense

And when you talk cutting spending, you don't talk cutting spending on the wealthy, you talk cutting spending on the people who are struggling to survive

How much? The amount they should be contributing to be part of society. That's the argument given by lefties when those of us who actually pay incomes taxes say something about what we pay. We're told that's part of living in society.

What spending the wealthy? What social welfare programs do the wealthy get?


In trying to ballance our budget, why do you go after people who have pennies rather than those who toss around hundred dollar bills?

What do the wealthy get? They get the lowest efective tax rate in 70 years, they get tariffs and lengthy patent protections, they get protection from foreign competition, they get infrastructure improvements that benefit their business, they get a relaxation of labor laws, they get our military protecting their global investments

The lowest effective tax rate is 0% and that's less than whatever percentage you gripe about the rich getting.

You forgot to mention what businesses provide to you. Next time you need a product, go to that poor person you want to give a free ride and get it.

Businesses rely on their workers to generate wealth. They make a profit off of every worker. They also benefit the most from our government. Business could not exist without government

They pay every worker. That you may not like what they pay is your problem and there is a solution. Start your own business and pay them what you demand other businesses pay their workers.

Businesses provide what workers wouldn't have if they didn't exist. How many workers would be workers if it wasn't for some business hiring them.
Once much revenue do you expect to get from the part of the population that only has pennies in their pockets while the wealthy have hundred dollar bills? That is not jealosy, that is common sense

And when you talk cutting spending, you don't talk cutting spending on the wealthy, you talk cutting spending on the people who are struggling to survive

How much? The amount they should be contributing to be part of society. That's the argument given by lefties when those of us who actually pay incomes taxes say something about what we pay. We're told that's part of living in society.

What spending the wealthy? What social welfare programs do the wealthy get?


In trying to ballance our budget, why do you go after people who have pennies rather than those who toss around hundred dollar bills?

What do the wealthy get? They get the lowest efective tax rate in 70 years, they get tariffs and lengthy patent protections, they get protection from foreign competition, they get infrastructure improvements that benefit their business, they get a relaxation of labor laws, they get our military protecting their global investments

The lowest effective tax rate is 0% and that's less than whatever percentage you gripe about the rich getting.

You forgot to mention what businesses provide to you. Next time you need a product, go to that poor person you want to give a free ride and get it.

Businesses rely on their workers to generate wealth. They make a profit off of every worker. They also benefit the most from our government. Business could not exist without government

They pay every worker. That you may not like what they pay is your problem and there is a solution. Start your own business and pay them what you demand other businesses pay their workers.

Businesses provide what workers wouldn't have if they didn't exist. How many workers would be workers if it wasn't for some business hiring them.

Twisted logic

How many businesses could survive without workers. It is the workers who generate wealth

How much? The amount they should be contributing to be part of society. That's the argument given by lefties when those of us who actually pay incomes taxes say something about what we pay. We're told that's part of living in society.

What spending the wealthy? What social welfare programs do the wealthy get?


In trying to ballance our budget, why do you go after people who have pennies rather than those who toss around hundred dollar bills?

What do the wealthy get? They get the lowest efective tax rate in 70 years, they get tariffs and lengthy patent protections, they get protection from foreign competition, they get infrastructure improvements that benefit their business, they get a relaxation of labor laws, they get our military protecting their global investments

The lowest effective tax rate is 0% and that's less than whatever percentage you gripe about the rich getting.

You forgot to mention what businesses provide to you. Next time you need a product, go to that poor person you want to give a free ride and get it.

Businesses rely on their workers to generate wealth. They make a profit off of every worker. They also benefit the most from our government. Business could not exist without government

They pay every worker. That you may not like what they pay is your problem and there is a solution. Start your own business and pay them what you demand other businesses pay their workers.

Businesses provide what workers wouldn't have if they didn't exist. How many workers would be workers if it wasn't for some business hiring them.

Twisted logic

How many businesses could survive without workers. It is the workers who generate wealth

The twisted logic is thinking that even one worker would have a job if it weren't for businesses.

Workers can't generate a damn thing unless they have somewhere to work. That's why they're called workers. A business had to hire them.
How much? The amount they should be contributing to be part of society. That's the argument given by lefties when those of us who actually pay incomes taxes say something about what we pay. We're told that's part of living in society.

What spending the wealthy? What social welfare programs do the wealthy get?


In trying to ballance our budget, why do you go after people who have pennies rather than those who toss around hundred dollar bills?

What do the wealthy get? They get the lowest efective tax rate in 70 years, they get tariffs and lengthy patent protections, they get protection from foreign competition, they get infrastructure improvements that benefit their business, they get a relaxation of labor laws, they get our military protecting their global investments

The lowest effective tax rate is 0% and that's less than whatever percentage you gripe about the rich getting.

You forgot to mention what businesses provide to you. Next time you need a product, go to that poor person you want to give a free ride and get it.

Businesses rely on their workers to generate wealth. They make a profit off of every worker. They also benefit the most from our government. Business could not exist without government

They pay every worker. That you may not like what they pay is your problem and there is a solution. Start your own business and pay them what you demand other businesses pay their workers.

Businesses provide what workers wouldn't have if they didn't exist. How many workers would be workers if it wasn't for some business hiring them.

Twisted logic

How many businesses could survive without workers. It is the workers who generate wealth

Are you equating working for a living to slavery ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

In trying to ballance our budget, why do you go after people who have pennies rather than those who toss around hundred dollar bills?

What do the wealthy get? They get the lowest efective tax rate in 70 years, they get tariffs and lengthy patent protections, they get protection from foreign competition, they get infrastructure improvements that benefit their business, they get a relaxation of labor laws, they get our military protecting their global investments

The lowest effective tax rate is 0% and that's less than whatever percentage you gripe about the rich getting.

You forgot to mention what businesses provide to you. Next time you need a product, go to that poor person you want to give a free ride and get it.

Businesses rely on their workers to generate wealth. They make a profit off of every worker. They also benefit the most from our government. Business could not exist without government

They pay every worker. That you may not like what they pay is your problem and there is a solution. Start your own business and pay them what you demand other businesses pay their workers.

Businesses provide what workers wouldn't have if they didn't exist. How many workers would be workers if it wasn't for some business hiring them.

Twisted logic

How many businesses could survive without workers. It is the workers who generate wealth

Are you equating working for a living to slavery ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Tapatalk say......

Why are we continuing supply side policies that obviously don't work? It is time to stop policies that reward "job creators" who do not create jobs
So, as usual, on one side: Facts. On the other: Hyperbole and hysteria.

Still waiting for Tapatalk to produce the CBO data he promised.

Well, no, not really, because we know he never will...
The lowest effective tax rate is 0% and that's less than whatever percentage you gripe about the rich getting.

You forgot to mention what businesses provide to you. Next time you need a product, go to that poor person you want to give a free ride and get it.

Businesses rely on their workers to generate wealth. They make a profit off of every worker. They also benefit the most from our government. Business could not exist without government

They pay every worker. That you may not like what they pay is your problem and there is a solution. Start your own business and pay them what you demand other businesses pay their workers.

Businesses provide what workers wouldn't have if they didn't exist. How many workers would be workers if it wasn't for some business hiring them.

Twisted logic

How many businesses could survive without workers. It is the workers who generate wealth

Are you equating working for a living to slavery ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Tapatalk say......

Why are we continuing supply side policies that obviously don't work? It is time to stop policies that reward "job creators" who do not create jobs

The Democrats claim the unemployment rate is declining. You complain that the government continues supply side policies. If both of those are true, appears to me as if they are working.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.
That's how Hillary said free tuition to public universities was going to be funded.

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

Prisons are being privatized. They're now a for-profit industry...but only if you keep 'em filled.

How do you suppose Eisenhower presided over a booming economy? Sanders' plan is very similar.
Businesses rely on their workers to generate wealth. They make a profit off of every worker. They also benefit the most from our government. Business could not exist without government

They pay every worker. That you may not like what they pay is your problem and there is a solution. Start your own business and pay them what you demand other businesses pay their workers.

Businesses provide what workers wouldn't have if they didn't exist. How many workers would be workers if it wasn't for some business hiring them.

Twisted logic

How many businesses could survive without workers. It is the workers who generate wealth

Are you equating working for a living to slavery ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Tapatalk say......

Why are we continuing supply side policies that obviously don't work? It is time to stop policies that reward "job creators" who do not create jobs

The Democrats claim the unemployment rate is declining. You complain that the government continues supply side policies. If both of those are true, appears to me as if they are working.

Yet wages remain stagnant. What happened to all that profit that was supposed to "trickle down" to the workers?

Answer: never made it past the one percent
That's how Hillary said free tuition to public universities was going to be funded.

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

Prisons are being privatized. They're now a for-profit industry...but only if you keep 'em filled.

How do you suppose Eisenhower presided over a booming economy? Sanders' plan is very similar.

It's been called the New College Compact. It involves making tuition free for public universities, reducing interest rates on loans, and does so by having the wealthy pay more in taxes.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

My solution:

End the war on drugs. Stop putting people in prison for non violent crime. End mandatory sentencing

In terms of the military: Redefine the mission of the US Military. We don't need to be the worlds policeman. Make Europe, Japan, South Korea and especially Saudi Arabia bear more of the burden in policing their region of the world
They pay every worker. That you may not like what they pay is your problem and there is a solution. Start your own business and pay them what you demand other businesses pay their workers.

Businesses provide what workers wouldn't have if they didn't exist. How many workers would be workers if it wasn't for some business hiring them.

Twisted logic

How many businesses could survive without workers. It is the workers who generate wealth

Are you equating working for a living to slavery ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Tapatalk say......

Why are we continuing supply side policies that obviously don't work? It is time to stop policies that reward "job creators" who do not create jobs

The Democrats claim the unemployment rate is declining. You complain that the government continues supply side policies. If both of those are true, appears to me as if they are working.

Yet wages remain stagnant. What happened to all that profit that was supposed to "trickle down" to the workers?

Answer: never made it past the one percent

You mention the creation of job in one post and now go to profit. I guess that's what happens when someone refutes your claim. Your rant above stated that jobs weren't created and it's time to stop supply side policies. Jobs have been created if you go by what the Obama administration says and since you claim supply side policies need to be stopped, meaning they must be in place in order to be stopped, apparently it's worked.

By the way, individuals can't increase their profits. Trickle down was about creating jobs so people who aren't working and don't have money will have some. Since you support the claim that jobs have been created by agreeing with the claim of lower unemployment, seems it worked. That someone doing a job that requires the same skills today as it did 50 years ago isn't making a lot more is not the problem of the one paying but the one offering stagnant skills. It worked fine for me because I improved mine and offered more. Therefore, my wages aren't stagnant because my skills weren't.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

My solution:

End the war on drugs. Stop putting people in prison for non violent crime. End mandatory sentencing

In terms of the military: Redefine the mission of the US Military. We don't need to be the worlds policeman. Make Europe, Japan, South Korea and especially Saudi Arabia bear more of the burden in policing their region of the world

While we're at it, let's end the war on poverty as it has been a lost cause. Stop handing people someone else's money thinking it will be an incentive to do better.

What's wrong with mandatory sentencing? What's wrong with having standards that say if you are convicted of this (fill in the blank), you will spend this many years (fill in the blank) in jail? Should it be based on factors that really have nothing to do with the crime itself?
That's how Hillary said free tuition to public universities was going to be funded.

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

Prisons are being privatized. They're now a for-profit industry...but only if you keep 'em filled.

How do you suppose Eisenhower presided over a booming economy? Sanders' plan is very similar.

It's been called the New College Compact. It involves making tuition free for public universities, reducing interest rates on loans, and does so by having the wealthy pay more in taxes.

Politico seems to have moved the page, but I found the updated one:

Hillary's $350 billion plan to kill college debt

It's funny how she's copied that from Sanders' plan, except that Sanders' plan calls for a tax on hedge funds. Big difference.
That's how Hillary said free tuition to public universities was going to be funded.

We can't even pay for the prisons and military as it is, we have to borrow.

What is your solution, free all prisoners and disband the military? We'd still have to borrow to pay for Bernie's plans.

Prisons are being privatized. They're now a for-profit industry...but only if you keep 'em filled.

How do you suppose Eisenhower presided over a booming economy? Sanders' plan is very similar.

It's been called the New College Compact. It involves making tuition free for public universities, reducing interest rates on loans, and does so by having the wealthy pay more in taxes.

Politico seems to have moved the page, but I found the updated one:

Hillary's $350 billion plan to kill college debt

It's funny how she's copied that from Sanders' plan, except that Sanders' plan calls for a tax on hedge funds. Big difference.

However she came up with it, it's her plan and it does exactly what I said she proposed doing. Both plans call for taxing the wealthy. There's your link.

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