The "mystery" surrounding Flynn......

Sessions knew by recusing himself he froze the President from being able to end the investigation.

Sessions did it on purpose.
I really do have a question regarding Flynn....a question that goes beyond partisanship.....

Flynn was in military intelligence, once headed (and was later fired) the DIA with the Obama administration, and was tagged to be NSA chief under Trump......

With the above background, HOW could Flynn not know that his telephone conversations with the Russians would be monitored (and probably recorded)???

Further, the FBI employs a method that somewhat smacks of entrapment; that is, to ask a question whose answer the FBI already knows but is baiting the interviewee into lying......Such was the case with Flynn when the FBI asked him about the "nature" of his phone calls with the Russians.

Now, either Flynn is a complete idiot.....(which I doubt).....OR, Flynn opted for the relatively lesser culpability in lying to the FBI hoping that his boss, Trump, would get him off the hook.

The wily Mueller has shown us just a glimpse of what Flynn has divulged to his investigators, and the following weeks should slowly reveal a heck of a lot more of what went on in those campaign days and first few weeks from election to inauguration.

There is much "quid pro quo" between Russia and Trump and the obstruction of justice allegations to soon see the light of day.......Hang on to your hats, the rough ride will be bumpy.
He also had an illegal internet connection installed in his office.

My guess is knows lots of interesting people, like ones in the U.S., not obvious Russians and Turks.
Sessions knew by recusing himself he froze the President from being able to end the investigation.

Sessions did it on purpose.

Although I would love to believe that Sessions woke up, I think that Sessions was just trying to save his OWN sorry ass from future prosecutions....He chose the chicken way out.
Oh, he did it for himself and to screw Trump.

He is a weasel, yes, but a sneaky one.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

So, a moron like you "concludes" that Flynn is ONLY guilty of not having enough money????............That's it???.............LOL
What has he been charged with or even mentioned in an indictment, other then lying to the FBI?

Uh...that's kind of the point of the deal, professor. Despite having evidence to indict him on a long list of charges (as we know Mueller does have), he flipped Flynn and made him his bitch.
So you have this evidence that none of the rest of us have.

You have seen where Flynn was indicted for what? Collusion? Talking to the Russians? No, none of that, just lying to the FBI. You wishful thinking is filling in the rest.

I didnt claim to have the evidence. What a bizarre response. I said we know Mueller has it, because this info that he does became public a while ago.
OK, then, Link us to the evidence.
Suspended for embarrassing the network for the Flynn story
Ben Shapiro

Notice how real news networks FIRE people for making serious errors in their stories. Sean Hannity is still working for FOX despite getting the network sued for putting out a fake news report on Seth Rich.

He was suspended, he's not fired.

Exactly. A real news outlet would have fired his ass for lying.

Lol, you seem to be confused.

No I’m really clear. News organizations with journalistic standards are clear about what happens when reporters violate those standards. They fire the reporters who play fast and loose with the facts.

FOX has retained Hannity, despite his show airing a report which the network was forced to retract in its entirety and which subsequently lead to the network being sued for false reporting.

This demonstrates that the journalistic standards at FOX fall far short of those at ABC or CNN, both of which fired reporters who violated their standards.

Trumpanzees are really quick to call MSM “fake news”, especially CNN. I’m not a fan of CNN at all, however they have consistently shown more ethics than FOX or the other right wing media.

Fuck, you are really confused! I repeat that ABC did not fire him. They suspended him. He will be back.
Notice how real news networks FIRE people for making serious errors in their stories. Sean Hannity is still working for FOX despite getting the network sued for putting out a fake news report on Seth Rich.

He was suspended, he's not fired.

Exactly. A real news outlet would have fired his ass for lying.

Lol, you seem to be confused.

No I’m really clear. News organizations with journalistic standards are clear about what happens when reporters violate those standards. They fire the reporters who play fast and loose with the facts.

FOX has retained Hannity, despite his show airing a report which the network was forced to retract in its entirety and which subsequently lead to the network being sued for false reporting.

This demonstrates that the journalistic standards at FOX fall far short of those at ABC or CNN, both of which fired reporters who violated their standards.

Trumpanzees are really quick to call MSM “fake news”, especially CNN. I’m not a fan of CNN at all, however they have consistently shown more ethics than FOX or the other right wing media.

Fuck, you are really confused! I repeat that ABC did not fire him. They suspended him. He will be back.
The suspension will cost him almost $250,000.
It's going to be fun watching the left's hope get crushed again and again.

Now, now......You forgot to mention Obama and Clinton in a thread about the Trump gang of incompetents..........Shame on you; Hannity will be pissed........LOL

Obama and Clinton have nothing to do with this. You lose again.
Obama, The Clintons< George Soros, John Kerry, and company have everything to do it - they are all part of the greater conspiracy
Notice how real news networks FIRE people for making serious errors in their stories. Sean Hannity is still working for FOX despite getting the network sued for putting out a fake news report on Seth Rich.

He was suspended, he's not fired.

Exactly. A real news outlet would have fired his ass for lying.

Lol, you seem to be confused.

No I’m really clear. News organizations with journalistic standards are clear about what happens when reporters violate those standards. They fire the reporters who play fast and loose with the facts.

FOX has retained Hannity, despite his show airing a report which the network was forced to retract in its entirety and which subsequently lead to the network being sued for false reporting.

This demonstrates that the journalistic standards at FOX fall far short of those at ABC or CNN, both of which fired reporters who violated their standards.

Trumpanzees are really quick to call MSM “fake news”, especially CNN. I’m not a fan of CNN at all, however they have consistently shown more ethics than FOX or the other right wing media.

Fuck, you are really confused! I repeat that ABC did not fire him. They suspended him. He will be back.

The guy is 69 years old and this is his second major error in the past 3 months. He previously reported that the Las Vegas shooter was affiliated with a Tea Party Group which wasn’t true either.

I see a retirement party in his immediate future.
It's going to be fun watching the left's hope get crushed again and again.

Now, now......You forgot to mention Obama and Clinton in a thread about the Trump gang of incompetents..........Shame on you; Hannity will be pissed........LOL

Obama and Clinton have nothing to do with this. You lose again.
Obama, The Clintons< George Soros, John Kerry, and company have everything to do it - they are all part of the greater conspiracy

But they don’t have anything to do with what I was talking about. The left is latching in to every scrap or morsel Mueller and the DNC can feed them. None of it based in reality.
Forget hanging onto my hat. I have my popcorn ready. It's going to be fun watching the left's hope get crushed again and again.
Yeah with this nothing burger with no one at all getting indicted. No one.
Forget hanging onto my hat. I have my popcorn ready. It's going to be fun watching the left's hope get crushed again and again.
Yeah with this nothing burger with no one at all getting indicted. No one.

Perhaps you think that indictments mean guilt. Here’s a clue for the clueless: they don’t.

Besides, I’m talking about Trump here. He’s the big prize you snowflakes are hoping for.
Perhaps you think that indictments mean guilt. Here’s a clue for the clueless: they don’t.

OK, Mr. Moron......

Manafort, Gates and Papadapolous are ALL indicted........

Flynn is now officially a felon as soon as he signed the plea agreement and stood before a judge on Friday admitting his guilt. a sitting president may or may not be indicted.....but Mueller's findings MUST be presented to the House committees that will determine whether Trump should or not be impeached...and judged in the Senate.

You can thank me later for the lesson.
Forget hanging onto my hat. I have my popcorn ready. It's going to be fun watching the left's hope get crushed again and again.
Yeah with this nothing burger with no one at all getting indicted. No one.

Perhaps you think that indictments mean guilt. Here’s a clue for the clueless: they don’t.

Besides, I’m talking about Trump here. He’s the big prize you snowflakes are hoping for.

Indictments don’t mean guilt but the two guilty pleas do. The guys who admit to improper contacts with the Russians on behalf of the Trump campaign are the guys who pleaded guilty and are cooperating with the FBI.

Flynn has real dirt on Trump otherwise Trump wouldn’t have attempted to obstruct the investigation or asked Comey to let him go. As we have seen throughout his administration, Trump demands loyalty but gives none. He wasn’t asking Comey to let Flynn go to save Flynn’s ass. He was doing it to ensure Flynn didn’t turn on him.

Trump’s Twitter rants are proof positive that Trump is scared shitless. This is the best reality series EVAH! Watching a pussy grabbing asshole like Trump crumble under the pressure is better than almost anything.
Perhaps you think that indictments mean guilt. Here’s a clue for the clueless: they don’t.

Besides, I’m talking about Trump here. He’s the big prize you snowflakes are hoping for.

trump is SO desperate for upcoming impeachment votes in the senate...

how desperate is he...........??

he's going ALL IN on the creep his own party is publicly repudiating! :eusa_clap:

Democrats refusal to give even one vote for massive Tax Cuts is why we need Republican Roy Moore to win in Alabama. We need his vote on stopping crime, illegal immigration, Border Wall, Military, Pro Life, V.A., Judges 2nd Amendment and more. No to Jones, a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2017

Putting Pelosi/Schumer Liberal Puppet Jones into office in Alabama would hurt our great Republican Agenda of low on taxes, tough on crime, strong on military and borders...& so much more. Look at your 401-k’s since Election. Highest Stock Market EVER! Jobs are roaring back!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2017

Thankful for President Trump's support.

The America First agenda will #MAGA. Can't wait to help him #DrainTheSwamp.#ALSEN Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Judge Roy Moore (@MooreSenate) December 4, 2017

:rolleyes: :puke::puke::puke::puke::puke3:

The White House has said Trump would not travel to Alabama to campaign for Moore, but the president is planning to stage a campaign-style rally just across the state line, in Pensacola, Fla., on Friday night, four days ahead of the special election.

Pensacola is in the same media market as Mobile, Ala. Many Alabama voters may travel to Pensacola to see the president speak, and many more likely will hear about the rally in local news reports.

[Trump isn't going to Alabama to campaign for Moore -- but plans to hold a rally next door]

The Alabama race has drawn national attention in the weeks since The Washington Post first reported accusations by multiple women that Moore initiated unwanted sexual encounters with them while he was in his 30s and they were teenagers. Moore has denied the allegations.

The contest is neck-and-neck, with 50 percent of likely Alabama voters supporting Jones and 47 percent backing Moore, according to a Washington Post-Schar School poll released over the weekend.

because he thought he could get away with it...

then AG sessions got caught lying about russia too...

shameless trump is SO pissed that his AG was forced to recuse himself from the russian investigation because he was their ticket to getting away it.

God help the republic if roy moore wins in alabama, cuz these lying bastards are STILL maneuvering to get away with it... they literally think they are above the law.

Sessions replacing Moore could solve Trump's Mueller problem

Sessions replacing Moore could solve Trump's Mueller problem
He fired comey because he was a Clinton shill and was engaged in a cover up of her violations of federal law.

I know you desperately want Trump brought down by Russia, but its not going to happen. Your disappointment will continue for at least 7 more years.

Hillary lost, get over it and move on with your pathetic little life.
are you living in a hole in the ground? Trump told all of us, on national TV that he fired Comey due to the Russian investigation....and he told the Russian envoy the day or day after he fired Comey that firing Comey for the Russian investigation took a weight off his back....

AND you dummy, the reason he initially gave was that Comey TREATED HILLARY UNFAIRLY and broke protocol by both of his announcements against her!!

stop your rewriting history bull crap, please!

What Trump said was true. Comey was not doing his job as FBI director. He had a political bias and was doing everything possible to keep Hillary safe from prosecution by making up things about the Trump campaign. He and Lynch conspired to give Hillary a pass on the violation of classified data laws. He did treat Hillary unfairly, he gave her special treatment by saying that she should not be prosecuted because she didn't "intend" to violate the laws and she was too stupid to realize that she had. Lack of intent and stupidity are not excuses for breaking the law.

The Russia/collusion claims have all been debunked. There is nothing there, that's why Mueller is going after underlings for things that have nothing to do with Trump or the campaign.

Now, his next investigation will be into uranium and the Clinton foundations "pay for play" bribery scheme, ready for that, care for none?
NOPE! the claim was comey treated Hillary UNFAIRLY by both of his negative announcements during the Presidential run...comey tried to HURT Hillary and he DID hurt Hillary during the campaign run and in a very MAJOR WAY.... this is what the Justice dept/Rosenthal report stated that was originally thrown before our face as Trump's excuse, until he decided to fess up on Lester Holt and said he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation....

And NO NO NO NO NO, you are wrong on Mueller's team and all of us see that there was MOST CERTAINLY collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians...Don Jr, Manafort, Kushner, Paige, Gordon, Pappadopolous, etc etc etc etc etc..... What we don;'t know yet and they are still investigating, if there was conspiracy to commit a crime....

Collusion- YES
Conspiracy-We don't know yet
Comey laid out gross negligence and violations of the espionage act. Clinton should be in prison.. Your really are ignorant of the law.. Liberal FEELINGS are not law..

Comey literally said exactly the opposite of that.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said that there was no classified data on her server, was that true?

Comey: There was classified data on her server.

Guilty, but not charged because the Clintons are above the law.

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