The Myth of Sanders’ Socialism

The economic problems in the USSR and Red China were a combination of incompetence and deliberate.

under communism you say where are my entitlements under capitalism you say where do I work. Now you can see how libs killed 150 million with their stupid and deadly idea.
The economic problems in the USSR and Red China were a combination of incompetence and deliberate.

under communism you say where are my entitlements under capitalism you say where do I work. Now you can see how libs killed 150 million with their stupid and deadly idea.

The Soviet Union and Red China were never at all communist and were not even remotely similar.
They were Stalinist, which is capitalism, with a wealthy elite.
The Soviet Union and Red China were never at all communist and were not even remotely similar.
They were Stalinist, which is capitalism, with a wealthy elite.

Stalin supported capitalism???? If you have support for that I will pay you $10,000. Bet????
You clearly haven’t educated yourself on US foreign policy history.

can you think hard and then tell us where the mistake is??

Military dictatorship of Chile (1973–1990) - Wikipedia
The military dictatorship of Chile (Spanish: dictadura militar de Chile) was an authoritarian military regime that ruled Chile for seventeen years, between September 11, 1973 and March 11, 1990. The dictatorship was established after the democratically-elected socialist government of Salvador Allende was overthrown in a coup d'état on 11 September 1973. During this time, the country was ruled by a military junta headed by General Augusto Pinochet. The military used the alleged breakdown of democracy and the economic crisis that took place during Allende's presidency to justify its seizure of power. The dictatorship presented its mission as a "national reconstruction." The coup was the result of multiple forces, including pressure from conservative and women’s groups, certain political parties, union strikes and other domestic unrest, as well as international factors. According to an article written by lifelong CIA operative Jack Devine, although it was widely reported that the CIA was directly involved in orchestrating and carrying out the coup, subsequently released sources suggest a much reduced role of the US government.[1]

The regime was characterized by the systematic suppression of political parties and the persecution of dissidents to an extent unprecedented in the history of Chile. Overall, the regime left over 3,000 dead or missing, tortured tens of thousands of prisoners,[2] and drove an estimated 200,000 Chileans into exile.
Its not a concentration camp if one can easily book passage to places like Mexico, Brazil, etc., at any time.

then why do they book passages on their homemade rafts and risk their lives to escape the concentration camp???
Its not a concentration camp if one can easily book passage to places like Mexico, Brazil, etc., at any time.

The official noticeboard in the grounds of the Vedado district office is covered in yellow papers, detailing the many rules and regulations.

Would-be travellers need a letter of invitation from the person they want to visit (fee: $200, £128) and permission to leave their place of work. For graduate professionals, that means a letter signed by a minister. They also need $150 for the exit permit, more than seven times the average monthly salary.

Government critics can be refused permission to travel. Highly-valued professionals, like doctors, face extra restrictions.Cubans Planning to Leave for U.S. Face a Bleak New Reality
But the question is whether or not you can fix Obamacare?
The problem with 3rd party payer is that you prepay and lose any ability to control prices or quality.
Seems to me that single payer is the only way to fix it.
We have to get healthcare prices down to half what they are now.

I don't disagree... But I also don't think that we are going to get single payer any time soon. Too many people benefit from the current system, from the three ladies in your Doctor's office who process insurance forms to the CEO pulling down 8 figures.
Seems to me that single payer is the only way to fix it.
Insanity of course! Capitalism would instantly fix it. People would be shopping with their own money, prices would be published, and providers would be forced to compete on basis of price and quality just to survive.

Prices would come down about 70%

Imagine what cars would cost if libcommie govt bought them for us they way the buy health care for us?
No one is retreating from socialism, because capitalist health care cost way more and is worse quality.
What are you talking about?? Where you have socialism people starve to death because they cant afford anything. Under capitalism people are rich and can afford everything. Capitalist health care would reduce prices 70% making it very affordable. 70% is based extremely low standards of living we see in socialist countries.
It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist.
Sanders self-identifies as a socialist!

He BRAGS about it.

So if Sanders calls himself a socialist, what kind of "sad statement of the level of ignorance" does that reveal about HIM?
Crazy Bernie says we need a campaign of turnout and excitement to defeat Trump. my friends, Biden turned out 70 percent more folks than Bernie on Super Tuesday!

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