The "mystery" surrounding Flynn......

I forgot Flynn was DIA under Obama. So much for the narrative "Trump surrounds himself with crooks" as if to say Obama didn't.

As for your suggestion it's going to get ugly, that's just wishful thinking and definitely partisan. NOTHING will come of Trump. Libs. will need to pursue another avenue to remove Trump, as they show they cannot deal with reality and failure.

Obama FIRED Flynn


WARNED Trump to not hire him.

It is laughable that trump and his cult followers are now trying to blame Obama somehow, for Trump hiring Flynn and Trump and Flynn's closeness.... :lol:
We are a country of Rule of Law.

The Trumpturds have to live with that.

Why oh why did so many of them lie?
I forgot Flynn was DIA under Obama. So much for the narrative "Trump surrounds himself with crooks" as if to say Obama didn't.

As for your suggestion it's going to get ugly, that's just wishful thinking and definitely partisan. NOTHING will come of Trump. Libs. will need to pursue another avenue to remove Trump, as they show they cannot deal with reality and failure.

obama, a twice elected president of the untied states, hired flynn and then fired him for insubordination.

Interesting. Same with Trump.

not exactly. :laugh:

Correct. Trump is once elected.
Trump was aware of Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador including the discussions on reneging of recent sanctions by president Obama that day with the 5 phone calls....he was aware that Flynn lied to the FBI about it, mark my words on that....
We are a country of Rule of Law.

The Trumpturds have to live with that.

Why oh why did so many of them lie?
ALL the LIES from ALL of them regarding the Russians is mind boggling....truly truly is incomprehensible??? What in the world is going on with this love fest between Trump, Russia, and Putin???
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.
Bill Clinton.

wrong, the media did everything possible to cover for Bubba Clinton.
Yeah, right. 24/7 blowjob coverage for months.
I forgot Flynn was DIA under Obama. So much for the narrative "Trump surrounds himself with crooks" as if to say Obama didn't.

As for your suggestion it's going to get ugly, that's just wishful thinking and definitely partisan. NOTHING will come of Trump. Libs. will need to pursue another avenue to remove Trump, as they show they cannot deal with reality and failure.

obama, a twice elected president of the untied states, hired flynn and then fired him for insubordination.

Interesting. Same with Trump.

not exactly. :laugh:

Correct. Trump is once elected.
Trump was aware of Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador including the discussions on reneging of recent sanctions by president Obama that day with the 5 phone calls....he was aware that Flynn lied to the FBI about it, mark my words on that....

AND Trump was aware of it before Flynn allegedly lied to Pence about it. So Trump lied to Pence about it before Flynn did. But he fired Flynn because Flynn lied to Pence? Only in the addled brain of a detached, pathological liar does this make any sense at all.
I forgot Flynn was DIA under Obama. So much for the narrative "Trump surrounds himself with crooks" as if to say Obama didn't.

As for your suggestion it's going to get ugly, that's just wishful thinking and definitely partisan. NOTHING will come of Trump. Libs. will need to pursue another avenue to remove Trump, as they show they cannot deal with reality and failure.

Obama FIRED Flynn


WARNED Trump to not hire him.

It is laughable that trump and his cult followers are now trying to blame Obama somehow, for Trump hiring Flynn and Trump and Flynn's closeness.... :lol:

....and please don't forget to mention that Sally Yates MARCHED into the WH legal counsel's office to tell the administration that Flynn was dirty......and, of course, she got fired for the effort in issuing that warning.
We don't learn, we Americans with our American exceptional privileges.

I went through this in the Nixon years.

We don't learn.

The Republic as I knew it is gone.

The shooting, at least, has not yet started.
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What was Flynn hiding that Mueller now knows?

What is Mueller looking at Jared K. for?
What was Flynn hiding that Mueller now knows?

What is Mueller looking at Jared K. for?

precisely......Right wingers are "skeptical" of what Flynn would tell to Mueller, WITHOUT REALIZING that Flynn has ALREADY told Mueller lots of "cute stuff"....A plea bargain is ONLY given AFTER the prosecutor has learned what he or she alleged..........Flynn had to go before a judge on Friday to openly admit that he is accepting (and welcoming) the deal since he is guilty AND is promising to share the testimony he gave Mueller with the grand juries and whatever congressional committee petitions it.
Yes the world does know it. The reason YOU believe otherwise is because the Globalists, who make up nearly 100% of the politicians in most of the developed world hate Trump, but the rank and file people of those countries do not.

Polls moron? You are quoting me polls? you never learn do you?

No. You have no idea. Obama was very well liked outside the US. The Orange Buffoon is despised. Well, except in Russia.

The polls in the last election were on target. On election day they were all within the margin of error. You have no clue.

The world dislikes Trump even more than Americans do, and he's destroying the U.S.'s reputation, a survey shows

It found that, across the 37 countries surveyed, a median of just 22 percent had confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. Seventy-four percent said they had no confidence in the Republican.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

So, a moron like you "concludes" that Flynn is ONLY guilty of not having enough money????............That's it???.............LOL
What has he been charged with or even mentioned in an indictment, other then lying to the FBI?
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

So, a moron like you "concludes" that Flynn is ONLY guilty of not having enough money????............That's it???.............LOL
What has he been charged with or even mentioned in an indictment, other then lying to the FBI?

Uh...that's kind of the point of the deal, professor. Despite having evidence to indict him on a long list of charges (as we know Mueller does have), he flipped Flynn and made him his bitch.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

So, a moron like you "concludes" that Flynn is ONLY guilty of not having enough money????............That's it???.............LOL
What has he been charged with or even mentioned in an indictment, other then lying to the FBI?

Uh...that's kind of the point of the deal, professor. Despite having evidence to indict him on a long list of charges (as we know Mueller does have), he flipped Flynn and made him his bitch.
So you have this evidence that none of the rest of us have.

You have seen where Flynn was indicted for what? Collusion? Talking to the Russians? No, none of that, just lying to the FBI. Your wishful thinking is filling in the rest.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

So, a moron like you "concludes" that Flynn is ONLY guilty of not having enough money????............That's it???.............LOL
What has he been charged with or even mentioned in an indictment, other then lying to the FBI?

Uh...that's kind of the point of the deal, professor. Despite having evidence to indict him on a long list of charges (as we know Mueller does have), he flipped Flynn and made him his bitch.
So you have this evidence that none of the rest of us have.

You have seen where Flynn was indicted for what? Collusion? Talking to the Russians? No, none of that, just lying to the FBI. You wishful thinking is filling in the rest.

I didnt claim to have the evidence. What a bizarre response. I said we know Mueller has it, because this info that he does became public a while ago.
Why did Flynn lie?

WHY did Flynn lie and commit a well known felony?

because he thought he could get away with it...

then AG sessions got caught lying about russia too...

shameless trump is SO pissed that his AG was forced to recuse himself from the russian investigation because he was their ticket to getting away it.

God help the republic if roy moore wins in alabama, cuz these lying bastards are STILL maneuvering to get away with it... they literally think they are above the law.

Sessions replacing Moore could solve Trump's Mueller problem
because he thought he could get away with it...

then AG sessions got caught lying about russia too...

shameless trump is SO pissed that his AG was forced to recuse himself from the russian investigation because he was their ticket to getting away it.

God help the republic if roy moore wins in alabama, cuz these lying bastards are STILL maneuvering to get away with it... they literally think they are above the law.

Sessions replacing Moore could solve Trump's Mueller problem

Perhaps too late to pull THAT little stunt......(the AL election is in 9 days)

But, I'm glad you mentioned Sessions recusal.

I'm reminded much as I think that Sessions is just a little lying weasel, the guy NEVER stated that he could not do the AG job on ALL OTHER MATTERS, except the one that Trump wanted MOST for this patsy to do.....and that is, to get the orange charlatan off the hook regarding the probe that now has him squarely in the cross-hairs.

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