The Mystery of Flynn’s Guilty Plea: Pleading guilty to a crime FBI agents say he didn't commit

Flynn got hit because he was part of a transition team. He made calls and received calls from the Russian Ambassador asking the Russians not to escalate the matter with the new sanctions. He did this as part of the Transition Team........

Later when questioned he denied doing so.............Which is what they got him on. And on UN resolutions on Israel.........

He admitted later that he did........

His actions prompted Russia not to retaliate..............which was not what they got him on..........they got him on testimony where he denied it and it got him fragged.

He didn't learn the catch all phrase...........I don't recollect that sir..........that so many used when questioned......

Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
The one and only answer to this is Flynn was squeezed to plead guilty to stop dirty cop Mueller draining Flynn financially and destroying everything Flynn had built up over all the years he had honorably served his country.

Mueller and his team are disgusting swine to ruin good mens' lives all over a political agenda to tear down this President and his administration.

Piss on the lot of them.

The Mystery of Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea
He pleaded guilty to a crime FBI agents said he didn’t commit.
The Editorial Board

One of the stranger moments of Robert Mueller’s special counsel probe is Michael Flynn’s Dec. 1, 2017 guilty plea for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The former White House national security adviser pleaded guilty to a single count of making false statements, even though then FBI director James Comey had told Congress in March that the two FBI agents who interviewed Mr. Flynn believed he hadn’t lied.

The Mystery of Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea

No mystery. Mueller threatened to go after Flynn's son. End of story.

What would you do to protect your child?
National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say

The nature of Flynn’s pre-inauguration message to Kislyak triggered debate among officials in the Obama administration and intelligence agencies over whether Flynn had violated a law against unauthorized citizens interfering in U.S. disputes with foreign governments, according to officials familiar with that debate. Those officials were already alarmed by what they saw as a Russian assault on the U.S. election.

He was acting as a transition proving unauthorized citizen would have been difficult........Problem is miscommunication with Pence got him in Hack with Trump and he had to go.

Something Kerry needs to look at. As he isn't the Secretary of State anymore, and is just a Citizen.
Flynn got hit because he was part of a transition team. He made calls and received calls from the Russian Ambassador asking the Russians not to escalate the matter with the new sanctions. He did this as part of the Transition Team........

Later when questioned he denied doing so.............Which is what they got him on. And on UN resolutions on Israel.........

He admitted later that he did........

His actions prompted Russia not to retaliate..............which was not what they got him on..........they got him on testimony where he denied it and it got him fragged.

He didn't learn the catch all phrase...........I don't recollect that sir..........that so many used when questioned......

Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes
Flynn got hit because he was part of a transition team. He made calls and received calls from the Russian Ambassador asking the Russians not to escalate the matter with the new sanctions. He did this as part of the Transition Team........

Later when questioned he denied doing so.............Which is what they got him on. And on UN resolutions on Israel.........

He admitted later that he did........

His actions prompted Russia not to retaliate..............which was not what they got him on..........they got him on testimony where he denied it and it got him fragged.

He didn't learn the catch all phrase...........I don't recollect that sir..........that so many used when questioned......

Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes

What other charges and with a specific link?
Flynn got hit because he was part of a transition team. He made calls and received calls from the Russian Ambassador asking the Russians not to escalate the matter with the new sanctions. He did this as part of the Transition Team........

Later when questioned he denied doing so.............Which is what they got him on. And on UN resolutions on Israel.........

He admitted later that he did........

His actions prompted Russia not to retaliate..............which was not what they got him on..........they got him on testimony where he denied it and it got him fragged.

He didn't learn the catch all phrase...........I don't recollect that sir..........that so many used when questioned......

Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes

What other charges and with a specific link?
We will probably never know what charges specifics were dropped as part of the plea

What we WILL find out is what Flynn knows about Crooked Donnie
Flynn got hit because he was part of a transition team. He made calls and received calls from the Russian Ambassador asking the Russians not to escalate the matter with the new sanctions. He did this as part of the Transition Team........

Later when questioned he denied doing so.............Which is what they got him on. And on UN resolutions on Israel.........

He admitted later that he did........

His actions prompted Russia not to retaliate..............which was not what they got him on..........they got him on testimony where he denied it and it got him fragged.

He didn't learn the catch all phrase...........I don't recollect that sir..........that so many used when questioned......

Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes
What more serious specific...........

As part of the transition team they are allowed to talk to other countries......They tried to nab him on lying on the UN deal of Sanctions against Israel. The incoming administration didn't want to throw Israel under the bus so he pushed for no sanctions against Israel. The U.S. is no longer on the throw Israel under the bus policy of Obama.

His mistake was getting into the political slaughter house of our Gov't.........where both sides stab you in the back with a knife any chance they get. They destroy people......It's what they do and all in the name of Politics.

If he was smart he would have never gotten into that arena at all. It's the Devils den anymore and those not experienced get chewed up and spit out. He'd still have his house and he could have retired peacefully..................

Washington is vindictive.............they play dirty..........and I think he learned it the hard way.

When this is all said and done people from both sides of the equation are gonna go down.
Flynn got hit because he was part of a transition team. He made calls and received calls from the Russian Ambassador asking the Russians not to escalate the matter with the new sanctions. He did this as part of the Transition Team........

Later when questioned he denied doing so.............Which is what they got him on. And on UN resolutions on Israel.........

He admitted later that he did........

His actions prompted Russia not to retaliate..............which was not what they got him on..........they got him on testimony where he denied it and it got him fragged.

He didn't learn the catch all phrase...........I don't recollect that sir..........that so many used when questioned......

Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes

What other charges and with a specific link?
We will probably never know what charges specifics were dropped as part of the plea

What we WILL find out is what Flynn knows about Crooked Donnie
His crime was Stupidity. He lied about a few phone calls asking for restraint........Then got nailed for lying under oath.

Which McCabe will soon get the same treatment.........Maybe he should mortgage his house and get a bankruptcy lawyer lined up. He lied under oath too.

Comey possibly the same.

Pawns are gonna get eaten.............Flynn was a pawn that has been discarded now.
Flynn got hit because he was part of a transition team. He made calls and received calls from the Russian Ambassador asking the Russians not to escalate the matter with the new sanctions. He did this as part of the Transition Team........

Later when questioned he denied doing so.............Which is what they got him on. And on UN resolutions on Israel.........

He admitted later that he did........

His actions prompted Russia not to retaliate..............which was not what they got him on..........they got him on testimony where he denied it and it got him fragged.

He didn't learn the catch all phrase...........I don't recollect that sir..........that so many used when questioned......

Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes
What more serious specific...........

As part of the transition team they are allowed to talk to other countries......They tried to nab him on lying on the UN deal of Sanctions against Israel. The incoming administration didn't want to throw Israel under the bus so he pushed for no sanctions against Israel. The U.S. is no longer on the throw Israel under the bus policy of Obama.

His mistake was getting into the political slaughter house of our Gov't.........where both sides stab you in the back with a knife any chance they get. They destroy people......It's what they do and all in the name of Politics.

If he was smart he would have never gotten into that arena at all. It's the Devils den anymore and those not experienced get chewed up and spit out. He'd still have his house and he could have retired peacefully..................

Washington is vindictive.............they play dirty..........and I think he learned it the hard way.

When this is all said and done people from both sides of the equation are gonna go down.
You will have to ask Mueller what potential charges have been dropped

What we do know is that Flynn copped a plea bargain where he plead guilty to lesser charges. Nobody pleas to a serious charge

So Flynn is done and his ultimate sentence will depend on how much he cooperates?

Think Crooked Donnie is nervous?
Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes

What other charges and with a specific link?
We will probably never know what charges specifics were dropped as part of the plea

What we WILL find out is what Flynn knows about Crooked Donnie
His crime was Stupidity. He lied about a few phone calls asking for restraint........Then got nailed for lying under oath.

Which McCabe will soon get the same treatment.........Maybe he should mortgage his house and get a bankruptcy lawyer lined up. He lied under oath too.

Comey possibly the same.

Pawns are gonna get eaten.............Flynn was a pawn that has been discarded now.
His crimes were much more than stupidity. His dealings with Turkey were going to yield serious jail time.

Now Flynn is singining his heart out to get a lighter sentence
Flynn got hit because he was part of a transition team. He made calls and received calls from the Russian Ambassador asking the Russians not to escalate the matter with the new sanctions. He did this as part of the Transition Team........

Later when questioned he denied doing so.............Which is what they got him on. And on UN resolutions on Israel.........

He admitted later that he did........

His actions prompted Russia not to retaliate..............which was not what they got him on..........they got him on testimony where he denied it and it got him fragged.

He didn't learn the catch all phrase...........I don't recollect that sir..........that so many used when questioned......

Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes
What more serious specific...........

As part of the transition team they are allowed to talk to other countries......They tried to nab him on lying on the UN deal of Sanctions against Israel. The incoming administration didn't want to throw Israel under the bus so he pushed for no sanctions against Israel. The U.S. is no longer on the throw Israel under the bus policy of Obama.

His mistake was getting into the political slaughter house of our Gov't.........where both sides stab you in the back with a knife any chance they get. They destroy people......It's what they do and all in the name of Politics.

If he was smart he would have never gotten into that arena at all. It's the Devils den anymore and those not experienced get chewed up and spit out. He'd still have his house and he could have retired peacefully..................

Washington is vindictive.............they play dirty..........and I think he learned it the hard way.

When this is all said and done people from both sides of the equation are gonna go down.
You will have to ask Mueller what potential charges have been dropped

What we do know is that Flynn copped a plea bargain where he plead guilty to lesser charges. Nobody pleas to a serious charge

So Flynn is done and his ultimate sentence will depend on how much he cooperates?

Think Crooked Donnie is nervous?
That is pure speculation.............which your side has been doing for a year and a half.
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes

What other charges and with a specific link?
We will probably never know what charges specifics were dropped as part of the plea

What we WILL find out is what Flynn knows about Crooked Donnie
His crime was Stupidity. He lied about a few phone calls asking for restraint........Then got nailed for lying under oath.

Which McCabe will soon get the same treatment.........Maybe he should mortgage his house and get a bankruptcy lawyer lined up. He lied under oath too.

Comey possibly the same.

Pawns are gonna get eaten.............Flynn was a pawn that has been discarded now.
His crimes were much more than stupidity. His dealings with Turkey were going to yield serious jail time.

Now Flynn is singining his heart out to get a lighter sentence
Baloney.............the policy shift of the incoming administration was to stop Turkey from killing Kurds. I would remind you that our forces there under Trump have told any country in their AO operating with those fighting ISIS will be dealt with. That message was for Turkey as well.

You say that is a good policy or do we stand by and allow those people to be slaughtered by Turkey like under Obama.
Flynn copped a plea deal. All that is forgiven

He must have offered up something more damning......I wonder who it is about?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes
What more serious specific...........

As part of the transition team they are allowed to talk to other countries......They tried to nab him on lying on the UN deal of Sanctions against Israel. The incoming administration didn't want to throw Israel under the bus so he pushed for no sanctions against Israel. The U.S. is no longer on the throw Israel under the bus policy of Obama.

His mistake was getting into the political slaughter house of our Gov't.........where both sides stab you in the back with a knife any chance they get. They destroy people......It's what they do and all in the name of Politics.

If he was smart he would have never gotten into that arena at all. It's the Devils den anymore and those not experienced get chewed up and spit out. He'd still have his house and he could have retired peacefully..................

Washington is vindictive.............they play dirty..........and I think he learned it the hard way.

When this is all said and done people from both sides of the equation are gonna go down.
You will have to ask Mueller what potential charges have been dropped

What we do know is that Flynn copped a plea bargain where he plead guilty to lesser charges. Nobody pleas to a serious charge

So Flynn is done and his ultimate sentence will depend on how much he cooperates?

Think Crooked Donnie is nervous?
That is pure speculation.............which your side has been doing for a year and a half.
It is beyond speculation
There was speculation up until Flynn accepted a plea deal

Then we knew he was spilling his guts

Now speculation is about what stories he had to tell. I can’t wait..can you?
He admitted he lied.......Why he lied is unknown but was very stupid on his part. He had the right to do these things as the Transition Team. He asked for them not to overreact to Sanctions..............A new administration was coming in and that was part of their job.

Nothing new about that. His major malfunction was being Stupid and got himself destroyed over a Lie that he had no need to do.
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes
What more serious specific...........

As part of the transition team they are allowed to talk to other countries......They tried to nab him on lying on the UN deal of Sanctions against Israel. The incoming administration didn't want to throw Israel under the bus so he pushed for no sanctions against Israel. The U.S. is no longer on the throw Israel under the bus policy of Obama.

His mistake was getting into the political slaughter house of our Gov't.........where both sides stab you in the back with a knife any chance they get. They destroy people......It's what they do and all in the name of Politics.

If he was smart he would have never gotten into that arena at all. It's the Devils den anymore and those not experienced get chewed up and spit out. He'd still have his house and he could have retired peacefully..................

Washington is vindictive.............they play dirty..........and I think he learned it the hard way.

When this is all said and done people from both sides of the equation are gonna go down.
You will have to ask Mueller what potential charges have been dropped

What we do know is that Flynn copped a plea bargain where he plead guilty to lesser charges. Nobody pleas to a serious charge

So Flynn is done and his ultimate sentence will depend on how much he cooperates?

Think Crooked Donnie is nervous?
That is pure speculation.............which your side has been doing for a year and a half.
It is beyond speculation
There was speculation up until Flynn accepted a plea deal

Then we knew he was spilling his guts

Now speculation is about what stories he had to tell. I can’t wait..can you?
You've been speculating your ass off..........all of you have.

A transition team has the right to start prepping for taking over.........and there was a definite Policy change between Obama and Trump.

Especially with Israel.....and with the Kurds getting waxed by countries like Turkey. They aren't moving into our AO's much anymore.......which Russian mercs and Syrian troops found out the hard way.

What we do's's it's TAX EVASION.........LOL
What Flynn did or did not do is no longer relevant
He admitted to lying and the more serious charges were dropped

Now he is singing to Mueller and telling him what he wants to know

It is the way these corruption cases work.....small fishes give up the big fishes
What more serious specific...........

As part of the transition team they are allowed to talk to other countries......They tried to nab him on lying on the UN deal of Sanctions against Israel. The incoming administration didn't want to throw Israel under the bus so he pushed for no sanctions against Israel. The U.S. is no longer on the throw Israel under the bus policy of Obama.

His mistake was getting into the political slaughter house of our Gov't.........where both sides stab you in the back with a knife any chance they get. They destroy people......It's what they do and all in the name of Politics.

If he was smart he would have never gotten into that arena at all. It's the Devils den anymore and those not experienced get chewed up and spit out. He'd still have his house and he could have retired peacefully..................

Washington is vindictive.............they play dirty..........and I think he learned it the hard way.

When this is all said and done people from both sides of the equation are gonna go down.
You will have to ask Mueller what potential charges have been dropped

What we do know is that Flynn copped a plea bargain where he plead guilty to lesser charges. Nobody pleas to a serious charge

So Flynn is done and his ultimate sentence will depend on how much he cooperates?

Think Crooked Donnie is nervous?
That is pure speculation.............which your side has been doing for a year and a half.
It is beyond speculation
There was speculation up until Flynn accepted a plea deal

Then we knew he was spilling his guts

Now speculation is about what stories he had to tell. I can’t wait..can you?
You've been speculating your ass off..........all of you have.

A transition team has the right to start prepping for taking over.........and there was a definite Policy change between Obama and Trump.

Especially with Israel.....and with the Kurds getting waxed by countries like Turkey. They aren't moving into our AO's much anymore.......which Russian mercs and Syrian troops found out the hard way.

What we do's's it's TAX EVASION.........LOL
Until Mueller releases his report.....that is the way things work

You keep arguing Flynn’s innocence. That is a done deal. He plead guilty

THAT is not speculation
What more serious specific...........

As part of the transition team they are allowed to talk to other countries......They tried to nab him on lying on the UN deal of Sanctions against Israel. The incoming administration didn't want to throw Israel under the bus so he pushed for no sanctions against Israel. The U.S. is no longer on the throw Israel under the bus policy of Obama.

His mistake was getting into the political slaughter house of our Gov't.........where both sides stab you in the back with a knife any chance they get. They destroy people......It's what they do and all in the name of Politics.

If he was smart he would have never gotten into that arena at all. It's the Devils den anymore and those not experienced get chewed up and spit out. He'd still have his house and he could have retired peacefully..................

Washington is vindictive.............they play dirty..........and I think he learned it the hard way.

When this is all said and done people from both sides of the equation are gonna go down.
You will have to ask Mueller what potential charges have been dropped

What we do know is that Flynn copped a plea bargain where he plead guilty to lesser charges. Nobody pleas to a serious charge

So Flynn is done and his ultimate sentence will depend on how much he cooperates?

Think Crooked Donnie is nervous?
That is pure speculation.............which your side has been doing for a year and a half.
It is beyond speculation
There was speculation up until Flynn accepted a plea deal

Then we knew he was spilling his guts

Now speculation is about what stories he had to tell. I can’t wait..can you?
You've been speculating your ass off..........all of you have.

A transition team has the right to start prepping for taking over.........and there was a definite Policy change between Obama and Trump.

Especially with Israel.....and with the Kurds getting waxed by countries like Turkey. They aren't moving into our AO's much anymore.......which Russian mercs and Syrian troops found out the hard way.

What we do's's it's TAX EVASION.........LOL
Until Mueller releases his report.....that is the way things work

You keep arguing Flynn’s innocence. That is a done deal. He plead guilty

THAT is not speculation
No I did not. I posted actual data on the charges. You. Not so much.
You will have to ask Mueller what potential charges have been dropped

What we do know is that Flynn copped a plea bargain where he plead guilty to lesser charges. Nobody pleas to a serious charge

So Flynn is done and his ultimate sentence will depend on how much he cooperates?

Think Crooked Donnie is nervous?
That is pure speculation.............which your side has been doing for a year and a half.
It is beyond speculation
There was speculation up until Flynn accepted a plea deal

Then we knew he was spilling his guts

Now speculation is about what stories he had to tell. I can’t wait..can you?
You've been speculating your ass off..........all of you have.

A transition team has the right to start prepping for taking over.........and there was a definite Policy change between Obama and Trump.

Especially with Israel.....and with the Kurds getting waxed by countries like Turkey. They aren't moving into our AO's much anymore.......which Russian mercs and Syrian troops found out the hard way.

What we do's's it's TAX EVASION.........LOL
Until Mueller releases his report.....that is the way things work

You keep arguing Flynn’s innocence. That is a done deal. He plead guilty

THAT is not speculation
No I did not. I posted actual data on the charges. You. Not so much.
Charges were resolved once Flynn plead guilty
That is pure speculation.............which your side has been doing for a year and a half.
It is beyond speculation
There was speculation up until Flynn accepted a plea deal

Then we knew he was spilling his guts

Now speculation is about what stories he had to tell. I can’t wait..can you?
You've been speculating your ass off..........all of you have.

A transition team has the right to start prepping for taking over.........and there was a definite Policy change between Obama and Trump.

Especially with Israel.....and with the Kurds getting waxed by countries like Turkey. They aren't moving into our AO's much anymore.......which Russian mercs and Syrian troops found out the hard way.

What we do's's it's TAX EVASION.........LOL
Until Mueller releases his report.....that is the way things work

You keep arguing Flynn’s innocence. That is a done deal. He plead guilty

THAT is not speculation
No I did not. I posted actual data on the charges. You. Not so much.
Charges were resolved once Flynn plead guilty

Speculation doesn't count for jack shit. Proof of criminal charges or there's nothing there.
One has to remember the hard on that McCabe and his band of jolly left wing Democrat henchmen at the FBI had for Flynn.

Flynn was going to testify on behalf of this woman. McCabe wanted revenge. This case was one of the issues he was being investigated over.

I still can't believe Sessions was just going to let this son of a bitch walk away with a pension.

A former FBI agent battling Deputy Director McCabe said there is a 'cancer' inside the FBI


August 30, 2017 09:12 PM EDT

From the article:

"When the FBI launched an investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, one of the bureau’s top former counterterrorism agents believed that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe would have to recuse himself from the investigation.

Former Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was one of the bureau’s top intelligence analysts and terrorism experts but resigned from the bureau five years ago after she said she was harassed and her career was blocked by top FBI management. She filed a formal sexual discrimination complaint against the bureau in 2013 and it was Flynn, among many others, who publicly came to her aide."

A former FBI agent battling Deputy Director McCabe said there is a 'cancer' inside the FBI
It is beyond speculation
There was speculation up until Flynn accepted a plea deal

Then we knew he was spilling his guts

Now speculation is about what stories he had to tell. I can’t wait..can you?
You've been speculating your ass off..........all of you have.

A transition team has the right to start prepping for taking over.........and there was a definite Policy change between Obama and Trump.

Especially with Israel.....and with the Kurds getting waxed by countries like Turkey. They aren't moving into our AO's much anymore.......which Russian mercs and Syrian troops found out the hard way.

What we do's's it's TAX EVASION.........LOL
Until Mueller releases his report.....that is the way things work

You keep arguing Flynn’s innocence. That is a done deal. He plead guilty

THAT is not speculation
No I did not. I posted actual data on the charges. You. Not so much.
Charges were resolved once Flynn plead guilty

Speculation doesn't count for jack shit. Proof of criminal charges or there's nothing there.

There is no speculation
Flynn has plead guilty and is now testifying on Trumps involvement

Proof of criminal charges?
He plead GUILTY

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